Colonial geopolitics and local cultures in the Hellenistic and Roman East (3rd century BC - 3rd...
What changes in the material culture can we observe, when a state is overwhelming a local population with soldiers, katoikoi, and civil officials or merchants? What were the mutual influences between native and colonial cultures? This collection addresses these questions and many more, focusing on the Hellenistic and Roman East.
Also issued in print: 2021.
"proceedings of a panel held during the Celtic Conference in Classics 2014 ... [and] a number of papers given previously ... under the aegis of the Symposium international le livre, la Roumanie, L'Europe2--Introduction. :
1 online resource (v, 218 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (black and white) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781789699838 (PDF ebook) :
Christianity, conflict, and renewal in Australia and the Pacific /
Cultural expressions of Christianity show great diversity around the globe. While scholarship has tended to consider charismatic practices in distinct geographical contexts, this volume advances the anthropology of Christianity through ethnographically rich, comparative insights from across the Australia-Pacific region. Christianity, Conflict, and Renewal in Australia and the Pacific presents new perspectives on the performative dynamics of Christian belief, conflict, and renewal. Addressing experiences of cultural and spiritual renewal, contributors reveal how tensions can arise between spiritual and political expressions of culture and identity, opening up alternative spaces for spiritual realization and religious change. These local processes further mobilize responses of individuals and groups to state forces and political reforms, in turn, influencing the shape of translocal and transnational Christian practices.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004311459 :
1573-4293 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Religion and society : an agenda for the 21st century /
Religion is set to be a major force in the twenty-first century. Here is a book that tells us what the world's leading scholars have to say about this. Issues of conflict and peace, ethical questions concerning the use of advanced technology, explanations of the global religious revival, and the role of women in religious leadership, as well as questions about how to study religion, are all discussed. It is a volume that ranges exceptionally widely, in terms of the themes discussed, the variety of disciplines, and the participation of international scholars debating with each other. One section of the book is devoted to Japanese scholarship concerning the world's major religions. Contributors include: Talal Asad, Chin Hong Chung, Armin Geertz, Gerrie ter Haar, Rosalind Hackett, Eiko Hanaoka, Shōtō Hase, Mark Juergensmeyer, Noriko Kawahashi, Kiyotaka Kimura, Ursula King, Pratap Kumar, William Lafleur, Sylvia Marcos, Tomoko Masuzawa, Ebrahim Moosa, Kōjirō Nakamura, Vasudha Narayanan, Haruko Okano, Suwanna Satha-Anand, Susumu Shimazono, Noriyoshi Tamaru, Masakazu Tanaka, Hiroshi Tsuchiya, Yoshio Tsuruoka, Manabu Watanabe, Pablo Wright.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [283]-297) and index. :
9789047422464 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ancient Greeks west and east /
This volume deals with the concept of 'West' and 'East', as held by the ancient Greeks. Cultural exchange in Archaic and Classical Greece through the establishment of Hellenic colonies around the ancient world was an important development, and always a two-way process. To achieve a proper understanding of it requires study from every angle. All 24 papers in this volume combine different types of evidence, discussing them from every perspective: they are examined not only from the point of view of the Greeks but from that of the locals. The book gives new data, as well as re-examining existing evidence and reinterpreting old theories. The book is richly illustrated.
1 online resource (xxi, 623 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004351257 :
0169-8958. Supplementum ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Living with heritage : the case of Tsodilo World Heritage Site and neighbouring localities /
In 2008 several heritage sites in Botswana were opened for tourism in addition to the Tsodilo World Heritage Site. Insufficient research was undertaken to understand how local communities and local cultures respond to these ventures. This study presents an overview of community transformation and responses to heritage sites as globalised platforms.
"Available in both print and Open Access"--Homepage. :
1 online resource (184 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789693058 (PDF ebook) :
Living with heritage : the case of Tsodilo World Heritage Site and neighbouring localities /
In 2008 several heritage sites in Botswana were opened for tourism in addition to the Tsodilo World Heritage Site. Insufficient research was undertaken to understand how local communities and local cultures respond to these ventures. This study presents an overview of community transformation and responses to heritage sites as globalised platforms.
