Physicalist soteriology in Hilary of Poitiers /
In Physicalist Soteriology in Hilary of Poitiers , Ellen Scully presents Hilary as a representative of the "mystical" or "physical" trajectory of patristic soteriology most often associated with the Greek fathers. Scully shows that Hilary's physicalism is unique, both in its Latin non-Platonic provenance and its conceptual foundation, namely that the incarnation has salvific effects for all humanity because Christ's body contains every human individual. Hilary's soteriological conviction that all humans are present in Christ's body has theological ramifications that expand beyond soteriology to include christology, eschatology, ecclesiology, and Trinitarian theology. In detailing these ramifications, Scully illumines the pervasive centrality of physicalism in Hilary's theology while correcting standard soteriological presentations of physicalism as an exclusively Greek phenomenon.
Revision of the author's thesis (Ph.D.)--Marquete University, 2011. :
1 online resource (x, 299 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 279-293) and indexes. :
9789004290815 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Role of Divine Grace in the Soteriology of Śaṃkarācārya.
This volume examines the role of divine grace in the non-dualist soteriology of Śaṃkara. The author argues that grace is an essential but generally overlooked feature in Śaṃkara's enlightenment spirituality. Introductory chapters summarize recent developments in Śaṃkara research, Śaṃkara's epistemology and ontology, ancient Vedāntic teachings on grace, and modern scholarly disagreement about grace in Śaṃkara's Advaita system. The heart of the book consists of two lengthy exegetical chapters examining Śaṃkara's key passages on grace from his dozen genuine works. The final chapter presents for the first time a systematic summary of Śaṃkara's understanding of the operation and necessity of divine grace. This book provides a useful summary of Śaṃkara's system as a whole besides offering a radical revision of the standard understanding of Śaṃkara's soteriology. It also reveals that Śaṃkara was much more indebted in his thinking to his Vedantic predecessors than had hitherto been thought.
1 online resource. :
Salvation in the New Testament : perspectives on soteriology /
Salvation in the New Testament offers an analysis of the soteriological perspectives and language of the different books of the New Testament. Special attention is given to the imagery used in expressing soteriological ideas. Salvation deals with becoming part of the people of God. In Salvation in the New Testament special attention is given to the nature and power of the salvific language used in the New Testament to express the dynamics of salvation. Individual articles on the different books of the New Testament highlight the diverse perspectives offered in these documents. The emphasis especially falls on the different images and metaphors which were used to express the event and moment of salvation, rather than on the results (ethics or behaviour) of salvation. An overview of the different perspectives on soteriology in the New Testament offers the opportunity to compare similarities and differences in concepts and expressions. It also illustrates the dynamic interaction between historical situations and salvific language and expression.
1 online resource (xiii, 529 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047407102 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Images of rebirt h cognitive poetics and transformational soteriology in the Gospel of Philip and the Exegesis on the Soul /
This book offers fresh readings of the Gospel of Philip (NHC II.3) and the Exegesis on the Soul (NHC II.6) from new theoretical and historical perspectives. Eschewing the category of "Gnosticism" and challenging common categorisations, the book analyses the preserved Coptic texts as coherent Christian compositions contemporary with the production and use of the Nag Hammadi Codices. A methodological framework based on Cognitive Poetics is outlined and applied to illuminate how the texts present a soteriology of transformation through religious rituals and practices using complex conceptual and intertextual blends with important polemical and paraenetic functions. The analysis highlights the use of metaphors and allusions in (re-)interpretations of authoritative Scripture, ritual and dogma. Complete Coptic texts and translations are included.
Appendix contains the texts of the Exegesis on the Soul and the Gospel of Philip in Coptic, with English translations on facing pages.
Revised version of the author's thesis (doctoral)--University of Bergen, 2007. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 541-576) and index. :
9789004216501 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Pre-Nicene christology in paschal contexts : the case of the divine Noetic anthropos /
In Pre-Nicene Christology in Paschal Contexts Dragoş A. Giulea re-examines the earliest texts related to the festival of Easter in light of Second Temple traditions. Commonly portrayed as sacrificial lamb, the key actor of the paschal narrative is here designated as heavenly Kabod , Divine Image, King of the Powers, celestial Anthropos, Demiurge, Son of Man, each of these divine names implying a corresponding soteriological function. Dragoş A. Giulea indicates as well that the Greek philosophical vocabulary and certain idioms of the mystery religions inspired new categories which reshaped the traditional way of describing the nature of celestial entities and the epistemological capacities able to access these realities. Thus, the King of the Powers, or the Son of Man, is several times described as a noetic Anthropos, while initiation and noetic perception become the appropriate methods of accessing the divine.
1 online resource (xviii, 400 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004251700 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Atonement and the Logic of Resurrection in the Epistle to the Hebrew s
Scholars often explain Hebrews' relative silence regarding Jesus' resurrection by emphasizing the author's appeal to Yom Kippur's two key moments-the sacrificial slaughter and the high priest's presentation of blood in the holy of holies-in his distinctive portrayal of Jesus' death and heavenly exaltation. The writer's depiction of Jesus as the high priest whose blood effected ultimate atonement appears to be modeled upon these two moments. Such a typology discourages discrete reflection on Jesus' resurrection. Drawing on contemporary studies of Jewish sacrifice (which note that blood represents life, not death), parallels in Jewish apocalyptic literature, and fresh exegetical insights, this volume demonstrates that Jesus' embodied, resurrected life is crucial for the high-priestly Christology and sacrificial soteriology developed in Hebrews.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004206915 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Studies in Manichaean Literature and Art /
This volume consists of two sections, written by the two authors. The first section contains a study by Manfred Heuser on The Manichaean Myth According to Coptic Sources . This is the first systematic presentation of the basic myth as reflected in Coptic material. The second part is a collection of essays on Manichaeism by Hans-Joachim Klimkeit. The essays are concerned, inter alia, with Manichaean art and symbolism, including newly found examples of Manichaean art from Central Asia.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Grace, reconciliation, concor d the death of Christ in Graeco-Roman metaphors /
How did the first Christians interpret the death of Christ? The answer lies within the earliest Christian documents, primarily within the Pauline letters. Before the users of a modern language could hope to come near an adequate description of what was expressed in these Greek texts of the first Christians, they have to deconstruct layers of later dogmatic interpretation. They need to keep to descriptive terminology reflecting the Greek of the sources and to trace the origin of the metaphoric language early Christians like Paul used. This volume sets out to construct some of the Jewish and Greco-Roman patterns of thought which were initially utilised to express the meaning of the death of Christ.
Collection of previously published essays, with revisions. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004188044 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Paul: Jew, Greek, and Roman /
What does it mean to study Paul the Apostle as Jew, Greek, and Roman? The framing of the question exposes the fact that the distinctions themselves involve a complex of ethnic, social, and cultural designations. Paul is both a complicated individual of the ancient world, because he combines in his one personage features of life in each of these cultural-ethnic (and even religious) areas of the ancient world, and one of many people of that world who evidenced such complexity. This volume, Paul: Jew, Greek, and Roman, explores a number of the important and diverse cultural, ethnic, and religious dimensions of the multi-faceted background of Paul the Apostle. Some of the treatments are focused and specific, while others range over the broad issues that go to making up the world of the Apostle.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047424918 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Sins and sinners : perspectives from Asian religions /
Asian religious traditions have always been deeply concerned with \'sins\' and what to do about them. As the essays in this volume illustrate, what Buddhists in Tibet, India, China or Japan, what Jains, Daoists, Hindus or Sikhs considered to be a \'sin\' was neither one thing, nor exactly what the Abrahamic traditions meant by the term. \'Sins\'could be both undesireable behavior and unacceptable thoughts. In different contexts, at different times and places, a sin might be a ritual infraction or a violation of a rule of law; it could be a moral failing or a wrong belief. However defined, sins were considered so grave a hindrance to spiritual perfection, so profound a threat to the social order, that the search for their remedies through rituals of expiation, pilgrimage, confession, recitation of spells, or philosophical reflection, was one of the central quests of the religions studied here.
Proceedings of a conference held in the fall of 2010 at Yale University. :
1 online resource (vi, 387 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004232006 :
0169-8834 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Discourses of purity in transcultural perspective (300-1600) /
While comparative studies on purity and impurity presented in the last decades have mostly concentrated on the ancient world or on modern developments, this volume focusses the hitherto comparatively neglected period between circa 300 and 1600 c. E. The collection is innovative because it not only combines papers on both European and Asian cultures but also considers a wide variety of religions and confessions. The articles are written by leading experts in the field and are presented in six systematic sections. This analytical categorization facilitates understanding the functional spectrum that the binomial purity and impurity could cover in past societies. The volume thus presents an in-depth comparative analysis of a category of paramount importance for interfaith relations and processes of transfer.
1 online resource (vi, 372 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004289758 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Paul and the Corinthians : studies on a community in conflict : essays in honour of of Margaret Thrall /
This volume has 1 and 2 Corinthians as its main focus where the various contributors address significant aspects of text, language, background, theology and exegesis. The first part of the volume deals with the issues of textual criticism and traditions available to Paul, while the second section is interdisciplinary in nature and integrates different methodologies such as social-scientific and rhetorical criticism in order to provide new insights into the text. The third and longest section addresses the varied theological problems which the community raised with Paul, including sexual matters, the timing of the resurrection the resurrection body, authority and headship, soteriology, and the question of Paul's faithfulness and integrity. The final section concentrates on the identity of Paul's opponents, his visions and apologetics.
