On Theology: Herman Bavinck's Academic Orations /
On Theology: Herman Bavinck's Academic Orations presents four previously untranslated works by Herman Bavinck (1854-1921). These works offer important insights into Bavinck's conceptualisation of the discipline of theology, its place in the modern university, and the relation in which theology stands to religion. In the introductory essay, Bruce R. Pass draws attention to the way these speeches shed light on the development of Bavinck's thought across his tenure at the Kampen Theological School and the Free University of Amsterdam as well as the complex relationship in which Bavinck's thought stands to that of Friedrich Schleiermacher.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Context and Catholicity in the Science and Religion Debate : Intercultural contributions from French-speaking Africa /
For years the fact that the debate on science and religion was not related to cultural diversity was considered only a minor issue. However, lately, there is a growing concern that the dominance of 'Western' perspectives in this field do not allow for new understandings. This book testifies to the growing interest in the different cultural embeddings of the science and religion interface and proposes a framework that makes an intercultural debate possible. This proposal is based on a thorough study of the 'lived theology' of Christian students and university professors in Abidjan, Kinshasa and Yaoundé. The outcomes of the field research are related to a worldwide perspective of doing theology and a broader scope of scholarly discussions.
1 online resource. :
Untouchable Bodies, Resistance, and Liberation : A Comparative Theology of Divine Possessions /
In Untouchable Bodies, Resistance, and Liberation, Joshua Samuel constructs an embodied comparative theology of liberation by comparing divine possessions among Hindu and Christian Dalits in South India. Critiquing the problems inherent in prioritizing texts when studying religious traditions, Samuel calls for the need to engage in body and people centered interreligious learning. This comparative theological reading of ecstatic experiences of the divine in Dalit bodies in Hinduism and Christianity brings out the powerful liberative potential inherent in the bodies of the oppressed, enabling us to identify alternative modes of resistance and new avenues of liberation among those who are dehumanized and discriminated, and to find deeper and meaningful ways of speaking about God in the context of oppression.
1 online resource. :
The Life and Theology of Alexander Knox (1757-1831) : Anglicanism in the Age of Enlightenment and Romanticism /
In his The Life and Theology of Alexander Knox, David McCready highlights one of the most important figures in the history of Anglicanism. A disciple of John Wesley, Knox presents his mentor as a representative of the Neo-Platonic tradition within Anglicanism, a tradition that Knox himself also exemplifies. Knox also significantly impacted John Henry Newman and the Tractarians. But Alexander Knox is an important theologian in his own right, one who engaged substantially with the main intellectual currents of his day, namely those stemming from the Enlightenment and Romanticism. Meshing Knox's theological teaching on various topics with details of his life, this book offers a fascinating portrait of a man who, in the words of Samuel Taylor Coleridge 'changed the minds, and, with them, the acts of thousands.'.
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Metaphors in the Narrative of Ephesians 2:11-22 : Motion towards Maximal Proximity and Higher Status /
Oscar E. Jiménez opens up the multi-dimensional implications of Ephesians 2:11-22 for narrative and theological analysis, demonstrating that each metaphor in the text blends and creates a single, complex narrative. Concentric spatial places construct the text's landscape on which the Gentiles move, each place representing increasing intimacy and familiarity through national, familial, architectural, and cultic images. Christ is the vehicle of that motion, and also the agent, breaking down walls and abolishing enmity, and ultimately building the structure as both builder and cornerstone. This will be an important book for New Testament scholars and scholars interested in the use of linguistics in Biblical studies, in particular literary and narrative analysis to the New Testament epistles.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Takfīr im militanten Salafismus : a Der Staat als Feind /
With this work, Justyna Nedza presents the first comprehensive analysis of the theologically charged legal practice of "declaring someone an unbeliever" ( takfir ) in militant Salafist thought. Her investigation zooms in on the role of takfir in the formal legitimization of militant jihad against government institutions. Investigating both the Egyptian and Saudi Arabian case, Nedza demonstrates the importance of the regional context in shaping consistent legal arguments for the legitimacy of takfir of collectives. The careful analysis of the arguments of four selected militant Salafist authors brings out that this contextuality plays also a decisive role for the respective textual references, as well as shaping the conclusions drawn by the Egyptian and Saudi Arabian authors, respectively. In dieser Arbeit präsentiert Justyna Nedza die erste umfassende Analyse der theologisch aufgeladenen Rechtspraxis des "Apostasievorwurfs" ( takfīr ) im Milieu des militanten "Salafismus". Dabei liegt ein besonderer Fokus auf der rechtlichen Begründung von gewaltsamen Widerstand ( ǧihād ) gegen staatliche Organe in muslimischen Mehrheitsgesellschaften, sowie die hiermit verbundene Ausweitung dieses Rechtsmittels vom Individuum auf Kollektive. Anhand der komparatistischen Untersuchung der Schriften von vier ausgewählten Autoren aus Ägypten und Saudi-Arabien zeigt Nedza, dass deren divergenter nationaler Kontext eine entscheidende Rolle sowohl für ihre jeweiligen textlichen Referenzrahmen als auch ihre entsprechenden Schlussfolgerungen spielt. Damit wird die bisher weithin akzeptierte These vom "Salafismus" als global einheitlichem Phänomen auf den Prüfstand gehoben.
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Fragile identities : towards a theology of interreligious hospitality /
Interreligious dialogue is one of the major challenges confronting contemporary theology. In particular, the so-called "dialogical tension" between openness and identity has been a central issue: Can one maintain one's religious identity without closing oneself off from the other? In general, Christian reflection on interreligious dialogue begins with a theological reflection on religious plurality that assumes that one cannot engage seriously in interreligious dialogue without a sound theology of religions. In this book Marianne Moyaert critically assesses the various models for a Christian theology of religions (exclusivism, inclusivism, pluralism, particularism) by asking how these models relate to the dialogical tension between openness and identity. She argues that we need to overcome the classical theological approach of religious plurality and move in the direction of a theological hermeneutics of interreligious hospitality. To that end she turns to the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur, whose philosophical and hermeneutical insights can give a new turn to the discussion of the criteria, possibilities, and particularly the limits of interreligious dialogue.
"A different version of chapter six (201-19) originally appeared in Horizons: the journal fo the College Theology Society 36 (2009) ... and a shorter version of chapter six (219-32) in Exchange: journal of missiological and ecumenical research 37 (2008)"--Title page verso. :
1 online resource (352 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 315-339) and indexes. :
9789042032804 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Religion inside and outside traditional institutions /
Changes in the religious landscape present challenges to conceptualization, methodology and empirical research of religion. The volume, Religion inside and outside Traditional Institutions , which includes contributions to the 2nd conference of the International Society for Empirical Research in Theology (ISERT) in Bielefeld, Germany, responds to these contemporary challenges. While the concept of religious praxis is their common theme, they include a focus on deinstitutionalized religion. The contributions in the first part present and discuss a variety of innovative conceptual, paradigmatic and methodological approaches. Distinguished reports from quantitative and qualitative empirical research make up the second part of this volume. Taken together, they may inspire conceptual and methodological discussion and encourage further research in empirical theology. Contributors include: Johannes A. van der Ven, Leslie J. Francis, Hans-Günter Heimbrock, Tobias Kläden, Chris Hermans, Hans Schilderman, Kees de Groot, Don S. Browning, Stefan Huber, Ulrich Feeser-Lichterfeld, Anke Terörde, Angela Kaupp, Astrid Dinter, Carsten Gennerich.
"This volume has grown out of and includes contributions to the second conference of the International Society for Empirical Research in Theology which took place in April 2004 in Bielefeld, Germany"--P. 3. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047419716 :
1389-1189 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Lived Experiences and Social Transformations : Poetics, Politics and Power Relations in Practical Theology /
Practices of sharing marginalised lived experiences are framed as providing insight into injustices; yet social inequalities influence whose experiences, and whose interpretations of these experiences, are seen as valid. Lived Experiences and Social Transformations analyses academic and activist encounters with lived experiences, arguing that these practices reinforce or disrupt power relations. Through the example of UK activists sharing their experiences of poverty, Wren Radford advocates for collaborative interventions that emphasise the critical, creative knowledges enmeshed in marginalised experiences. The book compellingly enacts this approach to practical theology; rooted in concrete issues and argued through poetic writing, artwork, and interdisciplinary sources.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Yearbook of Chinese Theology /
The Yearbook of Chinese Theology is an international, ecumenical and fully peer-reviewed annual that covers Chinese Christianity in the areas of Biblical Studies, Church History, Systematic Theology, Practical Theology, and Comparative Religions. It offers genuine Chinese theological research previously unavailable in English, by top scholars in the study of Christianity in China. The 2020 volume highlights the five-disciplines of Sino-Western Studies and its guest editor is Thomas Qinghe Xiao.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Lived religion : conceptual, empirical and practical-theological approaches : essays in honor of Hans-Günter Heimbrock /
Lived religion' signifies a shift of focus in order to attend to the religiosity of individuals and groups as embedded in the contexts of life-worlds. It suggests fresh attention to the body, to perception, to experience, to everyday life, and to biography. The essays in this collection gravitate around the concept of 'lived religion', honoring the contributions of Hans-Günter Heimbrock , in which he suggests this conceptual framework for understanding practical theology and religious education and for designing empirical research in theology. The contributions embrace a broad spectrum and include empirical studies, exegetical and historical investigations, contributions on practical theology as well as on the theory and practice of religious education, inviting further reflection and discussion about 'lived religion.'
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047432289 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Christian Faith and Violence 2 /
Volumes 10 and 11 of Studies in Reformed Theology consist of the texts written for the fifth international conference of the International Reformed Theological Institute (IRTI) , which was dedicated to the theme, 'Christian Faith and Violence'. Specific theological questions were at the core of the discussions, e.g. what does violence imply for the doctrine of God? How to deal with biblical stories and commands that often contain an overwhelmingly violent character? What about applying christian ethics in situations of violence that we are exposed to? What is our calling in situations of oppression and a longing for liberation and justice?.
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Conundrums in practical theology /
In this landmark volume, internationally recognized scholars address key intellectual and practical conundrums that not only trouble practical theology but also reflect biases and breakdowns in the construction of theological knowledge in academy and religious communities at large. With critical facility and unheralded honesty that includes reflexivity about their own lives in the academy, the authors tackle complex issues that refuse easy solutions- racism, hierarchy of theory over practice, devaluation of small case studies, risks of interdisciplinarity to scholarly identity, inequities between Christian traditions, unreflective Christian-centrism, and tensions between the production of scholarship and public service. Outcomes of these issues will have serious implications for the discipline and the study of theology for years to come. Contributors include Tom Beaudoin, Eileen R. Campbell-Reed, Faustino M. Cruz, Jaco Dreyer, Courtney T. Goto, Tone Stangeland Kaufman, Joyce Ann Mercer, Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore, Phillis Isabella Sheppard, Katherine Turpin, Claire E. Wolfteich.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004324244 :
2352-9288 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.