Geschiedenis van de evangelisch-lutherse gemeente te Edam 1636-1992 /
In 1991 voltooide men de restauratie van de kerk der Edamse lutheranen, 250 jaar nadat deze was gebouwd. Naar aanleiding van dit gebeuren schreef de auteur op verzoek van de kerkeraad deze Geschiedenis van de evangelisch-lutherse gemeente te Edam. In zijn boek maken wij kennis met het leven van een kleine en grotendeels uit eenvoudige mensen bestaande kerkelijke gemeenschap, die in de zeventiende eeuw werd gesticht door enkele naar Edam getrokken lutherse 'gastarbeiders' uit Duitsland en Scandinavië, die weliswaar Nederlanders werden, maar hun uit den vreemde meegebrachte geloofsovertuiging wensten te bewaren. Deze gemeente, die haar bloei voornamelijk dankte aan voortgaande immigratie, kwam iedere zondag bijeen in haar eigen kerk om te luisteren naar de predikant, die het Evangelie verkondigde en hun enkele keren per jaar het sacrament van het Heilig Avondmaal uitreikte. De gebeurtenissen die zich daaromheen afspeelden vormen slechts een 'petite histoire', die wellicht kan worden getypeerd met de woorden: kleinschalig, kleinsteeds en kleinburgerlijk. Toch geeft deze bescheiden geschiedenis ons enig inzicht in de taaie volharding waarmee de predikanten, kerkeraadsleden en gewone leden ruim 350 jaar tezamen hun eigen lutherse gemeente in stand hielden, met alle moeite, zorg en strijd die dit streven met zich bracht. See Less
1 online resource (248 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
African theology as liberating wisdom : celebrating life and harmony in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Botswana /
In African Theology as Liberating Wisdom; Celebrating Life and Harmony in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Botswana , Mari-Anna Pöntinen analyses contextual interpretations of the Christian faith in this particular church. These interpretations are based on the special wisdom tradition which embraces monistic ontology, communal ethics in botho , and the indigenous belief in God as the Source of Life, and the Root of everything that exists. The constructing theological principle in the ELCB is the downward-orientated and descending God in Christ which interprets the 'Lutheran spirit' in a liberating and empowering sense. It deals with the cultural mythos which brings Christ down into people's existence, unlike Western connotations which are considered to hinder seeing Christ and to prevent existential self-awareness.
1 online resource (xiv, 419 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004245976 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Creation and salvation dialogue on Abraham Kuyper's legacy for contemporary ecotheology /
This volume explores the legacy of the Dutch theologian and statesman Abraham Kuyper for contemporary Christian ecotheology. A crucial problem in ecotheology is how to do justice to both creation and salvation as acts of God, given the impact of the environmental crisis and the concern for creation (as creatura). Can Kuyper help one in this regard, given his controversial legacy, especially in South Africa? The volume explores Kuyper's notions of revelation, common grace and re-creation on this basis. It is structured as an inter-continental dialogue with a set of essays by Ernst Conradie, responses from Clifford Anderson, Vincent Bacote, Hans Engdahl, Dirk van Keulen, Cornelis van der Kooi, Benjamin Myers, Leslie van Rooi and Günter Thomas, and a rejoinder.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004216242 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Human rights and the impact of religion /
This volume is about the impact of religion (beliefs and practices) on attitudes towards human rights of the first, second and third generation. The first four papers about the impact of Lutheranism, Calvinism, Catholicism and Islam are historical and theoretical of character. The six other papers are based on empirical research in England and Wales, Germany, Turkey, India, Norway and on comparative empirical research in six North-West European countries. From both groups of articles it appears that 'the' impact of religion does not exist. In varying historical periods and contexts various religions, c.q. religious denominations, have various effects on attitudes towards human rights, id est positive effects (+), ambivalent effects (±), no effects (0), and negative effects (−). Contributors include: Francis-Vincent Anthony, Pal Ketil Botvar, Selim Eren, Leslie Francis, Üzejir Ok, Ruud Peters, Marion Reindl, Mandy Robbins, Rik Torfs, Johannes (Hans) van der Ven, John Witte Jr., Hans-Georg Ziebertz
1 online resource (280 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004251403 :
1877-881X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Through the eyes of the beholder : the Holy Land, 1517-1713 /
The collection examines the view of holiness in the "Holy Land" through the writings of pilgrims, travelers, and missionaries. The period extends from 1517, the Ottoman conquest of Syria and Palestine, to the Franco-British treaty of Utrecht in 1713 and the consolidation of European hegemony over the Mediterranean. The writers in the collection include Christians (Orthodox, Protestant, and Catholic), Muslims, and Jews, who originate from countries such as Sweden, England, France, Holland, Russia, the Ottoman Empire, and Syria. This book is the first to juxtapose writers of different backgrounds and languages, to emphasize the holiness of the land in a number of traditions, and to ask whether holiness was inherent in geography or a product of the piety of the writers. Contributors are: Mohammad Asfour, Hasan Baktir, Richard Coyle, Judy A. Hayden, Nabil I. Matar, Joachim Östlund, Michael Rotenberg-Schwartz, Julia Schleck, Mazin Tadros and Galina Yermolenko.
