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Published 2019
The Mystery of Skepticism : New Explorations /

: The Mystery of Skepticism: New Explorations represents the cutting-edge of research on underexplored skeptical challenges, dimensions of the skeptical problematic, and responses to various kinds of skepticism. The thirteen newly commissioned essays, edited by Kevin McCain and Ted Poston, demonstrate that despite its long history philosophical reflection on skepticism and the challenges it poses is alive and well. The essays in The Mystery of Skepticism enhance our understanding of skepticism by breathing new life into old debates and sparking new ones. The Mystery of Skepticism will shape discussions of skepticism for years to come.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004393530 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

International Journal for the Study of Skepticism.

: BRILLBRILLJ : 2210-5697

Published 2020
A Sceptical Theory of Scientific Inquiry: Problems and Their Progress /

: A Sceptical Theory of Scientific Inquiry: Problems and Their Progress presents a distinctive re-interpretation of Popper's 'critical rationalism', displaying the kind of spirit found at the L.S.E. before Popper's retirement. It offers an alternative to interpretations of critical rationalism which have emphasised the significance of research programmes or metaphysics (Lakatos; Nicholas Maxwell), and is closer to the approach of Jagdish Hattiangadi. Briskman gives priority to methodological argument rather than logical formalisms, and takes further his own work on creativity. In addition to offering an important contribution to the understanding of critical rationalism, the book contains interesting engagements with Michael Polanyi and the Meno Paradox. This volume also contains an introduction by the editor, which situates Briskman's work in the history of the interpretation of 'critical rationalism'.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004429628

Published 2019
The school of doubt : skepticism, history and politics in Cicero's Academica /

: The School of Doubt conducts a close philological and philosophical reading of Cicero's Academica , a fragmentary work on sense-perception and Academic history written in the wake of Caesar's victory in the civil wars (45 BCE). Focusing in turn on the author's letters discussing the process of composition, the historiographical treatment of the Platonic tradition and the critical exploration of philosophical doubt, this volume presents Cicero as an original and sophisticated historian of philosophy and a radical figure in Western skeptical thought. Widely misconstrued as a technical treatise and a mere chronicle of the Greek debates on which it draws, the Academica here emerges as a key work in the evolution of Ciceronian philosophy and of ancient skepticism - and one that responds directly to the disintegration of Republican Rome.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004389878

Published 2011
New essays on ancient Pyrrhonism

: Scholarship on ancient Pyrrhonism has made tremendous advances over the past three decades, thanks especially to the careful reexamination of Sextus Empiricus' extant corpus. Building on this momentum, the authors of the eight essays collected here examine some of the most vexed and intriguing exegetical and philosophical questions posed by Sextus' presentation of this form of skepticism. The essays explore in a new light the skeptical interpretation of Plato, the differences between Pyrrhonism and Cyrenaicism, the Pyrrhonist's stance on ordinary life, religion, language, and ethics, Sextus' discussion of our access to our own mental states, and the relationship between Pyrrhonism and epistemic internalism and externalism. These new essays represent a substantial contribution to the advancement of scholarship on Pyrrhonian skepticism.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004207776 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2016
Hinge epistemology /

: In Hinge Epistemology , eminent epistemologists investigate Wittgenstein's concept of basic certainty or 'hinge certainty'. The volume begins by examining the salient features of 'hinges': Are they propositions that enjoy a special kind of non-evidential justification? Are they objects of knowledge or ways of acting mistaken for known propositions? Various attempts are then made to integrate hinges in the development of a viable epistemology: Can they shed light on the conditions of satisfaction for knowledge and justification? Do they offer a solution to scepticism? Finally, the application of hinges is explored in such areas as common knowledge and intellectual loyalty. The volume attests to the importance of hinge certainty and Wittgenstein's On Certainty for mainstream epistemology.
: "Originally published as Volume 6, No. 2-3 (2016) of Brill's journal International Journal for the Study of Skepticism." : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004332386 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2012
Pyrrhonian scepticism and Hegel's theory of judgement : a treatise on the possibility of scientific inquiry /

