Vergil's Aeneid : a poem of grief and love /
For more than a century, critics of the Aeneid have assumed that all or most of its episodes must propound something about Aeneas and his mission to found the Roman people, and through them about Rome and Augustus; whether that is their positive aspects, or their brutality and destructiveness, or the contrast between the public "voice" of their achievements and the private "voice" of the suffering they cause. This book argues that this assumption is wrong; the Aeneid 's main purpose was to present a series of emotionally moving episodes, especially pathetic ones. This book shows that the Aeneid makes more sense when regarded primarily as a series of emotion-arousing episodes than as expressing a pro-Aeneas, anti-Aeneas or two voices message. That is how it was regarded into the nineteenth century and that is what the ancient Greeks and Romans assumed was the main purpose of literature.
1 online resource (xii, 174 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 165-171) and index. :
9789004329188 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Tenses in Vergil's Aeneid : narrative style and structure /
The narrative style of the Aeneid suggests immediacy and involves the reader, while at the same time both narrator and reader know what the outcomes of the story will be. In 'Tenses in Vergil's Aeneid: Narrative Style and Structure' , Suzanne Adema investigates the role of the Latin tenses in this presentational style. Adema presents a framework to analyze and describe the use of tenses in Latin narrative texts from a linguistic and narratological point of view. The framework concerns the temporal relations between a narrator and the states of affairs in his story on the sentence level, discourse modes on the global text level and narrative progression on the level of narrative and descriptive sequences.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Clio and the poets : Augustan poetry and the traditions of ancient historiography /
The Augustan age was one in which writers were constantly reworking the Roman past, and which was marked by a profound engagement of poets with the historians and historical techniques which were the main vehicle for the transmission of the image of the past to their day. In this book seventeen leading scholars from Europe and America examine the fascinating interaction between such apparently diverse genres: how the Augustan poets drew on - or reacted against - the historians' presentation of the world, and how, conversely, historians picked up and transformed poetic themes for their own ends. With essays on poems from Horace's Odes to Ovid's Metamorphoses , on authors from Virgil to Valerius Maximus, it forms the most important topic so central to such a particulary relevant period of literary history.
Selected papers given at a conference at the University of Durham in 1999. :
1 online resource (xv, 396 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 363-379) and index. :
9789047400493 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Textual strategies in ancient war narrative : Thermopylae, Cannae and beyond /
In this collected volume fourteen experts in the fields of Classics and Ancient History study the textual strategies used by Herodotus and Livy when recounting the disastrous battles at Thermopylae and Cannae. Literary, linguistic and historical approaches are used (often in combination) in order to enhance and enrich the interpretation of the accounts, which for obvious reasons confronted the authors with a special challenge. Chapters drawing a comparison with other battle narratives and with other genres help to establish genre-specific elements in ancient historiography, and draw attention to the particular techniques employed by Herodotus and Livy in their war narratives.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
City, countryside, and the spatial organization of value in classical antiquity /
The third in a series that explores cultural and ethical values in Classical antiquity, this volume examines the dichotomy between 'city' and 'country' in ancient Greek and Roman cultures. Fourteen papers address a variety of topics on this theme, and include a variety of methodological approaches-archaeological, iconographic, literary and philosophical. The book demonstrates that, despite a common rhetoric of polarity in antiquity that tended to construct city and countryside as very distinct, oppositional categories, there was far less consistency (and far more nuance) about the ideologies felt to inhere in each.
1 online resource (x, 384 pages) : illustrations, maps, plans. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047409182 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Sermo iuris : Rechtssprache und Recht in der augusteischen Dichtung /
Law played a key role in the workings of Roman culture, and legal discourse was important even in non-legal Latin literature. A proper understanding of that literature requires an investigation of the ways legal language is used. Nevertheless, legal elements have so far been widely neglected by scholars of Latin literature, in particular Augustan poetry. After an examination of legal language as a technical discourse and its role in Latin prose, the present book is devoted to a detailed analysis of legal language and imagery in the work of the Augustan poets. It will, therefore, allow for a better appreciation of these poems as well as of their significance for Augustan culture in the broad sense. In der römischen Kultur ist das Recht von zentraler Bedeutung, und Rechtsdiskurse spielen auch in der außerjuristischen Literatur eine prominente Rolle. Für das Verständnis der lateinischen Literatur ist die Betrachtung ihres Umgangs mit der Rechtssprache daher unerlässlich. Dennoch haben die rechtlichen Elemente in diesen Texten bislang kaum Beachtung gefunden. Dies gilt insbesondere für die augusteische Dichtung. Das vorliegende Buch geht zunächst der Frage nach, inwieweit die Rechtssprache von den Römern selbst als Fachsprache wahrgenommen wurde, und betrachtet ihre Verwendung im gemeinsprachlichen Kontext römischer Prosaschriften. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Analyse von Sprache und Bildwelt des Rechts in den Werken der augusteischen Dichter. Die Arbeit trägt damit zu einem besseren Verständnis dieser Gedichte und ihrer Bedeutung im Rahmen der augusteischen Kultur bei.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [381]-401) and indexes. :
9789047429913 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Writing politics in Imperial Rome /
Roman literature is inherently political in the varied contexts of its production and the abiding concerns of its subject matter. This collection examines the strategies and techniques of political writing at Rome in a broad range of literature spanning almost two centuries, differing political systems, climates, and contexts. It applies a definition of politics that is more in keeping with modern critical approaches than has often been the case in studies of the political literature of classical antiquity. By applying a wide variety of critically informed viewpoints, this volume offers the reader not only a long view of the abiding techniques, strategies, and concerns of political expression at Rome but also many new perspectives on individual authors of the early empire and their republican precursors.
1 online resource (xii, 539 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 483-512) and indexes. :
9789004217133 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The language of literature : linguistic approaches to classical texts /
This volume is a collection of papers revealing the largely unexplored boundary between linguistic and literary approaches to classical texts. Eleven contributions by various scholars discuss a wide range of linguistic and literary apects of classical texts: the narratee in the prologues of Sophocles' Trachiniae and of Euripides, the chronology in Pindar's Odes, the relation between tense-aspect and Discourse Modes in Thucydides, Xenophon, Vergil and Ovid, the use of aspect in the Law Code of Gortyn, expressions of futurity and the word order of adjectives in Herodotus, and, finally, ancient and modern views on word order. Following an interdisciplinary approach, all contributions aim at bridging the gap between linguistic and literary study of classical texts.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [233]-241) and index. :
9789047421801 :
1380-6068 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Emperors and historiography : collected essays on the literature of the Roman Empire by Daniël den Hengst /
In this collection of essays Roman historical and biographical texts are studied from a literary point of view. The main interest of the author, Daniël den Hengst, professor emeritus of Latin at the University of Amsterdam, concerns the development of Roman historiography, the ways in which Roman historians present their work and the intertextual relations between these works and other literary genres. Special attention is given to the Historia Augusta and Ammianus Marcellinus, but also authors from the classical period, such as Cicero, Livy and Suetonius and their ideas about historiography are discussed. The articles demonstrate that a detailed interpretation of these texts in the original language is indispensable to understanding the aims and methods of ancient historians and biographers.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 5-11, 333-344) and indexes. :
9789004193222 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Free speech in classical antiquity /
This book contains a collection of essays on the notion of "Free Speech" in classical antiquity. The essays examine such concepts as "freedom of speech," "self-expression," and "censorship," in ancient Greek and Roman culture from historical, philosophical, and literary perspectives. Among the many questions addressed are: what was the precise lexicographical valence of the ancient terms we routinely translate as \'Freedom of Speech,\' e.g., Parrhesia in Greece, Licentia in Rome? What relationship do such terms have with concepts such as isêgoria , dêmokratia and eleutheria ; or libertas , res publica and imperium ? What does ancient theorizing about free speech tell us about contemporary relationships between power and speech? What are the philosophical foundations and ideological underpinnings of free speech in specific historical contexts?
Consists of a collection of papers presented at the second Penn-Leiden Colloquium on Ancient Values, held in June 2002 at the University of Pennsylvania. :
1 online resource (xii, 450 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047405689 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Aesthetic value in classical antiquity /
How do people respond to and evaluate their sensory experiences of the natural and man-made world? What does it mean to speak of the 'value' of aesthetic phenomena? And in evaluating human arts and artifacts, what are the criteria for success or failure? The sixth in a series exploring 'ancient values', this book investigates from a variety of perspectives aesthetic value in classical antiquity. The essays explore not only the evaluative concepts and terms applied to the arts, but also the social and cultural ideologies of aesthetic value itself. Seventeen chapters range from the 'life without the Muses' to 'the Sublime', and from philosophical views to middle-brow and popular aesthetics. Aesthetic value in classical antiquity should be of interest to classicists, cultural and art historians, and philosophers.
Title from PDF title page (viewed on Oct. 2, 2012). :
1 online resource (484 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004232822 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Between orality and literacy : communication and adaptation in antiquity /
The essays in Between Orality and Literacy address how oral and literature practices intersect as messages, texts, practices, and traditions move and change, because issues of orality and literacy are especially complex and significant when information is transmitted over wide expanses of time and space or adapted in new contexts. Their topics range from Homer and Hesiod to the New Testament and Gaius' Institutes , from epic poetry and drama to vase painting, historiography, mythography, and the philosophical letter. Repeatedly they return to certain issues. Writing and orality are not mutually exclusive, and their interaction is not always in a single direction. Authors, whether they use writing or not, try to control the responses of a listening audience. A variable tradition can be fixed, not just by writing as a technology, but by such different processes as the establishment of a Panhellenic version of an Attic myth and a Hellenistic city's creation of a single celebratory history.
1 online resource (pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004270978 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ancient documents and their contexts : First North American Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (2011) /
Ancient Documents and their Contexts contains the proceedings of the First North American Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (San Antonio, Texas, 4-5 January 2011). It gathers seventeen papers presented by scholars from North America, Europe, and Australia at the first formal meeting of classical epigraphists sponsored by the American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy. Ranging from technical discussions of epigraphic formulae and palaeography to broad consideration of inscriptions as social documents and visual records, the topics and approaches represented reflect the variety of ways that Greek and Latin inscriptions are studied in North America today. Contributors are: Bradley J. Bitner, Sarah Bolmarcich, Ilaria Bultrighini, Patricia A. Butz, Werner Eck, John Friend, Peter Keegan, Jinyu Liu, Kevin McMahon, John Nicols, Nadya Popov-Reynolds, Carolynn E. Roncaglia, Stephen V. Tracy, Dennis E. Trout, Georgia Tsouvala, Steven L. Tuck, and Arden Williams.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004273870 :
1876-2557 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Brill's companion to Statius /
Brill's Companion to Statius is the first companion volume to be published on arguably the most important Roman poet of the Flavian period. Thirty-four newly commissioned chapters from international experts provide a comprehensive overview of recent approaches to Statius, discuss the fundamental issues and themes of his poetry, and suggest new fruitful areas for research. All of his works are considered: the Thebaid , his longest extant epic; the Achilleid , his unfinished epic; and the Silvae , his collected short poetry. Particular themes explored include the social, cultural, and political issues surrounding his poetry; his controversial aesthetic; the influence of his predecessors upon his poetry; and the scholarly and literary reception of his poetry in subsequent ages to the present.
1 online resource (xix, 702 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 613-673) and indexes. :
9789004284708 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Speech and thought in Latin war narratives : words of warriors /
In Speech and Thought in Latin War Narratives , Suzanne Adema offers linguistic and narratological tools to analyse and interpret narratorial choices in speech and thought representation in Latin narratives. Her approach combines insights from (cognitive) linguistic and narratological theories and has been tested and adjusted through corpus based research (Caesar, Vergil, Sallust). The approach is a useful tool to unveil rhetorical uses of speech and thought representation in Latin war narrative by means of close readings of Caesar's Bellum Gallicum 1 and 7, and Vergil's Aeneid 11 and 12. Focusing on the attitudes of the narrators towards war, Adema provides new insights into these texts and offers linguistic and narratological contributions to literary and historical discussions about the Bellum Gallicum and the Aeneid .
