Andīshahā-yi falsafī u kalāmi-yi Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī /
Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī (d. 672/1274) was an influential philosopher, theologian, mathematician and astronomer, besides being the first director of the famous observatory at Marāghah near Tabriz as well as a man of politics. Author of a large number of scholarly works, he is especially famous for such treatises as his Tajrīd al-iʿtiqād on theology, the Zīj-i Īlkhānī on astronomy, the Ḥall mushkilāt al-Ishārāt , his influential commentary on Avicenna's (428/1037) Kitāb al-ishārāt wal-tanbīhāt on philosophy and logic, and his Akhlāq-i Nāṣirī on ethics. In Iran Ṭūsī stands in high regard and studies on him abound. There are a number of monographs on him in Persian, besides proceedings of various Ṭūsī conferences and numerous articles. It is therefore no surprise that the present work by Hānī Nuʿmān Farḥāt, originally published as Al-Khwāja Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī wa-ārāʾuhu al-falsafiyya wal-kalāmiyya (Beirut, 1406/1986), was translated into Persian. Based mostly on Arabic sources, the work focusses mainly on theology and philosophy.
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Before and After Avicenna : Proceedings of the First Conference of the Avicenna Study Group /
This volume contains the proceedings of the first meeting of the Avicenna Study Group. Each of the papers presents the most recent research conclusions in its respective topic. These conclusions include new insights into Avicenna's revision of Aristotle and Plotinus, specific areas of his theories of psychology and metaphysics, his intellectual interaction with the theologians of his period, the historical and social context in which Avicenna worked, the reception of his thought among Syriac-writing authors, among later Ishraqi philosophers, and in Shi'ite peripatetic philosophy. These insights range from new interpretations of his extant corpus, to compelling theories on the factors contributing to his philosophical innovations. In many cases, these papers present hitherto unexamined textual evidence that will contribute greatly to a new methodology in Avicenna studies, and Arabic-Islamic philosophy in general.
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Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Islamic thought in the dialogue of cultures : a historical and bibliographical survey /
Islamic thought is the most beautiful result of a multicultural dialogue. Islamic culture became a bridge between antiquity, Iranian scholars, Syriac and Arabic Christians and the Latin Middle Ages. Its richness of ideas, its plurality of values can contribute to the requirements of modern plurality. The monograph aims at a historical and bibliographical survey of the qurʾānic and rational world-view of early Islam, of the period of translations from Greek into Syriac and Arabic, and of the impact of Islamic thought on the Latin Middle Ages. Critical reflexions of Muslim scholars stimulated new scientific ideas and make us aware of the contribution of Islam to humanity.
1 online resource (xi, 274 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [233]-244) and index. :
9789004232044 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
La Summa Alexandrinorum : Abrégé arabo-latin de l'Éthique à Nicomaque d'Aristote. Édition critique, traduction française et introduction /
This volume contains the first critical edition of the Summa Alexandrinorum , that is the medieval Latin translation made in 1243 by Hermann the German of an Arabic abridgment of the Nicomachean Ethics known as the Iḫtiṣār al-Iskandarānīyīn . It is accompanied by a French translation. The volume also contains a full study of the manuscript tradition of the Latin text and sets out the principles used in the edition, which takes account, where necessary, of the Arabic version of the text, which has survived in the form of fragments. A study of the origin of the Summa Alexandrinorum and the relations between the Summa and the fragments and testimonies which are extant in other traditions and different languages completes the volume. Ce volume propose la toute première édition critique, accompagnée d'une traduction française, de la Summa Alexandrinorum , traduction latine médiévale exécutée en 1243 par Hermann l'Allemand d'un abrégé arabe de l' Éthique à Nicomaque connu sous le titre d' Iḫtiṣār al-Iskandarānīyīn . Il présente également une étude complète de la tradition manuscrite du texte latin, et les principes d'édition adoptés dans l'édition, qui prennent en compte, ponctuellement, la version arabe du texte qui a été conservée sous la forme de fragments. L'étude de l'origine de la Summa Alexandrinorum et des relations entre la Summa et les fragments et témoignages conservés dans d'autres langues et appartenant à autant de traditions parallèles et diverses vient compléter ce volume.
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Ḥikmat-i Khāqāniyya : Shāmil-i yak dawra-yi mukhtaṣar-i mantiq, ṭabīʿiyyāt u ilāhiyyāt /
Bahāʾ al-Dīn Iṣfahānī (d. 1137/1725), better known as Fāḍil Hindī, was born into a comfortable home in Isfahan. Being a particularly precocious child, he completed his studies in the traditional and the foreign sciences by the age of thirteen, even carrying the title of mujtahid (someone authorized to issue legal opinions in Shīʿī Islam). He then accompanied his father to the court of the Mughal emperor Awrangzīb (r. 1658-1707), where he remained for several years before returning to Isfahan. At a time at which Isfahan was under the spell of the anti-speculative, literalist Akhbārī school in Shīʿism, Fāḍil Hindī was one of the few to engage in philosophy, so much so that one could call him equally a juristic philosopher or a philosophical jurist. The present work is a very readable, complete course in logic and philosophy that bears witness to his originality as a thinker in each of these domains.
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