Freiheit nach Kant, Tradition, Rezeption, Transformation, Aktualität.
Kant's conception of freedom is of special importance in the history of philosophy. It not only brings together older traditions but has great influence on later theories of freedom. The edited volume analyzes Kant's theory, referring to the concepts of will, choice, autonomy, and reason. It consists of four parts: Kant's theory in its historical context; Kant's own conception as developed in his various philosophical works; central conceptions of freedom in German Idealism after Kant (including Reinhold, Schiller, Maimon, Jacobi, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer); the systematic relevance of Kant's conception of freedom with regard to recent debates in analytic philosophy (agent causality, compatibilism and incompatibilism).
1 online resource. :
Gefährdete Demokratie : Rechtskatholizismus in der Weimarer Republik /
Die Bedrohung und Untergrabung von Demokratien werden heute wieder lebhaft diskutiert. Viele aktuelle Entwicklungen erinnern an das Scheitern der Weimarer Republik. Dieser Band fragt nach dem Anteil der damaligen "Rechtskatholiken", unter ihnen Franz von Papen, am Untergang der ersten deutschen Demokratie. Gehörten sie zu den "Totengräbern der Republik"? Die Beiträge nähern sich der Definition des Begriffs "Rechtskatholizismus" und analysieren das ambivalente Verhältnis von "Rechtskatholiken" zur katholischen Amtskirche und die Verbindungen in den Vatikan. Auch regionale Netzwerke rechtskatholischer Akteure in ihren Hochburgen Westfalen und Rheinland sowie wichtige überregionale Bezüge und transnationale Perspektiven werden aufgezeigt. Ausblickend wird diskutiert, wie viel Katholisches in heutigen rechten Strömungen steckt − und wie viel Rechtspopulismus im heutigen Katholizismus.
1 online resource (390 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant's Concept of Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective.
Freedom is one of the main issues of modern philosophy and Kant's philosophy of freedom a major source for comprehending it. Whereas in contemporary debates Kant's concept of practical freedom is addressed frequently, the cosmological foundation of it is much less discussed and even mostly taken for granted. In Metaphysics of Freedom? , by contrast, Kant's concept of cosmological freedom is scrutinized both in a historical and a systematic perspective. As a result, a deeper and broader understanding of Kant's conception of freedom, its presuppositions, and problems emerges.
1 online resource. :
Happiness, morality, and freedom /
To be happy is to be emotionally and evaluatively satisfied with one's life according to a standard of satisfaction one can claim as one's own as a reasoning being. Since there is no definitive proof of what the standard of satisfaction is, being open to the devising and testing of standards by others is part of claiming one's own standard as a reasoning being. This open-ness is equivalent to being open to and hence respecting and caring for the pursuit of happiness of others. Since such respect and care is what it is to be moral, it follows that one cannot be happy without being moral.
1 online resource (xii, 212 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004283213 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Freedom /
The International Reformed Theological Institute (IRTI) was founded in 1995. Its purpose is, above all, to create a platform where Reformed theologians from all over the world can meet each other, get acquainted with each other's work, discuss theological issues and stimulate each other in scholarly theological research. Most of the articles in this volume which contains the contributions to the first conference bear upon the theme of Freedom, and often do so in a very concrete way from the perspective of the totally change political situation in the world. Next to these one finds other scholarly theological contributions. The devotional contributions to the conference have been included as well. Thus, not only does this volume provide us with reactions to the events of the last few years on the part of a number of involved theologians, but it also offers a striking perspective on the theological insights and spirituality of Reformed theologians all over the world. That is exactly the purpose of this series of Studies in Reformed Theology.
1 online resource :
Freiheit und Prädetermination unter dem Auspiz der prästabilierten Harmonie : Leibniz und Fichte in der Perspektive /
Dieses Werk stellt das Denken zweier Geistesgrößen, Leibnizens und Fichtes sich gegenüber und vergleicht es. Fichte sieht in Leibniz einen Vorläufer und erwähnt ihn mit liebevoller Bewunderung. Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre von 1801/02 wird Leibnizens "Monadologie" aufgreifen und Leibnizens Gedanken einer prästabilierten Harmonie. Beide Philosophen verstehen sich als Freiheitsapostel, wobei bei Leibniz Gott eine genaue Notion jedes Individuums hat, die Freiheit ein mentaler Akt ist, bei Fichte jedes Individuum ein je bestimmtes Soll hat, das es, Freiheit verwirklichend, im Leben zu erfüllen gilt. Fichte erkennt in Leibniz einen Vorläufer der eigenen Transzendentalphilosophie. Ein Unterschied zwischen den beiden Denkern besteht darin, dass Leibniz stets die Individualität im Auge hat, wo Fichte vom reinen Vernunftwesen ausgeht, dessen individuelle Pathologien ihn nicht interessieren. Beide Philosophen supponieren, dass die Welt ein Ende habe, Leibniz, auf dass das Weltgericht stattfinden könne, Fichte, auf dass in einer neuen Welt nur noch die sittlichen Individuen wiedergeboren werden. Der vorliegende Text versucht auch, den Bogen zu schlagen von der philosophischen Tradition des Abendlandes, und insbesondere von Leibniz, Kant und Fichte zu einer Gotteslehre auf Grund der modernen Physik. Die hochenergetische Urmaße wird gefasst als psychophysische Energeia, die sich - im Leibnizschen Sinne Wissen, Macht und Wollen - aus dem Nichts kontrahiert hat und nun ins All explodiert. In der Kontraktion aus dem ursprünglich Verwobenen hat das Absolute sich vom Nichts, das Gute sich vom Bösen geschieden, entsteht das Übel als privatio boni.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Autonome Praxis und intelligible Welt : die transzendental-praktische Freiheit in Kants Lehre vom hochsten Gut /
In Autonome Praxis und intelligible Welt: Die transzendental-praktische Freiheit in Kants Lehre vom höchsten Gut Walid Faizzada reconstructs Kant's theory of freedom in light of modern debates about determinism and free will. Faizzada argues that the Kantian position is neither a kind of compatibilism nor incompatibilism. The theory of freedom includes the specific concept of intellectual causality as the power to act by principles and for practical reasons. The most innovative feature constitutes the self-determination of rational agents regarding the idea of the noumenal world. Kant's philosophical approach to freedom culminates in the concept of so-called transcendental-practical freedom which prepares the ground for morality.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004354166 :
1878-9986 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Recognition and freedom : Axel Honneth's political thought /
Recognition and Freedom brings together leading international scholars to discuss the political thought of the social philosopher Axel Honneth. In addition to providing an introduction to Honneth's political thought, the book examines topics such as education, solidarity, multiculturalism, agonism, neo-liberalism and the ways in which these issues challenge core aspects of liberal democracies. The book includes an interview with Axel Honneth in the light of his most recent work, Freedom's Right, as well as an essay by him previously unpublished in English.
1 online resource (x, 286 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004287341 :
1572-459X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Paul's Declaration of Freedom from a Freed Slave's Perspective /
This project attempts to listen to voices that have seldom been heard. While others have explored Paul's theology of Christian freedom, they have not considered how Paul's declaration of freedom would have been received by those who most desired and valued freedom: the slaves and freedpersons in the Galatian churches. In this study, Robin Thompson explores both Greek and Roman manumission, considers how the ancient Mediterranean world conceived of freedom, and then examines the freedom declared in Galatians from a freed slaves's perspective. She proposes that these freedpersons would likely have perceived this freedom to be not only spiritual freedom, but - at least in the Christian communities - individual freedom as well.
1 online resource (246 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Freedom through Submission: Muslim-talk in Contemporary Denmark /
"In Freedom through Submission Johannes Renders explores Danish-Muslim statements on human freedom. Within a context where public talk of Islam is largely mediated by an incessant succession of controversies, the notion of freedom is weaponized both by and against a growing Muslim community. Danish Muslims take issue with liberal associations of the notion with autonomy and choice, and seek to reconfigure the public debate that pits freedom against Islam. This book brings out a sophisticated and reflective Muslim discourse, in which freedom is something individuals must simultaneously exercise, surrender, and achieve in a cultivated relinquishing of the will to Allah"--
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Evil--freedom--and the road to perfection in Clement of Alexandria /
This study deals with Clement of Alexandria's interpretation of evil and free will in the context of the rising Christianity, the influence of Near Eastern and Greek thought on him, his differences from St. Augustine, and how his interpretation affected the rise of the Eastern Christian thought. The book also treats briefly the subject of man's personal aim in life perceived by Clement as the supersession of his nature. Failure to realize this personal aim in life leads to alienation from God, and death. The moral dilemma of Clement's interpretation of evil as failure of life's aim is not a conventional explanation of good and evil but something much more: the option between real life and death. Consequently, Clement's idea of evil refers to existential problems and ontological realities.
1 online resource (xii, 192 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 181-186) and index. :
9789004313101 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Tensions within and between religions and human rights /
This volume contains theoretical and empirical articles on tensions within and between religion and human rights. There are conflicts in the past histories of Christianity and Islam in regard to human rights, but also in contemporary history. There are also tensions in the sphere of human rights, like the relation between natural law and human rights, morality and law, liberty and equality, civil rights and socio-economic rights, and more specific ones, like the rights of humans and citizens, religious freedom and the separation of church and state, religious freedom and freedom of speech, and the state and religion on social welfare provisions. The volume aims at theoretical clarification and empirical exploration on data from 14 countries. Contributors include: Jean-Pierre Wils, Piet Hein van Kempen, Mathias Rohe, Johannes (Hans) van der Ven, Anders Sjöborg, Raymond J. Webb, Jack Curran, Marion Reindl, Leo W.J.M. van der Tuin, Clement D. Fumbo, and Hans-Georg Ziebertz.
Proceedings of the 1st and 2nd conferences of the Empirical Research Program Religion and Human Rights, held in 2008 and 2010 at the Radboud University Nijmegen. :
1 online resource (255 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004218697 :
1877-881X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.