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منشور في 2010
Kaiphas : der Hohepriester jenes Jahres : Geschichte und Deutung /

: The high priest Caiaphas is one of the important figures in biblical history who received little attention or sympathy in the judgement of posterity. Since the time of the old church the highest representative of the Jewish society in the time of Jesus was assessed as a wicked enemy of Jesus and the leading apostles in Jerusalem. This image obscures the religious and political efficiency of a man, who worked with great success in his office for a long period of eighteen years. What do we know about the historical Caiaphas? And what is the image of this man in the New Testament and afterwards? The present study tries to answer these questions in view of the history, the exegesis and the reception history. Der Hohepriester Kaiphas gehört zu den bedeutenden Figuren der biblischen Geschichte, denen im Urteil der Nachwelt eine geringe Aufmerksamkeit oder Sympathie entgegengebracht wurde. Seit der alten Kirche wurde der höchste Repräsentant des jüdischen Tempelstaates zur Zeit Jesu als bösartiger Feind Jesu und der führenden Apostel in Jerusalem betrachtet. Dieses Bild verdeckt die religiösen und politischen Leistungen eines Mannes, der achtzehn Jahre lang mit Erfolg amtiert hat. Was wissen wir über den historischen Kaiphas? Und welches Bild hat sich von ihm im Neuen Testament und in der Zeit danach ausgeprägt? Die vorliegende Studie versucht, diese Fragen historisch, exegetisch und wirkungsgeschichtlich zu beantworten.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004190634 : 1871-6636 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2016
Sibyls, scriptures, and scrolls : John Collins at seventy /

: This volume, a tribute to John J. Collins by his friends, colleagues, and students, includes essays on the wide range of interests that have occupied John Collins's distinguished career. Topics range from the ancient Near East and the Hebrew Bible to the Dead Sea Scrolls and Second Temple Judaism and beyond into early Christianity and rabbinic Judaism. The contributions deal with issues of text and interpretation, history and historiography, philology and archaeology, and more. The breadth of the volume is matched only by the breadth of John Collins's own work.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004324749 : 1384-2161 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2022
Emerging Sectarianism in the Dead Sea Scrolls : Continuity, Separation, and Conflict /

: The essays in this volume consider the nature of the sect known from the Scrolls and its relation to mainline Judaism. Especially notable is a cluster of essays dealing with the Teacher and a review of the archaeology of Qumran.
These essays reflect the lively debate about the sectarian movement of the Scrolls. They debate the degree to which the movement was separated from the rest of Judaism, and whether there was one or several watershed moments in the separation. Notable contributions include a cluster of essays on the Teacher of Righteousness and a thorough survey of the archaeology of Qumran. The texts are problematic in historical research because they rely on biblical stereotypes. Nonetheless, possible interpretations can be compared and degrees of probability debated. The debate is significant not only for the sect but for the nature of ancient Judaism.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004517127

منشور في 2010
Targums and the transmission of scripture into Judaism and Christianity /

: This collection of seventeen previously published essays and two hitherto unpublished articles examines strategies adopted by ancient Aramaic translators of the Hebrew Bible in their attempts to transmit the meaning of Scripture to their own generations. The intricate interpretations of Targum Pseudo-Jonathan feature prominently: analysis of them suggests a date for the substance of this Targum rather earlier than is commonly assumed. The biblical exegesis of Jerome (ca. 342-420 CE) often reflects Targumic interpretation of Scripture: as well as helping to date items of Jewish interpretation, Jerome's writings also witness to continuing close contacts between Christians and Jews at a crucial stage in the history of both communities. The essays also demonstrate the relationship of the Targums both to other Rabbinic texts and to early translations of the Bible like Septuagint; the versions of Aquila, Symmachus, and Theodotion; and the Peshitta.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047443865 : 1570-1336 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

منشور في 2021
From Scrolls to Traditions : A Festschrift Honoring Lawrence H. Schiffman /

: This Festschrift in honor of Professor Lawrence H. Schiffman, a renowned authority on the Dead Sea Scrolls and Rabbinic Judaism, includes contributions by twenty of his former doctoral students, now colleagues. The volume is divided into two sections, the "Biblical and Second Temple Period" and "Rabbis, Other Jews, and Neighboring Cultures." The diverse topics covered and the wide range of interdisciplinary approaches employed reflect Professor Schiffman's success in cultivating a school of scholars who are making unique contributions to the study of the Jews and Judaism.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004443891