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Published 2009
Exploring the Longue Durée : essays in honor of Lawrence E. Stager /

: xxii, 538 pages : illustrations, maps, plans ; 29 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9781575061610

Published 2015
Tell Qudadi : an iron age IIB fortress on the central Mediterranean coast of Israel : with references to earlier and later periods : final report on the Hebrew University of Jerusa...

: "The Preparation of this publication was made possible through a grant from the shelby white-leon levy program for archaeological publications"-verso of title page : xviii, 242 pages : many black and white illustrations, black and white plans ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789042931824

Published 2018
Sources and interpretation in ancient Judaism : studies for Tal Ilan at sixty /

: Sources and Interpretation in Ancient Judaism: Studies for Tal Ilan at Sixty , a collection of studies by 14 scholars, is designed to honor an outstanding scholar in the field of Ancient Judaism, Tal Ilan. These studies reflect realms within the broad field of Ancient Judaism that are central to Ilan's scholarship: Second Temple literary sources and history, Gender, Jewish papyrology and rabbinic literature. The studies within this volume are of an interdisciplinary nature, offering new readings and interpretations of known sources such as Josephus and rabbinic texts, but also introducing the reader to an entirely new body of sources, namely Jewish papyri. The volume therefore aims to introduce specialists and non-specialists to new fields of research
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004366985 : 1871-6636 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2024
Tradition and Power in the Roman Empire : Proceedings of the Fifteenth Workshop of The International Network Impact of Empire (Nijmegen, 18-20 May 2022) /

: This volume focuses on the interface between tradition and the shifting configuration of power structures in the Roman Empire. By examining various time periods and locales, its contributions show the Empire as a world filed with a wide variety of cultural, political, social, and religious traditions. These traditions were constantly played upon in the processes of negotiation and (re)definition that made the empire into a superstructure whose coherence was embedded in its diversity.
: 1 online resource (388 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004537460

Published 2009
German orientalism in the age of empire : religion, race, and scholarship /

: xxxiv, 526 pages ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9780521169073 : shimaa

Published 2025
Mapping Insularity: a Visual History of Islands in Medieval and Early Modern Worlds /

: What lies behind an island? Is an island just a piece of land surrounded by water? Or is it from a cultural, symbolic and even geographical perspective much more than that? Considering the symbolic nature of islands as a longue durée and through the analysis of maps, texts and historical accounts, this book explores how the depiction of insularity encodes specific meanings and analytical levels which shed light on medieval and modern worldviews.
: 9789004716469

Published 2023
Agrarian archaeology in northwestern Iberia : local societies : the off-site record /

: Devoted to the archaeological study of the societies and agrarian landscapes of Northwestern Iberia in the longue durée, this book brings together the results of some of the main projects carried out in recent decades from off-site records, providing a fresh perspective for the understanding of historical landscapes.
: Also issued in print: 2023. : 1 online resource (xi, 150 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (black and white, and colour). : Specialized. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781803274362 (PDF ebook) : : Open access.

Published 2024
Représentations et symbolique de la guerre et de la paix dans le monde arabe /

: Les recherches publiées dans ce livre portent sur les représentations et les symboliques0de la guerre et de la paix dans le monde arabe sur la longue durée. Les auteurs0sont spécialistes de différentes disciplines (sociologie, anthropologie, histoire, études0linguistiques et littéraires) et portent une attention particulière à la langue de leurs0corpus, depuis des textes fondateurs, Coran ou hadiths, en passant par les sources0classiques de l'historien (les textes des auteurs du patrimoine classique arabe),0jusqu?aux productions qui nous sont contemporaines, des textes militants aux oeuvres0de fiction, tous témoignant des représentations que l'on tente d?interpréter ici.
: ix, 332 pages : color illustrations, color maps ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9782724710007
2724710002 : 0257-4136

La batellerie égyptienne : archéologie, histoire, ethnographie /

: Les Actes du colloque international La batellerie égyptienne organisé par le Centre d'Études Alexandrines (USR 3134 du CNRS) mettent en évidence les caractéristiques propres de la batellerie égyptienne qui ne saurait totalement se confondre avec la batellerie nilotique. S'y ajoute celle des grands lacs situés au nord du Delta ainsi que le réseau complexe des communications mettant en jeu le fleuve, les lacs et les canaux. Pour faire apparaître les particularités et les permanences, l'étude porte sur la longue durée, de l'Égypte pharaonique aux temps modernes, et fait appel aussi bien aux sources archéologiques, historiques, philologiques et papyrologiques qu'ethnographiques. Sur une telle durée, seuls des éclairages significatifs ont été privilégiés pour leur exemplarité et leur capacité à établir des passerelles entre les diverses époques. À cet égard, la confrontation entre les différentes sources apparaît ici dans toute son originalité et sa richesse, en ouvrant de nombreuses perspectives de recherche.
: 330 pages : illustrations (come color), maps (some color) ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9782111298545

Published 1997
Judaeo-Arabic studies : proceedings of the Founding Conference of the Society for Judaeo-Arabic Studies /

: xv, 256 pages ; 26 cm. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9057020823

Published 2002
From Cyrus to Alexander : a history of the Persian Empire /

: xx, 1196 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 1059-1124) and indexes. : 1575060310

Published 2007
Early Islamic Syria : an archaeological assessment /

: "This book offers an innovative assessment of social and economic developments in Syria-Palestine shortly before, and in the two centuries after, the Islamic expansion (the later sixth to the early ninth century AD), drawing on a wide range of new evidence from recent archaeological work. Alan Walmsley challenges conventional explanations for social change with the arrival of Islam, arguing forconsiderable cultural and economic continuity rather than devastation and unrelenting decline. Much new, and increasingly non-elite, architectural evidence and an ever -growing corpus of material culture indicate that Syria- Palestine entered a new age of social richness in the early Islamic period, even if the gains were chronologically and regionally uneven."--Jacket.
: 176 pages : illustrations, maps ; 22 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 156-170) and index

Published 2012
Religion and social transformations in Cyprus : from the Cypriot basileis to the Hellenistic strategos /

: This monograph focuses on religion to explore how the socio-cultural infrastructure of Cyprus was affected by the transition from segmented administration by many Cypriot kings to the island-wide government by a foreign Ptolemaic correspondent. It approaches politico-religious ideological responses and structures of symbolism through the study of sacred landscapes, specific iconographic elements, and archaeological contexts and architecture, as well as through textual and epigraphic evidence. A fresh approach to the transition is put forward, connecting the island more emphatically with its longue durée. Moving beyond the field of Cypriot studies, this work also serves as a paradigm for the study of religion in relation to social power in other fields of classics and, in particular, for the enrolment of other areas of the Mediterranean into the political and cultural Hellenistic oikoumene.
: Title from PDF title page (viewed on Dec. 3, 2012). : 1 online resource (xxiii, 604 pages) : illustrations, mappages. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004233805 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2021
The afterlives of Egyptian history : reuse and reformulation of objects, places, and texts : a volume in honor of Edward L. Bleiberg /

: "Egypt has a particular longue durée, a continuity of preservation in deep time, not seen in other parts of the world. Over the centuries, ancient buildings have been adopted for purposes that differed from the original. Temple sites have been transformed into places of worship for new deities or turned into houses and tombs. Tombs, in turn, have been adapted to function as human dwellings already in the Late Antique Period. The Afterlives of Egyptian History expands on the traditional academic approach of studying the original function and socio-political circumstances of ancient Egyptian objects, texts, and sites to examine their secondary lives by exploring their reuse, modification, and reinterpretation. Written in honor of the Egyptologist, Edward Bleiberg, this volume brings together a group of luminous scholars from a wide range of fields, including Egyptian archaeology, philology, conservation, and art, to explore the historical circumstances, as well as political and economic situations of people who have come into contact with ancient Egypt, both in antiquity and in more recent times"--
: xxxv, 187 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9781617979927

Published 2014
Power, politics, and the cults of Isis : proceedings of the Vth International Conference of Isis studies, Boulogne-sur-Mer, October 13-15, 2011 /

: In the Hellenistic and Roman world intimate relations existed between those holding power and the cults of Isis. This book is the first to chart these various appropriations over time within a comparative perspective. Ten carefully selected case studies show that "the Egyptian gods" were no exotic outsiders to the Hellenistic and Roman Mediterranean, but constituted a well institutionalised and frequently used religious option. Ranging from the early Ptolemies and Seleucids to late Antiquity, the case studies illustrate how much symbolic meaning was made with the cults of Isis by kings, emperors, cities and elites. Three articles introduce the theme of Isis and the longue durée theoretically, simultaneously exploring a new approach towards concepts like ruler cult and Religionspolitik .
: Includes index. : 1 online resource (xvii, 364 pages) : illustrations (some colour) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004278271 : 0927-7633 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
Johann Amos Comenius und die pädagogischen Hoffnungen der Gegenwart : Grundzüge einer mentälitatsgeschichtlichen Neuinterpretation seines Werkes.

