Showing 1 - 19 results of 19 for search '"Theological anthropology"', query time: 0.07s Refine Results
Published 1955
Anthropologie réligieuse, L'homme et sa destinée à la lumière de l'histoire des religions.

: 1 online resource. : 9789004377936

Published 1905
De Anthropologie van Zwingli /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004608177

Published 1969
Maqāl fī al-insān : dirāsah Qurʼānīyah /

: 174 pages ; 25 cm. : bibliographical footnotes.

Darʼ taʻāruḍ al-ʻaql wa-n-naql /

: volume <1>, part <1> ; 24 cm.

al-islam wa al-insan /

: pages ; 24 cm

Al-Aliha wa al-nas fi Miṣr /

: Translation of : "Dieux et hommes en Egypte, 3000 av. J.-C.-395 apr. J.-C. : anthropologie religieuse," published by A. Colin, Paris, 1991. : 386 pages : illustrations, map ; 24 cm.

Published 1998
Self, Soul and Body in Religious Experience /

: The papers in this volume were delivered at the first international colloquium by the Jacob Taubes Minerva Center for Religious Anthropology at Bar Ilan University, held in February 1995. Concepts of Self, Soul and Body are so close to the physiological layers of life that we may imagine them to be biological as well; but in fact, they are social constructs, and a source of fundamental metaphors for the classification of experience. They thus help organize the world, at the same time as they express basic human identity. They vary from culture to culture and can productively be compared and contrasted from one setting to another. We intend these papers to be a test case of the benefit to be gained from attention to Religious Anthropology.
: Papers presented at the first international colloquium sponsored by the Jacob Taubes Minerva Center for Religious Anthropology at Bar Ilan University, held in Feb. 1995. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004379008 : 0169-8834 ;

Published 2000
La conception originelle : ses interprétations et fonctions chez les penseurs musulmans : la fiṭra /

: 145 pages ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 2724702670

Published 2022
The Spirit throughout the Canon : Pentecostal Pneumatology /

: Pentecostal forms of Christianity have now taken a dynamic role in contemporary Christianity, often at the vanguard of new movements and spiritual vitality among Christians in the late modern world. The many movements which constitute global Pentecostalism share in common an intense commitment to the Bible and life in the Spirit. Over the past several decades, Pentecostal biblical scholarship has played an important role in resourcing Pentecostal theologies. These elements come together in this volume in which leading Pentecostal biblical scholars from around the world account for the appearance of the divine Spirit, putting forth a defining work from a seminal generation of scholars. Contributors are: J. Ayodeji Adewuya, Kenneth J. Archer, Melissa Archer, Emma M. Austin, Holly Beers, Michael L. Brown, Blaine Charette, Jacob Cherian, Roger D. Cotton, Daniel K. Darko, Finny Philip, Roji Thomas George, Jacqueline Grey, Alicia R. Jackson, Wonsuk Ma, Lee Roy Martin, Robert P. Menzies, Brian Neil Peterson, Rebecca Skaggs, Joe Thomas, John Christopher Thomas, Robby Waddell, Rick Wadholm, Nimi Wariboko, Cynthia Long Westfall.
: The Spirit throughout the Canon brings together leading Pentecostal biblical scholars from across the world as it accounts for the appearance of the divine Spirit from the Pentateuch to the Apocalypse in a defining work for Pentecostal pneumatology. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004518728

Published 2022
The Spirit throughout the Canon : Pentecostal Pneumatology /

: Pentecostal forms of Christianity have now taken a dynamic role in contemporary Christianity, often at the vanguard of new movements and spiritual vitality among Christians in the late modern world. The many movements which constitute global Pentecostalism share in common an intense commitment to the Bible and life in the Spirit. Over the past several decades, Pentecostal biblical scholarship has played an important role in resourcing Pentecostal theologies. These elements come together in this volume in which leading Pentecostal biblical scholars from around the world account for the appearance of the divine Spirit, putting forth a defining work from a seminal generation of scholars. Contributors are: J. Ayodeji Adewuya, Kenneth J. Archer, Melissa Archer, Emma M. Austin, Holly Beers, Michael L. Brown, Blaine Charette, Jacob Cherian, Roger D. Cotton, Daniel K. Darko, Finny Philip, Roji Thomas George, Jacqueline Grey, Alicia R. Jackson, Wonsuk Ma, Lee Roy Martin, Robert P. Menzies, Brian Neil Peterson, Rebecca Skaggs, Joe Thomas, John Christopher Thomas, Robby Waddell, Rick Wadholm, Nimi Wariboko, Cynthia Long Westfall.
: The Spirit throughout the Canon brings together leading Pentecostal biblical scholars from across the world as it accounts for the appearance of the divine Spirit from the Pentateuch to the Apocalypse in a defining work for Pentecostal pneumatology. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004518728

Published 2002
All the glory of Adam : liturgical anthropology in the Dead Sea scrolls /

: All the Glory of Adam examines Dead Sea Scroll texts which pertain to the Qumran community's understanding of (a) a transcendent, angelomorphic or divine humanity and (b) the role of cultic space and time, and the experience of worship, in the formation of such a humanity. The book contains twelve chapters. The first three are devoted to material which either antedates or provides important cognate material to the peculiarly sectarian material studied in the remaining chapters (esp. the Book of Noah and Sirach). Chapters 4-6 examine texts devoted to a divine humanity (4Q381, Hodayoth , 1Q/4QInstruction et cetera), the divine or angelic Moses (4Q374 andamp; 4Q377) and the heavenly human priesthood (1QSb, 4Q511, 4Q418 81, 4Q545, 4Q541, 4Q468b et cetera). The seventh chapter discusses the mystical and theophanic significance of the high priest's breastpiece at Qumran. Chapters 8-11 are a revisionist reading of the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice as a liturgy for a divine humanity and chapter 13 proposes a new interpretation of 1QM 10-17 in the same vein. Apart from all DSS scholars the book will be useful for anyone working on biblical anthropology, messianism and Christology, and temple or cultic theology.
: 1 online resource (xii, 546 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 481-497) and indexes. : 9789004350403 : 0169-9962 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1965
al-Islam wa-al-insan /

: 342 pages ; 25 cm.

Published 2017
Ontological aspects of early Jewish anthropology : the malleable self and the presence of God /

: In Ontological Aspects of Early Jewish Anthropology , Tyson L. Putthoff explores early Jewish beliefs about how the human self reacts ontologically in God's presence. Combining contemporary theory with sound exegesis, Putthoff demonstrates that early Jews widely considered the self to be intrinsically malleable, such that it mimics the ontological state of the space it inhabits. In divine space, they believed, the self therefore shares in the ontological state of God himself. The book is critical for students and scholars alike. In putting forth a new framework for conceptualising early Jewish anthropology, it challenges scholars to rethink not only what early Jews believed about the self but how we approach the subject in the first place.
: "This book is a revision of my doctoral thesis, completed at Durham University"--Acknowledgements. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004336414 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1971
Paul's anthropological terms

: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004332911 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2014
The Sufi doctrine of man : ?adr al-Din al-Qunawi's metaphysical anthropology /

: In The Sufi Doctrine of Man , Richard Todd examines the life and thought of Ibn 'Arabī's chief disciple, Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Qūnawī (13th century C.E.). Making use of manuscript sources, he analyzes and contextualizes Qūnawī's esoteric vision of the nature and purpose of human existence, a doctrine which incorporates core elements of Qūnawī's metaphysics, cosmology, psychology, and eschatology. Qūnawī's thought is placed in relation to Ibn 'Arabī's and that of the Ikhwān al-Ṣafā', and his interaction with the Avicennian tradition is explored by focusing on his dialogue with the philosopher al-Ṭūsī. Although not as famous as his master, Qūnawī is shown to have been a sophisticated metaphysician in his own right, who had a major impact on Sufi thought.
: 1 online resource (pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004271265 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2011
The quest for a common humanity human dignity and otherness in the religious traditions of the Mediterranean /

: The worldview that all human beings belong to one big family has, in the history of religions, never been taken for granted. Moreover, human rights are a modern notion that should not be projected back onto the sacred texts of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. However, from the Hellenistic period onwards one encounters the idea of human duties towards not only parents, neighbours and fellow citizens but to all human beings. This volume explores the development of this idea from Antiquity to the present time focussing on the \'other\' as \'neighbour, enemy, and infidel\', on the interpretation of the Biblical story of Abraham´s sacrifice and on ancient and modern ethical and legal implications of the concept of human dignity.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004211124

Published 1999
Human nature in Gregory of Nyssa : philosophical background and theological significance /

: This volume explores Gregory Of Nyssa's concept of human nature. It argues that the frequent use Gregory makes of phusis -terminology is not only a terminological predilection, but rather the key to the philosophical and theological foundations of his thought. Starting from an overview of the theological landscape in the early 360's the study first demonstrates the meaning and relevance of universal human nature as an analogy for the Trinity in Cappadocian theology. The second part explores Gregory's use of this same notion in his teaching on the divine economy. It is argued that Gregory takes this philosophical theory into the service of his own theology. Ultimately the book provides an example for the mutual interaction of philosophy and Christian theology in the fourth century.
: Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral)--University of Oxford in Michaelmas, 1997. : 1 online resource (ix, 271 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004274327 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2006
Die Würde des Menschen : ein Beitrag zur Anthropologie in der alten Kirche /

: There can be no doubt that there is a link between early Christian statements on human dignity and the corresponding modern concept, as it appears ever more frequently in current bioethical debates. This study attempts to throw light on the surprisingly complex process of the emergence of such a Christian concept of human dignity in antiquity and portrays it as a process governed by contradictions and antagonisms: between biblical and platonic anthropology; between a platonic and a stoic perception of humanity; between gnostic and antignostic cosmology; between biblically based criticism of human culture on the one hand and heilsgeschichtlichem cultural optimism on the other hand; between Greek and Roman thinking. This history of the idea of the "dignity of man" is being recounted taking into consideration the complex matrix of Christian theory and practice (including issues such as worship, contraception and abortion), piety and theological reflection, ethics, liturgy and theological as well as cutural anthropology. *** Bei dieser Studie handelt es sich um den Versuch einer zusammenfassenden Darstellung der christlich-antiken Auseinandersetzung mit der Würde des menschlichen Lebens Diese wird nicht nur gegenwärtig etwa in der Bioethik wieder kontrovers diskutiert, sondern ist auch in der Antike ein Feld philosophischer und theologischer Überlegungen gewesen. Volp fragt, inwieweit sich in den Schriften der antiken christlichen Denker die Vorstellung einer mit einer besonderen Würde ausgestatteten gemein-menschlichen Natur findet, die Menschen von Tieren und von belebter und unbelebter Materie unterscheidet, und wie diese Natur gefaßt und begründet wird. Ausgehend von der These, daß diese Überlegungen nicht nur Auswirkungen auf die ethische und religiöse Praxis der Alten Kirche hatten, sondern umgekehrt auch entscheidend von ihr geprägt wurden, konzentriert sich die Arbeit nicht nur auf die theoretischen Äußerungen der Kirchenväter, sondern bezieht ethische Konkretionen (Schwangerschaftsabbruch, Umgang mit Menschen mit Behinderungen, Krieg) und den christlichen Kult mit in die Untersuchung ein. Zum Vorschein kommt ein überraschend komplexes Bild einer alles andere als selbstverständlichen geistesgeschichtlichen Entwicklung, deren Folgen bis in die heutige Zeit nachwirken.
: 1 online resource (466 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 375-427) and indexes. : 9789047411277 : 0920-623X ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2006
Der Mensch als Gottes Bild im christlichen Ägypten : Studien zu Gen 1,26 in zwei koptischen Quellen des 4.-5. Jahrhunderts /

: Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral - Tübingen, 2001) under the title : Die Gottebenbildlichkeit des Menschen in zwei koptischen Texten des 4.-5. Jahrhunderts. : ix, 262 pages ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages [233]-248) and indexes. : 3161486587 :