"Margaret E. Thrall", p. [xi]-xv, includes "select list of Margaret's publications." :
1 online resource (xxiv, 349 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004268272 :
0167-9732 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Empirical theology in texts and tables : qualitative, quantitative and comparative perspectives /
Empirical theology offers fresh and stimulating insights into the concerns of both the Church and the Academy. It does this by accessing relevant empirical evidence using the tools of the social sciences, and placing this evidence in the context of theological critique and contemporary debate. In this pioneering collection of focused essays, leading experts of empirical theology illustrate key perspectives within this rapidly expanding discipline. The first section of the book explores theoretical issues underpinning the main methods of obtaining empirical data, and the use of these data within theology. The other two sections display the role both of qualitative studies, and of the analysis of quantitative data, in exploring a range of theological beliefs and religious, social and educational concerns.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047442394 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Codex Judas papers : proceedings of the International Congress on the Tchacos Codex held at Rice University, Houston, Texas, March 13-16, 2008 /
This book contains the proceedings from the Codex Judas Congress, the first international conference held to discuss the newly-restored Tchacos Codex. Given that the Tchacos Codex is a newly-conserved ancient book of Christian manuscripts which had yet to be discussed collaboratively by a body of scholars, the research conducted and published within this book by the members of the Codex Judas Congress is nothing less than a landmark in Gnostic studies. Scholars address issues of identity and community, portraits of Judas, astrological lore, salvation and praxis, text and intertext, and manuscript matters. Although the contributions show a variety of interpretations of the Tchacos texts, several points of agreement emerge, including the assessment that the Codex belonged to early Christians in conflict with other Christians who belonged to the apostolic or conventional church. Contributors include: Grant Adamson, Johanna Brankaer, Fernando Bermejo Rubio, Serge Cazelais, April D. DeConick, Ismo Dunderberg, Niclas Förster, Wolf-Peter Funk, Simon Gathercole, Matteo Grosso, Lance Jenott, Karen King, Nicola Denzey Lewis, Alastair Logan, Antti Marjanen, Marvin Meyer, Elaine Pagels, Birger A. Pearson, Pierluigi Piovanelli, James M. Robinson, Gesine Schenke Robinson, Kevin Sullivan, Franklin Trammel, Johannes van Oort, Bas van Os, Louis Painchaud, Tage Petersen, John D. Turner, and Gregor Wurst.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004181403 :
0929-2470 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Gregory of Nyssa: Contra Eunomium I, An English Translation with Supporting Studies.
The Contra Eunomium is probably Gregory of Nyssa's most challenging work with regards to his theological and philosophical thought, and one that continues to draw the deeper attention of contemporary scholars. This volume devoted to Contra Eunomium I constitutes, in a certain way, a new version of the Proceedings of the 6th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa (1988). It offers a revised English translation of Contra Eunomium I by S. G. Hall, accompanied by twenty-two supporting studies from a broad range of philological, philosophical, and theological perspectives. These studies include a selection of the most relevant papers of the 1988 Proceedings, supplemented with new contributions that explore relevant issues developed by contemporary research.
1 online resource. :
Strangers and pilgrims on earth : essays in honour of Abraham van de Beek /
The title Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth (Hebrews 11:13) captures well the eschatological nature of the christology which has become so central in the theological enterprise of Prof. dr. Abraham van de Beek. At the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday in October 2011, many of his former colleagues and students honour him in this Festschrift with a contribution to one of the themes that have been central to his theology: christology, theology of Israel, eschatology, theology of the church, creation theology, and freedom of religion. The volume opens with an article providing an overview of his theological development, one probing his deepest theological intentions, and with an up to date bibliography. Contributors include: Martien Brinkman, Johan Buitendag, Jaesung Cha, Pieter Coertzen, Ernst Conradie, Gerrit de Kruijf, Bert de Leede, Adelbert Denaux, Gerard den Hertog, Rene de Reuver, Henk de Roest, Andre Drost, Szilveszter Füsti-Molnár, Harm Goris, Botond Gudor, John Hesselink, Jan Hoek, Gerrit Immink, Allan Janssen, Tamás Juhász, Nico Koopman, Daniel Migliore, ChristIan Mostert, István Pásztori-Kupán, Christoff Pauw, Arjan Plaisier, Ad Prosman, Bernhard Reitsma, Riemer Roukema, Frank Sawyer, Alan Sell, Matthias Smalbrugge, Gerrit Singgih, Dirkie Smit, Adrianus Cardinal Simonis, Ferenc Szűcs, Eep Talstra, Wessel ten Boom, Johann Theron, Jacob van Beelen, Henk van den Belt, Gijsbert van den Brink, Leon van den Broeke, Eduardus Van der Borght, Kees van der Kooi, Paul van Geest, Sjaak van 't Kruis, Willem van Vlastuin, Amie van Wyk, Danie Veldsman, Rian Venter, Wim Verboom, Koos Vorster, Nico Vorster, Robert Vosloo, Henk Vroom, Paul Wells.
Includes index. :
1 online resource (xxii, 911 pages) :
9789004224421 :
1571-4799 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
The Sacral Kingship / La Regalità Sacra : Contributions to the Central Theme of the VIIIth International Congress for the History of Religions (Rome, April 1955). Contributi al tem...
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004377950 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.