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Published 1994
Collectio Tripartita : Justinian on Religious and Ecclesiastical Affairs /

: 1 online resource (176 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004675636

Published 1962
Geistesgeschichte der Frühzeit : II, 1. Die Flusstalkulturen des Orients von der Erfindung der Keilschrift bis zum Auftreten der Indogermanen /

: 1 online resource (258 pages) : illustrations. : 9789004663381

Published 1966
De Hindi literatuur en het Indische nationalisme /

: 9789004658585

Published 1993
The System of Classical Malay Literature /

: Scholarly works considering traditional Malay letters from a literary point of view are scarce. In this book, classical Malay literature of the 16th through the 19th centuries is viewed in the context of more than a millennium of medieval Malay letters. In the first part, based on a reconstruction of the literary self-awareness of the Malays, a model is offered of classical Malay literature as an integral, hierarchically arranged a 'anthropomorphic' system, the impetus for its formation being the Islamization of the Malay world. A study of the origin and evolution of all genres of Malay literature, as well as an analysis of some exemplary works with special reference to their poetics, provide the factual basis for the suggested model. The second part of the book treats of the aesthetics of classical Malay literature, first and foremost the central notion of the sphere of beauty, 'the beautiful' (indah). Its divine origin, internal properties-such as the diversity of manifestations, perfection, orderliness-capable of arousing love and thus producing a harmonizing effect on the human psyche, are considered, as well as the synthesis of Hindu-Javanese and Muslim components in Malay literature aesthetics. This is the first study that aims to present a coherent view of the entire body of classical Malay literature. In a novel and stimulating approach, the organizing principles of Malay literature are seen as a system in which the various genres are allotted their proper place.
: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004643284

Published 1978
Vedische voorstellingen omtrent de 'ziel' /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004644625

Published 1985
Herodotus' Autopsy of the Fayoum : Lake Moeris and the Labyrinth of Egypt /

: From Strabo and Diodorus to Petrie and the pre-sent we have tried to build Herodotus' vast, mysterious, funerary Egyptian Labyrinth and great, man-made Lake Moeris with all manner of pyramids into the Middle-Kingdom ruins of the Fayoum basin, all on the hopeful assumption that Herodotus must have gone to the fifth-century Fayoum merely because he said so. This book constitutes a fundamental re-assessment of the problem and the implications.
: 1 online resource (161 pages) : illustrations. : 9789004663374

Published 1980
Ancient lamps in the Royal Ontario Museum : 1. Greek and Roman clay lamps. A catalogue. /

: 1 online resource (226 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004663534

Published 1990
Papers in Boiotian Topography and History /

: To coincide with the publication of his large monograph 'Topography and Population of Ancient Boiotia', we are reprinting a series of 15 of Professor Fossey's previously published papers. These papers, scattered across many periodicals, were written during the preparation of the monograph; the latter, in its turn, makes frequent ref-erence to the papers. In this way, the two works complement each other; the papers also treat of detailed problems which could not have received the same full discussion in the monograph. The papers are divided into four sections: testimonia, Mykenaian Boiotia, Sites and History of Boiotia from Protohistoric to Classical Times, and Roman Boiotia.
: 1 online resource (291 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004675858

Published 1951
Plotini Opera : Porphyrii vita Plotini. Enneades I-III /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004663602

Published 1987
Amulet and Alphabet : Magical Amulets in the First Book of Cyranides /

: 1 online resource (231 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004674714

Published 1988
Form and Freedom in Korean Poetry /

: 1 online resource (112 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004644137

Published 1965
The Advent of the era of township in northern Mesopotamia /

: 9789004626676

Published 1995
State and Trade in the Indonesian Archipelago /

: The theme of this volume, state formation and mercantile evolution in Indonesia, has been the subject of historiographical debate for quite some time. In recent decades the focus of this debate has shifted from the external challenge posed by westerners towards the indigenous response to that challenge and towards local and regional situations, adding to the knowledge of state and state formation. Nine case studies on state formation in the Indonesian archipelago illustrate this approach. They deal with widely differing states, in different periods and regions, ranging from the twelfth-century Javanese state of Kadiri to the twentieth-century Netherlands Indies colonial state, and from Riau and West Borneo to Buton and the Seram Sea. Most of the studies concern states that came under the influence of the Dutch East Indies Company or its successor, the Dutch colonial state. The contributors to this volume are from Indonesia-Muhammad Gade Ismail, R.Z. Leirissa, Edi Sedyawati and Suhartono-and from the Netherlands-F. van Baardewijk, V.J.H. Houben, L.W. Nagtegaal, J.W. Schoorl and R. Vos. Based on in-depth bibliographical and archival research, these studies shed new light on historical situations and processes, thus contributing significantly to the knowledge of Indonesia's past and its historiography.
: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004643130

Published 1969
Prothuron : Gids bij het eerste wijsgerig denken met als achtergrond de Griekse filosofie /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004618527

Published 1993
The Sacred Bonds of Commerce : Religion, Economy, and Trade Society at Hellenistic Roman Delos /

: This study analyzes the religious mentality, commercial practices, and social composition of Roman trade society at the celebrated Hellenistic Greek, Roman Republican emporium of Delos, 166-87 B.C. The remains of this site date largely to the late second and early first centuries B.C., when Delos was the nerve center of the trans-Mediterranean luxury and slave trade of Roman Italy. Repeated military assaults be-tween 87 and 69 B.C. de-stroyed the community and its trade importance declined. But as an archaeological site it offers the earliest and most detailed remains of a Roman trade community to survive anywhere in the Mediterranean world, including the city of Rome itself. This study marks the first re-assessment and interpretation of these remains from the vantage point of Roman trade in more than seventy years. Among the subjects discussed are the religious character of the remains of Delian marketplaces and their likely commercial function; the role of oaths and, more particularly, of the gods, Mercury and Hercules, in Roman commerce; the tendency of Roman traders to organize themselves according to religious fraternities and the manner in which this enhanced trade activities such as finance; the social status of these traders in wider Roman society as reflected by their house remains; and, finally the identity of the mysterious Agora of the Italians. See Less
: 1 online resource (392 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004663459

Published 1958
Economic life in Greece's Golden Age /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004613331

Published 1970
Essai sur l'administration des Provinces Romaines sous la République /

: 1 online resource (404 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004652927

Published 1949
The Alkestis /

: 9789004675360

Published 1979
The Royal Asiatic Society : Its history and treasures /

: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004642874

Published 1995
Kinship, Status and Gender in South Celebes /

: H.Th. Chabot's Ph.D. thesis, Verwantschap, stand en sexe in Zuid-Celebes (1950), is an important source for the anthropology of South Celebes. Chabot's study, based on fieldwork in the 1940s provides insights into social relationships in a South Celebes village, focusing on demographic and spatial data, systems of marriage and the position of women. His observations are of great value for historical-comparative work. This English translation makes Chabot's study accessible to a new generation of researchers. Added to the translation are a biography of H.Th. Chabot (1910-1970) and a biography of is scholarly work, as well as an extensive introduction by Martin Rössler and Birgit Röttger-Rössler, placing Chabot's contribution in the context of other work on Macassarese and Buginese society.
: Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004644304