Die Landeskinderheilstätte Mammolshöhe und ihr Direktor Werner Catel : Fürsorge, Therapie und unethische Forschung 1927-1954 /
Die Landeskinderheilstätte Mammolshöhe in Mammolshain/Taunus war von 1927 bis 1947 ein Sanatorium, in dem an Tuberkulose erkrankte Kinder und Jugendliche behandelt wurden. Ab 1947 nahm die Einrichtung einen klinischen Charakter an und wurde zu einer Stätte der TBC-Forschung. Dieser Umschwung war das Werk des neuen Direktors Werner Catel, der vor 1945 in zentraler Funktion an der NS-Kinder-"Euthanasie" mitgewirkt hatte. Er begann auf der Mammolshöhe mit einer Versuchsreihe zur Erprobung eines neu entwickelten Präparats gegen TBC. Die Vorgänge rund um die Versuchsreihe wurden im Zusammenhang mit einer von Verleugnung und Verharmlosung der Fakten geprägten Neuerfindung der Biographie Catels umgedeutet. Die Studie zeigt exemplarisch, wie sich die ausbleibende kritische Auseinandersetzung der Medizin mit der eigenen Rolle im NS-Staat nach 1945 auswirken konnte.
1 online resource (352 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Civilization of Modernity: An Anthology of Carlo Cattaneo's Writings /
Carlo Cattaneo was one of the most prominent Italian intellectuals of the nineteenth century. Known for his prominent role in the Five Days of Milan uprising in 1848, he combined a vivid intelligence with a reform-oriented mind and a strong civic passion. This volume offers an exhaustive selection of Cattaneo's writings, which cover a wide range of issues and advance highly innovative theories, such as the achievement of republican federalism in Italy and Europe, thought as a principle of political economy, and the psychology of associated mind. The two introductory essays examine how his ideas developed through the time and argue for their enduring vitality See Less
1 online resource (462 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Papusza / Bronisława Wajs. Tears of Blood : A Poet's Witness Account of the Nazi Genocide of Roma /
Ratfale Jasfa (Romani: 'Tears of Blood') is a poem by the Romani poet Papusza (Bronisława Wajs) who survived the German occupation and the Second World War in Volhynia, currently Ukraine. It is also one of the earliest known testimonies by a Romani genocide survivor and a Romani woman. This book introduces the recently re-discovered manuscript which is four times longer than the previously known text. The volume includes a transcript of the poem in Romani, a translation into English, extensive historical-philological commentaries, alongside stand-alone chapters on the poet, manuscript and the historical context.
1 online resource (424 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Presse als Medium des Kulturtransfers : Das Journal Thornische Nachrichten von gelehrten Sachen (1762-1766) im preußisch-polnischen Kulturraum /
Die "gelehrten Journale" des 18. Jahrhunderts ermöglichen es, Einblicke in den europäischen Informations- und Ideentransfer während der Zeit der Aufklärung zu gewinnen. Die "Thornischen Nachrichten von gelehrten Sachen" (1762-1766) tun dies - dank ihrer Prägung durch mehrere Kulturräume - auf eine ganz besondere Weise. Konzipiert in deutscher Sprache und nach dem Muster der deutschen Rezensionszeitschriften, herausgegeben auf dem Gebiet Polen-Litauens, aber in einer Region (Königliches Preußen) deren Bewohner sich als Preußen identifizierten, hatte sich das Journal Informationsvermittlung über Neuerscheinungen aus Polen und Preußen auf die Fahne geschrieben. Katarzyna Chlewicka erschließte ihrer Leserschaft den komplexen Charakter dieser Publikationen, indem sie darstellt, wie sich regionale preußische Identität, Konzepte der Literaturkritik sowie die Rezeption der polnischen und preußischen Aufklärung in den Journalen niederschlugen.
1 online resource (260 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Nicole Oresme, Questiones in Meteorologica de prima lectura : Study of the Manuscript Tradition and Critical Edition /
The open access publication of this book has been published with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation. Nicole Oresme, a mathematician, philosopher, and theologian, stood as one of the most original and influential thinkers of the Late Middle Ages. This volume presents the critical edition of Oresme's earliest work, his first cycle of lectures on Aristotle's Meteorology (1346). Transcribed directly by one of his students at Paris Arts Faculty, this text explores problems of physics, cosmology, geology, and optics, providing invaluable insights into late medieval philosophy of nature.
