Rethinking Plato : a Cartesian quest for the real Plato /
No new book on Plato can surprise Plato scholars. For there is nothing new under the sun, nor inside the cave. We have grown complacent in our preconceptions of Plato, habitually adopting the web of belief that comes with the canonical corpus. Yet it is not the web itself that stands in the way of progress, but the tendency to adopt it without question. Rethinking Plato is, as the subtitle suggests, a Cartesian quest for the real Plato. What makes it Cartesian is that it looks for Plato independently of the prevailing paradigms on where we are supposed to find him. The result of the quest is a complete pedagogical platform on Plato. This does not mean that the book leaves nothing out, covering all the dialogues and all the themes, but that it provides the full intellectual apparatus for doing just that. It consists of two parts. The first is a general orientation in three chapters, one each pertaining to the life, thought, and works of Plato. The second is a dialogic companion covering the four dialogues built around the last days of Socrates, with a separate chapter devoted to each: Euthyphro , Apology , Crito , and Phaedo .
1 online resource (620 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789401208123 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Plato's Timaeus : Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium Platonicum Pragense /
Plato's 'Timaeus' brings together a number of studies from both leading Plato specialists and up-and-coming researchers from across Europe. The contributions cover a wide variety of topics, ranging from the literary form of the work to the ontology of sense perception and the status of medicine in Timaeus' account. Although informed by a commitment to methodological diversity, the collection as a whole forms an organic unity, opening fresh perspectives on widely read passages, while shedding new light on less frequently discussed topics. The volume thus provides a valuable resource for students and researchers at all levels, whether their interest bears on the Timaeus as a whole or on a particular passage.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Plato's Cratylus : Proceedings from the Eleventh Symposium Platonicum Pragense /
The present volume offers a collection of papers on one of Plato's most intriguing dialogues. Although not a running commentary, the book covers the majority of difficult questions raised by the dialogue in which the subjects of language and ontology are tied closely together. It shows why Plato's Cratylus has been highly regarded among readers interested in ancient philosophy and those concerned with modern semantics and theory of language. This collection also presents original views on the position of the dialogue in the whole Plato's œuvre and in the context of Plato's contemporaries and successors.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Plato's Cratylus : Argument, Form, and Structure /
This book explains how the Cratylus , Plato's apparently meandering and comical dialogue on the correctness of names, makes serious philosophical progress by its notorious etymological digressions. While still a wild ride through a Heraclitean flood of etymologies which threatens to swamp language altogether, the Cratylus emerges as an astonishingly organized evaluation of the power of words.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Plato as Author : The Rhetoric of Philosophy /
This collection, focusing on literary aspects of the Platonic dialogues, includes stimulating and diverse essays by scholars from several different fields. Plato, the critic, satirist, and (perhaps) inventor of "rhetoric" framed his own discourse in complex ways. Republic is a mimetic text that presents a sophisticated analysis of the various types of mimesis; Phaedrus , featuring embedded exemplars of exquisite prose style, includes a severe critique of literary authorship. Texts such as these seem to demand the fullest resources of a sophisticated analysis of discourse. Essay topics include friendship and desire in the Lysis, Socratic irony in Cratylus, mystery imagery in Phaedrus, and the peculiar couch in Book 10 of Republic. Contributors include Michael Erler, David Gallop, Francisco Gonzalez, Charles Kahn, Andrea Nightingale, and Thomas Szlezák.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Emotions in Plato /
Emotions ( pathè ) such as anger, fear, shame, and envy, but also pity, wonder, love and friendship have long been underestimated in Plato's philosophy. The aim of Emotions in Plato is to provide a consistent account of the role of emotions in Plato's psychology, epistemology, ethics and political theory. The volume focuses on three main issues: taxonomy of emotions, their epistemic status, and their relevance for the ethical and political theory and practice. This volume, which is the first edited volume entirely dedicated to emotions in Plato's philosophy, shows how Plato, in many aspects, was positively interested in these affective states in order to support the rule of reason.
1 online resource. :
Plato and myth : studies on the use and status of platonic myths /
This volume seeks to show how the philosophy of Plato relates to the literary form of his discourse. Myth is one aspect of this relation whose importance for the study of Plato is only now beginning to be recognized. Reflection on this topic is essential not only for understanding Plato's conception of philosophy and its methods, but also for understanding more broadly the relation between philosophy and literature. The twenty chapters of this volume, contributed by scholars of diverse backgrounds and approaches, elucidate the various uses and statuses of Platonic myths in the first place by reflecting on myth per se and in the second place by focusing on a specific myth in the Platonic corpus.
1 online resource (488 pages) :
9789004224360 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Plato and the poets
Plato's discussions of poetry and the poets stand at the cradle of Western literary criticism. Plato is, paradoxically, both the philosopher who cites, or alludes to, works of poetry more than any other, and the one who is at the same time the harshest critic of poetry. The nineteen essays presented here aim to offer various avenues to this paradox, and to illuminate the ways poetry and the poets are discussed by Plato throughout his writing career, from the Apology and the Ion to the Laws. As well as throwing new light on old topics, such as mimesis and poetic inspiration, the volume introduces fresh approaches to Plato's philosophy of poetry and literature.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [403]-423) and index. :
9789004201835 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Plato and Xenophon : comparative studies /
Plato and Xenophon are the two students of Socrates whose works have come down to us in their entirety. Their works have been studied by countless scholars over the generations; but rarely have they been brought into direct contact, outside of their use in relation to the Socratic problem. This volume changes that, by offering a collection of articles containing comparative analyses of almost the entire range of Plato's and Xenophon's writings, approaching them from literary, philosophical and historical perspectives.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004369085 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Plato and the moving image /
This book shows how and why debates in the philosophy of film can be advanced through the study of the role of images in Plato's dialogues, and, conversely, why Plato studies stands to benefit from a consideration of recent debates in the philosophy of film. Contributions range from a reading of Phaedo as a ghost story to thinking about climate change documentaries through Plato's account of pleonexia . They suggest how philosophical aesthetics can be reoriented by attending anew to Plato's deployment of images, particularly images that move. They also show how Plato's deployment of images is integral to his practice as a literary artist. Contributors are Shai Biderman, David Calhoun, Michael Forest, Jorge Tomas Garcia, Abraham Jacob Greenstine, Paul A. Kottman, Danielle A. Layne, David McNeill, Erik W. Schmidt, Timothy Secret, Adrian Switzer, and Michael Weinman.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The gospel of Thomas and Plato : a study of the impact of platonism on the "Fifth Gospel" /
In The Gospel of Thomas and Plato , Ivan Miroshnikov contributes to the study of the earliest Christian engagements with philosophy by offering the first systematic discussion of the impact of Platonism on the Gospel of Thomas, one of the most intriguing and cryptic works among the Nag Hammadi writings. Miroshnikov demonstrates that a Platonist lens is indispensable to the understanding of a number of the Thomasine sayings that have, for decades, remained elusive as exegetical cruces. The Gospel of Thomas is thus an important witness to the early stages of the process that eventually led to the Platonist formulation of certain Christian dogmata.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004367296 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Commentary on Plato's Gorgias /
This book provides a translation of the only surving ancient commentary on Plato's Goroias , written by the Alexandrian Platonist Olympiodorus in the sixth century A.D. There are substantial notes on the commentary, which assist the reader to understand the context of Olympiodorus' Platonism, the choices available to him as an interpreter, and the special characteristics of his interpretation. A full introduction tackles the issues of greatest interest that arise from the work, including the author's mission as a Hellenist resisting Christian attacks on his discipline. Indices are provided. The authors show that there is much more of value in this commentary than has often been supposed, and that the differences between Olympiodorus' approach and those of modern commentators are often illuminating.
1 online resource (x, 349 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 325-330) and indexes. :
9789004321038 :
0079-1687 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Realm of Mimesis in Plato : Orality, Writing, and the Ontology of the Image /
Plato's dialogues stand at a transition from orality to literacy. They are living contradictions-partly oral and partly literary. This relationship between orality and writing is one of the most vexed issues in the history of Platonic interpretation and has particular relevance for the progressive erosion of literacy in favour of digitalisation today. This book argues that the relationship between the oral and the written in Plato's dialogues is not a straightforward opposition, but is instead grounded in ontological analysis and exemplified by the ontology of the image, which appears throughout the Platonic canon.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Plato and the power of images /
Plato is well known both for the harsh condemnations of images and image-making poets that appear in his dialogues and for the vivid and intense imagery that he himself uses in his matchless prose. Through their resemblance to true reality, images have the power to move their viewers to action and to change themselves, but because of their distance from true reality, that power always remains problematic. Two recurrent problems addressed here are how an image resembles what it represents and how to avoid mistaking that image for what it represents. Plato and the Power of Images comprises twelve chapters on the ways Plato has used images, and the ways we could, or should, understand their status as images.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004345010 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Plato's Apology of Socrates : a literary and philosophical study with a running commentary /
There have been many recent studies on the Apology . This book differs from them in that it attempts a synthesis of philosophical and literary approaches. A great deal of attention is paid to the philosophical and religious views that are present-often implicitly-in the text; they are much closer to the philosophy of Plato's main works than is usually assumed. But the Apology is also analysed as a rhetorical text: its close relationship with fourth-century rhetorical theory and practice is highlighted. The analyses of the various parts of the speech are followed by a detailed line-by-line commentary. The work was started by E. de Strycker, S.J.; after his death, it was revised and completed by S.R. Slings.
In English and Greek. :
1 online resource (xvii, 404 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004329423 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.