Domi militiaeque : Militär- und andere Altertümer : Festschrift für Hannsjörg Ubl zum 85, Geburtstag /
This volume, in honour of the Austrian scholar Professor Dr Hannsjörg Ubl, contains 24 contributions covering a wide range of topics. The focus is on Ancient Greece and Rome, but the volume also includes papers about the Langobards, renaissance replicas of classical sculpture, and the archaeology of World War I.
Also issued in print: 2020. :
1 online resource (238 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789695335 (ebook) :
The impact of mobility and migration in the Roman empire : proceedings of the twelfth workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Rome, June 17-19, 2015) /
Following on previous workshops of the Impact of Empire network which looked at frontiers (Impact 9), integration (Impact 10) and the world(s) beyond the borders of the Roman empire (Impact 11), the twelfth meeting of the network focused on movement within the Roman world. The Impact of Mobility and Migration in the Roman Empire assembles a series of papers on key themes in the study of Roman mobility and migration. It discusses legal frameworks, the mobility of the army (both at war and in peace-time), ethnic identity, the mobility of women, the mobility of senators, diplomatic mobility, war-induced mobility, and deportations. The papers vary in geographical scope, ranging from empire-wide approaches to reconstructions of patterns at particular sites. It employs a rich variety of sources, ranging from classical authors to documentary papyri, from legal sources to shipwrecks.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
9789004334809 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Peace of Nature and the Nature of Peace : Essays on Ecology, Nature, Nonviolence, and Peace.
The essays collected in The Peace of Nature and the Nature of Peace consider connections between ecology, environmental ethics, nonviolence, and philosophy of peace. Edited by Andrew Fiala, this book includes essays written by important scholars in the field of peace studies, pacifism, and nonviolence, including Michael Allen Fox, Andrew Fitz-Gibbon, Bill Gay, and others. Topics include: ecological consciousness and nonviolence, environmental activism and peace activism, the environmental impact of militarism, native and indigenous peoples and peace, food ethics and nonviolence, and other topics. The book should be of interest to scholars, students, and activists who are interested in the relationship between peace movements and environmentalism.
Description based upon print version of record. :
1 online resource (164 pages) :
9789004299597 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The impact of the Roman army (200 BC-AD 476) : economic, social, political, religious, and cultural aspects : proceedings of the Sixth Workshop of the International Network Impact...
To many inhabitants of the Roman Empire the army was the most visible representation of imperial power. Roman troops were the embodiment of imperial control. Military installations and buildings, the imperial guard, other troops, fleets, and militarily tinged works of art brought home the majesty of Rome to anybody who saw them, in Rome and in other parts of the Empire. With Roman armies came administrators, taxes and requisitions in cash and kind, traders, permanently residing veterans and military personnel, useful relations between local notables and Roman military cadre, and chances of upward social mobility. This sixth volume in the series Impact of Empire focuses on these topics.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047430391 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ritual dynamics and religious change in the Roman Empire : proceedings of the eighth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Heidelberg, July 5-7, 2007) /
This volume presents the proceedings of the eighth workshop of the international network 'Impact of Empire', which concentrates on the history of the Roman Empire and brings together ancient historians, archaeologists, classicists and specialists in Roman law from some thirty European and North American universities. The eighth volume focuses on the impact of the Roman Empire on religious behaviour, with a special focus on the dynamics of ritual. The volume is divided into three sections: ritualising the empire, performing civic community in the empire and performing religion in the empire.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047428275 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
War, warlords, and interstate relations in the ancient Mediterranean /
During the final four centuries BC, many political and stateless entities of the Mediterranean headed towards anarchy and militarism, while stronger powers -Carthage, the Hellenistic kingdoms and Republican Rome- expanded towards State formation, forceful military structures and empire building. Edited by T. Ñaco del Hoyo and F. López Sánchez, this volume presents the proceedings from an ICREA Conference held in Barcelona (2013), addressing the connection between war, warlords and interstate relations from classical studies and social sciences perspectives. Some twenty scholars from European, Japanese and North American Universities consider the scope of 'multipolarity' and the usefulness of 'warlord', a modern category, in order to feature some ancient military and political leaderships.
Proceedings from an ICREA Conference held in Barcelona (2013). :
1 online resource (xiv, 504 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004354050 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Visions of the Roman north : art and identity in northern Roman Britain /
'Visions of the Roman North' presents an analysis of art from the northern frontier zones of Roman Britain and to interpret the meaning and significance of this art in terms of the formation of a regional identity at this time. It argues that a distinct and vibrant visual culture flourished in the north during the Roman period, primarily due to its status as a heavily militarized frontier zone. Artworks from forts and the frontier-works of Hadrian's Wall and the Antonine Wall, along with funerary monuments from military and civilian cemeteries, are analysed and discussed.
Also issued in print: 2021. :
1 online resource (236 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9781789699067 (PDF ebook) :
Rocks of ages : developing rock art tourism in Israel /
This volume presents the findings of an interdisciplinary project aimed at safeguarding the future of this unique resource. Cultural heritage in the Negev desert region of Israel is potentially under threat from a number of social, political and economic activities such as militarization, settlement and tourism, resulting in significant environmental change. The cultural heritage and archaeology extend back at least a quarter of a million years but also include a unique engraved rock art assemblage that dates to at least 3000 BCE. These engravings form a clear association with other relic monuments including prehistoric and protohistoric settlements, agricultural and irrigation regimes, and the remnants of a nomadic way of life.
Also issued in print: 2022. :
1 online resource (xiv, 124 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour), maps (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789699692 (PDF ebook) :
Christus Militans : Studien zur politisch-militarischen Semantik im Markusevangelium vor dem Hintergrund des ersten judisch-romischen Krieges /
In Christus Militans knüpft Gabriella Gelardini an Interpretationen an, die das Markusevangelium im Kontext des jüdisch-römischen Krieges und des Aufstiegs der Flavier interpretieren. Von Interesse sind darin aber nicht nur "ideologische Macht- oder Herrschaftsdiskurse" und damit "politische Theologie," sondern insbesondere auch die militärischen Zusammenhänge und die Kriegssemantik im engeren Sinn. Dies erfolgt eingedenk der großen Bedeutung, die das Militär und der Krieg für die Herstellung und Aufrechterhaltung von Herrschaft in der Antike hatten, besonders bei Dynastiewechseln, etwa wie hier von der julisch-claudischen zur flavischen Dynastie. Diesen Wechsel zur flavischen Dynastie zeichnet die Autorin zunächst in einer umfassenden kontextuellen Analyse nach, nicht allein auf der Basis des Werkes von Josephus und antiken Historikern, sondern erstmals auch unter Einbezug zeitnaher Militärhistoriker. Die Rekonstruktion dieses durch Militär und Krieg erzielten Aufstiegs, der seinen krönenden Abschluss in der Machtergreifung und einem den Krieg beendenden Triumph in Rom fand, trägt sie dann an den Evangelientext heran, und stellt in der Erzählung des Protagonisten Jesus Christus vergleichbare politisch-militärische Inkodierungen fest, nicht zuletzt auch in Form von "hidden transcripts," welche diesen Herrschaftsantritt ebenfalls als einen Dynastiewechsel darstellen, nämlich von der herodianischen zur davidisch-messianischen Dynastie. Politisch-militärische Inkodierungen ließen sich in jeder Szene finden, so dass die Autorin das Repertoire von Anknüpfungsmöglichkeiten des markinischen Texts an den literarisch-historischen Kontext des ersten jüdisch-römischen Kriegs um viele, neue und oft auch plausiblere Deutungsangebote erweitert konnte. Inkodierungen stellte sie aber auch auf lexikalischer Ebene fest; denn nicht weniger als ein Drittel des markinischen Lexikons trägt im Blick auf seine Semantik auch oder ausschließlich militärische Bedeutung. Eine zentrale Rolle misst sie der sogenannten Passion Jesu zu. Denn zwar steht der Kreuzestod als Sinnbild für die militärische Niederlage, interpretiert man seinen Tod jedoch konsequent im Kontext des "Triumphzugs," dann wäre er auch als sühnendes und von Kriegsschuld reinigendes Opfer zu deuten. Und als solches - lässt sich schließen - hätte Jesus die religiös zwingende Voraussetzung für eine gottgewollte und siegreiche, durchaus auch militärisch zu verstehende Rückkehr geschaffen. In Christus Militans , Gabriella Gelardini builds on interpretations that construe the Gospel of Mark in the context of the Jewish-Roman War and the rise of the Flavians. She explores not only "ideological discourses of power and domination," but also military contexts and the semantics of war. This book thus acknowledges the great importance of the military and warfare for establishing and maintaining power in antiquity.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004309340 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Roman Army Papers /
The forty-four papers, with addenda and indices, written between 1940 and 1985 embody a lifetime's work by this eminent Princeton scholar, noted for his deft handling of the inscriptions and papyri on which our knowledge of the Roman army rests.
1 online resource (481 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :