Marcus Aurelius' rain miracle and the Marcomannic wars /
The longest war of the Roman imperial period is the war Marcus Aurelius waged with the northern German and Sarmatian tribes. The best-known events of these wars were the lightning and rain miracles. Divine intervention saved the Roman troops who were surrounded by the Germans and suffering from a water shortage, by means of a lightning and rain miracle. Thunderbolts struck the enemy while the rain soothed the Romans' suffering. Several pagan and Christian versions of the miracle existed already in Antiquity. Péter Kovács examines these events and their sources in detail. The most important source is the Column of Marcus Aurelius in Rome. The scenes of the column depict the miracles as well and therefore it was studied separately. The author also sketches the history of the Marcomannic wars. He publishes all the sources of the miracles and examines the development of the legend from Antiquity to the 14th century.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [277]-288) and indexes. :
9789047443261 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Die Ausrüstung der römischen Armee auf der Siegessäule des Marcus Aurelius in Rom : ein Vergleich...
The reliefs of the column of Marcus Aurelius in Rome are used extensively for the illustration of Roman soldiers. However, there is no direct comparison between this work of official Roman art and the archaeological finds. This book aims to address this lacuna.
Previously issued in print: 2017. :
1 online resource (iv, 412 pages) : illustrations (black and white). :
Specialized. :
9781784916947 (ebook) :
Die Ausrüstung der römischen Armee auf der Siegessäule des Marcus Aurelius in Rom : ein Vergleich...
The reliefs of the column of Marcus Aurelius in Rome are used extensively for the illustration of Roman soldiers. However, there is no direct comparison between this work of official Roman art and the archaeological finds. This book aims to address this lacuna.
Previously issued in print: 2017. :
1 online resource (iv, 412 pages) : illustrations (black and white). :
Specialized. :
9781784916947 (ebook) :
The Eclogues and Cynegetica of Nemesianus /
Although editions of Nemesianus have been surprisingly numerous, very few have contributed appreciably to our understanding of this author, and most texts have been based on a very limited number of manuscripts. There has been no commentary of any length since that of Burman (1731) and there has never before been one in English covering the whole corpus. This book is an attempt to remedy those deficiencies. The text is the first to have been based on an examination of all the known manuscripts, and a detailed and accurate apparatus criticus is provided. The textual history of both poems is thoroughly discussed. The question of the authenticity of the Eclogues is examined and Nemesianus' authorship is held to be proved. The commentary is mainly concerned with textual and grammatical matters. There is also a bibliography.
English and Latin.
Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral--University of London). :
1 online resource (197 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 194-195) and index. :
9789004328235 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Logic and the imperial Stoa /
The main argument of this book, against a prevailing orthodoxy, is that the study of logic was a vital - and a popular - part of stoic philosophy in the early imperial period. The argument relies primarily on detailed analyses of certain texts in the Discourses of Epictetus. It includes some account of logical 'analysis', of 'hypothetical' reasoning, and of 'changing' arguments. Written both for historians and for philosophers, and presupposing no logical expertise, this is an important contribution to the history of philosophy in the early imperial period.
1 online resource (165 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 147-153) and indexes. :
9789004321007 :
0079-1687 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Brill's companion to the reception of Socrates /
Brill's Companion to the Reception of Socrates , edited by Christopher Moore, provides almost unbroken coverage, across three-dozen studies, of 2450 years of philosophical and literary engagement with Socrates - the singular Athenian intellectual, paradigm of moral discipline, and inspiration for millennia of philosophical, rhetorical, and dramatic composition. Following an Introduction reflecting on the essentially "receptive" nature of Socrates' influence (by contrast to Plato's), chapters address the uptake of Socrates by authors in the Classical, Hellenistic, Roman, Late Antique (including Latin Christian, Syriac, and Arabic), Medieval (including Byzantine), Renaissance, Early Modern, Late Modern, and Twentieth-Century periods. Together they reveal the continuity of Socrates' idiosyncratic, polyvalent, and deep imprint on the history of Western thought, and witness the value of further research in the reception of Socrates.
