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Published 1927
The documentary sources of Greek history /

: xi, 140 pages ; 19 cm. : Bibliography : pages 126-140.

Published 1996
The role of metals in ancient Greek history /

: The first in-depth study of the field in more than 20 years analyzes the role of various metals in the context of Greek economic life, politics, culture and art, traces the movement of metal from ore to finished objects, including works of art, and shows the relations between the regions where metals were extracted and the centres of metalworking, the structure of the workshops and the connections between them and the role of the workshops in economic life at different stages in Greek history. In doing so it adopts a multidisciplinary approach, defining the role of metals in the history of Greek society using the widest possible variety of sources: the excavated remains of workshops and hoards, archaeometallurgical finds; the results of studies of ancient mines and analyses of ancient metal objects; bronze plastics and jewelry, coins et cetera The chronological span of the study is the 8th-1st centuries B.C., id est from the beginning of the main period of Greek colonization till the end of the Hellenistic era. The geographical scope of the work is the Greek oikumene. New to most scholars will be Treister's knowledge of objects and technologies in the eastern Greek and Roman world of the Northern Black Sea and Colchis. While this book does not pretend to be a definitive survey of the history of mining and metallurgy in the Greek world, it is a particularly useful interim report.
: 1 online resource (xiv, 481 pages, [61] pages of plates) : illustrations, maps. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 404-454) and index. : 9789004329829 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2018
Quintus of Smyrna's Posthomerica, A study of heroic characterization and heroism.

: Quintus of Smyrna's Posthomerica (3rd century C.E.) is of great literary value to the field of Greek epic. It is a stylistic imitation of Homer and recounts what Iliad and Odyssey have left untold of the Trojan War. Tine Scheijnen offers the first linear study of this still little-known poem. Progressing from book 1 to 14, she focusses on key issues such as Homeric similes and characterization of heroes (especially Achilles and his son Neoptolemus). Ideologically, Quintus engages in a critical way with Homer, but possibly also Vergil, Triphiodorus and tragedy. Scheijnen's work can be read as a thorough introduction to Quintus' Posthomerica , while also offering new insights into Homer reception, the conception of heroes and heroism in Greek epic.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004380974

al-Madkhal ilá tārīkh wa-ḥaḍārat al-Ighrīq /

: 334 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm : 977245016x

Published 2015
L'oblique dans le monde Grec : concept et imagerie /

: What could be more evident than the concepts of oblique, horizontal or vertical? In the modern world, these concepts form the basis of our thought system, both from a mathematical and artistic point of view. Everything would suggest that these principles were known to the Greek civilization. However, the study of the surviving texts casts a different light on the matter. Homer did not know the concept of oblique - no word could translate it into the language of his time. Even later, the Greeks had five adjectives approximately meaning oblique. Each discipline (cosmology, optic, geography, art, etc.) had its own way of looking at these five words. This work examines this topic.
: 1 online resource : illustrations (black and white) : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781784911409 (PDF ebook) :

Published 2017
The art of contact : comparative approaches to Greek and Phoenician art /

: 282, 24 unnumbered pages of plates ; 27 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9780812249088

Published 2015
L'oblique dans le monde Grec : concept et imagerie /

: What could be more evident than the concepts of oblique, horizontal or vertical? In the modern world, these concepts form the basis of our thought system, both from a mathematical and artistic point of view. Everything would suggest that these principles were known to the Greek civilization. However, the study of the surviving texts casts a different light on the matter. Homer did not know the concept of oblique - no word could translate it into the language of his time. Even later, the Greeks had five adjectives approximately meaning oblique. Each discipline (cosmology, optic, geography, art, etc.) had its own way of looking at these five words. This work examines this topic.
: 1 online resource : illustrations (black and white) : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781784911409 (PDF ebook) :

Published 1891
Studia critica in epigrammata Graeca /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004603776

Published 2014
Pindars sechste olympische Siegesode : Text, Einleitung und Kommentar /

: Pindar's Sixth Olympian Ode is considered one of the poet's most brilliant victory odes. This is the first full-scale commentary on it. Adorjáni presents Greek text with critical apparatus, translation and metrical analysis. Three introductory chapters treat matters of history (background, date, performance) and literary criticism. Then follows a verse-by-verse commentary rooted in the tradition of philological exegesis, concentrating on grammatical, stylistic and interpretive features. Until now the Sixth Olympian has been praised chiefly for its magnificent and lucid presentation of the myth of Iamos, a seer of Arcadian origin and ancestor of the prophetic clan of the Iamidae. This commentary illuminates both the overwhelming depth of thought and the cunningly wrought structure of this masterpiece, contributing to a better understanding of Pindar's verbal artistry. Pindars sechste olympische Ode ist einer der glänzendsten Siegesgesänge des Dichters. Hier wird der erste umfassende philologische Kommentar zum Gedicht vorgelegt. Adorjáni bietet einen griechischen Text mit kritischem Apparat, Übersetzung, metrischer Analyse und drei Einleitungskapiteln, die in die Probleme der Geschichtlichkeit (Hintergrund, Entstehungszeit, Aufführung) und der literarischen Interpretation hineinführen. Auf diesen Teil folgt ein von Vers zu Vers fortschreitender Kommentar, der gemäß den alten Traditionen der Texterklärung auf grammatische, stilistische und interpretatorische Fragen eingeht. Bisher wurde Olympie 6 zumeist als großartige und suggestive Erzählung des Mythos des Sehers Iamos, des Vorfahren der olympischen Iamiden, gewürdigt. Diesem Kommentar ist daran gelegen, die intrikate Gedankentiefe und vollkommenste Formkunst dieses Meisterwerks vor Augen zu führen.
: 1 online resource (pages) : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004277397 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1981
Alexandrinoi nomoi : politikē autonomia kai nomikē autoteleia tēs Ptolemaïkēs Alexandreias /

: 186 pages ; 25 cm.

Wisdom in loose form : the language of Egyptian and Greek proverbs in collections of the Hellenistic and Roman periods /

: xvi, 317 pages ; 25cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004160583

Published 2009
Das Phänomen Homer in Papyri, Handschriften und Drucken /

: Catalog of an exhibition held in the Austrian National Library, Papyrusmuseum. : viii, 128 p. : ill., facsims., plates ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9783851610147 ( : Hadeer

Published 1976
Lucian : theme and variation in the second sophistic /

: Continued by the author's studies in Lucian's comic fiction.
Includes indexes. : 1 online resource (x, 211 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 187-192). : 9789004327504 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

The Ages of Homer : a tribute to Emily Townsend /

: xvii, 542 pages, 1 color leave of plates ; 29 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 0292712081 : wafaa.lib.

Published 2002
Ancient Greek Battle Speeches and a Palfrey /

: This volume looks at battle speech in major Greek historians as well as the pictorial representations of Thermopylai.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004494350

Published 1970
Horse, bird & man : the origins of Greek paintings /

: xxx, 182, xli, pages : illustrations ; 29 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 0870230530

Published 2009
Homer's winged words : the evolution of early Greek epic diction in the light of oral theory /

: For over 2500 years many of the most learned scholars of the Greek language have concerned themselves with the topic of etymology. The most productive source of difficult, even inexplicable, words was Homer's 28,000 verses of epic poetry. Steve Reece proposes an approach to elucidating the meanings of some of these difficult words that finds its inspiration primarily in Milman Parry's oral-formulaic theory. He proposes that during the long period of oral transmission acoustic uncertainties, especially regarding word boundaries, were continually occurring: a bard uttered one collocation of words, but his audience thought it heard another. The consequent resegmentation of words and phrases is the probable cause of some of the etymologically inexplicable words in our Homeric texts.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [361]-381) and indexes. : 9789047427872 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1978
Studies on the Dream in Greek Literature /

: 1 online resource (282 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004611511

Published 1993
Les lieux communs du roman : stéréotypes grecs d'aventure et d'amour /

: The author uses an extensive study of the five Greek novels preserved by tradition since Roman times (Chariton, Chaireas and Callirhoe , Longus, Daphnis and Chloe , Xenophon of Ephesus, Ephesiaca , Achilles Tatius, Leucippe and Clitophon , Heliodorus, Ethiopica ) to show how the novel form, from its origins, has been based upon the repetition of commonplaces, τόποι, which allows an interplay with the reader. The commonest of these commonplaces, love-Eros, provides the plot of the five novels, in an order which is itself topical: meeting and love at first sight, wounds of love and lovesickness, lovers separated, lovers put to the test by the sea and by pirates, lovers reunited. The heroes of Greek novels, always young, good-looking and well-born (even if their identities are left unclear), allow for easy reader identification. From Xenophon of Ephesus (the most primitive form of the novel) to the Ethiopica (a true work of art), the Greek novel had already explored all the main narrative possibilities of the genre.
: 1 online resource (vii, 248 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 240-248) and indexes. : 9789004329195 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

History of Byzantine music and hymnography /

: xiii, 461 pages : plates ; 24 cm.