Showing 1 - 20 results of 148 for search '"emil"', query time: 0.06s Refine Results
Published 2008
Emil L. Fackenheim : philosopher, theologian, Jew /

: Emil L. Fackenheim: Philosopher, Theologian, Jew is a scholarly tribute to Fackenheim's memory. Fackenheim's combination of erudition and generosity served to inspire a lifetime of philosophical inquiry, and a number of his students are represented in this volume. The volume, in order to provide a forum through which to introduce his thought to a broader audience, covers a wide spectrum of Fackenheim's work including biographical, philosophical, and theological aspects of his thought that have not been addressed adequately in the past. Elie Wiesel, a close personal friend to Fackenheim for over 30 years, has provided the Foreword for the volume.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical (p. [323]-330) and references and indexes. : 9789047429340 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

In Memoriam Th. Emil Homerlin /

: Obituary for Th. Emil Homerlin

Published 2013
Émile Prisse d'Avennes : un artiste-antiquaire en Égypte au XIXe siècle /

: x, 309 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 29 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 2724706277
9782724706277 : Noura

Published 1929
On Mediterranean shores /

: 267 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Published 1937
Cleopatra: the story of a queen/

: 221 p. : illus.; 24

Published 1937
Cleopatra: the story of a queen/

: 221 p. : illus.; 24

Published 1937
The Nile: the life-story of a river /

: XVI, 619 p. : plates, maps (1 fold.); 25

Published 1937
The Nile: the life-story of a river /

: XVI, 619 p. : plates, maps (1 fold.); 25

Contes kabyles : recueillis et commentés /

: 2 pages l., [7]-214, [2] pages ; 19 cm.

Historische Inschriften der 19. Dynastie /

: Cover title. : 32 pages ; 27 cm.

La trouvaille de Deir el-Bahari /

: Riprod. facsim. dell'edizione : Le Caire, 1881. : 108, [3] pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. : 9782369650355

Published 2012
Un jour, j'achetai une momie : Émile Guimet et l'Égypte antique /

: Exhibition held March 30-July 2, 2012 at the Musée des beaux-arts de Lyon. : 278 pages : illustrations (some color), map ; 28 cm. : 9782754106214
2754106219 (pbk.)

Published 2014
The principles of sufism /

: xx, 200 pages ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 188-190) and index. : 9780814745281 (hardback)
0814745288 (hardback)

Published 2002
Viva Vox Iuris Romani : Essays in Honour of Johannes Emil Spruit /

: With contributions by J.A. Ankum, O. Behrends, G.C.J.J. v.d. Bergh, A.M.J.A Berkvens, Th.E. v. Bochove, F.J. Bruinsma, R. Feenstra, R. Forrez A.Fl. Gehlen, F.W. Grosheide, J. Hellebeek, M.L. Hewett, J.B.M. van Hoek, A.M. Hol, E. Hondius, C.J.H. Jansen, R. Knütel, C. de Koninck, C. Krampe, B. Kupisch, L. de Ligt, J.H.A. Lokin, J. Menner, O. Moorman van Kappen, P.L. Nève, C.H. van Rhee, E.J.H. Schrage, A.J.B. Sirks, E. Slob, B.H. Stolte, R. Verstegen, M. v.d. Vrugt, A. Wacke, L. Waelkens, T. Wallinga, A. Watson, L.C. Winkel, F.B.J. Wubbe, W.J. Zwalve.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004502291

Published 1960
Fables : Texte établi et traduit par Émile Chambry /

: At head of title : Ésope.
French and Greek on opposite pages, numbered in duplicate. : liv, 163 pages ; 20 cm.

Published 1994
From Arab poet to Muslim saint : Ibn al-Fāriḍ, his verse, and his shrine /

: xii, 162 pages ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 99-133, 143-155) and index. : 0872499804

Published 2011
Emanations of grace : mystical poems by Aishah al-Bauniyah (d. 923/1517) /

: "The selection of poems from this volume, edited and translated into English here for the first time, recount ʻĀʼishah al-Bāʻūnīyah's remarkable story of devotion and mystical illumination"--Preface. : 151 pages ; 23 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 149-151) : 9781891785887

Published 2011
Visions d'Égypte : Émile Prisse d'Avennes (1807-1879) /

: Catalogue de l'exposition présentée à la BnF, Richelieu du 1e mars au 5 juin 2011. Ingénieur de formation, Émile Prisse d'Avennes devient tour à tour égyptologue, archéologue, ethnologue : il s'intéresse autant aux ruines pharaoniques qu'aux monuments islamiques, et vit à l'orientale au milieu de populations dont il observe les coutumes. Des deux séjours qu'il accomplit en Égypte, de 1827 à 1844, puis de 1858 à 1860, il rapporte objets, aquarelles, dessins, calques, estampages et photographies qui constituent un fonds iconographique sans égal.
: 159 pages : illustrations (some color), color maps ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9782717724844

ʻUmar ibn al-Fāriḍ : Sufi verse, saintly life /

: Includes English translation of the introduction to the Dīwān, known as Dībājah (The adorned proem) by Abū al-Hasan Nūr al-Dīn ʻAlī al-Miṣrī. : xvii, 366 pages ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 351-360) and indexes. : 080914008x

Published 2005
The wine of love and life : ibn al-Farid's al-Khamriyah and al-Qaysari's quest for meaning /

: xxvi, 60, 64 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 55-60, 1st sect.). : 0970819927