Showing 1 - 13 results of 13 for search '"colonies administration"', query time: 0.21s Refine Results
Published 1982
Le Soudan nilotique et l'administration britannique (1898-1956) : Éléments d'interprétation socio-historique d'une expérience coloniale /

: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004492882

Published 2021
Language Contact, Colonial Administration, and the Construction of Identity in Ancient Israel : Constructing the Context for Contact /

: "In Language Contact, Colonial Administration, and the Construction of Identity in Ancient Israel, Boyd addresses a long-standing critical issue in biblical scholarship: how does the production of the Bible relate to its larger historical, linguistic, and cultural settings in the ancient Near East? Using theoretical advances in the study of language contact, he examines in detail the sociolinguistic landscape during the Assyrian, Babylonian, and Achaemenid periods. Boyd then places the language and literature of Ezekiel and Isaiah in this sociolinguistic landscape. Language Contact, Colonial Administration, and the Construction of Identity in Ancient Israel offers the first book-length incorporation of language contact theory with data from the Bible. As a result, it allows for a reexamination of the nature of contact between biblical authors and a series of Mesopotamian empires beginning with Assyria."--
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004448766

Orientations /

: Includes index.
"First edition October 1937 ... Definitive edition January 1943."
American edition (New York, G. P. Putnam's sons) has title : The memoirs of Ronald Storrs. : axix, 532 pages : front., illustrations, [20] pages of plates, portraits, map, facsims ; 25 cm.

Published 1932
Lord Cromer : being the authorized life of Evelyn Baring, first earl of Cromer /

: 366 pages : portrait ; 25 cm.

Life of Lord Lloyd /

: x, 317 pages : plates, portraits ; 22 cm

Published 2014
State Correspondence in the Ancient World : From New Kingdom Egypt to the Roman Empire /

: OCLC 880688691 : xiv, 306 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9780199354771

Published 2004
Lord Cromer : Victorian imperialist, Edwardian proconsul /

: xxi, 436 pages, [12] pages of plates : illustrations, map ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references(pages [405]-417) and index. : 0199253382 (acid-free paper)

Published 2004
The British and French Mandates in Comparative Perspectives/Les mandats français et anglais dans une perspective comparative /

: This collection represents the first large scale attempt to discuss the Middle Eastern mandates as a totality. It compares the application and effects of this very specific form of late colonialism from a variety of different disciplinary perspectives, including anthropology, architecture, archival conservation, economics, history, law and sociology. It contains analyses at both micro and macro levels, including specific instances of revolt or collaboration, studies of particular individuals, of professional groups and their contributions to "nation-building," comparisons between the various political and cultural policies of the mandatory powers, and the formation and practice of "le savoir colonial" by contemporary ethnographers, officials, physicians and teachers. The volume will be of interest to historians of imperialism and of the twentieth century Middle East.
: Papers presented at a conference held in Aix-en-Provence, June 2001. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047402695

Published 2017
The hajj and Europe in the Age of Empire /

: The present volume focuses on the political perceptions of the Hajj, its global religious appeal to Muslims, and the European struggle for influence and supremacy in the Muslim world in the age of pre-colonial and colonial empires. In the late fifteenth century and early sixteenth century, a pivotal change in seafaring occurred, through which western Europeans played important roles in politics, trade, and culture. Viewing this age of empires through the lens of the Hajj puts it into a different perspective, by focusing on how increasing European dominance of the globe in pre-colonial and colonial times was entangled with Muslim religious action, mobility, and agency. The study of Europe's connections with the Hajj therefore tests the hypothesis that the concept of agency is not limited to isolated parts of the globe. By adopting the "tools of empires," the Hajj, in itself a global activity, would become part of global and trans-cultural history. With contributions by: Aldo D'Agostini; Josep Lluís Mateo Dieste; Ulrike Freitag; Mahmood Kooria; Michael Christopher Low; Adam Mestyan; Umar Ryad; John Slight and Bogusław R. Zagórski.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004323353 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2016
Rome and the worlds beyond its frontiers /

: This volume offers an expansive approach to interactions between Romans and those beyond the borders of Rome. The range of papers included here is wide, both in terms of subject matter and with respect to approach. That said, a number of important themes bind the essays. Who is an insider, and who the outsider? How were these categories of person, or identity, fashioned and/or recognized in antiquity? How shall we recognize them now? What are the categories, or standards, for measuring or determining inside and outside in the Roman world? And then, of course, what are the repercussions when inside and outside come into contact? What happens when the outside is in, or the inside out?
: 1 online resource (xii, 262 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004326750 : 1572-0500 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2009
The Hadhrami diaspora in Southeast Asia : identity maintenance or assimilation? /

: This volume originates from the proceedings of an international conference convened by the Department of History and Civilization, International Islamic University Malaysia, in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Yemen, in Kuala Lumpur, from 26 to 28 August 2005. Twelve out of thirty-five papers presented at the conference have been reviewed, thoroughly revised and published in this volume. The introduction and the twelve chapters address the question of Hadhrami identity in Southeast Asia from various perspectives and investigate the patterns of Hadhrami interaction with diverse cultures, values and beliefs in the region. Special attention is paid to Hadhrami local and transnational politics, social stratification and integration, religio-social reform and journalism, as well as to economic dynamism and the cosmopolitan character of the Hadhrami societies in Southeast Asia.
: Based on papers presented at the international conference, held in Kuala Lumpur on August 26-28, 2005. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [267]-285) and index. : 9789047425786 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2020
The European encounter with Hinduism in India /

: "In The European Encounter with Hinduism Jan Peter Schouten offers an account of European travellers coming into contact with the Hindu religion in India. From the thirteenth century on, both traders and missionaries visited India and encountered the exotic world of Hindus and Hinduism. Their travel reports reveal how Europeans gradually increased their knowledge of Hinduism and how they evaluated this foreign religion. Later on, although officials of the colonial administration also studied the languages and culture of India, it was - contrary to what is usually assumed - particularly the many missionaries who made the greatest contribution to the mapping of Hinduism".
: "Originally published in Dutch as Aangenaam kennis te maken : De ontmoeting van Europeanen met het hindoeïsme in India by Uitgeverij Damon, Eindhoven." : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004420076

Published 2008
A history of Christianity in Indonesia /

: Indonesia is the home of the largest single Muslim community of the world. Its Christian community, about 10% of the population, has until now received no overall description in English. Through cooperation of 26 Indonesian and European scholars, Protestants and Catholics, a broad and balanced picture is given of its 24 million Christians. This book sketches the growth of Christianity during the Portuguese period (1511-1605), it presents a fair account of developments under the Dutch colonial administration (1605-1942) and is more elaborate for the period of the Indonesian Republic (since 1945). It emphasizes the regional differences in this huge country, because most Christians live outside the main island of Java. Muslim-Christian relations, as well as the tensions between foreign missionaries and local theology, receive special attention.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [977]-981) and index. : 9789047441830 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.