"Available in both print and Open Access"--Homepage. :
1 online resource (184 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789693058 (PDF ebook) :
Catholic Pentecostalism and the paradoxes of Africanization : processes of localization in a Catholic Charismatic movement in Cameroon /
The anthropological literature on religious innovation and resistance in African Christianity tended to focus almost exclusively on what have come to be known as African Independent Churches. Very few anthropological studies have looked at similar processes within mission churches. Through an ethnographic study of localizing processes in a Charismatic movement in Cameroon and Paris, the book critically explores the dialectics between 'Pentecostalization' and 'Africanization' within contemporary African Catholicism. It appears that both processes pursue, although for different purposes, the missionary policy of dismantling local cultures and religions: practices and discourses of Africanization dissect them in search of 'authentic' African values; Charismatic ritual on the other hand features the dramatization of the defeat of local deities and spirits by Christianity.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [227]-240) and index. :
9789047442950 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
La Phrygie Paroree et la Pisidie septentrionale aux epoques hellenistique et romaine : geographie historique et sociologie culturelle /
La Phrygie Parorée et la Pisidie septentrionale deals with the history, the historical geography and the cultural sociology of Phrygia Paroreios and Northern Pisidia during the Hellenistic and Roman periods (IVth century BC - IVth century AD). This region of inner Anatolia, mostly inhabited by Pisidians and Phrygians, faced gradually the settlement of Greek, Macedonian, Jewish, Thracian, Lycian and Roman colonists who deeply modified the local cultures and geopolitics. With an approach based on epigraphic, archaeological, literary and numismatic sources, this work is the first historical synthesis devoted to a region showing strong cultural identities, which makes it essential to the understanding of the Graeco-Roman East. La Phrygie Parorée et la Pisidie septentrionale traite de l'Histoire, de la géographie historique et de la sociologie culturelle de la Phrygie Parorée et du Nord de la Pisidie aux époques hellénistique et romaine (IVe s. av. J.-C.-IVe s. ap. J.-C.). Cette région de l'Anatolie intérieure, surtout peuplée par les Pisidiens et les Phrygiens, eut successivement à faire face à l'installation de colons grecs, macédoniens, juifs, thraces, lyciens et romains qui modifièrent en profondeur les cultures et la géopolitique locales. Grâce à une approche fondée sur l'examen des sources épigraphiques, archéologiques, littéraires et numismatiques, cet ouvrage constitue la première synthèse historique sur une région aux identités culturelles marquées, essentielle à la compréhension de l'Orient gréco-romain.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004337404 :
2352-8656 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Settlement, communication and exchange around the western Carpathians : international workshop held at the Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, October 27-28,...
During the international conference 'Settlement, Communication and Exchange around the Western Carpathians' held in Kraków in October 2012, attention was focused on the complex issues of long-term cultural change in the populations surrounding the Western Carpathians, with the aim of striking a balance between local cultural dynamics, subsistence economy and the alleged importance of far-reaching contacts, and communication and exchange involved in this process. Specialists from Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the United States met and discussed for two days their archaeological findings relating to questions of (Trans)Carpathian communication, settlement patterns, and agricultural and technological changes that occurred (mainly) during the Neolithic and Bronze Age.
1 online resource : illustrations (black and white). :
Specialized. :
9781784910372 (PDF ebook) :
Settlement, communication and exchange around the western Carpathians : international workshop held at the Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, October 27-28,...
During the international conference 'Settlement, Communication and Exchange around the Western Carpathians' held in Kraków in October 2012, attention was focused on the complex issues of long-term cultural change in the populations surrounding the Western Carpathians, with the aim of striking a balance between local cultural dynamics, subsistence economy and the alleged importance of far-reaching contacts, and communication and exchange involved in this process. Specialists from Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the United States met and discussed for two days their archaeological findings relating to questions of (Trans)Carpathian communication, settlement patterns, and agricultural and technological changes that occurred (mainly) during the Neolithic and Bronze Age.
Also issued in print: 2014.
Conference proceedings. :
1 online resource (ii, 403 pages) : illustrations (black and white) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781784910372 (PDF ebook) :
Les stèles de l'an 3 d'Aspelta /
"A new stele dated Year III of Aspelta was discovered one fragment after another between 1999 and 2007 on the site of Dukki Gel (Pnubs), one kilometre north of Kerma. What started as archaeological research turned into a police investigation when the largest fragment was confiscated from a Sudanese man who had sent a copy of the text to the Museum of Khartoum to enquire about the potential commercial value of the object in his possession. Five fragments constituting the main part of the upper and median sections of the stele could thus be reassembled, along with two fragments of the lower rim. The scarce number of Napatean inscribed monuments known to us makes every new discover likely to shed entirely new light on this very specific period when the Kushite kings ceased to rule over Egypt but kept close cultural relationships with it beyond the now interrupted political links. The date of the stele - Year III, 1st month of Winter, the 12th - places it twenty days after the stele from Sanam, downstream of the 4th cataract, now in the Louvre Museum (C 250 = E 6209) which is dated Year III, 3rd month of the akhet season, the 22nd day. The latter commemorated the visit to the temple of Amun-Ra Bull of Nubia by a delegation sent by the king to replace the sistrum player of the temple. Reading the inscription of stele from Dukki Gel shows that most members of the delegation of the Sanam stele are still mentioned here, although important redactional discrepancies are to found between the two texts. A comparison of the two inscriptions lets us establish certain orthographic rules followed by the scribe of each stele, one with an Egyptian training while the other one seems to have been influenced by a specific local culture, which the Dukki Gel stele contributes to reveal." -- Page 4 of cover.
vi, 117 pages : color illustrations, color map ; 29 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 93-97) and indexes. :
9782724706185 :
0259-3823 ;