1 online resource (xvii, 237 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004236240 :
0929-2403 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Coping with Evil in Religion and Culture : Case Studies /
The various Christian, Muslim, traditional (African), and secular (Western) ways of imagining and coping with evil collected in this volume have several things in common. The most crucial perhaps and certainly the most striking aspect is the problem of defining the nature or characteristics of evil as such. Some argue that evil has an essence that remains constant, whereas others say its interpretation depends on time and place. However much religious and secular interpretations of evil may have changed, the human search for sense and meaning never ends. Questions of whom to blame and whom to address-God, the devil, fate, bad luck, or humans-remain at the center of our explanations and our strategies to comprehend, define, counter, or process the evil we do and the evil done to us by people, God, nature, or accident. Using approaches from cultural anthropology, religious studies, theology, philosophy, psychology, and history, the contributors to this volume analyze how several religious and secular traditions imagine and cope with evil.
"This volume is part of the project on The problem of evil in religious traditions: origins, forms and coping, organized in cooperation with the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Royal Tropical Institute at Amsterdam on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the Vrije Universiteit and the exhibition "Religion & evil" in the Tropenmuseum (Amsterdam Museum of Tropical Ethnology)"--Title page verso. :
1 online resource (266 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789401205375 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity in a Global Context : Entanglements and Disconnections /
"Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity constitutes an exceptional religious tradition flourishing in sub-Saharan Africa already since late antiquity. The volume places Ethiopian Orthodoxy into a global context and explores the various ways in which it has been interconnected with the wider Christian world from the Aksumite period until today. By highlighting the formative role of both wide-ranging translocal religious interactions as well as disruptions thereof, the contributors challenge the perception of this African Christian tradition as being largely isolated in the course of its history. Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity in a Global Context: Entanglements and Disconnections offers a new perspective on the Horn of Africa's Christian past and reclaims its place on the map of global Christianity"--
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity in a Global Context : Entanglements and Disconnections /
"Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity constitutes an exceptional religious tradition flourishing in sub-Saharan Africa already since late antiquity. The volume places Ethiopian Orthodoxy into a global context and explores the various ways in which it has been interconnected with the wider Christian world from the Aksumite period until today. By highlighting the formative role of both wide-ranging translocal religious interactions as well as disruptions thereof, the contributors challenge the perception of this African Christian tradition as being largely isolated in the course of its history. Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity in a Global Context: Entanglements and Disconnections offers a new perspective on the Horn of Africa's Christian past and reclaims its place on the map of global Christianity"--
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Scholarship between Europe and the Levant : Essays in Honour of Alastair Hamilton /
Scholarship between Europe and the Levant is a collection of essays in honour of Professor Alastair Hamilton. His pioneering research into the history of European Oriental studies has deeply enhanced our understanding of the dynamics and processes of cultural and religious exchange between Christian Europe and the Islamic world. Written by students, friends and colleagues, the contributions in this volume pay tribute to Alastair Hamilton's work and legacy. They discuss and celebrate intellectual, artistic and religious encounters between Europe and the cultural area stretching from Northern Africa to the Arabian Peninsula, and spanning the period from the sixteenth to the late nineteenth century. Contributors: Asaph Ben-Tov, Alexander Bevilacqua, Maurits H. van den Boogert, Charles Burnett, Ziad Elmarsafy, Mordechai Feingold, Aurélien Girard, Bernard Heyberger, Robert Irwin, Tarif Khalidi, J.M.I. Klaver, Noel Malcolm, Martin Mulsow, Francis Richard, G. J. Toomer, Arnoud Vrolijk, Nicholas Warner, Joanna Weinberg, and Jan Just Witkam.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Histories of Fetal Knowledge Production in Sweden : Medicine, Politics, and Public Controversy, 1530-2020 /
In this timely and richly illustrated book, a group of multidisciplinary scholars explores the uses and handlings of fetuses, still-born, reproductive organs, and pregnant bodies for knowledge production, including the development of vaccines and pharmaceuticals, in Sweden over five hundred years. By examining the conflicted values and balancing acts of a variety of actors, such as medical experts, legal officials, policymakers, media professionals, disability organizations, and women's movements, it demonstrates how the uses of aborted fetuses for research generated public controversy and became regulated by ethics and law in Sweden. Contributors are: Eva Åhrén, Annika Berg, Elisabet Björklund, Maria Björkman, Maja Bondestam, Isa Dussauge, Helena Franzén, Solveig Jülich, Francis Lee, Tove Paulsson Holmberg, Morag Ramsey, Anton Runesson, Helena Tinnerholm Ljungberg, and Anna Tunlid. See Less
1 online resource (576 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Crossroad discourses between Christianity and culture /
Christianity exists in relation to and interacts with its cultural environment in a number of ways. In this volume authors from a wide variety of backgrounds explore various facets of the relationship and interaction of Christianity with its cultural environment: politics, society, esthetics, religion and spirituality, and with itself. Divided into three main sections, Crossroad Discourses between Christianity and Culture looks at the interaction of Christianity with culture in the first section, with other religions and spiritualities in the second, and finally with itself in the third. The contributions engage in a critical examination of not only the culture in which Christianity finds itself but also in a critical examination of Christianity itself and its interaction with that culture. The editors hope that teachers, students, and readers in general will profit greatly from the critical articles contained in this book.
1 online resource (641 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789042028647 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Theological Libraries and Library Associations in Europe : A Festschrift on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of BETH /
Adapt or perish! During the past 50 years, theological libraries world-wide have met with huge societal changes challenging their relevance, while simultaneously discovering opportunities for technological advancement, renovation and international cooperation in librarianship. Read in this volume how the European theological libraries adapted.
During the past 50 years, theological libraries have confronted secularisation and religious pluralism, along with revolutionary technological developments that brought not only significant challenges but also unexpected opportunities to adopt new instruments for the transfer of knowledge through the automation and computerisation of libraries. This book shows how European theological libraries tackled these challenges; how they survived by redefining their task, by participating in the renewal of scholarly librarianship, and by networking internationally. Since 1972, BETH, the Association of European Theological Libraries, has stimulated this process by enabling contacts among a growing number of national library associations all over Europe.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Building God's kingdom : Norwegian missionaries in highland Madagascar, 1866-1903 /
Building God's Kingdom studies how the encounter with nineteenth century Madagascar influenced the Norwegian Protestant mission. Drawing upon rich Norwegian and Malagasy sources, entangled and multivocal stories are allowed to unfold, revealing the complex dynamics of mission encounters. Tracing Malagasy agency and pursuit of churchly independence in pre-colonial and colonial Madagascar, this study explores the power-struggles between the Malagasy, the missionaries and between the mission in Norway and Madagascar. Through careful attention to context and agency, Karina Hestad Skeie provides new perspectives on the interplay between the local and the global in Christian missions, and on the centrality and restrictions of local agency on mission policy.
1 online resource (xix, 296 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [285]-292) and index. :
9789004242128 :
0924-9389 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Newsletter, Number 146 (SUMMER 1989)
An Inventory of Ancient Egyptian Quarries James A. Harrell -- The Pacific Lutheran University
Valley of the Kings Project Donald P. Ryan -- Predynastic Settlement Patterns in the Hiw-Semaineh Region, Upper Egypt Kathryn Bard -- Egyptology in China AllynKelley -- ARCE Tour to Russia Michael Jones -- In Memory of William McHugh -- ARCE Fellows for the Year 1989/1990 -- The News from New York -- New Books -- The News from Cairo -- From the Cairo Press -- Donations to the Cairo Libmry and the Endowment, 1988-89 -- EgyptAir Offers Discounts to ARCE Members.
