Round Trip to Hades in the Eastern Mediterranean Tradition, Visits to the Underworld from Antiquity to Byzantium.
Round Trip to Hades in the Eastern Mediterranean Tradition explores how the theme of visiting the Underworld and returning alive has been treated, transmitted and transformed in the ancient Greek and Byzantine traditions. The journey was usually a descent ( katabasis ) into a dark and dull place, where forgetfulness and punishment reigned, but since 'everyone' was there, it was also a place that offered opportunities to meet people and socialize. Famous Classical round trips to Hades include those undertaken by Odysseus and Aeneas, but this pagan topic also caught the interest of Christian writers. The contributions of the present volume allow the reader to follow the passage from pagan to Christian representations of Hades-a passage that may seem surprisingly effortless.
1 online resource. :
Le voyage dans l'autre monde selon l'Egypte ancienne : épreuves et métamorphoses du mort d'après les textes des pyramides et les textes des sarcophages /
Includes indexes.
OCLC 15695615 :
492 pages, [16] pages of plates : illustrations ; 25 cm. :
Bibliography: p. [223]-230. :
2268004562 :
,Lieber mit Homer irren'? Scheinbar unmögliche Autopsien in den Totenbegegnungen frühkaiserzeitlicher Epik /
This monograph examines the literary representation of encounters between the living and the dead in Homer and the Roman epic poets of the early imperial period. The focus is on one particular situation: a witness to the afterlife (e.g. Odysseus or the Sibyl) who narrates encounters with the dead that he or she cannot (it would appear) actually have seen. This insufficiently studied and intriguing motif, namely seemingly impossible eye-witness testimony, can already be traced in Homer and then with variations in Vergil, the Culex poet, Lucan, Silius Italicus, and Statius. Die vorliegende Monographie untersucht die literarische Gestaltung von Begegnungen zwischen Lebenden und Toten bei Homer und den römischen Epikern der frühen Kaiserzeit. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei eine besondere Situation: Ein Jenseitszeuge (z.B. Odysseus oder die Sibylle) berichtet von Begegnungen mit Toten, die er oder sie (scheinbar) nicht gesehen haben kann. Dieses unzureichend erforschte und faszinierende Motiv, nämlich die scheinbar unmögliche Autopsie, lässt sich bereits bei Homer und dann in Variationen bei Vergil, dem Culex-Dichter, Lucan, Silius Italicus und Statius nachweisen.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :