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Published 2016
Sibyls, scriptures, and scrolls : John Collins at seventy /

: This volume, a tribute to John J. Collins by his friends, colleagues, and students, includes essays on the wide range of interests that have occupied John Collins's distinguished career. Topics range from the ancient Near East and the Hebrew Bible to the Dead Sea Scrolls and Second Temple Judaism and beyond into early Christianity and rabbinic Judaism. The contributions deal with issues of text and interpretation, history and historiography, philology and archaeology, and more. The breadth of the volume is matched only by the breadth of John Collins's own work.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004324749 : 1384-2161 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1967
The oracle of Baalbek : the Tiburtine Sibyl in Greek dress /

: Includes the Greek text and an English translation. The Greek text (pages 9-22) is edited on the basis of the Latin versions and the Greek MSS. preserved in codices Athos 1527 (Karakallou 14), Vaticanus Graecus 1120, and Atheniensis Bibliothecae Nationalis 2725 (-- Suppl. 725) : xii, 151 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references.

Published 2012
Greco-Roman culture and the New Testament : studies commemorating the centennial of the Pontifical Biblical Institute /

: Since a number of scholars at the Pontifical Biblical Institute have made important contributions to the study of the New Testament in the context of the Greco-Roman world, it seemed appropriate to devote this volume commemorating the centennial of the Biblicum (1909-2009) to that subject. This book contains nine essays by scholars from Europe, the United States, Australia and Jerusalem, each exploring the ways in which aspects of the New Testament can be illuminated by recourse to Greco-Roman texts.
: 1 online resource (xii, 218 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004226548 : 0167-9732 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
Music and esotericism /

: This collection of essays analyzes the relationships that exist between esotericism and music from Antiquity to the 20th century, investigating ways in which magic, astrology, alchemy, divination, and cabbala interact with music. The volume seeks to dissolve artificial barriers between the history of art, music, science, and intellectual history by establishing an interdisciplinary dialogue about music as viewed against a specific cultural background. The synthesis of scientific and historical contexts with respect to music, explored here on a large scale for the first time, opens up a wealth of new approaches to music historical research, music performance, and musical composition. Each chapter presents either a unique example of music functioning within esoteric and scientific traditions or a demonstration of the influence of those traditions upon selected musical works. L'ouvrage analyse les relations entre l'ésotérisme et la musique de l'Antiquité au 20ème siècle étudiant comment la magie, l'astrologie, l'alchimie, la divination et la cabale ont interagit avec la musique. Il vise à dépasser les frontières entre l'histoire de l'art, l'histoire de la musique et l'histoire des sciences et des idées afin de nouer un dialogue interdisciplinaire sur la musique autour de contextes historiques et scientifiques précis. L'ouvrage offre une première synthèse sur les rapports entre ésotérisme et musique ainsi que diverses pistes de recherche à poursuivre.
: "This volume developed out of the conference "Music and esotericism : art and science of sounds facing the occult knowledge", organized at the Academia Belgica in Rome (14-18 April 2008)"--Introd. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004182790 : 1871-1405 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1994
Religious propaganda and missionary competition in the New Testament world : essays honoring Dieter Georgi /

: Religious Propaganda is a pivotal concept for the Hellenistic and Roman epochs in the History of Religions. The term refers to the various competing religious and philosophical movements and currents during those periods. Renowned scholars (H. Attridge, K. Baltzer, J. Collins, A. Dewey, H. Koester, A.T. Kraabel, D. Lührmann, J. Robinson, W. Schottroff, E. Schüssler Fiorenza, A. Yarbro Collins and others) interpret Pagan, Jewish, and Christian sources with a view toward elucidating the confrontation of Jewish and Christian groups with their respective social, economic, religious, and political contexts. The authors seek to demonstrate the significance of missionary and propagandistic themes as well as strategies for the self-understanding of Jews and Christians at the turn of the eras. The articles, 25 in all, draw upon the broad expanse of scholarly work in the History of Religions pertaining to this period: the authors discuss methodology and the state of research, and they forge ahead in the exploration of the intertestamental and New Testament writings.
: English and German. : 1 online resource (ix, 570 pages) : illustrations. : "Bibliography of Dieter Georgi": pages 551-558.
Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004267084 : 0167-9732 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2006
Virgil, Aeneid 3 : a commentary /

: This is the first detailed commentary on Aeneid 3, being some three times the size of that by R.D.Williams(1962), and aimed at the scholarly public. It treats fully the thorny problem of book 3's place in the growth of the poem, matters of linguistic and textual interpretation, metre, prosody, grammar, lexicon and idiom, as well as Virgil's sources and the literary tradition in which he writes. Full attention is given to matters geographical and nautical. New critical approaches and recent developments in Virgilian studies have been taken into account, with more attention to their spirit than to their language. A text, with translation, and three indices are included.
: 1 online resource (liv, 513 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. xliii-liv) and indexes. : 9789047418245 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2020
Uncovering Jewish Creativity in Book III of the Sibylline Oracles : Gender, Intertextuality, and Politics /

: In Uncovering Jewish Creativity in Book III of the Sibylline oracles, Ashley L. Bacchi reclaims the importance of the Sibyl as a female voice of prophecy and reveals new layers of intertextual references that address political, cultural, and religious dialogue in second-century Ptolemaic Egypt. This investigation stands apart from prior examinations by reorienting the discussion around the desirability of the pseudonym to an issue of gender. It questions the impact of identifying the author's message with a female prophetic figure and challenges the previous identification of paraphrased Greek oracles and their function within the text. Verses previously seen as anomalous are transferred from the role of Greek subterfuge of Jewish identity to offering nuanced support of monotheistic themes.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004426078

Published 2022
,Lieber mit Homer irren'? Scheinbar unmögliche Autopsien in den Totenbegegnungen frühkaiserzeitlicher Epik /

: This monograph examines the literary representation of encounters between the living and the dead in Homer and the Roman epic poets of the early imperial period. The focus is on one particular situation: a witness to the afterlife (e.g. Odysseus or the Sibyl) who narrates encounters with the dead that he or she cannot (it would appear) actually have seen. This insufficiently studied and intriguing motif, namely seemingly impossible eye-witness testimony, can already be traced in Homer and then with variations in Vergil, the Culex poet, Lucan, Silius Italicus, and Statius. Die vorliegende Monographie untersucht die literarische Gestaltung von Begegnungen zwischen Lebenden und Toten bei Homer und den römischen Epikern der frühen Kaiserzeit. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei eine besondere Situation: Ein Jenseitszeuge (z.B. Odysseus oder die Sibylle) berichtet von Begegnungen mit Toten, die er oder sie (scheinbar) nicht gesehen haben kann. Dieses unzureichend erforschte und faszinierende Motiv, nämlich die scheinbar unmögliche Autopsie, lässt sich bereits bei Homer und dann in Variationen bei Vergil, dem Culex-Dichter, Lucan, Silius Italicus und Statius nachweisen.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004511354

Published 2019
Cassius Dio and the Late Roman Republic /

: Cassius Dio's Roman History is an essential, yet still undervalued, source for modern historians of the late Roman Republic. The papers in this volume show how his account can be used to gain new perspectives on such topics as the memory of the conspirator Catiline, debates over leadership in Rome, and the nature of alliance formation in civil war. Contributors also establish Dio as fully in command of his narrative, shaping it to suit his own interests as a senator, a political theorist, and, above all, a historian. Sophisticated use of chronology, manipulation of annalistic form, and engagement with Thucydides are just some of the ways Dio engages with the rich tradition of Greco-Roman historiography to advance his own interpretations.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004405158