Investigations into the dyeing industry in Pompeii : experimental archaeology and computer simulation techniques /
The scale of processing associated with the dyeing industry in Pompeii is a controversial subject. To determine the scale of manufacturing would allow an understanding of the operation of Pompeii's economy and its part in the Roman World. Previous studies have taken a theoretical approach, and no conclusive answer has been reached. Conversely, this book uses a new multi-disciplinary triangulated approach. A replica was constructed to gauge the operating parameters of a dyeing apparatus within the framework of the principles of experimental archaeology. The remains were re-examined in situ with the new operational and ergonomics understanding. The replica was amended to allow exploration of design features and ventilation. The throughput of the apparatus was placed within the context of the industry with modern manufacturing systems theory.
Also issued in print: 2022. :
1 online resource (viii, 200 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789697438 (PDF ebook) :
Scambi e commerci in area Vesuviana : i dati delle anfore dai saggi stratigrafici i.e. (impianto elettrico) 1980-81 nel Foro di Pompei /
Transport amphorae are one of the best archaeological indicators for evaluating the economy and trade of societies in the ancient world. This monograph, produced by researchers from the University of Cadiz and the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, includes the study of nearly five hundred of these commercial containers, recovered during the pioneering stratigraphic excavations carried out in 1980-1981 at the Forum of Pompeii, called conventionally 'Impianto Elettrico'. The work represents the first Pompeian monograph dedicated exclusively to the analysis of the amphoric evidence brought to light by archaeological excavation activities in the city buried by the eruption of Vesuvius and analyses in diachronic perspective the main productions in circulation between the VI/V BC and the year 79 AD.
Also issued in print: 2019. :
1 online resource (x, 344 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789693249 (ebook) :
Scambi e commerci in area Vesuviana : i dati delle anfore dai saggi stratigrafici i.e. (impianto elettrico) 1980-81 nel Foro di Pompei /
Transport amphorae are one of the best archaeological indicators for evaluating the economy and trade of societies in the ancient world. This monograph, produced by researchers from the University of Cadiz and the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, includes the study of nearly five hundred of these commercial containers, recovered during the pioneering stratigraphic excavations carried out in 1980-1981 at the Forum of Pompeii, called conventionally 'Impianto Elettrico'. The work represents the first Pompeian monograph dedicated exclusively to the analysis of the amphoric evidence brought to light by archaeological excavation activities in the city buried by the eruption of Vesuvius and analyses in diachronic perspective the main productions in circulation between the VI/V BC and the year 79 AD.
Also issued in print: 2019. :
1 online resource (x, 344 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789693249 (ebook) :
The small finds and vessel glass from Insula VI.1 Pompeii : excavations 1995-2006 /
This report presents the vessel glass and small finds found during the excavations between 1995 and 2006 that took place in Insula VI.1, Pompeii (henceforth VI.1). More than 5,000 items are discussed, and the size of the assemblage has meant that the publication is in two parts.
Previously issued in print: 2016. :
1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
9781784914530 (ebook) :
The small finds and vessel glass from Insula VI.1 Pompeii : excavations 1995-2006 /
This report presents the vessel glass and small finds found during the excavations between 1995 and 2006 that took place in Insula VI.1, Pompeii (henceforth VI.1). More than 5,000 items are discussed, and the size of the assemblage has meant that the publication is in two parts.
Previously issued in print: 2016. :
1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
9781784914530 (ebook) :
Romans, rubbish, and refuse : the archaeobotanical assemblage of Regione VI, Insula I, Pompei /
The extensive excavations (1995-2006) by the Anglo-American Project in Pompeii provided a rare insight into chronological change within the city. This research was significant as an insula block within Pompeii had never previously been excavated in its entirety. The analysis of all the recovered seeds, fruits and cereal remains provided an opportunity to undertake a diachronic study of urban Roman plant food consumption and discards, the results of which are discussed here.
1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781784911164 (PDF ebook) :
Romans, rubbish, and refuse : the archaeobotanical assemblage of Regione VI, Insula I, Pompei /
The extensive excavations (1995-2006) by the Anglo-American Project in Pompeii provided a rare insight into chronological change within the city. This research was significant as an insula block within Pompeii had never previously been excavated in its entirety. The analysis of all the recovered seeds, fruits and cereal remains provided an opportunity to undertake a diachronic study of urban Roman plant food consumption and discards, the results of which are discussed here.
1 online resource : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781784911164 (PDF ebook) :
I reperti e i motivi egizi ed egittizzanti a Pompei : indagine preliminare per una loro contestualizzazione /
This volume presents a synthesis of research on Egyptian and Egyptianizing material from Pompeii. Starting from the historical context in which to frame these phenomena and proceeding with a review of terminology, the work provides the first up-to-date corpus of Egyptian and Egyptianizing subjects and finds from the famous archaeological site.
Also issued in print: 2021. :
1 online resource (596 pages) : illustrations (colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781789699258 (PDF ebook) :