: Insofern Erziehung auf die Zukunft gerichtet ist, bedarf sie der Hoffnung. Und wer nicht hofft, kann auch nicht erziehen. Doch die nicht selten euphorisch zu nennende Erwartung, dass man von einer wissenschaftlich begründeten Erziehung auch eine entscheidende Weltverbesserung erhoffen könne, dürfte wesentlich eine Erfindung der anhebenden Neuzeit gewesen sein. Die übliche pädagogische Ideengeschichte sieht in Comenius zumeist einen vormodernen Gegenpol zum technisch-zivilisatorischen Denken der Neuzeit - und übersah damit notwendig wesentliche Kontinuitäten. Denn es war Comenius, der mit seiner pansophischen Systematik zuerst die Hoffnung verband, eine solcherart durchkonstruierte Erziehungsmaschine begründet zu haben, dass eine wahrhaft pansophisch ausgerichtete Erziehung auch einen unfehlbaren Erziehungserfolg verbürgen müsse. Ein mentalitätsgeschichtlicher Zugang vermag dabei zu zeigen, wie sich die pädagogischen Hoffnungen des Comenius entwickelt und zeitgleich mit der pansophischen Systematik ausgeprägt haben. Je durchdachter die Systematik wurde, desto unfehlbarer sollte auch die Erziehung werden. Mit einer vollkommen realisierten pansophischen Erziehung würden sich also alle Hoffnungen auf eine Weltverbesserung erfüllen ; alles, was bis dahin zukunftsgerichtete Hoffnung war, würde also mit der Pampaedia zur erfüllten Gegenwart werden. Von der menschlichen resignation der Frühschriften über die gott-menschliche cooperatio der pansophischen Programmschriften führt solcherart der Weg zur intendierten omnipotentia des Menschen, an welcher schließlich auch die Erziehung teilhaben soll. Unter der Rücksicht der longue durée ist Comenius damit nicht nur ein , sondern letztlich der Begründer der pädagogischen Moderne. Seit Comenius produziert wissenschaftlich-systematisches Denken immer neue Erziehungshoffnungen, die sich sodann durch gesellschaftliche Erwartungshaltungen selbstlaufend re -produzieren und die Nachfrage nach pädagogischer Wissenschaftlichkeit wiederum steigern. Doch die Welt hat sich bis heute bekanntlich nicht verbessern lassen - trotz einer über 350 Jahre alten Tradition wissenschaftlich begründeter Pädagogik.
: 1 online resource (184 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789042031524 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2018
Two thousand years in Dendi, northern Benin : archaeology, history and memory /

: In Two Thousand Years in Dendi, Northern Benin an international team examines a little-known part of the Niger River valley, West Africa, over the longue durée. This area, known as Dendi, has often been portrayed as the crossroads of major West African medieval empires but this understanding has been based on a small number of very patchy historical sources. Working from the ground up, from the archaeological sites, standing remains, oral traditions and craft industries of Dendi, Haour and her team offer the first in-depth account of the area. Contributors are: Paul Adderley, Mardjoua Barpougouni, Victor Brunfaut, Louis Champion, Annalisa Christie, Barbara Eichhorn, Anne Filippini, Dorian Fuller, Olivier Gosselain, David Kay, Nadia Khalaf, Nestor Labiyi, Raoul Laibi, Richard Lee, Veerle Linseele, Alexandre Livingstone Smith, Carlos Magnavita, Sonja Magnavita, Didier N'Dah, Nicolas Nikis, Sam Nixon, Franck N'Po Takpara, Jean-François Pinet, Ronika Power, Caroline Robion-Brunner, Lucie Smolderen, Abubakar Sule Sani, Romuald Tchibozo, Jennifer Wexler, Wim Wouters.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004376694