1 online resource (500 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Call of Albion : Protestants, Jesuits, and British Literature in Poland-Lithuania, 1567-1775 /
An in-depth look at British-Polish literary pre-Enlightenment contacts, The Call of Albion explores how the reverberations of British religious upheavals in distant Poland-Lithuania surprisingly served to strengthen the impact of English, Scottish, and Welsh works on Polish literature. The book argues that Jesuits played a key role in that process. The book provides an insightful account of how the transmission, translation, and recontextualization of key publications by British Protestants and Catholics served Calvinist and Jesuit agendas, while occasionally bypassing barriers between confessionally defined textual communities and inspiring Polish-Lithuanian political thought, as well as literary tastes.
1 online resource (462 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
France and the Destruction of the Jesuits, 1759-65 : Three Treatises /
The second volume in the Anti-Jesuit Literature series at Brill casts a revealing light on a crucial moment in eighteenth-century France: the suppression of the Jesuits. Through the expert translation of three representative treatises by Jotham Parsons and Patricia M. Ranum, this collection delves into the heart of the conflict, presenting views from Jansenist-Gallican magistrates, conservative clerics, and Enlightenment thinkers. Edited with contextual commentary by Robert A. Maryks and Jotham Parsons, the volume not only navigates the complexities of the Jesuits' decline but also places it in the context of the broader Enlightenment critique, exploring the intricate interplay between evolving ideas of governance, faith, and intellectual freedom.
1 online resource (274 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Vitreous Vitae : St. Margaret of Antioch in Thirteenth-Century Stained Glass /
In Vitreous Vitae: St. Margaret of Antioch in Thirteenth-Century Stained Glass , Ashley J. Laverock considers the representation of the virgin martyr St. Margaret in thirteenth-century stained-glass windows in Europe. These windows appeared at a moment when Margaret's cult was expanding but before the motif of the saint with the ragon became normative. They offer insight into the rich narrative potential of Margaret's life in a monumental medium seen by wide audiences. Examining these windows not only reveals shared emphases on Margaret's imitatio Christi , corporeal suffering, and encounters with the dragon and demon, but also shows how distinct site-specific hagiographies of Margaret were tailored to each church's context. Multi-faceted Margarets contributed to the wider cult of the saint.
1 online resource (320 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Au coeur du harem : Les princesses ottomanes à l'aune du pouvoir (XVe-XVIIIe s.) /
Les femmes ottomanes n'auraient pas leur place en politique ; recluses dans leur harem, elles passeraient leur temps en distractions superficielles ou en intrigues pernicieuses : tel est l'héritage de l'orientalisme et de l'historiographie traditionnelle. Loin de ces poncifs, cet ouvrage propose une plongée dans les cadres institutionnels et sociaux ottomans, qui commandent le spectre des interactions sociales et politiques des femmes de la cour ottomane, en prenant pour champ d'étude une figure largement ignorée de l'historiographie : les filles de sang des souverains ottomans - les sultanes. Ottoman women would have no place in politics; recluse in their harem, they would pass their time in superficial distractions or in pernicious intrigues: such is the heritage of Orientalism and traditional historiography. Far from these clichés, this work offers a dive into the Ottoman institutional and social frameworks, which govern the spectrum of social and political interactions of the women of the Ottoman court, taking as a field of study a figure largely ignored by historiography: the blood daughters of the Ottoman rulers - the sultanas.
Ce livre propose une analyse historique des conditions politiques et sociales des princesses ottomanes à l'époque moderne, au cœur d'une société de cour dominée par les logiques de discrimination sexuelle. This book offers a historical analysis of the political and social conditions of the Ottoman princesses in modern times, at the heart of a court society dominated by the logic of sexual discrimination. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Jacobus Montanus: 'Centuria epistolarium formularum' / 'Eine Hundertschaft Briefmuster' /
Dass die Mistforke leichter sei als die Schreibfeder und der Schweinestall besser rieche als die Stube der Studenten" - gegen diesen Irrtum kämpft 1525 Jacobus Montanus mit einhundert Musterbriefen an. Seine Schüler sollen sie aus ihrer Muttersprache ins Lateinische übersetzen. Ergänzende Formulierungshilfen aus antiken Autoren bahnen ihnen den Weg zu gelehrter Eloquenz. Obwohl unter Zeitgenossen hoch angesehen, liegt keines der Werke des westfälischen Humanisten in moderner Ausgabe vor. Die ,Centuria epistolarium formularum' / ,Hundertschaft Briefmuster' führt ins Zentrum seines Schaffens. Sie wird hier erstmals in kritischer Ausgabe vorgelegt. Ihre Briefe bieten alltagsnahe Einblicke in die Lebens- und Bildungswelt Westfalens, und ihre Lektüre bereitet oft Vergnügen. Eine moderne Übersetzung erleichtert den Zugang. Ein ausgiebiger Kommentar erschließt sie dem an vormoderner Alltags-, Bildungs- und Regionalgeschichte Interessierten.
