Poetry in Late Byzantium /
The late Byzantine period (thirteenth to fifteenth centuries) was marked by both cultural fecundity and political fragmentation, resulting in an astonishingly multifaceted literary output. This book addresses the poetry of the empire's final quarter-millennium from a broad perspective, bringing together studies on texts originating in places from Crete to Constantinople and from court to school, treating topics from humanist antiquarianism to pious self-help, and written in styles from the vernacular to Homeric language. It thus offers a reference work to a much-neglected but rich textual material that is as varied as it was potent in the sociocultural contexts of its times. Contributors are Theodora Antonopoulou, Marina Bazzani, Julián Bértola, Martin Hinterberger, Krystina Kubina, Marc D. Lauxtermann, Florin Leonte, Ugo Mondini, Brendan Osswald, Giulia M. Paoletti, Cosimo Paravano, Daniil Pleshak, Alberto Ravani, and Federica Scognamiglio.
1 online resource (480 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Civilian Legacy of the Roman Army /
The Roman army represented an important social and organizational reference model for the Romano-Barbarian societies, which progressively replaced the Western Empire in the transition from Late Antiquity to Early Middle Ages. The great flexibility of the decision-making and organizational solutions used by the Roman army allowed the 'new lords' to readapt them and thus maintain power in early medieval Europe for a long time. From a perspective ranging from political, social and economic history to law, anthropology, and linguistic, this book demonstrates how interesting and fruitful the investigation of this specific cultural imprint can be in order to gain a better understanding of the origins of the civilization that arouse after the fall of the Roman world. Contributors are Francesco Borri, Fabio Botta, Francesco Castagnino, Stefan Esders, Carla Falluomin, Stefano Gasparri, Wolfgang Haubrichs, Soazick Kerneis, Luca Loschiavo, Valerio Marotta, Esperanza Osaba, Walter Pohl, Jean-Pierre Poly, Pierfrancesco Porena, Iolanda Ruggiero, Andrea Trisciuoglio, Andrea A. Verardi, and Ian Wood.
1 online resource (576 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Sacred Mobilities in Byzantium and Beyond : People, Objects and Relics /
Questions about space and the sacred are now central to Byzantine studies. Recent scholarship has addressed issues of embodiment and performance, power and identity, environmental perceptions and territorial imaginations. At the same time, the mobility turn in the humanities prompts new approaches to and understandings of processes of circulation of people, objects and ideas. Drawing together illuminating contributions from scholars in history, art history, literature, geography, architecture and theology, Sacred Mobilities in Byzantium and Beyond sets the stage for further cross-disciplinary dialogue concerning Orthodox Christian spiritual culture and society in the Byzantine Empire and in the centuries after its fall. Contributors are Veronica della Dora, Ekaterine Gedevanishvili, Molly Greene, Mark Guscin, Christos Antonios Kakalis, Chrysovalantis Kyriacou, Maria Litina, Andrew Louth, Mihail Mitrea, Bissera Pentcheva, Rehav Rubin, and David Williams.
1 online resource (384 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Burial and Memorial in Late Antiquity : Volume 1: Thematic Perspectives /
Burial and Memorial explores funerary and commemorative archaeology, A.D. 284-650, across the late antique world, from Catalonia to Cappadocia. This first volume includes an overview of research, and papers exploring bioarchaeology, mortuary rituals, mausolea, and funerary landscapes. It considers the sacralisation of tombs, movements of relics, and the political significance of cemeteries. The fate of statue monuments is explored, as memorials for individuals. Authors also compare the spoliation or preservation of tombs to other buildings, and, finally, how the city itself, with its monuments, served as a place of collective memory, where meanings were long maintained.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Calculating Ethics in the Fourteenth Century /
Calculating Ethics in the Fourteenth Century addresses a moment in the history of ethics, when discoveries in natural philosophy blurred the boundary between the possible and the impossible, and made the impossible a preferred territory in discussions on practical reason. The volume studies the onset and expansion of a new movement in constructing ethics, as the methods, arguments, and cases adopted from logic and natural philosophy came to be extensively applied at Oxford and swiftly disseminated among other Oxonians eventually making their way outside Oxford. It shows how the Oxford Calculators triggered a unique and durable transformation in ethics. Contributors are Pascale Bermon, Valeria Buffon, Michael W. Dunne, Marek Gensler, Simon Kemp, Edit A. Lukács, Monika MichaÅ,owska, and Andrea Nannini.
1 online resource (368 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
New Research on the Abbey of Le Bec in the Middle Ages : Sources, History, Archaeology /
This volume combines the results of recent excavations at Le Bec with fresh studies of documentary sources, breaking new ground in research on the organization of the monastic site and the cultural life of the community. By examining the abbey's prosperity in terms of its relations with its priories and its dealings with the powerful, especially its noble benefactors and the rulers of Normandy, this volume thus explains the unique importance of the abbey in the history of not only medieval Normandy, but also the Anglo-Norman world more broadly. Contributors are: Pierre Bauduin, Michaël Bloche, Grégory Combalbert, Fabrice Delivré, Gilles Deshayes, Jean-Hervé Foulon, Véronique Gazeau, Lindy Grant, Judith A. Green, Fabien Paquet, and Julie Potter.
1 online resource (324 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Jacobus Montanus: 'Centuria epistolarium formularum' / 'Eine Hundertschaft Briefmuster' /
Dass die Mistforke leichter sei als die Schreibfeder und der Schweinestall besser rieche als die Stube der Studenten" - gegen diesen Irrtum kämpft 1525 Jacobus Montanus mit einhundert Musterbriefen an. Seine Schüler sollen sie aus ihrer Muttersprache ins Lateinische übersetzen. Ergänzende Formulierungshilfen aus antiken Autoren bahnen ihnen den Weg zu gelehrter Eloquenz. Obwohl unter Zeitgenossen hoch angesehen, liegt keines der Werke des westfälischen Humanisten in moderner Ausgabe vor. Die ,Centuria epistolarium formularum' / ,Hundertschaft Briefmuster' führt ins Zentrum seines Schaffens. Sie wird hier erstmals in kritischer Ausgabe vorgelegt. Ihre Briefe bieten alltagsnahe Einblicke in die Lebens- und Bildungswelt Westfalens, und ihre Lektüre bereitet oft Vergnügen. Eine moderne Übersetzung erleichtert den Zugang. Ein ausgiebiger Kommentar erschließt sie dem an vormoderner Alltags-, Bildungs- und Regionalgeschichte Interessierten.
1 online resource (462 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
A Companion to Josephus in the Medieval West /
The works of Titus Flavius Josephus ben Matthias on biblical history and the Jewish war were read and studied throughout the Latin west during the Middle Ages. Each generation of Christian scholars had to contend with the Jewish writer's text, reputation, and content. This volume demonstrates the complex relationship between Josephus' legacy and his readers who sought to make use of that legacy across the period of 500 to 1300. Contributors include: Carson Bay, Susan Edgington, Anthony Ellis, Paul C. Hilliard, Karen M. Kletter, Justin Lake, Richard M. Pollard, Graeme Ward, and Julian Yolles.
1 online resource (328 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Perpendiculum: Presumptions and Legal Arguments in the 12th Century /
The Perpendiculum (or Summula de presumptionibus ), produced in Northern France c.1170, is one of the earliest collections of brocards: a literary genre intended to provide legal arguments for disputation in the medieval schools of law. Its innovative use of dialectical techniques and its theorization of canon law presumptions have attracted the attention of legal historians, raising questions on its origin and milieu. This book offers the first comprehensive study of this work, with a Latin edition and an English translation of its text, shedding new light on the significance of this collection for twelfth-century legal teaching and learning.
1 online resource (416 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Reception of Learned Law in Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century Frisia /
This book offers the first comprehensive analysis of medieval Frisian law, focusing on the influence of Roman and canon law in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. It makes use of recent translations of Old Frisian legal texts to show the evolution of Frisian law and to unveil why the Frisians were motivated to change their traditional laws. The book covers everything from oaths as evidence in Frisian procedures, to whether Frisian widows could be guardians of their children, to the role the Frisians themselves played in the evolution of their legal system. See Less
1 online resource (384 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Storyworlds in Short Narratives : Approaches to Late Antique and Early Byzantine Tales /
This interdisciplinary and comparative volume offers a systematic approach to the early Greek tale. Bringing similarities and differences between ancient Greek and early Byzantine tales to the fore, this volume thus creates new knowledge in the fields of classics, medieval studies, and literary studies. Its chapters discuss the theory and poetics of tales, the art of storytelling, inherent features of the tale, and the arrangement, types, and characteristics of tales in collections. The chapter authors base their approaches on a rich variety of texts and writers that are here discussed for the first time in one volume. Contributors are: Andria Andreou, Stavroula Constantinou, Julia Doroszewska, Christian Høgel, Markéta Kulhánková, Ingela Nilsson, Nicolò Sassi, and Sophia Xenophontos.
1 online resource (268 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
A Companion to Mester de Clerecía Poetry /
Mester de clerecía is the term traditionally used to designate the first generations of learned poetry in medieval Ibero-Romance dialects (the precursors of modern Castilian and other Romance languages of the Iberian Peninsula). In its time, this poetry was anything but traditional. These long poems of structured verse reappropriate the heroic past through the retelling of legends from Classical Antiquity, saints' lives, miracle stories, Biblical apocrypha, and other tales. At the same time, the poems recast the place of their authors, and learned characters within their stories, in the shifting dynamics of their thirteenth and fourteenth century present. Contributors are Pablo Ancos, Maria Cristina Balestrini, Fernando Baños Vallejo, Andrew M. Beresford, Olivier Biaggini, Martha M. Daas, Emily C. Francomano, Ryan Giles, Michelle M. Hamilton, Anthony John Lappin, Clara Pascual-Argente, Connie L. Scarborough, Donald W. Wood, and Carina Zubillaga.
1 online resource (480 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Mitre: Its Origins and Early Development /
The story of the mitre began during the 11th-century church reform movements and was, surprisingly, inspired by a popular pastime. After a thousand years of bare heads, the Church finally had an official hat, signaling newly-structured internal dynamics, an increase in power and influence in society, and greater parity with secular leaders.
1 online resource (400 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Cittadini of Venice : Shaping Identities between Networks and Patronage (c. 1530-1690) /
In this volume Giulia Zanon sheds new light on our grasp of social hierarchy and the possibilities for social mobility in pre-modern Italy. By adopting an interdisciplinary approach that combines deep archival research with a multitude of artistic and architectural artefacts, this work breaks new ground by contextualizing the part played by social relationships and the arts in publicly affirming and displaying the prestige of the middling sorts, the cittadini , in early modern Venice.
1 online resource (416 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Roman Constantinople in Byzantine Perspective /
This book studies the research perspective in which the literary inhabitants of Late Antique and medieval Constantinople remembered its past and conceptualised its existence as a Greek city that was the political capital of a Christian Roman state. Initial reactions to Constantine's foundation noted its novel Christian orientation, but the memorial mode of writing about the city that developed from the sixth century recollected the traditional civic cultural heritage that Constantinople claimed both as the New Rome, and as the continuation of ancient Byzantion. This research culture increasingly became the preserve of the imperial bureaucracy, and focused on the city's sculptured monuments as bearers of eschatological meaning. Yet from the tenth century, writers progressively preferred to define the wonder and spectacle of Constantinople in the aesthetic mode of urban praise inherited from late antiquity, developing the notion of the city as a cosmic theatre of excellence.
1 online resource (184 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Middle Ages revisited : studies in the archaeology and history of medieval southern England presented to Professor David A. Hinton /
This volume, produced in honour of Professor David A. Hinton's contribution to medieval studies, re-visits the sites, archaeologists and questions which have been central to the archaeology of medieval southern England. Contributions are focused on the medieval period (from the Anglo-Saxon period to the Reformation) in southern England.
Festschrift for David A. Hinton.
Previously issued in print: 2018. :
1 online resource (ii, 160 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
9781789690361 (ebook) :
Archaeologies & antiquaries /
This text collects and republishes 14 key academic works by Dai Morgan Evans FSA (1944-2017). Spanning early medieval studies, the management and conservation of ancient monuments, histories of antiquarianism, and the Welsh church of Llangar, the chapters have been freshly edited and published together for the first time with new illustrations.
Also issued in print: 2022. :
1 online resource (304 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
9781803271590 (PDF ebook) :
The Middle Ages revisited : studies in the archaeology and history of medieval southern England presented to Professor David A. Hinton /
This volume, produced in honour of Professor David A. Hinton's contribution to medieval studies, re-visits the sites, archaeologists and questions which have been central to the archaeology of medieval southern England. Contributions are focused on the medieval period (from the Anglo-Saxon period to the Reformation) in southern England.
Festschrift for David A. Hinton.
Previously issued in print: 2018. :
1 online resource (ii, 160 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
9781789690361 (ebook) :