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Published 1987
An Anthology of Later Latin Literature /

: 1 online resource (397 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004673113

Published 2022
Silius Italicus and the Tradition of the Roman Historical Epos /

: The aim of this volume is to study Silius' poem as an important step in the development of the Roman historical epic tradition. The Punica is analyzed as transitional segment between the beginnings of Roman literature in the Republican age (Naevius and Ennius) and Claudian's panegyrical epic in late antiquity, shedding light on its 'inclusiveness' and its peculiar, internal dialectic between antiquarian taste and problematic actualization. This is an innovative attempt to connect epic poems and authors belonging to different ages, to frame the development of the literary genre, according to its specific aims and interests throughout the centuries.
: This book is an innovative attempt to analyse Silius' poem as an important step in the development of the Roman historical epic tradition and by connecting epic poems and authors belonging to different ages, to frame the development of the literary genre, according to its specific aims and interests throughout the centuries. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004518513

Published 1958
Roman literature /

: 287 pages : illustration ; 19 cm.

Published 2013
Noscendi Nilum cupido : imagining Egypt from Lucan to Philostratus /

: x, 379 pages ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 315-349) and indexes. : 9783110297676 : Hadeer

Published 1958
Roman readings : translations from Latin prose and poetry.

: 464 page : 18 cm.

Published 2021
Europe and Europeanness in Early Modern Latin Literature : Fuitne Europa tunc unita? /

: The history of European integration goes back to the early modern centuries (c. 1400-1800), when Europeans tried to set themselves apart as a continental community with distinct political, religious, cultural, and social values in the face of hitherto unseen societal change and global awakening. The range of concepts and images ascribed to Europeanness in that respect is well documented in Neo-Latin literature, since Latin constituted the international lingua franca from the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries. In Europe and Europeanness in Early Modern Latin Literature Isabella Walser-Bürgler examines the most prominent concepts of Europe and European identity as expressed in Neo-Latin sources. It is aimed at both an interested general audience and a professional readership from the fields of Latin studies, early modern history, and the history of ideas.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004459724

Published 1970
Accessus ad auctores /

: 1 online resource (136 pages) : illustrations. : 9789004625853

Published 1854
Historia critica scholiastarum latinorum : Pars Secunda /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004583498

Published 2022
Visualizing the Poetry of a Statius : An Intertextual Approach /

: Scholars have long noted the strikingly visual aspects of Statius' poetry. This book advances our understanding of how these visual aspects work through intertextual analysis. In the Thebaid , for instance, Statius repeatedly presents "visual narratives" in the form of linked descriptive (or ekphrastic) passages. These narratives are subject to multiple forms visual interpretation inflected by the intertextual background. Similarly, the Achilleid activates particularly Roman conceptions of masculinity through repeated evocations of Achilles' blush. The Silvae offer a diversity of modes of viewing that evoke Roman conceptions of gender and class.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004498860

Published 2022
Reading by Example: Valerius Maximus and the Historiography of Exempla /

: Long regarded as a sycophantic producer of overblown moral platitudes, Valerius Maximus emerges from a series of studies as an independent thinker capable of challenging his readers through the material he has collected: he makes them think about real moral dilemmas and grants to non-Roman societies a remarkable equivalence to Rome. Through his silences as much as his sermons he decodes the value- and political-system of his day. Valerius is talented as a reader of others and himself was read appreciatively in the Later Empire and even more so by Christians in Medieval Europe.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004499423

Published 2022
Sallust and the Fall of the Republic : Historiography and Intellectual Life at Rome /

: This book offers a new interpretation of the Roman historian Sallust, which places him at the centre of the rich intellectual world of late Republican Rome. Drawing on the evidence of Sallust's digressions in particular, and in contrast to previous views of his work as purely moralistic or unsophisticated, it argues that Sallust uses his historiography to advance a coherent set of ideas about the political chaos he saw around him, and to participate in the broader debates which characterised his period. It also offers a new perspective on the argumentative qualities of classical historiography more widely.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004501737

Published 2022
Ambiguities of War: A Narratological Commentary on Silius Italicus' Battle of Ticinus (Sil. 4.1-479) /

: The book lays bare the narrative form of Silius' text. It focuses on the phenomenon of ambiguity due to the epic's constant oscillation between fact and fiction, highlighting Roman triumph in defeat and defeat through triumph.
This Narratological Commentary on Silius' Battle of Ticinus lays bare the narrative form of the text by addressing numerous narratological aspects, including plot-development, focalization, space, and intertextuality. The book also focuses on the phenomenon of ambiguity with its dynamic processes of (un-)strategic production, perception, and resolution. Ambiguity is a central feature of the Punica because of the epic's constant oscillation between fact and fiction: it treats the changing fortunes of war and the tension between Rome and Carthage, which Silius translates into a moment of poetical equilibrium by his paradoxical problematization of triumph in defeat and defeat through triumph.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004522671

Published 1971
Plautus' Menaechmi /

: 9789004672956

Published 2025
Antiquarianismus in Rom : 2. Jhd. v. Chr. - 3. Jhd. n. Chr. /

: Die vorliegende Monographie entwirft eine literaturgeschichtliche Gesamtdarstellung des römischen Antiquarianismus vom 2. Jahrhundert v. Chr. bis zum 3. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Ausgangspunkt ist die begrifflich-konzeptuelle Neuprofilierung des Phänomens. Dieses wird als ein epistemologisches Modell gegenwartsbezogener Vergangenheitsanalyse aufgefasst, die mit den Denkfiguren der Etymologie, Aitiologie und Genealogie operiert, um die hinter der erfahrbaren Lebenswelt liegenden Kausalitäten freizulegen. Anhand der überlieferten Fragmente und Testimonien wird die Entwicklung der heute verlorenen antiquarischen Fachliteratur Roms in ihren unterschiedlichen medialen Formaten, Darstellungsformen und Wirkungskontexten nachgezeichnet. This volume provides an account of Roman antiquarianism from the 2nd century BC to the 3rd century AD, reconstructing its textual manifestations and analysing the mechanisms of transmission. It is based on a new conceptualisation of antiquarianism as an epistemological mode of understanding the present by uncovering its origins in the past. Etymology, aitiology and genealogy were the tools used to explore the causalities that underpin the perceptible world. Antiquarianism, represented by a wide range of texts and genres throughout antiquity, is traced as an autonomous branch of literature. Fragments and testimonies are used to identify a lost corpus of treatises, lexica and handbooks that formed the scholarly basis of Augustan poets, historiographers and imperial litterateurs.    
: 1 online resource (504 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004705890

Published 1846
Schediasma, de versibus spuriis in libro primo Aeneidos Virgilianae /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004606913

Published 1972
Plautus' Aulularia /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004663787

Published 1907
Mostellaria : Verkort en met aantekeningen voorzien /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004663497

Published 1950
Bucolica et Georgica /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004668959

Published 2022
Herodian's World : Empire and Emperors in the III Century /

: The History of the Empire from the Death of Marcus of Herodian in eight books, written in Greek, is a key source for the period from the reign of Commodus (AD 180) to that of Gordian III (238). Herodian is an eyewitness and the only contemporary historian whose work has come down to us in full. His point of view is all the more valuable because he is an outsider with respect to both court historiography, whose flattery he stigmatized, and to senatorial historians, represented mainly by Cassius Dio and by the biographies in the Historia Augusta . Nonetheless, Herodian has often been harshly criticized as a historian. This volume aims to shed light on the different areas and themes in which his historical work moves - literary technique, political lexicon, religious conception, geographical space, economic, political, cultural and military themes - to better understand the relevance of his historiographical approach and his historical thought.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004500457

Published 1998
A newly discovered illustrated manuscript of the Cyrillus-Fables in Ulrich von Pottenstein's Middle High German translation from the collection of a continental nobleman /

: 1 online resource (26 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004618084