Caring for joy : narrative, theology, and practice /
In Caring for Joy: Narrative, Theology, and Practice Mary Clark Moschella offers a new account of the value of joy in caregiving vocations, demonstrating how the work of caring for persons, communities, and the world need not be a dreary endeavor overwhelmed by crises or undermined by despair. Moschella presents glimpses of joy-in-action in the narratives of five notable figures: Heidi Neumark, Henri Nouwen, Gregory Boyle, Pauli Murray, and Paul Farmer, gleaning their wisdom for the construction of a theology of joy that embodies compassion, connection, justice, and freedom. Care must be deep enough to hold human suffering and spacious enough to take in the divine goodness, beauty, and love. This book expands the pastoral theological imagination and narrates joy-full approaches to transformational care. "This work is a scholarly, engaging and compassionate call to reconsider the significance of joyful living and joyful lives in radical pastoral theology." - Heather Walton, University of Glasgow , President of the International Academy of Practical Theology, July 2016. "Based on biographies, interviews, and life stories, Mary Clark Moschella presents joy as a counter-cultural emotion, as a spiritual path, and as a fruit of the Spirit. In her research, joy and reason are not ultimately opposed." - Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner, Professor of Pastoral Care, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University , July 2016. "This highly readable and compelling theology of joy will inspire you to explore how joy might energize your vocation, especially caregiving vocations that use narrative approaches to spiritual care and pastoral counseling. I plan on using this book as a textbook in my theodicy, grief, death and dying, and vocational courses." - Carrie Doehring, Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Iliff School of Theology, Denver , August 2016 "Mary Moschella has given us a rare text, one that is theologically rich, intellectually sophisticated, drenched in pastoral wisdom, and beautifully written. She gives us a pastoral theology attuned to the realities of diversity and sensitive to the complex challenges facing those who lives constantly interface with suffering. There is simply nothing else like this book in pastoral care." - Willie James Jennings, Professor of Systematic Theology and Africana Studies, Yale University , August 2016
1 online resource (xvi, 303 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004325005 :
2352-9288 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Mission schools in Batakland (Indonesia), 1861-1940 /
The expansion of Christianity is often described from the viewpoint of the western missionaries. This book, however, focuses on the large group of indigenous teachers and their pupils at the mission schools in Batakland. These educational activities in fact provided the most important incentive for the birth and growth of the Lutheran Batak Church since 1860. With 3 million members this is the largest protestant church in Indonesia, a Southeast Asian country with 190 million inhabitants, 85% of whom are Muslim. The study is based on archival sources in German, Dutch, Indonesian and Batak, as well as on interviews with local teachers. This is an important case-study about the place of education within the missionary enterprise, the cooperation and conflicts between foreign missionaries and their indigenous helpers, the delicate relation between the Dutch colonial government and a German mission board.
1 online resource (xii, 379 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004319912 :
0924-9389 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Constructing irregular theology : bamboo and Minjung in East Asian perspective /
The project of constructing Asian irregular theology in East Asian perspective, based on life-word of Bamboo and social political reality of minjung, embraces Dr. Chung's cross-cultural existence as he develops his long-standing interest and expertise in Christian minjung theology in new ways with the image of bamboo as a symbol for the theological perspective of grass roots marginality. Using the ancient Chinese story "The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove," Dr. Chung engages with Christian eschatological discourse to support an aesthetical-utopian theological ethics that is opposed to an ethics concerned with legitimation of a socio-economic status quo. In addition, Dr. Chung's develops his deep commitment to the Lutheran theology of the cross and the suffering Christ through the Buddhist concept of dukkha (suffering) to create, in the end, a genuinely East Asian contextual theology
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [217]-223) and index. :
9789047444497 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ecumenism and Independency in World Christianity : Historical Studies in Honour of Brian Stanley /
'Ecumenism' and 'independency' suggest two distinct impulses in the history of Christianity: the desire for unity, co-operation, connectivity, and shared belief and practice, and the impulse for distinction, plurality, and contextual translation. Yet ecumenism and independency are better understood as existing in critical tension with one another. They provide a way of examining changes in World Christianity. Taking their lead from the internationally acclaimed research of Brian Stanley, in whose honour this book is published, contributors examine the entangled nature of ecumenism and independency in the modern global history of Christianity. They show how the scrutiny afforded by the attention to local, contextual approaches to Christianity outside the western world, may inform and enrich the attention to transnational connectivity.
1 online resource. :