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004347120 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Parthenope : the interplay of ideas in Vergilian bucolic /
This study of the Eclogues focuses on Vergil's exploration of issues relating to the subject of human happiness ( eudaimonia )-ideas that were the subject of robust debate in contemporary philosophical schools, including the community of émigré Epicurean teachers and their Roman pupils located in the vicinity of Naples ("Parthenope"). The latent "interplay of ideas" implicit in the songs of the various poet-herdsmen centers on differing attitudes to acute misfortune and loss, particularly in the spheres of land dispossession and frustrated erotic desire. In the bucolic dystopia that Vergil constructs for his audience, the singers resort to different means of coping with the vagaries of fortune ( tyche ). This relatively neglected ethical dimension of the poems in the Bucolic collection receives a systematic treatment that provides a useful complement to the primarily aesthetic and socio-political approaches that have predominated in previous scholarship. \'This book is insightful and engaging; amatores of Vergil's Eclogues (scholars, students, or enthusiasts) will find the work accessible and profitable.\' Kristi Eastin, California State University, Fresno
1 online resource (x, 181 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004233256 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Penthesilea und ihre Schwestern : Amazonenepisoden als Bauform des Heldenepos /
In Penthesilea und ihre Schwestern - Amazonenepisoden als Bauform des Heldenepos Susanne Borowski establishes Amazon-episodes as a gender-sensitive structural element of epic poetry. This is the first book that provides a comprehensive intertextual interpretation of all Amazon-episodes in Homer's Iliad , Apollonius Rhodius' Argonautica , Vergil's Aeneid , Valerius Flaccusʼ Argonautica , Statiusʼ Thebaid , Silius Italicusʼ Punica and Quintus Smyrnaeus' Posthomerica. Where previous scholars have often interpreted Amazons as a symbol of transgressive behaviour, this study shows that they are universally respected warriors. Their appearance, descent, and aristeiai characterize their fighting as transgendered. This study offers new perspectives on the construction of gender in Graeco-Roman Epic. Mit Penthesilea und ihre Schwestern - Amazonenepisoden als Bauform des Heldenepos weist Susanne Borowski nach, dass Amazonenepisoden eine genderrelevante Bauform des Epos sind. Sie untersucht erstmals aus literaturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive alle überlieferten Amazonenepisoden in Homers Ilias , Apollonius Rhodiusʼ Argonautica , Vergils Aeneis , Valerius Flaccusʼ Argonautica , Statiusʼ Thebais , Silius Italicusʼ Punica und Quintus Smyrnaeusʼ Posthomerica. Interpretiert die bisherige Forschung Amazonen meist als Symbol von Grenzüberschreitung, erweist die intertextuelle Analyse dieser Studie vielmehr, dass sie unerschrockene, allseits respektierte Kriegerinnen sind. Ihr Äußeres, ihre Abstammung und ihre Aristien charakterisieren ihr Kämpfen durchgängig als transgendered. Die Studie eröffnet neue Perspektiven für die Konstruktion von Gender im griechisch-römischen Epos.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
,Lieber mit Homer irren'? Scheinbar unmögliche Autopsien in den Totenbegegnungen frühkaiserzeitlicher Epik /
This monograph examines the literary representation of encounters between the living and the dead in Homer and the Roman epic poets of the early imperial period. The focus is on one particular situation: a witness to the afterlife (e.g. Odysseus or the Sibyl) who narrates encounters with the dead that he or she cannot (it would appear) actually have seen. This insufficiently studied and intriguing motif, namely seemingly impossible eye-witness testimony, can already be traced in Homer and then with variations in Vergil, the Culex poet, Lucan, Silius Italicus, and Statius. Die vorliegende Monographie untersucht die literarische Gestaltung von Begegnungen zwischen Lebenden und Toten bei Homer und den römischen Epikern der frühen Kaiserzeit. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei eine besondere Situation: Ein Jenseitszeuge (z.B. Odysseus oder die Sibylle) berichtet von Begegnungen mit Toten, die er oder sie (scheinbar) nicht gesehen haben kann. Dieses unzureichend erforschte und faszinierende Motiv, nämlich die scheinbar unmögliche Autopsie, lässt sich bereits bei Homer und dann in Variationen bei Vergil, dem Culex-Dichter, Lucan, Silius Italicus und Statius nachweisen.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Teaching through Images : Imagery in Greco-Roman Didactic Poetry /
In ancient didactic poetry, poets frequently make use of imagery - similes, metaphors, acoustic images, models, exempla, fables, allegory, personifications, and other tropes - as a means to elucidate and convey their didactic message. In this volume, which arose from an international conference held at the University of Heidelberg in 2016, we investigate such phenomena and explore how they make the unseen visible, the unheard audible, and the unknown comprehensible. By exploring didactic poets from Hesiod to pseudo-Oppian and from Vergil and Lucretius to Grattius and Ovid, the authors in this collective volume show how imagery can clarify and illuminate, but also complicate and even undermine or obfuscate the overt didactic message. The presence of a real or implied addressee invites our engagement and ultimately our scrutiny of language and meaning.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :