Tombs, trowels and treasures : the first 40 years of Egyptology at Macquarie University /
To celebrate 40 years of Egyptology at Macquarie University, 'Tombs, Trowels and Treasures' provides an overview of the fieldwork undertaken in Egypt from the early days until the present and records our engagement in teaching, research and community outreach. Part One presents the fieldwork projects conducted by Macquarie in over 20 sites and 80 tombs. The projects are arranged by site in the chronological order in which the work was undertaken. The special, unusual and sometimes unique scenes and finds are showcased in over 650 photographs. Part Two has three sections reflecting the distinct areas of our engagement in teaching Egyptology in the Department of Ancient History, with research in Egyptology at Macquarie University through The Australian Centre for Egyptology, as well as our multi-facetted commitment to making Egyptology accessible to the wider community through The Rundle Foundation for Egyptian Archaeology.
x, 356 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), color map ; 26 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Penthesilea und ihre Schwestern : Amazonenepisoden als Bauform des Heldenepos /
In Penthesilea und ihre Schwestern - Amazonenepisoden als Bauform des Heldenepos Susanne Borowski establishes Amazon-episodes as a gender-sensitive structural element of epic poetry. This is the first book that provides a comprehensive intertextual interpretation of all Amazon-episodes in Homer's Iliad , Apollonius Rhodius' Argonautica , Vergil's Aeneid , Valerius Flaccusʼ Argonautica , Statiusʼ Thebaid , Silius Italicusʼ Punica and Quintus Smyrnaeus' Posthomerica. Where previous scholars have often interpreted Amazons as a symbol of transgressive behaviour, this study shows that they are universally respected warriors. Their appearance, descent, and aristeiai characterize their fighting as transgendered. This study offers new perspectives on the construction of gender in Graeco-Roman Epic. Mit Penthesilea und ihre Schwestern - Amazonenepisoden als Bauform des Heldenepos weist Susanne Borowski nach, dass Amazonenepisoden eine genderrelevante Bauform des Epos sind. Sie untersucht erstmals aus literaturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive alle überlieferten Amazonenepisoden in Homers Ilias , Apollonius Rhodiusʼ Argonautica , Vergils Aeneis , Valerius Flaccusʼ Argonautica , Statiusʼ Thebais , Silius Italicusʼ Punica und Quintus Smyrnaeusʼ Posthomerica. Interpretiert die bisherige Forschung Amazonen meist als Symbol von Grenzüberschreitung, erweist die intertextuelle Analyse dieser Studie vielmehr, dass sie unerschrockene, allseits respektierte Kriegerinnen sind. Ihr Äußeres, ihre Abstammung und ihre Aristien charakterisieren ihr Kämpfen durchgängig als transgendered. Die Studie eröffnet neue Perspektiven für die Konstruktion von Gender im griechisch-römischen Epos.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Erzählte Welten im Richterbuch : narratologische Aspekte eines polyfonen Diskurses /
Das Richterbuch präsentiert einen Rückblick in die Geschichte des Volkes Israel, der eine große Vergangenheit (re)konstruiert und zugleich einen äußerst kritischen Blick auf diese Zeit wirft. Die vorliegende Studie zeigt, wie die Erzählzyklen des Richterbuchs das zentrale Thema, die Suche nach einer verbindlichen und lebensförderlichen Ordnung, aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln darstellen und reflektieren. Die unterschiedlichen Perspektiven treten dabei miteinander in einen kontroversen Dialog, der keine eindeutige oder einseitige Einordnung dieser Epoche erlaubt. Eine detaillierte narratologische Analyse der erzählten Welten der Texte und ihrer Figuren zeigt, dass die Komposition und Zusammenstellung der einzelnen Erzählungen zwar Systematisierungen der Epoche andeuten, diese jedoch stets wieder dekonstruieren. So bleibt das Richterbuch ein Rückblick zwischen Bewunderung und Befremden. The Book of Judges presents a (re)construction of Israel's history that recalls a splendid past but simultaneously offers a very critical view. This study focuses on the narrated worlds of the stories and the way they contribute to the central theme: the search for obligatory and beneficial guidelines for the people. A detailed narratological analysis of the narrated worlds shows how the different perspectives presented in the texts engage in a controversial dialogue. Although the composition of the stories indicates a systematisation, these attempts are repeatedly deconstructed. Thus the Book of Judges eludes any one-sided interpretation and remains a retrospection between admiration and disconcertment.
1 online resource (vii, 313 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004244184 :
0928-0731 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Gender and Islam in Southeast Asia : women's rights movements, religious resurgence and local traditions /
The volume is the first comprehensive compilation of texts on gender constructions, normative gender orders and their religious legitimizations, as well as current gender policies in Islamic Southeast Asia, which besides the Islamic core countries of Malaysia and Indonesia also comprises southern Thailand and Mindanao (the Philippines). The authors trace the impact of national development programmes, modernization, globalization, and political conflicts on the local and national gender regimes in the twentieth century, and elaborate on the consequences of the revitalization of a conservative type of Islam. The book, thus, elucidates the boundary lines of cultural and political processes of negotiation related to state, society, and community. It employs a broad analytical framework, offers rich empirical data and gives new insights into current debates on gender and Islam. Contributors include Nelly van Doorn-Harder, Farish A. Noor, Siti Musdah Mulia, Amporn Marddent, Maila Stivens, Alexander Horstmann, Amina Rasul-Bernardo, Monika Arnez, Susanne Schröter, Nurul Ilmi Idrus, Vivienne S.M. Angeles and Birte Brecht-Drouart.
1 online resource (x, 335 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004242920 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Egyptian culture and society : studies in honour of Naguib Kanawati /
"Naguib Kanawati : a bibliography" : pages xxvii-xxiii.
"Naguib Kanawati : a life in Egyptology" : pages xvii-xxv.
Preface by Zahi Hawass. :
2 volumes : illustrations, portraits ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :