The present state of Old Testament studies in the Low Countries : a collection of Old Testament...
In The Present State of Old Testament Studies in the Low Countries fifteen leading scholars from Belgium and the Netherlands give an overview of their work. This collection celebrating the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Oudtestamentisch Werkgezelschap brings together the results of high quality research on many fields, from computer-assisted analysis to biblical theology, from the archaeology of Palestine to early rabbinic exegesis, from logotechnical analysis to delimitation criticism. It shows that Old Testament research in Belgium and the Netherlands is multifaceted and innovative.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004326255 :
0169-7226 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Torah and tradition : papers read at the Sixteenth Joint Meeting of the Society for Old Testament...
The proceedings of the sixteenth joint meeting presented in this volume will show the fruits of the ongoing cooperation between the members of the British Society for the Study of the Old Testament and the Dutch Oudtestamentische Werkgezelschap . The theme of the conference was 'Torah and Tradition'. The volume brings together many different approaches in describing the multifaceted traditions behind the Hebrew Bible in its present form.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004337695 :
0169-7226 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Psalms and prayers : papers read at the Joint Meeting of the Society of Old Testament Study...
The essays in this volume focus on the interpretation of the Book of Psalms and comparable texts in the Hebrew Bible. A variety of methods is applied to the ancient texts. Some essays concentrate on composition and structure, others on redaction and context. It is of great interest to see that each approach has its strength and its limits: stressing the importance to read the Psalms with a multi-dimensional matrix of methods. By viewing the Psalms as prayers, and thus as expressions of both faith and despair, a perspective on the contents of the ancient hymns and their functions in daily life has been opened. This volume contains various incentives for future research.
"The papers collected in this volume were all read at the Joint Meeting of The Society for Old Testament Study (SOTS) and the Oudtestamentisch Werkgezelschap in Nederland en Belgie (OTW), in Apeldoorn, 21-24 August 2006. The Dutch and British Old Testament Societies foster a long tradition of Joint Meetings, of which this was the 13th since the start in 1970, now hosted by the Theological University of Apeldoorn." Netherlands. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047422587 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Goochem in mokum, wisdom in Amsterdam : papers on biblical and related wisdom read at the fifteenth joint meeting of the Society of Old Testament study and the Oudtestamentisch Werkgezelschap, Amsterdam...
This collection of essays is focused on the wisdom traditions of the Hebrew Bible, including the Book of Sira . The Biblical books are read as literary works on their own as well as in an Ancient Near Eastern setting. Some essays scrutinize Greek and Hellenistic wisdom traditions. The authors refrain from a definition of 'wisdom' which would have been a reductionist exercise in view of the great variety of material and the complexity of the perennial problems (wo)mankind is confronted with.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004314771 :
0169-7226 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Between evidence and ideolog y essays on the history of ancient Israel read at the joint meeting of the Society for Old Testament Study and the Oud Testamentisch Werkgezelschap, Lincoln, July 2009 /
The historiography of Ancient Israel is much debated. The various approaches are never void of ideology and some reckon more with the available evidence than others. This volume consists of a set of case-studies that reveal the difficulties that arise when trying to write a history as honestly as possible. This implies that both the archaeology of Ancient Palestine - the finds and their interrogation - as well as the Philosophy of History - their models and their implications - are discussed. The outcome is a variety of approaches that inform the reader of current views on the history of Ancient Israel.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004203228 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Wisdom in Israel and in the ancient Near East /
English, French, and German.
The structure and contents of the book of Koheleth / by H.L. Ginsburg -- Le modernisme de Job / par Paul Humbert -- Mashal [romanized form] / by A.R. Johnson -- "Man and his God" : a Sumerian variation on the "Job" motif / by Samuel Noah Kramer -- Die Krise des religiösen Glaubens bei Kohelet / von Aarre Lauha -- Wisdom in the Old Testament prophets / by Johannes Lindblom -- Psalms and wisdom / by Sigmund Mowinckel -- Die Bewährung von Salomos "Gottlicher Weisheit" / von Martin Noth -- Wisdom and immortality / by Johs. Pedersen -- Royal wisdom / by Norman W. Porteous -- Solomon and the beginnings of wisdom in Israel / by R.B.Y. Scott -- Textual and philological notes on some passages in the book of Proverbs / by D. Winton Thomas -- Hiob xxxviii und die altägyptische Weisheit / von Gerhard von Rad. :
1 online resource (xix, 301 pages, [3] leaves of plates) : illustrations, portrait. :
"Select bibliography of the writings of Harold Henry Rowley, compiled by G. Henton Davies": pages xi-xix.
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004275263 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Congress volume : Jerusalem, 1986 /
English, French, and German.
Papers read at the Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, held Aug. 24-29, 1986, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004275638 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Congress volume : Salamanca, 1983 /
English, French, and German.
Eleventh Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, held 28 Aug. to 2 Sept. 1983 in Salamanca. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004275591 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Biblical Genealogies: A Form-Critical Analysis, with a Special Focus on Women /
This book is the first comprehensive study completely dedicated to all biblical genealogies. It provides a form-critical analysis of these genealogies and defines basic patterns and deviations. Helpful charts guide you towards the distinctive characteristics of these patterns. The last chapter of the book summarises all genealogical information on women in their different roles as daughters, sisters, and wives. The book includes a short comparison to the presence of women in the genealogies in the Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Biblical Genealogies: A Form-Critical Analysis, with a Special Focus on Women /
This book is the first comprehensive study completely dedicated to all biblical genealogies. It provides a form-critical analysis of these genealogies and defines basic patterns and deviations. Helpful charts guide you towards the distinctive characteristics of these patterns. The last chapter of the book summarises all genealogical information on women in their different roles as daughters, sisters, and wives. The book includes a short comparison to the presence of women in the genealogies in the Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Judges 19-21 and the "Othering" of Benjamin : A Golah Polemic against the Autochthonous Inhabitants of the Land? /
Of all the tribes of Israel, why is Benjamin cast in the role of the villainous "other" in Judges 19-21? Krisel argues that the anti-Benjamin Tendenz in the narrative reflects economic, political and ideological tensions between the Golah community, the deportees who returned from Babylon during the early Persian period, and the people who had not gone into exile, who lived primarily in the Benjamin region. The hypothesis is supported by archaeological and survey data largely overlooked by biblical scholars and by a careful redaction history of the text. Krisel engages critically with the predominant scholarly view that Judges 19-21 uses "irony" to cast the explicit heroes in the narrative, the sons of Israel, as the implicit villains.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Congress volume : Leuven, 1989 /
This volume publishes twenty-three papers given by invitation at the thirteenth Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, which was held at Leuven from 27 August until 1 September 1989 under the Presidency of C. Brekelmans. The articles cover a range of subjects relevant to the Old Testament: the Pentateuch (E.W. Nicholson, W.H. Schmidt, E. Blum, J. Van Seters, A. de Pury), the historical books (C. Brekelmans, Helga Weippert, R.D. Nelson, W. Thiel, Sara Japhet, K.-F. Pohlmann), the prophets (C. Hardmeier, D.L. Petersen, W.A.M. Beuken, R.P. Carroll, P.-M. Bogaert), the Psalms (J. Trublet, N. Füglister), textual criticism (E. Tov), the Targums (L. Díez Merino), the development of Israelite religion (N.P. Lemche), the Babylonian New Year Festival and the Old Testament (K. van der Toorn), and the Apocryphon of Jannes and Jambres (A. Pietersma).
English, French, and German.
Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, held in Louvain, Belgium, Aug. 27-Sept. 1, 1989. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004275669 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Between Fear and Freedom : Essays on the Interpretation of Jeremiah 30-31 /
Jeremiah's "Little Book of Consolation" is an intruiging text that provokes a series of interpretative difficulties. Is the text originally from Jeremiah? Can it be construed as a literary coherence or is a complex literary process of emergence to be accepted? What is meant by the 'New Covenant'? In this monograph Jer. 30-31 is read applying a variety of methods. The text-critical chapter argues for the reinforcement of the editorial theory according to which MT and LXXJer. are to be construed as two different versions. Much attention is paid to the delimitation criticism of these two chapters leading to the assumption that they are composed of ten Sub-Cantos. Five of these Sub-Cantos are interpreted taking into account Ancient Near Eastern textual material in order to understand the mental framework of the ancient reader. The final chapter pleads for the conceptual coherence of Jer. 30-31 which is seen as based on the idea of divine changeability.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :