The city of the moon god : religious traditions of Harran /
This study treats the religious and intellectual history of the city of Harran (Eastern Turkey) from biblical times down to the establishment of Islam. The author starts from the well-known reference in the Qur'an and the early Islamic histories to the people of Harran as Sabians, one of the 'peoples of the book.' The author unravels strands of religious tradition in Harran that run from the old Semitic planetary cults through Hellenistic hermeticism, gnosticism, and Neo-Pythagoreanism and Christian cults to esoteric Islamic sects such as the Sufis and Shiites.
1 online resource (viii, 232 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 218-224) and index. :
9789004301429 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Incarceration and Health Care : A Visual Journey through the Lens of Activist Art /
There is a lack of control that exists when managing a chronic illness, just as there is a lack of autonomy when one finds themselves living within the confines of a correctional facility. How does one address these two precarious circumstances when they collide? Research has revealed that incarcerated populations have a higher rate of infectious disease and chronic health issues than their non-incarcerated counterparts. How is this reality translated in a way that others might understand? As an avenue to gain a new perspective, this book provides a glimpse into the world of incarceration and health care management, using art to translate this experience. Activist art is effective and powerful for both the audience and the creator. By revealing the reality of living with a chronic illness and how social determinants of health significantly impact one's status and start in life, art holds the power to shift perspectives and deepen understandings not only of health care and incarceration but also to agitate for societal changes.
1 online resource (164 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Mortuary variability and social diversity in Ancient Greece : studies on Ancient Greek death and burial /
Brings together early career scholars working on funerary customs in Greece from the Early Iron Age to the Roman period. Papers present various thematic and interdisciplinary analysis in which funerary contexts provide insights on individuals, social groups and communities.
1 online resource (ii, 196 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789694437 (ebook) :
Mortuary variability and social diversity in Ancient Greece : studies on Ancient Greek death and burial /
Brings together early career scholars working on funerary customs in Greece from the Early Iron Age to the Roman period. Papers present various thematic and interdisciplinary analysis in which funerary contexts provide insights on individuals, social groups and communities.
1 online resource (ii, 196 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour) :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789694437 (ebook) :
Mortuary Variability and Social Diversity in Ancient Greece: Studies on Ancient Greek Death and Burial
This volume is born out of the international workshop for early career scholars entitled ‘Mortuary Variability and Social Diversity in Ancient Greece’ that was held at the Netherlands Institute at Athens, Greece on December 1-2, 2016. The idea for this workshop stemmed from our mutual interest in ancient Greek death practices, and in understanding how the political, economic, and social realities that characterized Greek history related to funerary ideology and informed the ways in which the Greeks dealt with their dead. Two main questions are central to this problem: 1) how were local social structure and social roles – for example those the elderly or children, men or women, locals or migrants, or the poor or the wealthy – reflected in and motivated the way people were treated in death, and 2) how did large-scale developments such as political change and processes of ‘globalization’ influence death practice on the level of the individual, the social group, the local community, and the region.
Muslim Tatar minorities in the Baltic Sea Region /
In Muslim Tatar Minorities in the Baltic Sea Region , edited by Ingvar Svanberg and David Westerlund, the contributors introduce the history and contemporary situation of these little known groups of people that for centuries have been part of the religious and ethnic mosaic of this region. The book has a broad and multi-disciplinary scope and covers the early settlements in Lithuania and Poland, the later immigrations to Saint Petersburg, Finland, Estonia and Latvia, as well as the most recent establishments in Sweden and Germany. The authors, who hail from and are specialists on these areas, demonstrate that in several respects the Tatar Muslims have become well-integrated here. Contributors are: Toomas Abiline, Tamara Bairasauskaite, Renat Bekkin, Sebastian Cwiklinski, Harry Halén, Tuomas Martikainen, Agata Nalborczyk, Egdunas Racius, Ringo Ringvee, Valters Scerbinskis, Sabira Ståhlberg, Ingvar Svanberg and David Westerlund.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004308800 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Pacifism, politics, and feminism : intersections and innovations /
Pacifism, Politics, and Feminism: Intersections and Innovations discusses a) how feminist analyses allow for and encourage the re-conceptualization of concepts and ideas once thought familiar from traditional ethical and political philosophy, and b) traditional political topics and issues through pacifist and feminist lenses. The chapters that focus on the former explore the possibility of "queering" such concepts as autonomy, violence, resistance, peace, religion, and politics, while the chapters that focus on the latter bring feminist and pacifist sensibilities and arguments to bear on classic political questions such as when and how violence and war are justified, the appropriateness of various responses to climate change, and the correct way to engage with such topics and themes in educational, institutional settings. Contributors are David Boersema, Barrett Emerick, Tamara Fakhoury, Jane Hall Fitz-Gibbon, William C. Gay, Jennifer Kling, John Lawless, Megan Mitchell, and Harry van der Linden.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Patristic literature in Arabic translations /
"Patristic Literature in Arabic Translations offers a panoramic survey of the Arabic translations of the Church Fathers, focusing on those produced in the Palestinian monasteries and at Sinai in the 8th-10th centuries and in Antioch during Byzantine rule (969-1084). These Arabic translations frequently preserve material lost in the original languages (mainly Greek and Syriac). They offer crucial information about the diffusion and influence of patristic heritage among Middle Eastern Christians from the 8th century to the present. A systematic examination of Arabic patristic translations paves the way to an assessment of their impact on Muslim and Jewish theological thought".
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
Academia in crisis : dystopic optimism and postalgic realism in university life /
Academia is standing at a junction in time. Behind lies the community of the curious, ahead the mass and the market. This book joins in a growing stream of works that explore the vicissitudes of present-day European universities in what Bauman coined as liquid times. Here, a number of concerned (engaged) European scholars attempt to defend and brush up academic core values and practices, starting from their own life worlds and positions in higher education. They share the view that there is no point in turning back, nor in mechanically marching straight on. Above all, they uphold that there is no alternative to treasuring academia as a space for thinking together. Hopefully the fruit of this sine qua non invites to think with, and envision academic activism. Contributors are Samuel Abraham, Stefano Bianchini, Simon Charlesworth, Leonidas Donskis, Frans Kamsteeg, Joost van Loon, Ida Sabelis, Tamara Shefer and Harry Wels.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004402034 :
0929-8436 ;
Ägyptische Magie und ihre Umwelt /
Dem antiken Verständnis nach war Magie weit mehr als nur ein Sammelsurium esoterischer Praktiken und Rituale, die vor allem zum eigenen Nutzen und zum Schaden anderer eingesetzt wurden. Vielmehr sind darunter alle religiösen Handlungen jenseits der institutionalisierten Kultausübung zu fassen. Dies zeigen auch die zwölf Aufsätze, die aus der im Frühjahr 2011 anlässlich der Rückkehr eines lange vermissten Heidelberger Zauberbüchleins organisierten Ausstellung 'Ägyptische Magie im Wandel der Zeiten' hervorgingen. Nunmehr um eine ausserägyptische Perspektive erweitert, reicht der zeitliche Rahmen der Beiträge in diesem Band von den Anfängen der Schriftlichkeit im Zweistromland und dem Alten Ägypten bis tief in das koptischsprachige Mittelalter hinein. Überblicksartikel vermitteln einen Eindruck von Magie in Mesopotamien und im Vorderen Orient sowie im spätzeitlichen Ägypten. Daneben stehen thematische Beiträge zu solchen Bereichen, in denen man sich bevorzugt magischer Mittel bediente, so beim Schutz der Grabstätte, bei der Abwehr von Schlangen und Skorpionen, im medizinischen Bereich und mit besonderer Energie bei der Verfolgung sexueller Ziele. Ägyptische und griechische Papyri, aber auch die gern mit Zeichnungen verbundenen koptischen Zaubertexte führen eine beunruhigende Vielfalt und Gestalt hilfreicher oder schädlicher Mächte vor Augen; magische Elemente im Neuen Testament kommen ebenso zur Sprache wie das breite Feld der Zahlensymbolik. Aus den hier erstmals systematisch zusammengestellten Magica der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung wird zugleich die grosse Rolle deutlich, die die Überlieferungslage für unsere Kenntnis all dessen spielt.
379 pages : illustrations, facsimiles ; 25 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
Global justice and international affairs /
Global justice and international affairs is perhaps the hottest topic in political philosophy today. This book brings together some of the most important essays in this area. The essays have all appeared recently in the Journal of Moral Philosophy , an internationally recognized leading philosophy journal. Topics include sovereignty and self-determination, cosmopolitanism and nationalism, global poverty and international distributive justice, and war and terrorism.
1 online resource (x, 318 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004218093 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Cybele, Attis, and related cults : essays in memory of M.J. Vermaseren /
This volume brings together articles on the cult of the mother-goddess Cybele and her consort Attis, from the emergence of the religion in Anatolia through its expansion into Greece and Italy to the latest times of the Roman Empire and its farthest extent west, the Iberian Peninsula. It combines the work of established scholars with that of young researchers in the field, and represents a truly international perspective. The reader will find treatment inter alia of Cybele's emasculated priests, the Galli; the dissemination of Cybele-cult through the harbour city, Miletus; the cult of Cybele in Ephesus; the rock-cut sanctuary of Cybele at Akrai in Sicily; the competition between the Cybele-cult and Christianity; and the role of Attis in Neo-Platonic philosophy.
1 online resource (ix, 441 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004295889 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Religious and sexual nationalisms in Central and Eastern Europe : gods, gays, and governments /
Religious and Sexual Nationalisms in Central and Eastern Europe: Gods, Gays, and Governments. presents case studies from some ten countries that serve to explore the ways in which religion, nationalism, and (homo)sexuality intersect in public discourse. It shows how religious leaders, political and social movements, LGBT-organizations, governments, and media negotiate the powers of religion and state in taking position regarding sexual diversity. These negotiations are as much about sexual morality as they are about national identity, anti-EU sentiments, and the efforts of religious institutions to regain power in post-communist societies.
1 online resource (viii, 186 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004297791 :
1061-5210 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Processes of cultural change and integration in the Roman world /
Processes of Cultural Change and Integration in the Roman World is a collection of studies on the interaction between Rome and the peoples that became part of its Empire between c. 300 BC and AD 300. The book focuses on the mechanisms by which interaction between Rome and its subjects occurred, e.g. the settlements of colonies by the Romans, army service, economic and cultural interaction. In many cases Rome exploited the economic resources of the conquered territories without allowing the local inhabitants any legal autonomy. However, they usually maintained a great deal of cultural freedom of expression. Those local inhabitants who chose to engage with Rome, its economy and culture, could rise to great heights in the administration of the Empire.
This volume is the result of a conference held at the University of Nottingham in July 2013, which focused on processes of integration in the Roman world. This meeting was a follow-up to an earlier conference, held at Manchester in 2010, which looked at processes of integration in the Roman Republic (see LCCN 2012007861). Both conferences started from the idea that, despite the amount of recent scholarship on integration in the ancient world and the impact these had on formation of identities, there are still aspects of these issues that are not fully understood. :
1 online resource (x, 314 pages) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004294554 :
2352-8656 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.