The Egyptian mummies and coffins of the Denver Museum of Nature & Science : history, technical analysis, and conservation /
"In the 1980s, Denver Museum of Nature & Science acquired
two ancient Egyptian mummies and coffins. The mummies are
from an unknown locale and have been subject of
unpublished scientific and unscientific analyses. The DMNS
staff scientists decided to reexamine the mummies and
coffins using new and innovative techniques"--|cProvided
by publisher.
(vii, 209 pages) : illustrations (some color) ; 23 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
al-Mawsūʻah fī ʻulūm al-ṭabīʻah : tabḥathu fī al-zirāʻah wa-al-nabāt wa-al-ḥayawān ... /
Text in Arabic ; terms and index in various languages : English, French, German, Italian, Latin, and Greek.
Title on added t.p. : Encyclopédie des sciences de la nature = Encyclopedia of natural sciences.
Vol. 4 lacks Arabic t.p. :
4 volume : illustrations (some color) ; 29 cm :
Bibliography : volume 1 pages [13]-19. :
Is theology a science? the nature of the scientific enterprise in the scientific theology of Thomas Forsyth Torrance and the anarchic epistemology of Paul Feyerabend /
When Barth and Scholz clashed over the scientific status of theology, Barth drew the conclusion that if natural science was to be drawn up in such positivistic terms, theology had much to lose and little to gain by engagement with it. A generation later Barth's translator and pupil Thomas Torrance maintained that science had changed enough to make an engagement more fruitful. In works such as Theological Science , Torrance sketched out the contours of such and engagement. However at the same time the anarchic philosopher of science, Paul Feyerabend, in books such as Against Method , sought to deconstruct any notion of 'science' as ultimately the protection of vested interests. This book analyses whether Torrance's notion of science can withstand this newer post-modern threat.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and (p. [283]-293) and index. :
9789004194601 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Theophrastus of Eresus. sources for his life, writings, thought, and influence /
This volume forms part of the large international Theophrastus project started by Brill in 1992 and edited by W.W. Fortenbaugh, R.W. Sharples and D. Gutas . Together with volumes comprising the texts and translations, the commentary volumes provide a new generation of classicists with an up-to-date collection of the fragments and testimonia relating to Theophrastus (c. 370-288/5 B.C), Aristotle's pupil and successor as head of the Lyceum. In the present volume, the focus is on natural philosophy, apart from the study of living things. Topics covered include the principles of scientific enquiry, place, time, motion, the heavens, the sublunary world, meteorology and the study of materials.
1 online resource (xvii, 302 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 231-242) and indexes. :
9789004321045 :
0079-1687 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Epistemology and the social /
Epistemology had to come to terms with "the social" on two different occasions. The first was represented by the dispute about the epistemological status of the "social" sciences, and in this case the already well established epistemology of the natural sciences seemed to have the right to dictate the conditions for a discipline to be a science. But the social sciences could successfully vindicate the legitimacy of their specific criteria for scientificity. More recently, the impact of social factors on the construction of our knowledge (including scientific knowledge) has reversed, in a certain sense, the old position and promoted social inquiry to the role of a criterion for evaluating the purport of cognitive (including scientific) statements. But this has undermined the traditional characteristics of objectivity and rigor that seem constitutive of science. Moreover, in order to establish the real extent to which social conditionings have an impact on scientific knowledge one must credit sociology with a sound ground of reliability, and this is not possible without a preliminary "epistemological" assessment. These are some of the topics discussed in this book, both theoretically and with reference to concrete cases.
Papers presented at a meeting of the International Academy of Philosophy of Science, held Sept. 22-25, 2005, in Tenerife, Canary Islands. :
1 online resource (231 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789401206037 :
0303-8157 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Historical perspectives : from the hasmoneans to bar kokhba in light of the dead sea scrolls.
The papers published in this volume were presented at the Fourth Orion International Symposium (Jerusalem, 1999), whose focus was Jewish history in light of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The first section, "History of the Jews and Judaism," is devoted to specific topics in Jewish history, such as historical references in the Scrolls, comparative studies between the Scrolls and Josephus, and issues of Jewish nationalism. The second section, "Community and Covenant," comprises studies of community, Jewish law, and the concept of covenant. The third section, "Natural Sciences and the Scrolls," reports on examinations of DNA preserved in leather used for the Scrolls, of dust found in jars from Qumran, of the nature of the stitching of the Scrolls, and of the composition of the pottery found at Qumran.
1 online resource (x, 206 pages) :
9789047400745 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Thinking about provincialism in thinking /
The volume addresses a problem rarely discussed by philosophers - the question of provincialism in science (in the broadest sense of the term). There are only a few great centers of science, which attract funding and provide almost ideal opportunities for research and development. They also attract some of the best researchers. Some - but not all. For a variety of reasons, some of the best researchers, or ones who have that potential, may do science outside these centers, in the provinces. The volume is devoted to the problems they face. What is an intellectual province? Who are the provincial thinkers? What is the mark of provincialism? Do provincial (or central) thinkers have any special duties? Are there ways of overcoming one's own provincialism? The authors address these questions across different disciplines, cultures, locations and time periods.
1 online resource (301 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789401209007 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Knowledge, language, and silence : selected papers /
Izydora Dąmbska (1904-1982) was a Polish philosopher; a student of Kazimierz Twardowski, and his last assistant. Her output consists of almost 300 publications. The main domains of her research were semiotics, epistemology and broadly understood methodology as well as axiology and history of philosophy. Dąmbska's approach to philosophical problems reflected tendencies that were characteristic of the Lvov-Warsaw School. She applied high methodological standards but has never limited the domain of analyzed problems in advance. The present volume includes twenty-eight translations of her representative papers. As one of her pupils rightly wrote: "Dąmbska's works may help everyone [...] to think clearly. Her attitude of an unshaken philosopher may help anyone to hold oneself straight, and, if necessary, to get up after a fall".
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004312678 :
1389-6768 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Islamic thought in the Middle Ages : studies in text, transmission and translation, in honour of Hans Daiber /
The history of Islamic thought in the Middle Ages, the impact of Greek philosophy and science, and the formation of an own theological tradition, is a long and complex one. The articles in this volume dedicated to Hans Daiber, one of the pioneering scholars in this field, offer new insights from a variety of perspectives: philological, philosophical, and historical. The subjects range from Islamic philosophy and theology, over the history of science, the transmission into other medieval cultures to language and literature. In addition to their specific discoveries, they give an impression of the dynamics of medieval Islamic intellectual history as well as of the diversity of approaches needed to understand this dynamics.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047441922 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Egypt's golden age, the art of living in the New Kingdom, 1558-1085 B.C. : catalogue of the exhibition.
: Exhibition held at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Feb. 3-May 2, 1982, Houston Museum of Natural Science, July 14-Sept. 19, 1982, the Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, Oct. 27, 1982-Jan. 2, 1983. : 336 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm. : Bibliography : pages 312-333. : 0878462074
Egypt's golden age : the art of living in the New Kingdom, 1558-1085 B.C. /
: Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Feb. 3-May 2, 1982; the Museum of Natural Science, Houston, July 14-Sept. 19, 1982; and the Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore, Oct. 27-Jan. 2, 1983 : 68 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 28 cm. : Bibliography : page 65.
Rāshīkāt al-Hind : Tanāsub nazd-i Hindiyān /
Abū Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī (d. after 442/1050) is one of the greatest scholars in the history of Islam. A native of Kāth, capital of Khwārazm, he wrote on subjects ranging from mathematics, geography, astronomy and natural science to history, linguistics and ethnography. He was a student of, among others, the astronomer-mathematicians Kushyār b. Labbān (fl. 390/1000) and Abū Maḥmūd al-Khujandī (d. 390/1000). He also met and corresponded with Avicenna (d. 428/1037). As was common for a scholar of his rank in those days, he spent his life in the entourage of powerful rulers, in Khwārazm, Khurāsān, and Sidjistān. It was at the court of Maḥmūd b. Sebüktigin (d. 421/1030) and his sucessors in Ghazna that he accompanied Maḥmūd on his campaigns to north-west India. It is there that he got acquainted with Indian methods in the arithmetic of proportions and ratios, the subject of this book. Arabic text with a Persian translation by the editor.
1 online resource. :
Proclus on nature : philosophy of nature and its methods in Proclus' Commentary on Plato's Timaeus /
Of Proclus' immense philosophical system, the part concerning the natural world may well be the most fascinating. Traditional scholarship tends to downplay that part of Neoplatonism, in favour of idealism, but recently this attitude is changing. This study contributes to that development by showing how Proclus' natural philosophy relates to theology, while remaining a science in its own right. Starting from his Commentary on Plato's Timaeus, it presents a revision of Proclus' metaphysics of nature and provides new insight into his surprisingly peripatetic philosophy of science, the role of mathematics, and the nature of discourse in natural philosophy. This book will be of interest both to students of the Platonic tradition, and to historians of natural science, metaphysics and epistemology.
Based on the author's thesis (doctoral)--Leiden University. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [303]-320) and indexes. :
9789004193253 :
0079-1687 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Paracelsus (Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, 1493-1541) : essential theoretical writings /
The daunting writings of Paracelsus-the second largest 16th-century body of writings in German after Luther's-contributed to medicine, natural science, alchemy, philosophy, theology, and esoteric tradition. This volume provides a critical edition of essential writings from the authoritative 1589 Huser Paracelsus alongside new English translations and commentary on the sources and context of the full corpus. The Essential Theoretical Writings incorporate topics ranging from metaphyics, cosmology, faith, religious conflict, magic, gender, and education, to the processes of nature, disease and medication, female and male sufferings, and cures of body and soul. Properly contextualized, these treatises yield rich extracts of Renaissance and Reformation culture, soundings of 16th-century life, and keys to an influential but poorly understood early modern intellectual tradition.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047423416 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.