Fichte, German idealism, and early romanticism /
This volume of 23 previously unpublished essays explores the relationship between the philosophy of J.G. Fichte and that of other leading thinkers associated with German Idealism and the early Romantic movement. Several papers explore the broader question of Fichte's relationship and contribution to "German idealism" and "German romanticism" in general, while others offer comparative studies of the relationship between Fichte's writings and those of Leibniz, Kant, Schelling, Hegel, Friedrich Schlegel, Novalis, Schleiermacher, and Wilhelm von Humboldt. Taken collectively, this set of essays provides anglophone readers with a new and historically accurate understanding of the origin, development, and reception of Fichte's philosophy in the context of its own era and in relationship to the most important intellectual movements of the time. The authors include both well established and internationally recognized experts in their fields as well as younger scholars with fresh and challenging perspectives to offer. This volume proposes a new interpretation of the history of German idealism in general and of the place therein of Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre . It emphasizes the intimate connection between "transcendental idealism" and "German romanticism" and shows how developments within each of these intellectual movements reflected and in turn influenced developments within the other. Finally, it sheds new light on Fichte's own philosophical development and does so by relating the various stages of his writings to other contemporary movements and authors.
1 online resource (vii, 386 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789042030121 :
0927-3816 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Women Writers' Philosophy of Love in German Romanticism : Dialogical Life in Letters /
This monograph spotlights women writers' contributions to the philosophy of German Romanticism. Dorothea Mendelssohn Veit Schlegel, Rahel Levin Varnhagen, Karoline von Günderrode, and Bettina Brentano von Arnim suggested a new vision for an ema
1 online resource (234 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Life and Theology of Alexander Knox (1757-1831) : Anglicanism in the Age of Enlightenment and Romanticism /
In his The Life and Theology of Alexander Knox, David McCready highlights one of the most important figures in the history of Anglicanism. A disciple of John Wesley, Knox presents his mentor as a representative of the Neo-Platonic tradition within Anglicanism, a tradition that Knox himself also exemplifies. Knox also significantly impacted John Henry Newman and the Tractarians. But Alexander Knox is an important theologian in his own right, one who engaged substantially with the main intellectual currents of his day, namely those stemming from the Enlightenment and Romanticism. Meshing Knox's theological teaching on various topics with details of his life, this book offers a fascinating portrait of a man who, in the words of Samuel Taylor Coleridge 'changed the minds, and, with them, the acts of thousands.'.
1 online resource. :
Brill's companion to German romantic philosophy
Early German Romanticism has long been acknowledged as a major literary movement, but only recently have scholars appreciated its philosophical significance as well. This collection of original essays showcases not only the philosophical achievements of early German Romantic writers such as Friedrich Schlegel and Novalis, but also the sophistication, contemporary relevance, and wide-ranging influence of their philosophical contributions. This volume will be of interest both to students looking for an introduction to romanticism as well as to scholars seeking to discover new facets of the movement - a romantic perspective on topics ranging from mathematics to mythology, from nature to literature and language. This volume bears testimony to the enduring and persistent modernity of early German Romantic philosophy.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
Reflexive religion : the new age in Brazil and beyond /
Reflexive Religion: The New Age in Brazil and Beyond examines the rise of alternative spiritualities in contemporary Brazil. Masterfully combining late modern theory with multi-site ethnographies of the New Age, it explains how traditional religion is being transformed by processes of reflexivity, globalization and individualism. The book unveils how the New Age has entered Brazil, was adapted to local Catholic, Spiritist and psychology cultures, and more recently how the Brazilian Nova Era re-enters transnational circuits of spiritual practice. It closely examines Paulo Coelho (spiritualist novels), Projectiology (astral projection) and Santo Daime (neo-shamanism) to understand the broader "new agerization" of Christianity and Spiritualism. Reflexive Religion offers a compelling account of how the religious field is being updated under late modern conditions.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
The boundaries of monotheism : interdisciplinary explorations into the foundations of western monotheism /
What is the significance of monotheism in modern western culture, taking into account both its problematic and promising aspects? Biblical texts and the biblical faith traditions bear a continuous, polemical tension between exclusive and inclusive perceptions and interpretations of monotheism. Western monotheism proves itself to be multi-significant and heterogeneous, producing boundary-setting as well as boundary-crossing tendencies, is the common thesis of the authors of this book, who have been collectively debating this theme for two years in an interdisciplinary scholarly setting. Their contributions range from the fields of biblical and religious studies, history and philosophy of religion, systematic theology, to gender studies in theology and religion.The authors also explain the particular contribution of their own theological discipline to these debates.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [223]-240) and index. :
9789047426639 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Portrayals of Antigone in Portugal : 20th and 21st century rewritings of the Antigone myth /
Portrayals of Antigone in Portugal gathers a collection of essays on the Portuguese drama rewritings of this Theban myth produced in the 20th and 21st centuries. For each of the cases analysed, the Portuguese historical, political and cultural context is described. This perspective is expanded through a dialogue with coeval European events. As concerns Portugal, this results principally in political and feminist approaches to the texts. Since the importation of the Sophoclean model is often indirect, the volume includes comparisons with intermediate sources, namely French (Cocteau, Anouilh) and Spanish (María Zambrano), which were extremely influential on the many and diversified versions written in Portugal during this period.
1 online resource (xii, 361 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004340060 :
2212-9405 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Arabic studies in the Netherlands : a short history in portraits, 1580-1950 /
Arabic is the only living language to have been taught in Dutch higher education for more than four centuries. Practical usefulness, however, has been a prerequisite from the start. Knowledge of Arabic was to promote Dutch interests in the Muslim world, or to help refute Islam. As a cognate of Classical Hebrew, the study of Arabic served as an ancillary science to Biblical studies. Nevertheless, many Arabists such as Thomas Erpenius and Jacobus Golius rose to international distinction. With more than 110 colour illustrations from the Leiden Oriental collections, Arabic Studies in the Netherlands. A Short History in Portraits, 1580-1950 by Arnoud Vrolijk and Richard van Leeuwen will help the reader to gain insight into a fascinating aspect of Dutch intellectual history.
1 online resource. :
The Scottish enlightenment abroad : the Russells of Braidshaw in Aleppo and on the coast of Coromandel /
In The Scottish Enlightenment Abroad , Janet Starkey examines the lives and works of Scots working in the mid eighteenth century with the Levant Company in Aleppo, then within the Ottoman Empire; and those working with the East India Company in India, especially in the fields of natural history, medicine, ethnography and the collection of Arabic and Persian manuscripts. The focus is on brothers from Edinburgh: Alexander Russell MD FRS, Patrick Russell MD FRS, Claud Russell and William Russell FRS. By examining a wide range of modern interpretations, Starkey argues that the Scottish Enlightenment was not just a philosophical discourse but a multi-faceted cultural revolution that owed its vibrancy to ties of kinship, and to strong commercial and intellectual links with Europe and further abroad.
1 online resource (xvi, 467 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004362130 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Between biblical criticism and poetic rewriting : interpretative struggles over Genesis 32:22-32 /
In Between Biblical Criticism and Poetic Rewriting , Samuel Tongue offers an account of the aesthetic and critical tensions inherent in the development of the Higher Criticism of the Bible. Different 'types' of Bible are created through the intellectual and literary pressures of Enlightenment and Romanticism and, as Tongue suggests, it is this legacy that continues to orientate the approaches deemed legitimate in biblical scholarship. Using a number of ancient and contemporary critical and poetic rewritings of Jacob's struggle with the 'angel' (Gen 32:22-32), Tongue makes use of postmodern theories of textual production to argue that it is the 'paragesis', a parasitical form of writing between disciplines, that best foregrounds the complex performativity of biblical interpretation.
