In context : the Reade festschrift /
A collection of invited and peer-reviewed essays by friends and colleagues of Julian Edgeworth Reade, sometime Mesopotamia curator at the British Museum from 1975 to 2000. Here is fresh work from which any reader can gain a new appreciation of the importance of the ancient Near East.
Also issued in print: 2020. :
1 online resource (345 pages) : illustrations :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781789696080 (ePub ebook) :
In context : the Reade festschrift /
A collection of invited and peer-reviewed essays by friends and colleagues of Julian Edgeworth Reade, sometime Mesopotamia curator at the British Museum from 1975 to 2000. Here is fresh work from which any reader can gain a new appreciation of the importance of the ancient Near East.
Also issued in print: 2020. :
1 online resource (345 pages) : illustrations :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781789696080 (ePub ebook) :
Religion as a Human Capacity, A Festschrift in Honor of E. Thomas Lawson.
Prepared in honor of E. Thomas Lawson, the essays in Religion as a Human Capacity represent diverse points of view in the study of religion today. Part I, "Theoretical Studies," offers a broad range of cognitivist theoretical explorations, while Part II, "Studies in Religious Behavior," presents cutting-edge applications of cognitive and other contemporary theories to religious data. This volume celebrates Lawson's critical contributions to cognitive studies of religion and the degree to which his ultimate goal of scholarship as a search for truth is matched by those who have been his colleagues and been influenced by him. Religion as a Human Capacity will be of interest to all those concerned with theory and method in the academic study of religion
1 online resource. :
Immanenz and Einheit : Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Rolf Kühn /
Auf der Grundlage des Werkes von Michel Henry untersuchen die in der Festschrift "Immanenz und Einheit" gesammelten Beiträge das Verhältnis von Immanenz und Einheit unter allgemein systematischen und praktischen Gesichtspunkten. Dabei wird zunächst die Grundlegung dieses Verhältnisses in der abendländischen Metaphysik und in der Phänomenologie, insbesondere im philosophischen Denken Henrys, in den Blick genommen. Darauf aufbauend werden durch Vergleiche zwischen Henrys Philosophie einerseits und den Ansätzen Meister Eckharts, Fichtes, der christlichen Theologie und fernöstlicher Religionen andererseits religionsphilosophische Perspektiven dieses Verhältnisses aufgezeigt. Schließlich werden die ethischen Konsequenzen des Verhältnisses von Immanenz und Einheit analysiert und dessen existentiell-lebenspraktische Bedeutung herausgestellt. Daher bietet die Festschrift einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Verständnis des für die Philosophie Michel Henrys so bedeutenden Verhältnisses von Immanenz und Einheit. Based on the oeuvre of Michel Henry, the contributions collected in the Festschrift "Immanenz und Einheit" examine the relation between immanence and unity under general systematic and practical aspects. First, the foundation of this relation in occidental metaphysics and in phenomenology, especially in the thinking of Michel Henry, is analysed. Then, the view of Michel Henry is compared with those of Meister Eckhard, Fichte, Christian theology and eastern religions in order to develop the perspectives of this relation for the Philosophy of Religion. Furthermore, the consequences of the relation between immanence and unity for ethics and its existential significance are considered. Thus, the Festschrift offers a significant contribution to the understanding of the relationship between immanence and unity which is especially relevant for the thinking of Michel Henry.
1 online resource (xvi, 189 pages) : illustrations (some color) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004288638 :
1877-0029 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
New Trends in International Law : Festschrift in Honour of Judge Hisashi Owada /
The Festschrift New Trends in International Law is a collective work which reflects the contributions of Judge Owada to the development of international law, and also deals with various issues of modern international law which have been challenged by the third world. The contributors are jurists from the ICJ and ILOS whose judgments and advisory opinions constitute the formal sources of modern international law. New Trends in International Law also presents contributions from a number of the most highly qualified scholars of various nations whose specialisations are frequently adopted as material sources of international law New Trends in International Law is an invaluable resource for modern international law which provides the entire spectrum of its evolution and its key challenges. It provides an ideal reference source for students, post-graduate researchers, practitioners, functionaries of international institutions, as well as government officials in charge of foreign affairs.
1 online resource (580 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :