The Sun God Aliases in Paragraph (200bcd) from the Pyramid Texts /
A number of the aliases of the sun god Re have been recorded in the Pyramid Texts, each of which symbolized an epithet of the god Re. This paper will examine three aliases of the sun god Re in paragraph (200bcd) (Ndi; Pndn; Dndn) from the Pyramid Texts, concerning which Egyptologists have quite various views. The paper aims at identifying the true meanings of the aliases, and their linguistic derivations, clarifying their religious significance as well as manifesting the solar epithets represented and symbolized by such aliases.
The large landowning class and the peasantry in Egypt, 1837-1952 /
Editor's introduction -- Authors' introduction -- The development of capitalist landownership in Egypt -- The formation and growth of the large landholding class -- The main components of the large landholding class -- The large landholders' economic activities -- The relations of production in the countryside -- The large landowners and politics -- The large landowners and the social question -- Conclusion -- Notes -- Glossary -- Bibliography -- Index.
OCLC 812215934 :
xix, 293 pages ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Valeurs phonétiques des signes hiéroglyphiques d'époque gréco-romaine /
At head of title : Institut d'égyptologie, Université Paul-Valéry.
"Publications de la recherche -- Université de Montpellier".
Errata slip inserted in volume 1. :
volumes : illustrations, fascimiles ; 27 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references for most hieroglyphs and their phonetic value or values. :
2905397233 (set)
290539725X (t. 2)
Maadi . The lithic industries of the predynastic settlement /
At head of title: Excavations at the predynastic site of Maadi and its cemeteries conducted by Mustapha Amer and Ibrahim Rizkana on behalf of the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts of Cairo University 1930-1953. :
115 pages, 111, xii pages of plates: illustrations ; 36 cm. :
Maadi. The pottery of the predynastic settlement /
At head of title: Excavations at the predynastic site of Maadi and its cemeteries conducted by Mustapha Amer and Ibrahim Rizkana on behalf of the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts of Cairo University 1930-1953. :
112 pages, 79, x pages of plates: illustrations, maps; 36 cm. :
Includes bibliographical reference. :
Maadi. excavations at the predynastic site of Maadi and its cementeries /
: At head of title: Excavations at the predynastic site of Maadi and its cemeteries conducted by Mustapha Amer and Ibrahim Rizkana on behalf of the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts of Cairo University, 1930-1953. : 178, XXXVII plates : plnas, illustrations ; 36 cm. : Includes bibliographical reference and index. : 3805311567
Newsletter, 25 January 1956
The following item has been contributed by Dr. William K. Simpson, Research Associate of the Center in Cairo:
"A publication of great interest has recently appeared. It is entitled Report on the Monuments of Nubia Likely to be submerged by Sudd-el-Ali Water, published by the Government Press, Cairo, 1955, for the Antiquities Department of the Ministry of Education. After a preface by the Director-General of the Antiquities Department, Professor Mustafa Amer, there follows a letter addressed to the Minister of Education by Dr. Selim Hassan. In the letter he mentions the great need for a project to save the monuments, and that the assistance of foreign colleagues and UNESCO would be gratefully accepted. The committee,which visited Nubia in December, 1954, and January, 1955, consisted of Dr. Selim Hassan (president), Dr. Ahmed Fakhry, Labib Habachi, architect Mohammed Ahmed Ibrahim, and architect Mustafa Sobhi Mohammed. The results of their survey and their recommendations, together with cost estimates, are the subjects of the report. An account of previous scientific work is given before their description of the sites.
Maadi. The Non-lithic small finds and the structural remains of the predynastic settlement /
At head of title: Excavations at the predynastic site of Maadi and its cemeteries conducted by Mustapha Amer and Ibrahim Rizkana on behalf of the Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts of Cairo University, 1930-1953. :
141pages, 32 pages of plates : plnas, illustrations ; 36 cm. :
Includes bibliographical reference and index. :
Newsletter, 30 June 1956
It has become quiet about the wooden boat of King Cheops which was found in a pit on the south side of the Great Pyramid in 1954, and even the -New York Times in a recent advertisement calls the bark funerary rather than solar. At the end of April, a representative of the Center was permitted to take exclusive pictures of the work in progress for publication in the forthcoming issue of Archaeology. He reports that he owed this unusual privilege to the kindness of the Director General of the Antiquities Department, Professor Mustafa Amer, and that he was received at the site by the Chief Inspector of the Antiquities Department for Cairo and Giza, Mr. Zaki Noor, who took him around and showed him all details of the installation. The large brick building, which was erected last year between the eastern part of the baseline of the Great Pyramid's south side and the wooden shed surmounting the boat chamber, is about 40 meters long, and except for a small office in the southwest corner presents itself as a large hall, the south wall of which has not been built in order to give ready access to the boat pit and permit the removal of large beams from the latter without difficulty. Here and there on the floor are a number of large panels, actually the walls of deck cabins, which have already been treated by Dr. Zaki Iskander, Chief Chemist of the Cairo Museum, who is in charge of the technical work. The material mainly used in treating the wood is a solution of suitable thermo-plastics of different brands which is crystal-clear in appearance.