1 online resource (pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004271159 :
0928-0731 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Mystik und Idealismus: Eine Lichtung <em>des</em> deutschen Waldes /
The book contains the proceedings of the conference 'A Clearing of the German Forest: Mysticism, Idealism and Romanticism' ( "Eine Lichtung des deutschen Waldes: Mystik, Idealismus und Romantik" ) (May, 19-21, 2016, Dominican Convent, Erfurt), including contributions by some of the most important representatives in this field (Jens Halfwassen, Theo Kobusch, Johann Kreuzer, José, Sánchez de Murillo, Glenn A. Magee, Markus Vinzent, Rudolf K. Weigand, Christian Danz, Markus Enders, et al.). The volume presents articles concerning the relationship of Fichte, Hegel, Hölderlin and Schelling with the most characteristic German mystics. The conference was organized in the context of the research project "A Historical, Philological and Systematic Study on Mystical Reason and its Reception in Schelling's Works", funded by the German Research Foundation. Der Band enthält die Akten der vom 19. bis 21. Mai im Kapitelsaal des Predigerklosters in Erfurt organisierten internationalen interdisziplinären Tagung "Eine Lichtung des deutschen Waldes: Mystik, Idealismus und Romantik", mit Beiträgen von einigen der wichtigsten Forscher in diesem Gebiet (Jens Halfwassen, Theo Kobusch, Johann Kreuzer, José Sánchez de Murillo, Glenn A. Magee, Markus Vinzent, Rudolf K. Weigand, Christian Danz, Markus Enders, usw.). Gesammelt werden in diesem Band die das Verhältnis von Fichte, Hegel, Hölderlin und Schelling zu den zentralen Autoren der deutschen Mystik betreffenden Aufsätze. Die Tagung fand im Kontext des von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft finanzierten Projekts "'Der ewige Begriff des Individuums': Eine historisch-philologische-systematische Untersuchung der mystischen Vernunft und deren Rezeption im Werk Schellings" statt.
1 online resource :
L'Intrigue dénouée. Mythe, littérature et communauté dans la pensée de Jean-Luc Nancy /
Cet ouvrage est la première étude systématique du rapport entre communauté et littérature dans la pensée de Jean-Luc Nancy. L'auteure développe la thèse originale que cette relation doit être comprise comme une refonte du mythe. Traversant l'œuvre de Nancy dans son intégralité, elle démontre de façon incomparable comment s'articulent les questions centrales de la communauté et de la littérature. De plus, en faisant ce lien en termes de « mythe », ce livre situe l'œuvre de Nancy dans une tradition plus large, allant du romantisme allemand aux théories contemporaines de la pertinence sociale de la littérature. This is the first book to provide a systematic investigation of the relation between community and literature in the work of Jean-Luc Nancy. It develops the original claim that this relation has to be understood as a rethinking of myth. Traversing the entirety of Nancy's vast oeuvre, the author offers an incomparable account of the ways in which Nancy's central questions of community and literature are linked together. Moreover, by putting this linkage in terms of 'myth', this book situates Nancy's work within a larger tradition, leading from German Romanticism to contemporary theories of the social relevance of literature.
Cet ouvrage est le premier à proposer une recherche systématique du rapport entre communauté et littérature dans la pensée de Jean-Luc Nancy. L'auteure développe la thèse originale que cette relation doit être comprise comme une refonte du mythe.This is the first book to provide a systematic investigation of the relation between community and literature in the work of Jean-Luc Nancy. The author develops the original claim that this relation has to be understood as a rethinking of myth. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
L'Intrigue dénouée. Mythe, littérature et communauté dans la pensée de Jean-Luc Nancy /
Cet ouvrage est la première étude systématique du rapport entre communauté et littérature dans la pensée de Jean-Luc Nancy. L'auteure développe la thèse originale que cette relation doit être comprise comme une refonte du mythe. Traversant l'œuvre de Nancy dans son intégralité, elle démontre de façon incomparable comment s'articulent les questions centrales de la communauté et de la littérature. De plus, en faisant ce lien en termes de « mythe », ce livre situe l'œuvre de Nancy dans une tradition plus large, allant du romantisme allemand aux théories contemporaines de la pertinence sociale de la littérature. This is the first book to provide a systematic investigation of the relation between community and literature in the work of Jean-Luc Nancy. It develops the original claim that this relation has to be understood as a rethinking of myth. Traversing the entirety of Nancy's vast oeuvre, the author offers an incomparable account of the ways in which Nancy's central questions of community and literature are linked together. Moreover, by putting this linkage in terms of 'myth', this book situates Nancy's work within a larger tradition, leading from German Romanticism to contemporary theories of the social relevance of literature.
Cet ouvrage est le premier à proposer une recherche systématique du rapport entre communauté et littérature dans la pensée de Jean-Luc Nancy. L'auteure développe la thèse originale que cette relation doit être comprise comme une refonte du mythe.This is the first book to provide a systematic investigation of the relation between community and literature in the work of Jean-Luc Nancy. The author develops the original claim that this relation has to be understood as a rethinking of myth. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :