Signs of orality : the oral tradition and its influence in the Greek and Roman world /
The essays in this volume present new insights into the far-reaching influence of an early oral culture on subsequent development after the spread of literacy. At the outset, revisionist essays on the Homeric epics examine such questions as historical memory, Homer's audience(s), descriptive strategies, ring-composition, and the status of orality as a constitutive feature of the epics. These are followed by virtually unprecedented studies of the orality of later (written) literature, including Greek oratory, Virgilian epic, Pliny's Panegyricus and story-telling in late Greek writers. Included as well are two discussions of Athenian vase-painting: annular scene-composition in the black-figure tradition, and the implications of kalos -inscriptions. An introduction by leading oral theorist John Miles Foley situates all the essays at the leading edge of oral theoretical development.
1 online resource (x, 261 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004351424 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Homer's winged words : the evolution of early Greek epic diction in the light of oral theory /
For over 2500 years many of the most learned scholars of the Greek language have concerned themselves with the topic of etymology. The most productive source of difficult, even inexplicable, words was Homer's 28,000 verses of epic poetry. Steve Reece proposes an approach to elucidating the meanings of some of these difficult words that finds its inspiration primarily in Milman Parry's oral-formulaic theory. He proposes that during the long period of oral transmission acoustic uncertainties, especially regarding word boundaries, were continually occurring: a bard uttered one collocation of words, but his audience thought it heard another. The consequent resegmentation of words and phrases is the probable cause of some of the etymologically inexplicable words in our Homeric texts.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [361]-381) and indexes. :
9789047427872 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A new companion to Homer /
This volume is the first English-language survey of Homeric studies to appear for more than a generation, and the first such work to attempt to cover all fields comprehensively. Thirty leading scholars from Europe and America provide short, authoritative overviews of the state of knowledge and current controversies in the many specialist divisions in Homeric studies. The chapters pay equal attention to literary, mythological, linguistic, historical, and archaeological topics, ranging from such long-established problems as the \'Homeric Question\' to newer issues like the relevance of narratology and computer-assisted quantification. The collection, the third publication in Brill's handbook series, The Classical Tradition , will be valuable at every level of study - from the general student of literature to the Homeric specialist seeking a general understanding of the latest developments across the whole range of Homeric scholarship.
Updated edition of: A companion to Homer. 1962.
Series statement on jacket. :
1 online resource (xviii, 755 pages, [15] pages of plates) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 715-745) and index. :
9789004217607 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
A slave who would be king : oral tradition and archaeology of the recent past in the Upper Senegal River Basin /
This report makes a significant contribution to the archaeology and ethnography of eastern Senegal. Combining ethnographic and archaeological data yields a picture of a period of intense social change at the end of the 19th century which extended well into the mid-20th century.
Previously issued in print: 2016. :
1 online resource : illustrations (colour) :
Specialized. :
9781784913526 (ebook) :
A slave who would be king : oral tradition and archaeology of the recent past in the Upper Senegal River Basin /
This report makes a significant contribution to the archaeology and ethnography of eastern Senegal. Combining ethnographic and archaeological data yields a picture of a period of intense social change at the end of the 19th century which extended well into the mid-20th century.
Previously issued in print: 2016. :
1 online resource : illustrations (colour) :
Specialized. :
9781784913526 (ebook) :
Speaking volumes : orality and literacy in the Greek and Roman world /
This volume examines orality and literacy in the ancient Greek and Roman world through a range of perspectives and in various genres. Four essays on the Homeric epics present recent research into performative aspects of language, cognitive theory and oral composition, a re-evaluation of Parry's oral-formulaic theory, and a new perspective on the poem's transmission. These are complemented by studies of the oral nature of Greek proverbial expressions, and of poetic authority within a fluid oral tradition. Two essays consider the significance of the written word in a predominantly oral culture, in relation to star calendars and to Panathenaic inscriptions. Finally, two chapters consider the ongoing influence of oral tradition in the ancient novel and in Roman declamation. These essays illustrate the importance of considering ancient texts in the context of fluctuating oral and literate influences.
1 online resource (xvi, 235 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 216-228) and index. :
9789004351028 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Orality, literacy, memory in the ancient Greek and Roman world /
The volume represents the seventh in the series on Orality and Literacy in the Ancient Greek and Roman Worlds. It comprises a collection of essays on the significance and working of memory in ancient texts and visual documentation, from contexts both oral (or oral-derived) and literate. The authors discuss a variety of interpretations of 'memory' in Homeric epic, lyric poetry, tragedy, historical inscriptions, oratory, and philosophy, as well as in the replication of ancient artworks, and in Greek vase inscriptions. They present therefore a wide-ranging analysis of memory as a fundamental faculty underlying the production and reception of texts and material documentation in a society that gradually moved from an essentially oral to an essentially literate culture.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047433842 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Orality and literacy in the Demotic tales /
In Orality and Literacy in the Demotic Tales , Jacqueline E. Jay extrapolates from the surviving ancient Egyptian written record hints of the oral tradition that must have run alongside it. The monograph's main focus is the intersection of orality and literacy in the extremely rich corpus of Demotic narrative literature surviving from the Greco-Roman Period. The many texts discussed include the tales of the Inaros and Setna Cycles, the Myth of the Sun's Eye , and the Dream of Nectanebo . Jacqueline Jay examines these Demotic tales not only in conjunction with earlier Egyptian literature, but also with the worldwide tradition of orally composed and performed discourse.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004323070 :
1566-2055 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Authorship and Greek song : authority, authenticity, and performance /
Authorship and Greek Song is a collection of papers dealing with various aspects of authorship in the song culture of Ancient Greece. In this cultural context the idea of the poet as author of his poems is complicated by the fact that poetry in archaic Greece circulated as songs performed for a variety of audiences, both local and "global" (Panhellenic). The volume's chapters discuss questions about the importance of the singers/performers; the nature of the performance occasion; the status of the poet; the authority of the poet/author and/or that of the performer; and the issues of authenticity arising when poems are composed under a given poet's name. The volume offers discussions of major authors such as Pindar, Sappho, and Theognis.
Selected papers presented at a conference entitled "Authorship, Authority, and Authenticity in Archaic and Classical Greek Song," which was held June 6-9, 2011 at Yale University, organized by the Network for the Study of Archaic and Classical Greek Song. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004339705 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Orality and textuality in the Iranian world : patterns of interaction across the centuries /
The volume demonstrates the cultural centrality of the oral tradition for Iranian studies. It contains contributions from scholars from various areas of Iranian and comparative studies, among which are the pre-Islamic Zoroastrian tradition with its wide network of influences in late antique Mesopotamia, notably among the Jewish milieu; classical Persian literature in its manifold genres; medieval Persian history; oral history; folklore and more. The essays in this collection embrace both the pre-Islamic and Islamic periods, both verbal and visual media, as well as various language communities (Middle Persian, Persian, Tajik, Dari) and geographical spaces (Greater Iran in pre-Islamic and Islamic medieval periods; Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan of modern times). Taken as a whole, the essays reveal the unique blending of oral and literate poetics in the texts or visual artefacts each author focuses upon, conceptualizing their interrelationship and function.
1 online resource (xx, 456 pages) : illustrations (some color) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004291973 :
1570-078X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Epea and Grammata : oral and written communication in ancient Greece /
This volume deals with aspects of orality and oral traditions in ancient Greece, and is a selection of refereed papers from the fourth biennial Orality and Literacy in Ancient Greece conference, held at the University of Missouri Columbia in 2000. The book is divided into three parts: literature, rhetoric and society, and philosophy. The papers focus on genres such as epic poetry, drama, poetry and art, public oratory, legislative procedure, and Simplicius' philosophy. All papers present new approaches to their topics or ask new and provocative questions.
1 online resource (viii, 206 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 191-201) and index. :
9789004350922 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Politics of orality /
This volume represents the sixth in the series on Orality and Literacy in the Ancient Greek and Roman Worlds. The present work comprises a collection of essays that explore the tensions and controversies that arise as a society moves from an oral to literate culture. Part 1 deals with both Homeric and other forms of epic; part 2 explores different ways in which texts and writing were manipulated for political ends. Part 3 and 4 deals with the controversies surrounding the adoption of writing as the accepted mode of communication; whereas some segments of society began to privilege writing over oral communication, others continued to maintain that the latter was superior. Part 4 looks at the oral elements of Athenian Law.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047408086 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ethnography from the mission field : the Hoffmann Collection of Cultural Knowledge /
In Ethnography from the Mission Field: The Hoffmann Collection of Cultural Knowledge Joubert and others offer a translated and annotated edition of the 24 ethnographic articles by missionary Carl Hoffmann and his local interlocutors published between the years 1913 and 1958. The edition is introduced by a historic contextualisation using a cultural historical approach to analyse the contexts in which Hoffmann's ethnographic texts were produced. Making use of historical material and Hoffmann's own words from personal diaries and letters, the authors convincingly draw the attention to the discursive context in which the texts annotated in this book had been compiled. In a concluding chapter the book traces the captivating developments of the orthography of Northern Sotho through Hoffmann's texts over almost half a century. Brill has made the documentary film "A Journey into the Life of a Mission-Ethnographer" which is interlinked with this book available online via its online channels. To access it please click here . The digital database of the "Hoffmann Collection of Cultural Knowledge" (HC-CK) can be accessed by clicking here . It is an amalgamation of digital scans, images and video footage relating to missionary Carl Hoffmann's work and life on various mission stations, made available by the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.
Translation from German to English by Klaudia Ringelmann.
"The texts that were documented by Hoffmann and which are the focus of our research in this publication, were written in the Semamabolo (Mamabolo) dialect, which is close to the standardised form [of Northern Sotho]. To make these texts more accessible they have been rendered in the current official orthography in accordance with the Northern Sotho Terminology and Orthography rules No. 4 (Department of Education and Training 1988)."--Chapter 29. :
1 online resource (xxi, 1145 pages) : illustrations (some color), maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 1121-1127) and indexes. :
9789004297722 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Storytelling in Chefchaouen Northern Morocco : an annotated study of oral performance with transliterations and translations /
Storytelling in Chefchaouen Northern Morocco includes two sets of tales told by two different storytellers with an annotated study of the oral performance, transliterations and translations. The purpose is to preserve a part of the region's oral tradition of storytelling in the vernacular language in which it has been transmitted, presenting the original texts with parallel English translation. In addition, the cultural, literary, and linguistic background necessary for understanding this body of oral performance is given. A combination of disciplines (anthropology, philology, sociolinguistics, dialectology, comparative literature, ethnography, typology) is applied to the linguistic and literary features of the present corpus.
Consists of thirteen folktales and two poems narrated by a man, and nine folktales, four lullabies, and one song told by a woman. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004279131 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Voice into text : orality and literacy in ancient Greece /
This volume deals with orality and literacy in ancient Greece and what consideration of these areas yields for that society, its literature, traditions and practices. Individual chapters focus on art, comedy, historiography, oratory, religion, rhetoric, philosophy, poetry, tragedy, and on orality in contemporary cultures (Greek and South African), which have a bearing on the ancient world. By considering such factors as oral elements in various genres and practices and how these have shaped the texts we have today, as well as the extent of literacy and the impact of literacy on oral traditions and on singers/writers, the book presents another insight into ancient Greek society and its people.
1 online resource (x, 232 pages, [8] pages of plates) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 221-230) and index. :
9789004329836 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Between orality and literacy : communication and adaptation in antiquity /
The essays in Between Orality and Literacy address how oral and literature practices intersect as messages, texts, practices, and traditions move and change, because issues of orality and literacy are especially complex and significant when information is transmitted over wide expanses of time and space or adapted in new contexts. Their topics range from Homer and Hesiod to the New Testament and Gaius' Institutes , from epic poetry and drama to vase painting, historiography, mythography, and the philosophical letter. Repeatedly they return to certain issues. Writing and orality are not mutually exclusive, and their interaction is not always in a single direction. Authors, whether they use writing or not, try to control the responses of a listening audience. A variable tradition can be fixed, not just by writing as a technology, but by such different processes as the establishment of a Panhellenic version of an Attic myth and a Hellenistic city's creation of a single celebratory history.
1 online resource (pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004270978 :
0169-8958 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.