Polemical encounters : esoteric discourse and its others /
In its historical development from late antiquity to the present, western esotericism has repeatedly been the issue of polemical discourse. This volume engages the polemical structures that underlie both the identities within and the controversy about esoteric currents in European history. From Jewish and Christian kabbalah through heretical discourse and interconfessional polemics in early modernity to the legitimization of esoteric identity in modern culture, the 12 chapters, accompanied by an editors' introduction, provide a cornucopia of relevant cases that are interpreted in a framework of polemical discourse and 'Othering'. This volume sheds new light on the ultimately polemical structure of western esotericism and thus opens new vistas for further research into esoteric discourse.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047431510 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Intolerance, polemics, and debate in antiquity : politico-cultural, philosophical, and religious forms of critical conversation /
In Intolerance, Polemics, and Debate in Antiquity scholars reflect on politico-cultural, philosophical, and religious forms of critical conversation in the ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, Graeco-Roman, and early-Islamic world. They enquire into the boundaries between debate, polemics, and intolerance, and address their manifestations in both philosophy and religion. This cross-cultural and inclusive approach shows that debate and polemics are not so different as often assumed, since polemics may also indicate that ultimate values are at stake. Polemics can also have a positive effect, stimulating further cultural development. Intolerance is more straightforwardly negative. Religious intolerance is often a justification for politics, but also elite rationalism can become totalitarian. The volume also highlights the importance of the fluency of minorities in the dominant discourses and of their ability to develop contrapuntal lines of thought within a common cultural discourse.
Includes index. :
1 online resource. :
Strategies of polemics in Greek and Roman philosophy /
Strategies of Polemics in Greek and Roman Philosophy brings together papers written by specialists in the field of ancient philosophy on the topic of polemics. Despite the central role played by polemics in ancient philosophy, the forms and mechanisms of philosophical polemics are not usually the subject of systematic scholarly attention. The present volume seeks to shed new light on familiar texts by approaching them from this neglected angle. The contributions address questions such as: What is the role of polemic in a philosophical discourse? What were the polemical strategies developed by ancient philosophers? To what extent did polemics contribute to the shaping of important philosophical doctrines or standpoint?
1 online resource (i, 248 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004323049 :
1570-078X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Muslim-Christian polemics across the Mediterranean : the splendid replies of Shihab al-Din al-Qarafi (d. 684/1285) /
In Muslim-Christian Polemics across the Mediterranean Diego R. Sarrió Cucarella provides an exposition and analysis of Shihāb al-Dīn al-Qarāfī's (d. 684/1285) Splendid Replies to Insolent Questions (al-Ajwiba al-fākhira 'an al-as'ila al-fājira). Written in response to an apology for Christianity by the Melkite Bishop of Sidon, Paul of Antioch, the Splendid Replies is among the most extensive and most important medieval Muslim refutations of Christianity, and the primary significance of this study is to provide detailed access to its argumentation and intellectual context for the first time in a western language. Moreover, the Introduction and Conclusion creatively situate the work within the challenges of modern-day Christian-Muslim dialogue.
1 online resource (xii, 366 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 303-346) and index. :
9789004285606 :
1570-7350 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The polemical works of 'Ali al-Tabari /
Acknowledged as a leading medical expert in his day, and secretary to a succession of caliphs in the mid-ninth century, the Nestorian Christian ʿAlī ibn Rabban al-Ṭabarī converted to Islam around the age of 70. He then wrote Radd ʿalā l-Naṣārā , a recantation of his former faith, and Kitāb al-dīn wa-l-dawla , a defence of the Prophet Muḥammad based substantially on biblical proof-texts. The range of arguments he produced against the soundness of his former faith in these two works influenced sections of Islamic scholarship for many centuries. These new editions and translations of his works are based on all the available evidence for the texts, accompanied by extensive introductions and studies of their place in Islamic thought.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004309555 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Cutting Words - Polemical Dimensions of Galen's Anatomical Experiments /
In Cutting Words: Polemical Dimensions of Galen's Anatomical Experiments, Luis Alejandro Salas offers a new account of Galen's medical experiments in the context of the high intellectual culture of second century Rome. The book explores how Galen's written experiments operate alongside their live counterparts. It argues that Galen's experimental writing reperforms the licensing functions of his live demonstrations, acting as a surrogate for their performance and in some cases an improvement upon it. Cutting Words focuses on the philosophical targets and theoretical stakes of four case studies: Galen's experiments on voice production, the bladder, the heart, and the femoral artery. Over a millennium later, Vesalius adapted Galen's writing to frame his anatomical studies as a new Galen, securing Galen's legacy of writing.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Casting down the host of heaven : the rhetoric of ritual failure in the polemic against the host of heaven /
"In Casting Down the Host of Heaven Cat Quine analyses the ambiguous nature of the Host and explores the role of ritual in the polemic against their worship. Although commonly assumed to be YHWH's divine army, the book reveals their non-military and fluid nature. Quine demonstrates that it was the fluidity of the Host and their roles in the divine realm that permitted the creation of wide-ranging polemic against their worship. Her analysis shows that this polemic was expressed in ritual terms which persuaded its audiences, both ancient and modern, of its legitimacy and authority".
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Fighting over the Bible : Jewish interpretation, sectarianism and polemic from Temple to Talmud and beyond /
Fighting over the Bible explores the bitter conflicts between main stream Jews and their internal and external opponents, especially between particular Jewish groups such as Pharisees, Sadducees, Qumranites, Samaritans, Rabbanites and Karaites, as well as with Christians and Muslims regarding their interpretations of Jewish Scripture. The Hebrew Bible/Old Testament is an important sacred text for all branches of the Abrahamic faiths, but it has more often divided than unified them. This volume explores and exemplifies the roots of these interpretive conflicts and controversies and traces the rich exegetical and theological approaches that grew out of them. Focusing on the Jewish sources from the late Second Temple period through the high Middle-Ages, it illustrates how the study of the Bible filled the vacuum left by the Temple's destruction, and became the foundation of Jewish life throughout its long conflicted history.
1 online resource (xi, 341 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004339118 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Francis Cheynell : Polemic and Piety in The Divine Trinunity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (1650) /
Sergiej S. Slavinski presents the first major study of Francis Cheynell's 1650 treatise on the doctrine of the Trinity. Situating Cheynell in his historical context, Slavinski examines Cheynell's role in the Trinitarian controversies of the Civil War and Interregnum England. The book demonstrates the interplay between polemic and piety in a work of Reformed scholasticism, showcasing how Cheynell's eclectic theological method in reading Scripture reinforced his conviction of the Trinitarian persons as one true God. Slavinski argues that Cheynell's polemical-practical Trinitarianism has the idea of Trinitarian oneness as infinite simplicity at its core.
1 online resource (318 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Judges 19-21 and the "Othering" of Benjamin : A Golah Polemic against the Autochthonous Inhabitants of the Land? /
Of all the tribes of Israel, why is Benjamin cast in the role of the villainous "other" in Judges 19-21? Krisel argues that the anti-Benjamin Tendenz in the narrative reflects economic, political and ideological tensions between the Golah community, the deportees who returned from Babylon during the early Persian period, and the people who had not gone into exile, who lived primarily in the Benjamin region. The hypothesis is supported by archaeological and survey data largely overlooked by biblical scholars and by a careful redaction history of the text. Krisel engages critically with the predominant scholarly view that Judges 19-21 uses "irony" to cast the explicit heroes in the narrative, the sons of Israel, as the implicit villains.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Martin Luther and Islam : a study in sixteenth-century polemics and apologetics /
Martin Luther (1483-1546) lived at an important juncture during the long and tortuous history of the conflict between Islam and Europe. Scholars have long focused on his apocalyptic interpretation of the rise of the Muslim Ottoman Empire, but only a few have probed deeper into his thought on Islam. As a result, one of the most influential thinkers in the western intellectual tradition has received very little attention in the history of Christian perceptions of and responses to Islam. Drawing upon a vast array of the Reformer's writings while also examining several key texts, this book reveals an often-overlooked aspect of Luther's thought, and thereby provides fresh insight into his place in the history of Christian-Muslim relations.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [239]-255) and index. :
9789047420842 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Selected studies in the Slavonic pseudepigrapha /
This volume is a study of two of the most important Slavonic apocalypses, the Apocalypse of Abraham and 2 Enoch, as crucial conceptual links between the symbolic universes of Second Temple apocalypticism and early Jewish mysticism. The study seeks to understand the mediating role of these Slavonic pseudepigraphical texts in the development of Jewish angelological and theophanic traditions from Second Temple apocalypticism to later Jewish Merkabah mysticism attested in the Hekhalot and Shiʿur Qomah materials. The study shows that mediatorial traditions of the principal angels and the exalted patriarchs and prophets played an important role in facilitating the transition from apocalypticism to early Jewish mysticism.
Consists in part of previously published essays.
"This volume is a study of two of the most important Slavonic apocalypses, the Apocalypse of Abraham and 2 Enoch, as crucial conceptual links between the symbolic universes of Second Temple apocalypticism and early Jewish mysticism. The study seeks to understand the mediating role of these Slavonic pseudepigraphical texts in the development of Jewish angelological and theophanic traditions from Second Temple apocalypticism to later Jewish Merkabah mysticism attested in the Hekhalot and Shiur Qomah materials. The study shows that mediatorial traditions of the principal angels and the exalted patriarchs and prophets played an important role in facilitating the transition from apocalypticism to early Jewish mysticism"--ECIP data view. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047441144 :
0169-8125 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Justin Martyr and the Jews /
Justin Martyr, a second-century Gentile Christian apologist, was active in the Christian-Jewish propaganda war to convert each other and the pagans. He radicalized the ideas of St. Paul on the divine Election, Abraham, the Pentateuch, and the Gentiles. Justin's background, sources, and thought, and his place in the inter-religious propaganda war, are discussed, as are the irreconcilable views of Jesus and Paul on the Pentateuch and the Gentiles. Justin Martyr and the Jews considers the place of Paul and Justin's teachings in today's Christian-Jewish dialogue about the roots of early Christian Antisemitism, showing that the presuppositions of Paul and Justin must be abandoned if Christians and Jews today are to reach true understanding. As part of the search for such understanding, recent scholarly literature has been concerned with pre- and post-Holocaust inter-religious relations, as well as with the roots of Christian Antisemitism. Some scholars have endeavoured to show that Pauline teachings were misunderstood, and thereby exonerate Paul from the responsibility for Christian persecutions of Jews through the ages. These scholars have also attempted to make Paul a bridge between Christians and Jews in their modern dialogue. The present writer argues that this interpretation of Pauline teaching, followed and even radicalized by Justin, is unfounded.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
Islamic reformism and Christianity : a critical reading of the works of Muḥammad Rashīd Riḍā and his associates (1898-1935) /
No previous full-scale study has been undertaken so far to study the polemical writings of the Muslim reformist Muḥammad Rashīd Riḍā (1865-1935) and his associates in his well-known journal al-Manār (The Lighthouse). The book focuses on the dynamics of Muslim understanding of Christianity during the late 19th and the early 20th century in the light of al-Manār's sources of knowledge, and its answers to the social, political and theological aspects of missionary movements in the Muslim World of Riḍā's age. The basis of the analysis encompasses the voluminous publications by Riḍā and other Manārists in his journal. Besides, it makes use of newly-discovered materials, including Riḍā's private papers, and some other remaining personal archives of some of his associates.
Revision of author's thesis (doctoral)--Leiden University, 2008. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [321]-340) and index. :
9789047441465 :
1570-7350 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Studies in medieval Jewish intellectual and social history : festschrift in honor of Robert Chazan /
For more than four decades Robert Chazan has been a copious source of original insights into the history and culture of medieval European Jewry, challenging conventional wisdom with profound erudition and sober analysis. In this volume, thirteen leading Judaicists and medievalists engage subjects that have been of particular concern to Professor Chazan during his distinguished career: the history of the Jewish communities in Western Christendom during the Middle Ages, Jewish-Christian interactions in medieval Europe, medieval Jewish Biblical exegesis and religious literature, and historical representations of the experience of medieval Jewry. Taken together they offer a comprehensive portrait of the state of the field of medieval Jewish studies.
1 online resource (342 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004222366 :
1873-9008 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Manichaeism in Mesopotamia and the Roman East /
The study of Manichaeism, the first Gnostic world religion, has made major advances in the last few decades thanks to the continuing discovery and decipherment of genuine Manichaean texts from Egypt and Central Asia. This work brings together a number of major articles by the author published between 1981 and 1992 on the history of the sect in Mesopotamia and the Roman Empire. The studies have all been up-dated in the light of newly published material.
1 online resource (xiv, 325 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004295810 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Manichaeism in Central Asia and China /
The discovery of genuine Manichaean texts from sites like Turfan and Tun-huang since the beginning of the century has greatly increased our knowledge of the teaching of Manichaeism and of its amazing geographical spread in pre-Islamic times. This volume brings together the contributions by a leading authority on the subject including a long survey article on the history of the discovery of the texts from Central Asia as well as articles focusing on some of these texts and on the incredible history of adaptation and survival of the sect in China proper. The studies include many Chinese texts on Manichaeism made available for the first time in their original scripts and in translation. The volume also contains the first ever working catalogue of all Manichaean texts (in western as well as oriental languages) published up to 1997.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Early Islamic legal theory : the Risāla of Muḥammad ibn Idrīs al-Shāfiʻī /
The Risāla of al-Shāfiʿī (d. 204/820), the earliest preserved work of Islamic legal theory, has been understood in previous scholarship as either the elaboration of a hierarchy of sources of law (Qurʾān, Sunna, consensus, and analogical reasoning) or an extended defense of the Sunna. Through a careful rereading of this celebrated text, this book offers a comprehensive reinterpretation of the Risāla , in which Shāfiʿī formulated an all-encompassing hermeneutic that portrays the law as a tightly interlocking structure organized around defined interactions of the Qurʾān and the Sunna. Topics covered include Shāfiʿī's creative account of the law's architectonics, hermeneutical techniques, legal epistemology, relationship to kalām , and the role of consensus ( ijmāʿ ).
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [387]-399) and indexes. :
9789047423898 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.