Exegesis in the makin g postcolonialism and New Testament studies /
The last thirty years have witnessed increasing diversity in methodology and perspectives within biblical studies. One of the most dynamic and continually expanding contributions to this development is that of postcolonial studies, known for its fresh approaches as well as for its complex theoretical foundations. The present book aims at introducing both student and scholar to this emerging field. Part One discusses in a structured and pedagogical way the theoretical location of postcolonial biblical studies as well as its critique of and contributions to New Testament exegesis more specifically. Part Two presents five articles by scholars from Africa, Asia, and North America, illustrating the diversity of current postcolonial studies as applied to individual New Testament texts.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [235]-248) and index. :
9789004190344 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Greco-Roman culture and the New Testament : studies commemorating the centennial of the Pontifical Biblical Institute /
Since a number of scholars at the Pontifical Biblical Institute have made important contributions to the study of the New Testament in the context of the Greco-Roman world, it seemed appropriate to devote this volume commemorating the centennial of the Biblicum (1909-2009) to that subject. This book contains nine essays by scholars from Europe, the United States, Australia and Jerusalem, each exploring the ways in which aspects of the New Testament can be illuminated by recourse to Greco-Roman texts.
1 online resource (xii, 218 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004226548 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Anthropology and Biblical Studies : Avenues of Approach /
Presents the findings of an international research symposium, held at St Andrews University, Scotland, in July 2003. Contributors include both biblical scholars and anthropologists. The essays presented variously explore and review interdisciplinary links, innovations and developments between anthropology and biblical studies in reference to interpretation of both the OT and NT and pseudepigraphal works. Explored are methodological issues, the use of anthropological concepts in biblical studies (identity; purity boundaries; virtuoso religion; spiritual experience; sacred space) and more 'field orientated' work of bible translators in different cultures.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Ad fontes : original manuscripts and their significance for studying early Christianity : selected essays /
This selection of essays with autobiographical introduction aims to demonstrate the value of working with the original manuscripts in detail in order to gain a more profound understanding of the many facets of Early Christianity, in particular the texts and background of the New Testament. This book should persuade other scholars to once again take a look at the original manuscripts, whether it be a textual witness to the New Testament, some apocryphal text, a reference to early Christian life, or even a specific socio-historical feature of the life of the common people in the days of early Christianity. The specific selection of essays has been chosen with this purpose in mind, presenting editions of papyri and first-hand information, and showing how to base even complex constructs of ideas on a studious treatment of manuscripts. The essays demonstrate the value of studying manuscripts for lexicography, painting a picture of a socio-historical background, and showing how to assess and evaluate data methodologically.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047421344 :
1574-7085 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
New Testament Manuscripts : Their Texts and Their World /
New Testament Manuscripts: Their Texts and Their World comprises twelve essays dealing with manuscripts of the New Testament and/or what we can learn from them today. Starting from different angles the contributors - distinguished scholars of international reputation - focus on the fascinating and thrilling stories manuscripts tell, for instance about the times they were produced in or the people who handled them. The multitude of manuscripts used for establishing the critical text of the New Testament is often only perceived as abbreviations in form of single letters or numerals, and today's biblical scholars may hardly ever take notice of the specific features of an original manuscript, above all those not mentioned in a critical edition. Therefore, three sets of contributions deals with the conditions under which manuscripts from the early days of Christianity were produced and transmitted, specific individual manuscripts, and then special features observed in and with the help of various manuscripts. In a final essay the usual method of how to organize and categorize New Testament manuscripts is challenged and an alternative method proposed. The essays are linked with each other so that readers may get a feeling of how astounding an occupation with the original manuscripts of the New Testament and the days of the early Christians can be.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Cradle of Christianity: Judaism, Jesus, and the New Testament : Essays in Honor of Craig A. Evans /
This major collection of essays by senior colleagues and friends of Craig A. Evans recognizes his contribution to the field of biblical studies by concentrating upon his areas of research and writing interest. These include: the emergence and characteristics of early Judaism, Jesus and the apostolic tradition, and a variety of other supporting areas in New Testament studies. These essays include both focused studies and challenging theoretical explorations.
1 online resource (362 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Studien zur Johannesapokalypse /
Die Johannesapokalypse gehört weiterhin zu den geheimnisvollsten Schriften des frühen Christentums, vielleicht der Weltliteratur überhaupt. Tobias Nicklas hat sich in den vergangenen mehr als 20 Jahren intensiv mit diesem Text auseinandergesetzt und lüftet in seinen Beiträgen zu intertextuellen Problemen, zur Bildwelt und Theologie des Texts, aber auch seiner vielfältigen, z.T. hoch problematischen Rezeptionsgeschichte viele seiner Geheimnisse. Der vorliegende Band bietet Studien zur Johannesapokalypse, die in verschiedenen, teilweise schwer zugänglichen Kontexten veröffentlicht wurden, nun in einem neuen Gesamtüberblick. Alle Studien wurden neu durchgesehen und in einem Rückblick auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. So entsteht ein Gesamtüberblick über eine Vielzahl von Problemen der Auslegung der Johannesapokalypse.
1 online resource (520 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Catena in Marcum : a Byzantine anthology of early commentary on Mark /
The Catena in Marcum commonly attributed to Victor of Antioch, is the earliest anthology of patristic commentary on the gospel according to St Mark. Its compilation dates from the end of the fifth century and the beginning of the sixth century. Providing the first extended English translation, this book identifies the range of patristic sources employed by the editors, and the historiographical, literary and dogmatic concerns which informed the editing and compilation of this important text. It provides an invaluable resource for those interested in the history and development of the interpretation of Mark.
44. On the woman who anointed the Lord with sweet perfume. :
1 online resource (524 pages) :
9789004228337 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The apocryphal epistle to the Laodiceans : an epistolary and rhetorical analysis /
Challenging nearly two centuries of scholarship, this book offers the first close analysis of the apocryphal epistle to the Laodiceans. A near consensus in scholarship has emerged in which Laodiceans is dismissed as a random collection of phrases plucked from the undisputed Pauline letters, which lacks any organizational structure or theological sophistication. In The Apocryphal Epistle to the Laodiceans, Philip Tite offers a detailed analysis of this Latin letter by exploring the epistolary conventions utilized by the letter writer. What emerges is a pseudonymous text that is a carefully crafted paraenetic letter with a discernible rhetorical situation. By highlighting Laodiceans' use of Paul as a literary culture hero, Tite situates the letter within second-century Christian identity formation.
1 online resource (xiii, 158 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [135]-146) and index. :
9789004231627 :
1574-7085 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
On the writing of New Testament commentaries : festschrift for Grant R. Osborne on the occasion of his 70th birthday /
The essays in On the Writing of New Testament Commentaries discuss historical, hermeneutical, methodological, literary, and theological questions that shape the writing of commentaries on the books of the New Testament. While these essays honor Grant R. Osborne, they also represent the first sustained effort to systematically address commentary writing in the field of New Testament studies.
Title from PDF title page (viewed on Nov. 20, 2012).
Includes index. :
1 online resource (493 pages) :
9789004232921 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Gospel of Thomas : introduction and commentary /
In this new commentary on the controversial Gospel of Thomas , Simon Gathercole provides the most extensive analysis yet published of both the work as a whole and of the individual sayings contained in it. This commentary offers a fresh analysis of Thomas not from the perspective of form criticism and source criticism but seeks to elucidate the meaning of the work and its constituent elements in its second-century context. With its lucid discussion of the various controversial aspects of Thomas, and treatment of the various different scholarly views, this is a foundational work of reference for scholars not just of apocryphal Gospels, but also for New Testament scholars, Classicists and Patrologists.
1 online resource (pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004273252 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
History of the Pauline Corpus in Texts, Transmissions and Trajectories : A Textual Analysis of Manuscripts from the Second to the Fifth Century /
In History of the Pauline Corpus in Texts, Transmissions, and Trajectories , Chris S. Stevens examines the Greek manuscripts of the Pauline texts from P46 to Claromontanus. Previous research is often hindered by the lack of a systematic analysis and an indelicate linguistic methodology. This book offers an entirely new analysis of the early life of the Pauline corpus. Departing from traditional approaches, this text-critical work is the first to use Systemic Functional Linguistics, which enables both the comparison and ranking of textual differences across multiple manuscripts. Furthermore, the analysis is synchronically oriented, so it is non-evaluative. The results indicate a highly uniform textual transmission during the early centuries. The systematic analysis challenges previous research regarding text types, Christological scribal alterations, and textual trajectories.
1 online resource. :
Christian origins and Greco-Roman culture : social and literary contexts for the New Testament /
In Christian Origins and Greco-Roman Culture , Stanley Porter and Andrew Pitts assemble an international team of scholars whose work has focused on reconstructing the social matrix for earliest Christianity through the use of Greco-Roman materials and literary forms. Each essay moves forward the current understanding of how primitive Christianity situated itself in relation to evolving Hellenistic culture. Some essays focus on configuring the social context for the origins of the Jesus movement and beyond, while others assess the literary relation between early Christian and Greco-Roman texts.
1 online resource (vii, 751 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004236219 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The gospel of Peter : introduction, critical edition and commentary /
Since its discovery in 1886/87 there has been no full-scale English-language treatment of the Gospel of Peter . This book rectifies that gap in scholarship by discussing a range of introductory issues and debates in contemporary scholarship, providing a new critical edition of the text and a comprehensive commentary. New arguments are brought forward for the dependence of the Gospel of Peter upon the synoptic gospels. The theological perspectives of the text are seen as reflecting second-century popular Christian thought. This passion account is viewed as a highly significant window into the way later generations of Christians received and rewrote traditions concerning Jesus.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004180994 :
1574-7085 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Christian Origins and the Establishment of the Early Jesus Movement.
Christian Origins and the Establishment of the Early Jesus Movement explores the events, people, and writings surrounding the founding of the early Jesus movement in the mid to late first century. The essays are divided into four parts, focused upon the movement's formation, the production of its early Gospels, description of the Jesus movement itself, and the Jewish mission and its literature. This collection of essays includes chapters by a global cast of scholars from a variety of methodological and critical viewpoints, and continues the important Early Christianity in its Hellenistic Context series.
1 online resource. :
Early Christian manuscripts : examples of applied method and approach /
For the reconstruction of early Christianity, the lives of early Christians, their world of ideas, their ways of living, and their literature. Early Christian manuscripts - documents and literary texts - are pivotal archaeological artefacts. However, the manuscripts often came to us in fragmentary conditions, incomplete or with gaps and missing lines. Others appear to form a corpus, belong to an archive, or are connected with each other as far as theme or purpose are concerned. The present collection comprises of nine essays about individual or a set of certain manuscripts. With their essays the authors aim to present special approaches to early Christian manuscripts and, consequently, demonstrate methodically how to deal with them. The scope of topics ranges from the reconstruction of fragmentary manuscripts to the significance of amulets and from the discussion of individual fragments to the handling of the known manuscripts of a specific Christian text or a whole archive of papyri.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004194342 :
1574-7085 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Egerton gospel (Egerton papyrus 2 + Papyrus Köln VI 255) : introduction, critical edition, and commentary /
In this commentary on the Egerton Gospel, Lorne R. Zelyck presents a fresh paleographical analysis and thorough reconstruction of the fragmentary text, which results in new readings and interpretations. Details surrounding the acquisition of the manuscript are presented for the first time, and various scholarly viewpoints on controversial topics, such as the date of composition and relationship to the canonical gospels, are addressed. This early apocryphal gospel (150-250 CE) provides traditional interpretations of the canonical gospels that are similar to those of other early Christian authors, and affirms Jesus' continuity with the miracle-working prophets Moses and Elisha, his obedience to the Law, divinity, and violent rejection by Jewish opponents.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :