Rāḥat al-arwāḥ wa-muʾnis al-ashbāḥ : Dar sharḥ-i zindagānī, faḍāyil u muʿjizāt-i aʾimma-yi aṭhār /
In Islam, Twelver-Shīʿism is based on the claim that the rightful successors to the Prophet were his son-in-law ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib (d. 40/661) and eleven of his descendants through his marriage with Fāṭima, ending with the grand occultation of the twelfth and last imam, Muḥammad al-Mahdī in 329/940. In the centuries following the occultation of the last imam, there emerged a special type of hagiographic literature glorifying the lives and wonders of the Prophet, his daughter Fāṭima, and the twelve infallible imams. The importance of these works was not just informative and apologetic; they also had a didactic side insofar as the imams were regarded as a channel for God's grace to man, it being through them that man could learn how to fulfil God's wish of obeying Him. Composed around 755/1355 for the Sarbadār ruler of Sabzawār by Ḥasan Shīʿī Sabzawārī, this elegantly written Persian volume is a fine specimen of this particular type of writings.
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Paracelsus (Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, 1493-1541) : essential theoretical writings /
The daunting writings of Paracelsus-the second largest 16th-century body of writings in German after Luther's-contributed to medicine, natural science, alchemy, philosophy, theology, and esoteric tradition. This volume provides a critical edition of essential writings from the authoritative 1589 Huser Paracelsus alongside new English translations and commentary on the sources and context of the full corpus. The Essential Theoretical Writings incorporate topics ranging from metaphyics, cosmology, faith, religious conflict, magic, gender, and education, to the processes of nature, disease and medication, female and male sufferings, and cures of body and soul. Properly contextualized, these treatises yield rich extracts of Renaissance and Reformation culture, soundings of 16th-century life, and keys to an influential but poorly understood early modern intellectual tradition.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047423416 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Documents et histoire Islam, VIIe-XVIe siècle = Documents and history Islam, VIIth-XVIth century / Islam, VIIth-XVIth century.
"Actes des premières Journées d'étude internationales, École pratique des hautes études, IVe section musée du Louvre, département des Arts de l'Islam, Paris 16 et 17 mai 2008." :
x, 338 p. : Illustrations ; 23 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9782600013710 :
The chronicles and annalistic sources of the early Mamluk Circassian period /
The historiography of the Early Mamluk Circassian period is prolific but has not yet received proper scholarly attention. For the first time, this study examines in a comprehensive manner the key sources for the reign of al-Zāhir Barqūq (784-91, 792-801/1382-9, 1390-9) in terms of their originality and importance. By means of a systematic analysis of the annals of three different years, it provides a critical evaluation of published and manuscript primary sources, identifies the nature of the interdependence amongst authors, and sheds new light on the craft of historical writing. This book fills a critical gap in the scholarship on Mamluk historiography. The author not only assesses the production of well-known historians (Ibn Khaldūn, Ibn al-Furāt, al-Maqrīzī, Ibn Taghrībirdī, et cetera), but also studies pivotal authors (Ibn Duqmâq, Ibn Hijjī, et cetera) whose works has been up until now either ignored or unknown.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [437]-445) and indexes. :
9789047419792 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The ancient synagogue from its origins to 200 C.E. : a source book /
Despite the recent explosion of research on ancient synagogues, investigators in the field have hitherto been forced to cull relevant evidence from a vast assortment of scholarly publications. This volume gathers for the first time all of the primary source material on the early synagogues up through the Second Century C. E. In the case of literary, epigraphic and papyrological evidence, catalog entries contain the texts in their original language and in English translation. For archaeological remains, entries provide technical descriptions along with plans and photographs. All listings are accompanied by bibliographic citations and interpretative comments. An Introduction frames the current state of synagogue research, while extensive indices and cross-references allow for easy location of specific allusions. An appendix to the catalog contains source materials on Jewish temples outside of Jerusalem.
Includes one fold-out mappages. :
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Includes bibliographical references (p. [295]-311) and indexes. :
9789047430711 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ḥall mushkilāt Kitāb al-ishārāt wal-tanbīhāt : Mashhūr bih Sharḥ-i Ishārāt /
Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī (d. 672/1274) was an influential philosopher, theologian, mathematician and astronomer, besides being the first director of the famous observatory at Marāghah near Tabriz as well as a man of politics. Author of a large number of scholarly works, he is especially famous for such treatises as his Tajrīd al-iʿtiqād on theology, the Zīj-i Īlkhānī on astronomy, and his Akhlāq-i Nāṣirī on ethics. The present volume contains a facsimile edition of an ancient copy of another famous work by him, the Ḥall mushkilāt al-Ishārāt , which is his influential commentary on Avicenna's (d. 428/1037) groundbreaking Kitāb al-ishārāt wal-tanbīhāt . The Ishārāt is commonly regarded as Avicenna's final statement on all there is to know in logic and philosophy. Directed at a restricted readership of trusted specialists, it was deliberately written in a terse, impenetrable style. From the many commentaries that were written on it, the one by Ṭūsī would be decisive for the later Avicennan tradition.
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The legend of Sergius Baḥīrā : eastern Christian apologetics and apocalyptic in response to Islam /
From the eighth century onwards, Christians living under Islam have produced numerous apologetic and polemical works, aimed at proving the continuing validity of Christianity. Among these is the Legend of Sergius Baḥīrā, which survives in two Syriac and two Arabic versions, and appears here in edition and translation. Being a counterhistory of Islam, it reshapes early Muslim traditions about a monk recognizing Muḥammad as the final Prophet by turning this monk into Muhammad's tutor and co-author of the Qur'an. In response to Muslim triumphalist propaganda, it portrays Islam's political power as predestined but finite and unrelated to its religious message. This feature sets the legend apart from similar Christian accounts of the origin of Islam, East and West, which are reviewed in this study as well.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [529]-560) and index. :
9789047441953 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.