1 online resource (462 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
European Military Books and Intellectual Cultures of War in 17th-Century Russia : From Translation to Adaptation /
This book discusses the role Western military books and their translations played in 17th-century Russia. By tracing how these translations were produced, distributed and read, the study argues that foreign military treatises significantly shaped intellectual culture of the Russian elite. It also presents Tsar Peter the Great in a new light - not only as a military and political leader but as a devoted book reader and passionate student of military science.
1 online resource (384 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Sovereignty : European and Global Histories, 1400-1800 /
Was the emperor as sovereign allowed to seize the property of his subjects? Was this handled differently in late medieval Roman law and in the practice and theory of zabt in Mughal India? How is political sovereignty relating to the church´s powers and to trade? How about maritime sovereignty after Grotius? How was the East India Company as a ´corporation´ interacting with an Indian Nawab? How was the Shogunate and the emperor negotiating ´sovereignty´ in early modern Japan? The volume addresses such questions through thoroughly researched historical case studies, covering the disciplines of History, Political Sciences, and Law. Contributors include: Kenneth Pennington, Fabrice Micallef, Philippe Denis, Sylvio Hermann De Franceschi, Joshua Freed, David Dyzenhaus, Michael P. Breen, Daniel Lee, Andrew Fitzmaurice and Kajo Kubala, Nicholas Abbott, Tiraana Bains, Cornel Zwierlein, Mark Ravina.
1 online resource (436 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Gender and the Book Trades : /
This volume proposes a new and radically inclusive approach to the study of the book by using gender as a tool of analysis. While female authors and women in the book trades have long been studied, gender itself has yet to be explored as a methodology rather than a subject in book history. We argue that putting gender analysis into practice requires thinking inclusively about both the book world and the interactions of its participants from the beginning. With twenty-five pioneering case studies that stretch from colonial Peru to modern Delhi, using a variety of intersectional methodologies including network analysis, critical bibliography, and queer theory, Gender and the Book Trades sets out an innovative method of analysing the printed book. Contributors include: Rebecca Baumann, Montserrat Cachero, Verônica Calsoni Lima, Matthew Chambers, Kanupriya Dhingra, Nora Epstein, Natalia Fantetti, Jessica Farrell-Jobst, Agnes Gehbald, Rabia Gregory, Laura Guinot Ferri, Elizabeth Le Roux, Sarah Lubelski, Natalia Maillard Álvarez, Charley Matthews, Susan McElrath, Kirk Melnikoff, Malcolm Noble, Kate Ozment, Joanna Rozendaal, Kandice Sharren, Valentina Sonzini, Elise Watson, Joëlle Weis, Helen Williams, Alexandra E. Wingate, and Georgianna Ziegler.
1 online resource (500 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Pandemic Storytelling /
This volume offers unique, interdisciplinary perspectives by evaluating, analyzing, and interpreting how the past, the present, and potential futures may be affected by pandemic storytelling. It explores the interplay between various disciplines that explore COVID-19 narratives or study the influence of pandemics on storytelling. The authors invite you to delve into the intricate social, cultural, and political dynamics between anthropocentric societies, human nature, and their implications for an understanding of our interactions with others and environments. Most importantly, this volume initiates insightful conversations, highlighting that in times of crisis the most valuable thing we can hold on to is human connection.
1 online resource (220 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Between Miltiades and Moltke: Early German Studies in Greek Military History /
The authors of the first serious scholarly works on Greek warfare were not free to write their surveys as they wished. In the nineteenth-century German-speaking world, the supreme authority on all military history rested with the Great General Staff, the intellectual nerve centre of the Prussian army. Officers rejected the ability of historians to understand warfare and imposed their pragmatic perspective on any attempt to study past wars. How did classicists and historians respond to this challenge? This book explores how the scope and method of the first handbooks on Greek warfare were shaped by their environment; it questions the ancient wisdom that practical expertise is the best guide to writing military history.
1 online resource :