1 online resource. :
9789004396753 :
2213-1426 ;
Heraclitus and Thales' conceptual scheme : a historical study /
In Heraclitus and Thales' Conceptual Scheme: A Historical Study Aryeh Finkelberg offers an alternative to the traditional teleological interpretation of early Greek thought. Instead of explaining it as targeted at later results, viz. philosophy, as this thought was first conceptualized by Aristotle and has been regarded ever since, the author seeks to determine its intended meaning by restoring it to its historical context as evinced, inter alia, by epigraphic and papyrological evidence, in particular the Gold Leaves, the Olbian bone plates, and the Derveni papyrus. This approach, together with a considerable amount of hitherto unidentified or largely disregarded evidence, yields a picture of early Greek thought significantly different from the traditional history of 'Presocratic philosophy'.
1 online resource (x, 415 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004338210 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Dendara : la porte d'Horus /
"The Horus Gate brings to a close the two-thousand-year-old cycle which saw Edfu and Dendara united by the closest religious ties. The domain to which it gave access constitutes an enclave within the southern city (Edfu). Horus joins Hathor, and both celebrate Osiris Pa-Akhem, in whose quadruple spirit are subsumed Re, Sokar, Horus, and Osiris. The texts indicate that the Osirian workshop was located in the domain of Horus; from there, the processions went to the Osirian necropolis, the site where the mysteries of Khoiak were performed at Dendara. Completely unpublished until now, the texts and representations from the Horus Gate, decorated in the names of Antoninus Pius (138-161 AD) and Marcus Aurelius (161-180 AD), constitute the final priestly production from a city already flourishing in the Old Kingdom."--Page 4 of cover.
153 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 33 cm. :
Contextos cerámicos y transformaciones urbanas en Carthago Nova : (s. II-III d.C.) /
The transition process of the Roman city between the Early Roman period and Late Antiquity is difficult to understand due to the absence of urban models and the decline in epigraphy. The transformations that accompany this period are detectable in the western provinces of the Empire from a very early time. Their interpretation varies with each study case. Ancient Cartagena is a paradigm of these changes. Starting under Marcus Aurelius, the city began to show symptoms of exhaustion, at the same time as literary and epigraphic evidence began to decline, until it disappeared altogether. In these pages the author contributes - and at the same time vindicates - an approach to discovering more about the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD based on the archaeological record and taking into account the stratigraphic sequences and especially the pottery material culture.
1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781784910556 (PDF ebook) :
All Citizens of Christ: A Cosmopolitan Reading of Unity and Diversity in Paul's Letters /
This work is both a critical response to the abuse and misuse of Paul's words on unity and a proposal to read them as a way to care about "others."
In this work, Jeehei Park proposes Greek and Roman cosmopolitanism as a constructive category through which to navigate a reading of human diversity and communal unity in Paul's letters. Park takes a thorough look at the cosmopolitan ideas of Diogenes of Sinope, Philo, Plutarch, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius to establish Paul as an interlocutor who critically participated in the discourse of cosmopolitanism. Park characterizes Paul's understanding of unity with the distinctive phrase "heterogeneous unity," in which human differences are respected and embraced rather than being universalized or homogenized. This book offers a novel analysis of Paul's rhetoric about citizenship in Philippians and its adoption of Greek and Roman cosmopolitanism as an interpretive contour.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Contextos cerámicos y transformaciones urbanas en Carthago Nova : (s. II-III d.C.) /
The transition process of the Roman city between the Early Roman period and Late Antiquity is difficult to understand due to the absence of urban models and the decline in epigraphy. The transformations that accompany this period are detectable in the western provinces of the Empire from a very early time. Their interpretation varies with each study case. Ancient Cartagena is a paradigm of these changes. Starting under Marcus Aurelius, the city began to show symptoms of exhaustion, at the same time as literary and epigraphic evidence began to decline, until it disappeared altogether. In these pages the author contributes - and at the same time vindicates - an approach to discovering more about the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD based on the archaeological record and taking into account the stratigraphic sequences and especially the pottery material culture.
1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781784910556 (PDF ebook) :
Commodus : An Emperor at the Crossroads /
The emperor Commodus (AD 180-192) has commonly been portrayed as an insane madman, whose reign marked the beginning of the end of the Roman Empire. Indeed, the main point of criticism on his father, Marcus Aurelius, is that he appointed his son as his successor. Especially Commodus' behaviour as a gladiator, and the way he represented himself with divine attributes (especially those of Hercules), are often used as evidence for the emperor's presumed madness. However, this 'political biography' will apply modern interpretations of the spectacles in the arena, and of the imperial cult, to Commodus' reign. It will focus on the dissemination and reception of imperial images, and suggest that there was a method in Commodus' madness.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Athenagorae qui fertur De resurrectione mortuorum /
This monograph comprises a new critical edition of Ps.-Athenagoras De Resurrectione Mortuorum , a complete edition of Arethas' Scholia on the treatise, and (in the Appendix) a critical edition of the extant fragments of De Resurrectione attributed to Justin Martyr. Athenagoras was a Christian apologist, who flourished in the second half of the second century CE (ca. 180). Traditionally two extant Greek works have been attributed to him: a Plea on Behalf of the Christians , probably addressed to the Roman emperors Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, and the On the Resurrection of the Dead . The attribution of the latter treatise to Athenagoras has been a matter of dispute. In his Introduction, the editor sides with those scholars denying Athenagoras' authorship, but ascribes its date to the end of the second century. This important edition by one of the most esteemed scholars in the field complements Prof. Marcovich's edition of Athenagoras Legatio pro Christianis (Berlin, 1989).
1 online resource (76 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 13-15). :
9789004313194 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
All Citizens of Christ: A Cosmopolitan Reading of Unity and Diversity in Paul's Letters /
In this work, Jeehei Park proposes Greek and Roman cosmopolitanism as a constructive category through which to navigate a reading of human diversity and communal unity in Paul's letters. Park takes a thorough look at the cosmopolitan ideas of Diogenes of Sinope, Philo, Plutarch, Epictetus, and Marcus Aurelius to establish Paul as an interlocutor who critically participated in the discourse of cosmopolitanism. Park characterizes Paul's understanding of unity with the distinctive phrase "heterogeneous unity," in which human differences are respected and embraced rather than being universalized or homogenized. This book offers a novel analysis of Paul's rhetoric about citizenship in Philippians and its adoption of Greek and Roman cosmopolitanism as an interpretive contour.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Invention of Duty: Stoicism as Deontology /
"Did the ancient Greeks and Romans have a concept of moral duty? Jack Visnjic seeks to settle this long-standing controversy in The Invention of Duty: Stoicism as Deontology. The traditional view of ancient ethics is that it was built on notions of virtue and human flourishing and not on any sense of moral obligation. Visnjic argues that, millennia before Kant, the Stoics already developed a robust notion of moral duty as well as a sophisticated deontological ethics. While most writings of the Stoics perished, their concept of duty lived on and eventually came to influence the modern notion. In fact, it was Kant's encounter with Stoic ideas that seems to have spurred him to formulate a new duty-based morality"--
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Reconfiguring the Imperial Past: Narrative Patterns and Historical Interpretation in Herodian's History of the Empire /
In the process of recording the history of the Roman Empire, from the death of Marcus Aurelius to the accession of Gordian III, Herodian makes his characters respond to the same situations in similar or different ways. This book shows that each reign in Herodian's History is creatively mapped onto ever-recurring narrative patterns. It argues that patterning is not simply decorative in Herodian's work but constitutes a crucial conceptual and methodological tool for writing interpretative history. Herodian deserves credit as an original and independent author. A careful consideration of the formulaic nature of his historiography indicates that there is more artistry in his composition than had previously been discerned.
This book argues that Herodian uses an orderly and coherent historiographical form to reconfigure and explicate a most chaotic period of Roman history. Through patterning he offers a distinctive interpretative framework in which successive reigns and individual emperors need to be read in a dovetailed way. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :