Thrace through the ages : pottery as evidence for commerce and culture from prehistoric times to the Islamic period /
This volume draws attention to the importance of pottery evidence in evaluating archaeological material from Thrace. It considers the informative value of pottery in tracing cultural and political phases, by providing us with important data about production centres, commercial relations, daily life, religious rituals and burial customs.
Also issued in print: 2023. :
1 online resource (382 pages) : illustrations (colour), maps (colour) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781803274621 (PDF ebook) :
Inter Moesos et Thraces : the rural hinterland of Novae in Lower Moesia (1st-6th centuries AD) /
Excavations at the Roman legionary base at Novae in Lower Moesia reveal one of the most important sites in the Lower Danubian provinces. Towards late Antiquity, the military camp was transformed into a civil town with Episcopal residence and survived until the beginning of the 7th century.
Previously issued in print: 2016. :
1 online resource. :
Specialized. :
9781784913700 (ebook) :
Inter Moesos et Thraces : the rural hinterland of Novae in Lower Moesia (1st-6th centuries AD) /
Excavations at the Roman legionary base at Novae in Lower Moesia reveal one of the most important sites in the Lower Danubian provinces. Towards late Antiquity, the military camp was transformed into a civil town with Episcopal residence and survived until the beginning of the 7th century.
Previously issued in print: 2016. :
1 online resource. :
Specialized. :
9781784913700 (ebook) :
Who were the plunderers of Salmydessus? /
A discussion of ten references (from different periods) concerning the piratical activities of the Thracians at Salmydessus in an attempt to identify who these Thracians were. It is a historical work, with a strong element of Quellenforschung, and provides a comprehensive examination of the literary and epigraphic evidence relevant to the topic.
Also issued in print: 2022. :
1 online resource (x, 90 pages) : illustrations (colour), maps (colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781803272788 (PDF ebook) : :
Open access.
Eastern cults in Moesia Inferior and Thracia (5th century BC-4th century AD) /
Translation of: Istorii͡a na iztochnite kultove v Dolna Mizii͡a i Trakii͡a V v pr. n.e.--IV v ot n.e.
Includes indexes. :
1 online resource (xxx, 306 pages, 92, [4] pages of plates) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. xii-xxx). :
9789004295735 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The policy of Darius and Xerxes towards Thrace and Macedonia /
In The Policy of Darius and Xerxes towards Thrace and Macedonia Miroslav Vasilev analyses in detail the policy of the Persian kings towards their European possessions in the years 514-465 BC. The book examines the status of Macedonian rulers under the Persian kings, as well as the status of the Thracian territories conquered as a result of the campaigns of Darius and Megabazus. In addition, the author localizes many tribes, rivers, lakes, mountains, and other geographical features of primary importance in defining the territorial span of the European lands conquered by the Persians. Vasilev examines literary sources, epigraphic evidence, coins, and archaeological finds relevant to the topic.
1 online resource (xi, 257 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004282155 :
2352-8656 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Sinope :the results of fifteen years of research /
Les premières fouilles archéologiques furent entreprises à Sinope entre 1951 et 1953. Des travaux ponctuels ont ensuite été menés, mais ce n'est qu'au début des années 90 que Sinope a connu un regain d'intérêt et que l'activité archéologique s'est développée à l'échelle internationale, avec tout d'abord les fouilles des ateliers amphoriques, puis divers programmes terrestres et sous-marins. Les Actes du Symposium international rassemblent les résultats de ces travaux, ainsi que les recherches consacrées à l'histoire de cette ville, depuis sa fondation jusqu'à la période seldjoukide, à ses productions artisanales, à son commerce et à ses relations avec le reste de la mer Noire.
"Proceedings of the International Symposium, 7-9 May 2009." :
1 online resource (viii, 599 pages) : illustrations (some color) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004223882 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The expansion of Christianity : a gazetteer of its first three centuries /
This volume covers the geographical spread of Christianity in its first three centuries. It is arranged by continents - Asia, Europe and Africa - to show the gradual development of Christian communities down to the Council of Nicaea in 325. The area surveyed stretches from Wales to the borders of India, and from the Northern coasts of the Black Sea to the plains of Morocco. The result is a picture not only of the outward development of early Christianity but of the variety that existed within it as well.
1 online resource (x, 407 pages) : maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 347-385) and index. :
9789047402329 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Rome and the worlds beyond its frontiers /
This volume offers an expansive approach to interactions between Romans and those beyond the borders of Rome. The range of papers included here is wide, both in terms of subject matter and with respect to approach. That said, a number of important themes bind the essays. Who is an insider, and who the outsider? How were these categories of person, or identity, fashioned and/or recognized in antiquity? How shall we recognize them now? What are the categories, or standards, for measuring or determining inside and outside in the Roman world? And then, of course, what are the repercussions when inside and outside come into contact? What happens when the outside is in, or the inside out?
1 online resource (xii, 262 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004326750 :
1572-0500 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Regional Urban Systems in the Roman World, 150 BCE - 250 CE /
The focus of Regional Urban Systems in the Roman World is on urban hierarchies and interactions in large geographical areas rather than on individual cities. Based on a painstaking examination of archaeological and epigraphic evidence relating to more than 1,000 cities, the volume offers comprehensive reconstructions of the urban systems of Roman Gaul, North Africa, Sicily, Greece and Asia Minor. In addition it examines the transformation of the settlement systems of the Iberian Peninsula and the central and northern Balkan following the imposition of Roman rule. Throughout the volume regional urban configurations are examined from a rich variety of perspectives, ranging from climate and landscape, administration and politics, economic interactions and social relationships all the way to region-specific ways of shaping the townscapes of individual cities.
1 online resource. :
Brill's companion to Thucydides /
This volume on Thucydides, the most important historian of the ancient world, comprises articles by thirty leading international scholars. The contributions cover a wide range of issues, including Thucydides' life, intellectual milieu and predecessors, Thucydides and the act of writing, his rhetoric, historical method and narrative techniques, narrative unity in the History, the speeches, Thucydides' reliability as a historian, and his legacy through the centuries. Other topics dealt with include warfare, religion, individuals, democracy and oligarchy, the invention of political science, Thucydides and Athens, Sparta, Macedonia/Thrace, Sicily/South Italy, Persia, and the Argives. The volume aims to provide a survey of current trends in Thucydidean studies which will be of interest to all students of ancient history. Brill's Companion to Thucydides was awarded Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2007 .
1 online resource (xix, 947 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 839-882) and indexes. :
9789047404842 :
1872-3357 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Brill's companion to ancient Macedon : studies in the archaeology and history of Macedon, 650 BC-300 AD /
In the past 35 years our archaeological and epigraphic evidence for the history and culture of ancient Macedon has been transformed. This book brings together the leading Greek archaeologists and historians of the area in a major collaborative survey of the finds and their interpretation, many of them unpublished outside Greece. The recent, immensely significant excavations of the palace of King Philip II are published here for the first time. Major new chapters on the Macedonians' Greek language, civic life, fourth and third century BC kings and court accompany specialist surveys of the region's art and coinage and the royal palace centres of Pella and Vergina, presented here with much new evidence. This book is the essential companion to Macedon, packed with new information and bibliography which no student of the Greek world can now afford to neglect.
1 online resource (xiii, 642 pages, [72] pages of plates) : illustrations (some color), maps (some color) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004209237 :
1872-3357 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ancient Greeks west and east /
This volume deals with the concept of 'West' and 'East', as held by the ancient Greeks. Cultural exchange in Archaic and Classical Greece through the establishment of Hellenic colonies around the ancient world was an important development, and always a two-way process. To achieve a proper understanding of it requires study from every angle. All 24 papers in this volume combine different types of evidence, discussing them from every perspective: they are examined not only from the point of view of the Greeks but from that of the locals. The book gives new data, as well as re-examining existing evidence and reinterpreting old theories. The book is richly illustrated.
1 online resource (xxi, 623 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004351257 :
0169-8958. Supplementum ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Nile into Tiber : Egypt in the Roman world : proceedings of the IIIrd International Conference of Isis Studies, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, May 11-14, 2005 /
Interest in all kinds of interactions between Egypt and Rome has grown considerably over the last decade. This debate has not only altered our views on the impact of Rome on Alexandria and Egypt but also strongly put to the fore the reverse direction of this cultural interaction: Egyptian influences on the Roman world. It is this topic, Egypt in the Roman World , that was central to the IIIrd International Conference of Isis Studies, held in Leiden in May 2005. This book, a selection of the papers delivered at the conference, gives a clear overview of the debate as it has developed in recent years. In two parts (I. Interpretations of the meaning of Aegyptiaca Romana and II. Understanding the cults of Isis in their local context )preceded by a general introduction it offers a broad perspective on the various aspects of cultural interaction between Egypt and Rome, also by bringing together different research traditions in this field.
1 online resource (xxv, 562 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047411130 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Roman war of Antiochos the Great /
This is the first detailed study of the collision of the two greatest powers of the Hellenistic world. The Roman Republic, victorious over Carthage and Macedon, met the Seleukid kingdom, which had crushed Ptolemaic Egypt. The preliminary diplomatic sparring was complicated by Rome's attempts to control Greece, and by the military activities of Antiocohos the Great, and ended in war. Despite well-meaning attempts on both sides to avoid and solve disputes, areas of disagreement could not be removed. Each great power was hounded by the ambitions of its subsidiary clients. When the Aitolian League deliberately challenged Rome, and Rome seemed not to respond, Antiochos moved into Greece to take Rome's place. The Roman reaction produced the war, and a complex campaign by land and sea resulted in another Roman victory.
1 online resource (xii, 386 pages) : maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 369-373) and index. :
9789004350861 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.