: Hegel's Science of Logic is widely acknowledged as one of the greatest works of European philosophy. However, its contribution to arguably the most important philosophical problem, Pyrrhonian scepticism, has never been examined in any detail. Pyrrhonian Scepticism and Hegel's Theory of Judgement fills a great lacuna in Hegel scholarship by convincingly proving that the dialectic of the judgement in Hegel's Science of Logic successfully refutes this kind of scepticism. Although Ioannis Trisokkas has written the book primarily for those students of philosophy who already have an interest in Hegel's epistemology and philosophy of language and/or his Science of Logic , it will also appeal to those who investigate the problem of scepticism independently of the Hegel corpus.
: 1 online resource (383 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004232402 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2012
Skeptizismus und Philosophie : Kant, Fichte, Hegel /

: Die Fichte-Studien wollen die wissenschaftliche Erforschung des Werkes von Johann Gottlieb Fichte f rdern. Sie er ffnen Forschern, welche den transzendentalen Gedanken und Systementwurf philosophisch er rtern, unangesehen der Schulposition und Lehrmeinung eine Publikationsm glichkeit. Dabei sollen die historischen Voraussetzungen und zeitgeschichtlichen Kontroversen ebenso zu tieferer Klarheit gebracht werden wie die systematischen Konsequenzen heute. Die einzelnen B nde bringen teils thematisch verbundene, teils vermischte Beitr ge. Au erdem enthalten sie einen Dokumentations- und Rezensionst.
: 1 online resource (237 pages) : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789401207911 : 0925-0166 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2016
Knowledge, language, and silence : selected papers /

: Izydora Dąmbska (1904-1982) was a Polish philosopher; a student of Kazimierz Twardowski, and his last assistant. Her output consists of almost 300 publications. The main domains of her research were semiotics, epistemology and broadly understood methodology as well as axiology and history of philosophy. Dąmbska's approach to philosophical problems reflected tendencies that were characteristic of the Lvov-Warsaw School. She applied high methodological standards but has never limited the domain of analyzed problems in advance. The present volume includes twenty-eight translations of her representative papers. As one of her pupils rightly wrote: "Dąmbska's works may help everyone [...] to think clearly. Her attitude of an unshaken philosopher may help anyone to hold oneself straight, and, if necessary, to get up after a fall".
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004312678 : 1389-6768 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2025
The Fate of Choice: Freedom and Imputability in Kant and His Early Successors /

: This book reconstructs the intense early post-Kantian debate on freedom of the will, choice, and moral imputability for the first time. It addresses the following questions: How is freedom of choice possible given the causal predetermination of the world? How can we escape skepticism about freedom of the will? What are the characteristics of moral freedom? Are we free to act immorally, and if so, how exactly? And finally: How can we conceive of our individual freedom as being compatible with nature and society?
: 1 online resource (222 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004544680

Published 2007
Naturalized epistemology and philosophy of science /

: Much has happened in the field of contemporary epistemology since Quine's "Epistemology Naturalized" was published in 1969. Even before Ronald Giere published his article "Philosophy of Science Naturalized," naturalized philosophy of science had been influenced by the so-called historical approach. Kuhm, Lakatos, Feyerabend and Laudan all contributed importantly to this trend. In this light it has emerged, without a doubt, that philosophy of science is closely related to epistemology. This volume explores some of the relevant relations and will be of interest to epistemologists and philosophers of science.
: "The 2006 Soochow international philosophy conference and workshop 'Naturalized Epistemology and Philosophy of Science', held in Taipei, Taiwan ..."--Preface. : 1 online resource (196 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789401204361 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1999
The limits of historiography : genre and narrative in ancient historical texts /

: This volume explores the intersection between historiography and related genres in antiquity. Papers cover the geographical range from China through the near east to the classical period in the Mediterranean. Topics addressed include the place in ancient Chinese historiography of philosophical argument; the nature and kind of historical text in the Hittite, Babylonian, Persian and biblical periods, including (for the first time) a full transliteration and translation of the Old Hittite story of Anum-hirbi and Zalpa, and a new interpretation of the Darius inscription at Behistun; and the relation of rhetorical stratagems and theory to Sallust, Livy, and Tacitus. Contributors also consider the relationship between texts, including the war narratives of Herodotus and Thucydides, and the propriety of different schemes of generic classification.
: 1 online resource (ix, 363 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004351295 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2012
Global justice and international affairs /

: Global justice and international affairs is perhaps the hottest topic in political philosophy today. This book brings together some of the most important essays in this area. The essays have all appeared recently in the Journal of Moral Philosophy , an internationally recognized leading philosophy journal. Topics include sovereignty and self-determination, cosmopolitanism and nationalism, global poverty and international distributive justice, and war and terrorism.
: 1 online resource (x, 318 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004218093 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2014
On prejudices, judgments, and other topics in philosophy /

: The volume contains almost thirty papers by Kazimierz Twardowski (1866-1938), the founder of the Lvov-Warsaw School. The papers are published in English for the first time. They stem from the Lvov period, which is often contrasted with the earlier Vienna period of Twardowski's scientific activity. Contrary to received opinion, the editors argue that the Lvov period is just as important as the Vienna period. Indeed, the scope of Twardowski's investigations was much broader and more profound in later years. The papers concern fundamental problems of philosophy: the methods of philosophizing, the boundary of psychology and semiotics, the conceptual apparatus of metaphysics, ethical skepticism, the question of free will and ethical obligation, the aesthetics of music and so on. The systematic considerations are complemented by concise but excellent sketches of the philosophical views of Socrates, Aquinas, Leibniz, Spencer, Nietzsche, and Bergson.
: 1 online resource (396 pages) : 9789401212045 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2007
Polemical encounters : esoteric discourse and its others /

: In its historical development from late antiquity to the present, western esotericism has repeatedly been the issue of polemical discourse. This volume engages the polemical structures that underlie both the identities within and the controversy about esoteric currents in European history. From Jewish and Christian kabbalah through heretical discourse and interconfessional polemics in early modernity to the legitimization of esoteric identity in modern culture, the 12 chapters, accompanied by an editors' introduction, provide a cornucopia of relevant cases that are interpreted in a framework of polemical discourse and 'Othering'. This volume sheds new light on the ultimately polemical structure of western esotericism and thus opens new vistas for further research into esoteric discourse.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789047431510 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2015
The divine courtroom in comparative perspective /

: Contributors to The Divine Courtroom in Comparative Perspective treat one of the most pervasive religious metaphors, that of the divine courtroom, in both its historical and thematic senses. In order to shed light on the various manifestations of the divine courtroom, this volume consists of essays by scholars of the ancient Near East, Hebrew Bible, Second Temple Judaism, early Christianity, Talmud, Islam, medieval Judaism, and classical Greek literature. Contributions to the volume primarily center upon three related facets of the divine courtroom: the role of the divine courtroom in the earthly legal system; the divine courtroom as the site of historical justice; and the divine courtroom as the venue in which God is called to answer for his own unjust acts.
: Includes papers presented at a conference held "on February 5-6, 2012, the Leonard and Bea Diener Institute of Jewish Law and the Yeshiva University Center for Jewish Law and Contemporary Civilization, 'The Divine Courtroom,' at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law." : 1 online resource (vi, 308 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004281646 : 0928-0731 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2017
Fichte und seine Zeit : Streitfragen /

: Mit dem Untertitel »Streitfragen« bringt dieser Band 44 der Fichte-Studien eine zweite Gruppe von Beiträgen, die das Hauptthema »Fichte und seine Zeit« behandeln und es aus unterschiedlichen Gesichtspunkten entfalten. Die erste Gruppe - mit dem Untertitel: Kontext, Konfrontationen, Rezeptionen - wurde im Band 43 der Fichte-Studien bereits veröffentlicht. In überarbeiteter und aktualisierter Form stellen die folgenden Beiträge Materialien dar, die in Bologna auf dem internationalen Fichte-Kongress von 2012 vorgelegt und besprochen wurden. Die ›Fragen‹ bzw. die Themen, um die es ›Streit‹ gab, oder die noch heute als diskussionswürdig anzusehen sind, werden in diesem Band der Fichte-Studien nach vier Schwerpunkten gegliedert und gesammelt: 1. Transzendentalphilosophie und Wissenschaftslehre, 2. Recht und Politik, 3. Geschichte und Geschichtsphilosophie, 4. Körper und Natur. Dem Leser wird somit ein breites Spektrum von gewichtigen Themen, Fragestellungen, Informationen angeboten, die unser Bild von Fichte und dessen Philosophieren in seiner Zeit und in unserer Zeit ergänzen, bereichern und vertiefen.
: Revised and updated version of "Fichte und seine Zeit" published as Band 43 of this series.
Proceedings of a conference held in 2012 in Bologna. : 1 online resource (xi, 355 pages) : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004336674 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2016
Uncovering facts and values : studies in contemporary epistemology and political philosophy /

: This volume addresses issues in epistemology, ethics and political philosophy. It contains new papers on issues such as semantic theory of truth, sandwich theory of knowledge, American pragmatism and scepticism, arguments from ignorance, infallibilism and fallibilism, justification and confirmation, Tarski's T-schema, experimental results and ordinary truth, epistemic comparativism and experiments, epiphenomenlism and eliminativism about the mental, the identity theory of truth, thoughts and facts, metaontological maximalism and minimalism, morality and rights, aggregation of value judgements and aggregation of preferences, conditional and unconditional ethics, the role of the theory of evolution in moral epistemology, global and international political community, Rawls' views on cosmopolitanism and global justice, international distributive justice. Contributors are: Tomasz Bigaj, Krzysztof Brzechczyn, Tadeusz Buksiński, Robin Cameron, Jan B. Deręgowski, Nigel Dower, Adam Grobler, Jesper Kallestrup, Adrian Kuźniar, Justyna Miklaszewska, Joanna Miksa, Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska, Katarzyna Paprzycka, Krzysztof Posłajko, Wlodek Rabinowicz, John Skorupski, Leslie Stevenson, Piotr Szałek, Tadeusz Szubka, Joseph Ulatowski, Jan Woleński, Rafał Wonicki, Anna Wójtowicz, Renata Ziemińska
: 1 online resource (x, 364 pages) : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789004312654 : 0303-8157 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2018
The science of religion : a defence : essays by Donald Wiebe /

: Donald Wiebe, Professor of Philosophy of Religion at Trinity College, University of Toronto, has spent much of his academic career arguing for a clear demarcation between Theology and Religious Studies. The Science of Religion: A Defence offers a brilliant overview of Professor Wiebe's contributions on methodology in the academic study of religion, of the development of his thinking over time, and of his intellectual commitment to 'a science of religion'. The work is divided into three parts. The first part identifies pertinent connections between 'religion', 'religious studies', and 'science' and why 'reductionism' in the academic study of religion, when properly applied, can bridge the explanatory gap between the sceptic and the devotee. The second part treats conceptual debates in the academic study of religion, with particular reference to the place of 'belief', 'understanding', and 'meaning' in the modern study of religion. The third part addresses the theological resistance to the scientific study of religion and how that resistance can be overcome. Finally, two new essays are included: a critique on 'The Preconceptions of a Science of Religion' by Anthony J. Palma, and an accompanying reply by Donald Wiebe. The Science of Religion: A Defence is an essential resource for both scholarly and non-scholarly audiences alike, and will be of particular interest to both defenders and critics of a scientific study of religion.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004385061 : 2214-3270 ;

Published 2015
Handbook of spiritualism and channeling /

: Bringing together scholars from different disciplines and geographies, the Brill Handbook of Spiritualism and Channeling presents modern spirit possession in a variety of contexts. Weaving together the interrelated movements of Spiritualism along with its specific Franco and Latin American currents, articles explore the nineteenth-century beginnings of séances and trance mediumship. Channelling, an heir to Spiritualism begun in the 1970s and still flourishing today, is brought into direct conversation with its predecessors with a view to showing both continuity and disjuncture as the products of new cultural and religious needs. The Brill Handbook marks the first extensive collection on these two interrelated movements and examines themes such as gender, race, performance, and technology in each instance.
: Includes index. : 1 online resource (vii, 511 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004264083 : 1874-6691 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.