Earthly Adams and Pious Philosophers : A Theological Anthropological Lens to the Sixteenth-Century Astronomical Revolution /
Focusing on the works of a select group of Lutheran astronomers in the Wittenberg sphere of influence, Earthly Adams and Pious Philosophers establishes a theological anthropological blueprint that echoed in their contributions to the sixteenth-century astronomical revolution. In challenging canonical cosmology and its Scholastic advocates, Georg Joachim Rheticus, Tycho Brahe, and Caspar Peucer invoked intellectual piety and a pessimist epistemology tailored to Luther's understanding of man after the Fall. The fruitful ignorance to which they submitted can be seen as part of a larger view of the self and the world, the astronomer, the academic scholar and the university, that was essentially theologically informed.
1 online resource (225 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Spirit of the Mind : Divine Disclosure, <i>Nafs</i> and the Transcendental Self in Islamic Thought /
In Spirit of the Mind , Khan delves into Islamic perspectives on the soul and its implications for spirituality and self-cultivation. Despite varying views on the soul's composition, a shared belief has persisted among theologians, scholars, preachers and reformists that it bears traces of the divine. Thus, drawing closer to God and gaining knowledge of nature involve returning to the soul's natural state of perfection. Central to Islamic thought is the struggle between the soul and the nafs (lower self), embodying carnal desires. In this context, achieving closeness to God requires purifying the soul to control the nafs . Khan traces a genealogy of the Islamic notion of the soul by exploring disturbances of the soul through Greek humoral theory, notions of spiritual weakness as deviation from perfection, the heart representing the seat of the soul, and the soul's aspiration for the divine light ( nur ) for its purification. Khan reflects on Islamic notions of the self through the tradition of the Perfect Man which emphasizes spiritual ascent and divine proximity. Overall, the monograph offers a nuanced exploration of the soul's significance in Islamic thought, highlighting the what thinkers have considered as the path to divine proximity and enlightenment.
Debating cognitive existentialism : values and orientations in hermeneutic philosophy of science /
Cognitive existentialism is a version of hermeneutic philosophy. The volume provides a summation of the critical approaches to this version. All essays are engaged in probing the value of universal hermeneutics. Drawing on various conceptions developed in analytical and Continental traditions, the authors explore the interpretative dimensions of scientific inquiry. They try to place the projects of their investigations in historical, socio-cultural, and political contexts. The task of extending hermeneutics to the natural sciences is an initiative of much relevance to the dialogue between the scientific and humanistic culture. A special aspect of this dialogue, addressed by all authors, is the promotion of interpretive reflexivity in both kinds of academic culture.
1 online resource (x, 201 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004299191 :
0929-8436 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Metaphysics in contemporary physics /
This book is a collection of essays whose topics center around relations between analytic metaphysics and modern physical theories. The contributions to the volume cover a broad spectrum of issues, ranging from metaphysical implications of selected physical theories (quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, general relativity, string theory et cetera), to specific problems in scientifically-oriented analytic metaphysics, such as the problem of emergence and reduction, the part-whole relation, and the question of objecthood, properties and individuality on the fundamental level of reality. The authors of the contributions are philosophers of science, physicists and metaphysicians of international renown, and their work represents the cutting edge in modern metaphysics of physical sciences. Contributors are: Tomasz Bigaj, Jessica Bloom, Nazim Bouatta, Jeremy Butterfield, Adam Caulton, Dennis Dieks, Mauro Dorato, Michael Esfeld, Steven French, Andreas Hüttemann, Marek Kuś, Douglas Kutach, Vincent Lam, Olimpia Lombardi, Kerry McKenzie, Thomas Møller-Nielsen, Matteo Morganti, Ioan Muntean, Dean Rickles, Antonio Vassallo, Jessica Wilson, Christian Wüthrich
1 online resource (485 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004310827 :
0303-8157 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Philosophische Begriffe in den christologischen Schriften : Yaḥyā b. ʿAdīs im Kontext griechisch-syrischer und muslimischer Traditionen /
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht den Gebrauch zentraler philosophischer Begriffe in den christologischen Schriften Yaḥyā b. ʿAdīs, nämlich "das Eine", "Substanz", "Körper", "Seele" und "Intellekt", im Kontext von Yaḥyās Gesamtwerk und seiner Quellen. Die Analyse verortet Yaḥyās philosophisches und theologisches Denken an der Schnittstelle mehrerer griechischer, syrischer und arabischer intellektueller Traditionen. Mit ihrem Fokus auf Yaḥyās Schriften über die Inkarnation ergänzt diese Studie vorhandene Forschung, die sich vor allem auf seine Werke über die Trinität konzentriert hat, und trägt zu einem vollständigeren Bild von Yaḥyās philosophischer Theologie bei. This study examines the usage of central philosophical terms in Yaḥyā b. ʿAdī's Christological writings, specifically "the one", "substance", "body", "soul", and "intellect", in the context of Yaḥyā's entire body of work and of his sources. The analysis situates Yaḥyā's philosophical and theological thinking at the crossroads of multiple Greek, Syriac, and Arabic intellectual traditions. With its focus on Yaḥyā's writings about the Incanation, it supplements existing research, which has largely focused on his writings about the Trinity, and contributes to a more complete picture of Yaḥyā's philosophical theology. See Less
1 online resource (213 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
ʿAlī ibn Sahl Rabban aṭ-Ṭabarī: The Indian Books : A new edition of the Arabic text and first-time English translation /
ʿAlī ibn Sahl aṭ-Ṭabarī's Indian Books, completed in Samarra in 850 CE, offer a unique, interpretative summary of Ayurvedic medicine, as he understood it on the basis of now lost Arabic translations from Sanskrit.
ʿAlī ibn Sahl Rabban aṭ-Ṭabarī's Indian Books , completed in the year 850 CE as an appendix to his medico-philosophical chef-d'œuvre "Paradise of Wisdom", belong to the most remarkable texts in Arabic scientific literature. The Indian Books offer a unique, interpretative summary of the main tenets of Ayurvedic medicine, as understood by Arabic-speaking scholars on the basis of now lost translations from Sanskrit. The present book centres around a critical edition and annotated translation of this crucial text, framed by a detailed introduction and extensive glossaries of terms. Ṭabarī's learned exposé of Ayurveda also throws a more nuanced light on the allegedly uncontested supremacy of Greek humoralism in 9th-century Arabic medicine.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :