Political and social change in modern Egypt : historical studies from the Ottoman conquest to the United Arab Republic /
: "The essays printed in this volume represent, in revised form, papers contributed to a Conference on the Modern History of Egypt, held in April 1965 at the School of Oriental and African Studies in the University of London." : xx, 400 pages : 3 plates, 1 illustrations, facsimiles, maps ; 25 cm : Includes bibliographical references. : wafaa.lib.
Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazzālī fī al-dhikrá al-miʼawīyah al-tāsiʻah li-milādih. /
"Majmūʻat al-kalimāt wa-al-buḥūth allatī ulqiyat fī al-mahrajān alladhī aqāmahu al-Majlis bi-madīnat Dimashq fī al-maddah min 27 ilá 31 min Māris sanat 1961."
Contributions in Arabic, English, and French. :
19, 864 pages ; 24 cm.