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Published 2014
Yearbook of International Religious Demography 2014.

: The Yearbook of International Religious Demography presents an annual snapshot of the state of religious statistics around the world. Every year large amounts of data are collected through censuses, surveys, polls, religious communities, scholars, and a host of other sources. These data are collated and analyzed by research centers and scholars around the world. Large amounts of data appear in analyzed form in the World Religion Database (Brill), aiming at a researcher's audience. The Yearbook presents data in sets of tables and scholarly articles spanning social science, demography, history, and geography. Each issue offers findings, sources, methods, and implications surrounding international religious demography. Each year an assessment is made of new data made available since the previous issue of the yearbook.
: 1 online resource (270 pages) : 9789004275065 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2014
Jews, Christians, and Muslims in medieval and early modern times : a festschrift in honor of Mark R. Cohen /

: This volume brings together articles on the cultural, religious, social and commercial interactions among Jews, Christians and Muslims in the medieval and early modern periods. Written by leading scholars in Jewish studies, Islamic studies, medieval history and social and economic history, the contributions to this volume reflect the profound influence on these fields of the volume's honoree, Professor Mark R. Cohen.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004267848 : 2212-5523 ;

Published 2015
Yearbook of international religious demography 2015 /

: The Yearbook of International Religious Demography presents an annual snapshot of the state of religious statistics around the world. Every year large amounts of data are collected through censuses, surveys, polls, religious communities, scholars, and a host of other sources. These data are collated and analyzed by research centers and scholars around the world. Large amounts of data appear in analyzed form in the World Religion Database (Brill), aiming at a researcher's audience. The Yearbook presents data in sets of tables and scholarly articles spanning social science, demography, history, and geography. Each issue offers findings, sources, methods, and implications surrounding international religious demography. Each year an assessment is made of new data made available since the previous issue of the yearbook. The 2015 issue highlights both global and local realities in religious adherence, from the demographics of the world's atheists to the emigration of Christians from the Middle East. Other case studies include inter-religious marriage patterns in Austria, Muslim immigration to Australia, and methodological challenges in counting Hasidic Jews.
: 1 online resource (xxiv, 275 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004297395 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2016
Yearbook of international religious demography 2016.

: The Yearbook of International Religious Demography presents an annual snapshot of the state of religious statistics around the world. Every year large amounts of data are collected through censuses, surveys, polls, religious communities, scholars, and a host of other sources. These data are collated and analyzed by research centers and scholars around the world. Large amounts of data appear in analyzed form in the World Religion Database (Brill), aiming at a researcher's audience. The Yearbook presents data in sets of tables and scholarly articles spanning social science, demography, history, and geography. Each issue offers findings, sources, methods, and implications surrounding international religious demography. Each year an assessment is made of new data made available since the previous issue of the yearbook. Contributors are: Todd Johnson, Gina Zurlo, Peter Crossing, Juan Cruz Esquivel, Fortunato Mallimaci, Annalisa Butticci, Brian Grim, Philip Connor, Ken Chitwood, Vegard Skirbekk, Marcin Stonawski, Rodrigo Franklin de Sousa, Davis Brown, Juan Carlos Esparza Ochoa, and Maria Concepción Servín Nieto.
: 1 online resource (231 pages) : 9789004322141 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

qissat al-' aq-aa' id ba-in al-sam-a' wa-al-ard /

: 543 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm : Bibliography : pages 13-15.

Les fondateurs de religions /

: 425 pages ; 19 cm.

Histoire generale des religions /

: Signed: Ahmed Fakhry Louvain, 6-10-194? : v.4. illustrations (some color), facsimiles, maps, portraits. ; 30 cm. : Includes bibliographic references and index.

Published 1958
How the great religions began /

: 237 pages ; 18 cm.

Published 1950
Comparative religion : a short outline /

: 319 pages ; 19 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 305-312) and index.

Published 1949
Traité d'histoire des religions /

: 405 pages ; 23 cm. : Includes bibliographical references.

Published 1962
Qiṣṣat al-ʻaqāʼid bayna al-samāʼ wa-al-arḍ /

: 14, [1], 543 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. : Bibliography : pages [13]-[15].

Published 2016
Exercices d'histoire des religions : comparaison, rites, mythes, et emotions /

: Exercices d'histoire des religions is a collection of the most important articles published by Philippe Borgeaud during his career as the professor of history of religions at the University of Geneva (Switzerland). These nineteen studies showcase the many reflections of the Swiss scholar of religion on the categories and tools used to describe and compare such evanescent concepts as "religions", "myths" and "rituals", and his methodology for a critical and comparative study of ancient and modern religions. Through them, readers will gain a clear understanding of the importance such an approach can wield in the contemporary discussions and dissents about religions. Exercices d'histoire des religions rassemble les articles les plus importants publiés par Philippe Borgeaud durant sa carrière en tant que professeur d'histoire des religions à l'Université de Genève. Ces dix-neuf enquêtes illustrent les réflexions du savant suisse sur les outils et catégories utilisés par l'historien des religions pour décrire et comparer des concepts aussi évanescents que les « religions », les « mythes » ou les « rituels », et sur le rôle joué par les émotions dans leur élaboration. À travers eux, le lecteur est amené à découvrir la méthode développée par Philippe Borgeaud pour étudier de manière critique et comparative les religions antiques et modernes, une approche sans doute fondamentale pour mieux saisir les discussions et controverses contemporaines sur ce sujet.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004319141 : 1570-078X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1972
Ex orbe religionum : Studia Geo Widengren xxiv mense Aprili mcmlxxii quo die lustra tredecim feliciter explevit oblata ab collegis, discipulis, amicis, collegae magistro amico cong...

: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004378391 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2020
Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-Witchcraft Rituals Glossaries and Indices /

: Among the most important sources for understanding the cultures and systems of thought of ancient Mesopotamia is a large body of magical and medical texts written in the Sumerian and Akkadian languages. An especially significant branch of this literature centres upon witchcraft. Mesopotamian anti-witchcraft rituals and incantations attribute ill-health and misfortune to the magic machinations of witches and prescribe ceremonies, devices, and treatments for dispelling witchcraft, destroying the witch, and protecting and curing the patient. The Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-Witchcraft Rituals aims to present a reconstruction of this body of texts; it provides critical editions of the relevant rituals and prescriptions based on the study of the cuneiform tablets and fragments recovered from the libraries of ancient Mesopotamia.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004416253

Published 2016
Religious dynamics under the impact of imperialism and colonialism : a sourcebook /

: This sourcebook offers rare insights into a formative period in the modern history of religions. Throughout the late 19th and the early 20th centuries, when commercial, political and cultural contacts intensified worldwide, politics and religions became ever more entangled. This volume offers a wide range of translated source texts from all over Asia, the Middle East, and Europe, thereby diminishing the difficulty of having to handle the plurality of involved languages and backgrounds. The ways in which the original authors, some prominent and others little known, thought about their own religion, its place in the world and its relation to other religions, allows for much needed insight into the shared and analogous challenges of an age dominated by imperialism and colonialism.
: Includes index. : 1 online resource. : 9789004329003 : 0169-8834 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
Religion and retributive logic : essays in honour of professor Garry W. Trompf /

: Garry Winston Trompf (b.1940) in his outstanding academic career has inspired scholars in the fields of Stduies in Religion and the History of Ideals. In this volume his collegues and students critique and expand upon the world of this outstanding academic. The book is divided into four parts, Melanesia, Ancient World Studies, Philosophical and Methodological Considerations and Historiography. Authors address Trompf's research in works such as "The Idea of Historical Recurrence in Western Thought", "Early Christian Historiography" and themes of Melanesian religion that Trompf address in "Payback". No study in the religions of oceania or ideals of millenialism should ignore this critical assessment of Garry Trompf's work.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047441151 : 0169-8834 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1922
L'étude comparée des religions : essai critique /

: 2 volumes : illustrations ; 26 cm.

Published 1987
Effigies Dei, Essays on the History of Religions.

: 1 online resource. : 9789004378742

Published 2023
Moltmann and China : Theological Encounters from Hong Kong to Beijing /

: In this volume, Lam and Thurston present a series of important theological debates between Jürgen Moltmann, the contemporary German Reformed theologian, and humanities scholars based in Chinese metropolises from Hong Kong to Beijing between 2014 and 2018. Featured, along with original essays and newly edited contributions by Moltmann, are the voices of such renowned Chinese scholars of religion as He Guanghu, Lai Pan-chiu, Zhuo Xinping and the contemporary comparativist Yang Huilin. These debates matter because they shed light on themes rarely explored in cross-cultural theological dialogue as it unfolds, showcasing the ongoing relevance of theological critique in and with the contemporary humanities. Contributors to the volume are: Hong Liang, Kwok Wai-luen, Lai Pan-chiu, Jason Lam, Jürgen Moltmann, Naomi Thurston, Yang Huaming, Yang Huilin.
: 1 online resource (256 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004543348

Published 1992
Geschichte und Probleme der Religionswissenschaft.

: This book contains a collection of 18 articles written by the author in the last 30 years on methodological, terminological and historical problems concerning the field of his discipline at Leipzig University, namely Religious Studies. Some articles are rewritten, others only revised or complemented. Much influenced at this University in considering the field of Religious Studies as an area based primary on history and philology, independent of theology and philosophy, this work focuses a.o. on terms like Myth, Mythology, Demythologizing, and Syncretism; on subjects like Mohammed, the relation between Jews, Christians and Muslims; and on leading figures of the discipline in past and present. An introductory essay provides the autobiographical considerations, necessary for a good understanding of the collection. Das Buch enthält 18 Aufsätze des Autors aus den letzten 30 Jahren, die sich mit wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen, methodologischen und terminologischen Problemen der Religionswissenschaft (Rw) beschäftigen. Mehrere von ihnen sind neubearbeitet, andere wenigstens durchgesehen und ergänzt worden. Da der Verfasser das Fach fast 25 Jahre an der Universität Leipzig (früher DDR) vertreten hat, ehe er nach den USA und dann nach Marburg berufen wurde, waren seine Möglichkeiten begrenzt, sich zu grundlegenden und aktuellen Fragen seiner Disziplin zu äußern, und wenn, dann in Zeitschriften, die nicht so verbreitet sind, daß sie international beachtet werden konnten. Seine Ausbildung in Leipzig mit einer der ältesten Traditionen der deutschen Rw und die damalige Situation bestimmen daher die Mehrzahl seiner Arbeiten in bemerkenswerter Weise, indem sie versuchen der Rw ein eigenständiges Profil zu geben, und zwar auf der Grundlage einer streng historisch-philologischen, nichttheologischen Position, die vor allem auch ihre ideologiekritische Seite mit einschließt. Einige Beiträge widmen sich außerdem terminologischen Themen (Mythos, Entmythologisierung, Synkretismus, Entwicklung, Sekte), andere historischen (Mohammed, Verhältnis von Juden, Christen und Muslimen, Frühes Christentum) und wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen (H. Haas, J. Wach, W. Baetke, Eliade, Religionsgeschichtliche Schule). Der einleitende Essay gibt autobiographische Reflexionen wieder, die zum Verständnis der Sammlung nötig sind. Das Buch greift grundlegende Probleme der Rw auf, die bis heute diese Disziplin begleiten, auch wenn verständlicherweise neue Fragestellungen aufgekommen sind, von denen der Verfasser z.B. die der Religion-Umwelt-Beziehung (der älteren Religionsgeographie) aufgreift.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004378766