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Der Himmel über Esna : eine Fallstudie zur religiösen Astronomie in Ägypten am Beispiel der kosmologischen Decken- und Architravinschriften im Tempel von Esna /
: Originally presented as the author's thesis (master's) -- Universität Tübingen 1998. : 248 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. + 1 folded leaf in pocket. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 3447043245 : 0568-0476 ;
Concepts in Middle Kingdom funerary culture : proceedings of the Lady Wallis Budge anniversary symposium held at Christ's College, Cambridge, 22 January 2016 /
Concepts in Middle Kingdom Funerary Culture presents a collection of archaeological and philological papers discussing how ancient Egyptians thought, and modern scholars may think, about Egyptian funerary practices of the early 2nd millennium BCE. Targeting the concepts used by modern scholars, the papers address both general methodological questions of how concepts should be developed and used and more specific ones about the history and presuppositions behind particular Egyptological concepts. In so doing, the volume brings to the fore occasionally problematic intellectual baggage that have hindered understanding, as well highlighting new promising avenues of research in ancient Egyptian funerary culture in the Middle Kingdom and more broadly.
1 online resource. :
9789004399846 :
1566-2055 ;
The divine father : religious and philosophical concepts of divine parenthood in antiquity /
The present volume is devoted to the theme of \'Divine Father\' in Second Temple Jewish and early Christian tradition and in its ancient pagan contexts. It brings together proceedings of a conference under the same title, held in Göttingen in September 2011. Selected articles by well-known scholars focus on religious and philosophical concepts of divine parenthood in antiquity, from the Hebrew Bible and Second Temple Judaism (the Dead Sea Scrolls, Targums, Philo and Josephus) to the field of the New Testament. In addition, the volume deals with the designation of deity as \'father\' or \'mother\' from the broad spectrum of ancient Egypt and classical antiquity (Homer, Hesiod, Plato, and its reception) to late antiquity (Plotinus and Porphyry).
1 online resource. :
La Cachette de karnak : nouvelles perspectives sur les découvertes de Georges Legrain /
The Karnak Cachette, excavated by Georges Legrain between 1903 and 1907, is one of the most fascinating discoveries of Egyptian archaeology. The first reason lies in the very high number of objects found in it (statues, stelae, furniture of various kinds), some of them still unpublished, all of which are documents of major importance for the religious life of Karnak, but also more generally for the history and art of Pharaonic Egypt between the Middle Kingdom and the Ptolemaic period. The second reason is that the raison d'être of this cache and the historical circumstances surrounding its creation remain mysterious. Even if some comparisons can be made with other caches found in Egypt and the Sudan, its magnitude and wealth are exceptional. Building on a research program launched by the Ifao and the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities to improve our knowledge of the Karnak Cachette and its content, this book comprises twenty-four contributions by international scholars studying objects found in this deposit, analyzing the Cachette itself, or investigating other Egyptian caches from an ideological or archaeological point of view."--Back cover. |u www.ifao.egnet.net/publications/catalogue/978-2-7247-0657-4
Le present ouvrage est la reunion de la plupart des contributions prevues pour un colloque international qui devait avoir lieu a Louxor, du 29 au 31 janvier 2011, mais qui a ete annule.
Prefaces en anglais et en franc ais. IF = Publications de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale.
Resumes en anglais et enfrancais.
Table des matieres disponible en ligne. :
xiii, 594 pages : color illustrations ; 29 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
Elephantine in context : studies on the history, religion and literature of the Judeans in Persian period Egypt /
"The Persian period has long been considered a "dark era" in Israel's history. For this reason, research has mainly focused on how it is depicted in the Hebrew Bible. A spectacular discovery of archaeological relics and epigraphic sources was hence hardly noticed: the military colony located on the island of Elephantine in the Nile, on the border between Egypt and present-day Sudan. The basic approach of this volume, which documents a three-year Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft project, is to break with a research tradition focusing on the Judeans (Jews) mentioned in the Aramaic papyri from Elephantine and instead investigate the military colony in a broader historical context also documented by Demotic and Egyptian-hieratic evidence found at Elephantine. The studies presented focus on three main subject areas: society and administration, religion, and literature. They show that historically the island of Elephantine hosted a multicultural society with several interactions between the Egyptians and the other inhabitants, and that it was also an important administrative centre for the Persian authorities."
xii, 385 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
3161609964 :
0940-4155 ;
Hieratic, Demotic and Greek studies and text editions : of making many books there is no end : Festschrift in honour of Sven P. Vleeming (P. L. Bat. 34) /
This volume is a Festschrift in honour of Sven Vleeming containing the contributions of thirty-eight friends and colleagues, often renowned specialists in their respective fields. It includes the editions of fifty-four new texts from Ancient Egypt that date from the 7th century BCE to the 2nd century CE and covers a very wide range of subjects in (Abnormal) Hieratic, Demotic and Greek papyrology. As such, it reflects the equally wide range of knowledge of the scholar to whom this book is dedicated.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004377530 :
0169-9652 ; :
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