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Actor and event : military activity in ancient Egyptian narrative texts from Tuthmosis II to Merenptah /

: vii, 296 pages ; 25 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 243-291) and index. : 9150615467 : 1650-9838 ;

Performing Piety : Singers and actors in Egypt's Islamic revival /

: viii, 320 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages [297]-309) and index. : 9780292745865

Published 2011
Ägypten : die Kunst Ägyptens in der Sammlung DKM /

: "The catalogue is published on the occasion of the exhibition "Egypt--Lines of Quiet Beauty" in the Museum DKM, Duisburg. 23.09-2011-30.01.2012"--Colophon. : 134 p. : col. ill., map ; 20 x 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (p. 131-132) : 9783981050011

Published 1981
Dhikrayāt wa-wujūh wa-qiṣaṣ min al-masraḥ /

: 220 pages : portraits ; 21 cm. : 9777356277

Fannanu al-sinima fi al-'Iraq /

: 87 pages ; 20 cm.

Alternative approaches to the Arab-Israeli conflict : a comparative analysis of the principal actors : proceedings of a symposium held in Cairo in March 1983 /

: 217 pages ; 23 cm : Includes bibliographical references. : wafaa.lib.

Storia economica e sociale dell'Impero romano /

: At head of title : M. Rostovzev.
"1000 esemplari numerati ..."
Descriptive text, with illustrations, on verso of most of the plates. : xvii pages, 1 l., 722 pages, 2 l. : LXXX plates (includes front., Portraits, plans) on 81 l., map ; 26 cm. : Includes bibliographical references. : Nabil

La mirada de Roma : retrats romans dels museus de Mérida, Toulouse, i Tarragona /

: Catalog of an exhibition organized by the Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, the Musée Saint-Raymond, and the Museu Nacional Arqueológico Provincial and held at various locations in France and Spain ca. 1995. : 287 pages : illustrations ; 22 x 24 cm. : Includes bibliographical references.

Published 1986
Seneca on the stage /

: In the absence of the stage directions employed by their modern equivalents, ancient playwrights were obliged to ''encode'' information into their texts that can be described as implicit stage directions. It is the presence of such information that permits modern ''production criticism,'' intended to determine how ancient plays were meant to be staged. Since the early nineteenth century, it has been debated whether Seneca's tragedies were or were not written for stage production. Seneca's dramatic texts contain material that looks precisely like the implicit stage directions found in all other ancient drama, and when his plays are subjected to production criticism, it emerges that they make sound dramaturgic sense. Also, Seneca avails himself of the same artificial and sometimes irrational dramatic conventions used by other ancient playwrights, a fact often ignored by those who argue that Seneca was only writing plays for reading or recitation. The internal evidence of the plays offers much to support, and little to contradict, the idea that his plays were written with the stage in mind.
: 1 online resource (vi, 72 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004328310 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2013
Performance in Greek and Roman theatre /

: In recent years, classicists have begun aggressively to explore the impact of performance on the ways in which Greek and Roman plays are constructed and appreciated, both in their original performance context and in reperformances down to the present day. While never losing sight of the playscripts, it is necessary to adopt a more inclusive point of view, one integrating insights from archaeology, art, history, performance theory, theatre semiotics, theatrical praxis, and modern performance reception. This volume contributes to the restoration of a much-needed balance between performance and text: it is devoted to exploring how performance-related considerations (including stage business, masks, costumes, props, performance space, and stage-sets) help us attain an enhanced appreciation of ancient theatre.
: 1 online resource (ix, 591 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004245457 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
What is good, and what God demands : normative structures in Tannaitic literature /

: The normative rhetoric of tannaitic literature (the earliest extant corpus of rabbinic Judaism) is predominantly deontological. Prior scholarship on rabbinic supererogation, and on points of contact with Greco-Roman virtue discourse, has identified non-deontological aspects of tannaitic normativity. However, these two frameworks overlook precisely the productive intersection of deontological with non-deontological, the first because supererogation defines itself against obligation, and the second because the Greco-Roman comparate discourages serious treatment of law-like elements. This book addresses ways in which alternative normative forms entwine with the core deontological rhetoric of tannaitic literature. This perspective exposes, inter alia, echoes of the post-biblical wisdom tradition in tannaitic law, the rich polyvalence of the category mitzvah, and telling differences between the schools of Akiva and Ishmael.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and an indexes. : 9789004188297 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2012
Inscriptional records for the dramatic festivals in Athens : IG II2 2318-2325 and related texts /

: IG II2 2318-2325 represent the most substantial surviving body of evidence for the institutional history of the Athenian dramatic festivals from their establishment at the end of the 6th century BCE to their disappearance sometime in the mid- to late 100s. Millis and Olson offer a completely updated text of the inscriptions, based on a close study of the stones themselves; detailed explanations of the restorations of the dimensions and organization of the original records, with numerous redatings and the like; and new - and in some cases radically different - reconstructions of the monuments on which they were inscribed. The volume also includes substantial interpretative essays on each set of records, a full epigraphic and prosopographic commentary, and several indices.
: 1 online resource (xii, 238 pages) : 9789004232013 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2004
Oral performance and its context /

: This volume is concerned with aspects of orality and literacy in the ancient world. It arises from the tremendous contemporary interest among scholars in questions of how literacy and orality co-exist and interact in the ancient world. The contents of the book are refereed papers originally presented at the fifth biennial 'Orality and Literacy in ancient Greece' held at The University of Melbourne in 2002. Papers are offered by scholars from Britain, the USA, Canada and Australia which deal with a range of periods and genres in antiquity, from Homer through to Roman literature. The book will be of great interest to students and scholars of the ancient world.
: Papers presented at the University of Melbourne conference in July 2002. : 1 online resource (viii, 208 pages) : Includes bibliographical references. : 9789047412601 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2016
Ottoman women in public space /

: Using a wealth of primary sources and covering the entire Ottoman period, Ottoman Women in Public Space challenges the traditional view that sees Ottoman women as a largely silent element of society, restricted to the home and not seen beyond the walls of the house or the public bath. Instead, taking women in a variety of roles, as economic and political actors, prostitutes, flirts and slaves, the book argues that women were active participants in the public space, visible, present and an essential element in the everyday, public life of the empire. Ottoman Women in Public Space thus offers a vibrant and dynamic understanding of Ottoman history. Contributors are: Edith Gülçin Ambros, Ebru Boyar, Palmira Brummett, Kate Fleet and Svetla Ianeva.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004316621 : 1570-7628 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2010
Encounters in quest of Christian womanhood : the Basel Mission in pre- and early colonial Ghana /

: Christianity has come to be a religion embraced especially by women and not least in Africa. This book provides one of the as yet rare case studies for the early stages of this development: how African women on the pre- and early colonial Gold Coast (Ghana) encountered Basel Mission Christianity, 1843-1885. Popular interpretations have tended to describe Christianity as either 'empowering' or 'domesticating' African women. Looking at variegated push-and-pull factors and in its focus on the agency of Ghanaian women this detailed analysis moves beyond. It situates the quest for Christian womanhood as part of trans-national discourses and exchanges, as well as local interactions, and writes a social history that is at once transnational and transcultural.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004193734 : 0924-9389 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2014
Religion in times of crisis /

: Religion is alive and well all over the world, especially in times of personal, political, and social crisis. Even in Europe, long regarded the most "secular" continent, religion has taken centre stage in how people respond to the crises associated with modernity, or how they interact with the nation-state. In this book, scholars working in and on Europe offer fresh perspectives on how religion provides answers to existential crisis, how crisis increases the salience of religious identities and cultural polarization, and how religion is contributing to changes in the modern world in Europe and beyond. Cases from Poland to Pakistan and from Ireland to Zimbabwe, among others, demonstrate the complexity and ambivalence of religion's role in the contemporary world.
: Includes index. : 1 online resource (pages) : 9789004277793 : 1061-5210 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 1997
Writing and reading the scroll of Isaiah : studies of an interpretive tradition /

: This first part of a 2-volume work, this study combines recent approaches that treat the formation and early interpretation of the final form of the book of Isaiah with the more conventional historical-critical methods that treat the use of traditions by Isaiah's authors and editors. Studies investigate Isaiah's use of early sacred tradition, the editing and contextualization of oracles within the Isaianic tradition itself, and the interpretation of the book of Isaiah in later traditions (as seen in the various versions of the text and various communities). Contributors of this volume include virtually all of the major scholars of Isaiah and the leading scholars of biblical interpretation in the intertestamental, New Testament, and early Jewish periods.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789004275942 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2018
Handbook of Conspiracy Theory and Contemporary Religion.

: Conspiracy theories are a ubiquitous feature of our times. The Handbook of Conspiracy Theories and Contemporary Religion is the first reference work to offer a comprehensive, transnational overview of this phenomenon along with in-depth discussions of how conspiracy theories relate to religion(s). Bringing together experts from a wide range of disciplines, from psychology and philosophy to political science and the history of religions, the book sets the standard for the interdisciplinary study of religion and conspiracy theories.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004382022

Published 2024
State Succession to International Responsibility /

: In the context of the break-up of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, the independence of Montenegro and the unification of Germany, can a new State be held responsible for wrongful acts committed before its independence by the predecessor State? This book is the most comprehensive analysis of State practice, case law and scholarship identifying the factors and circumstances under which the rights and obligations arising from wrongful acts committed before independence can be transferred to a new State. This updated and revised second edition covers new developments, including the recent works of the International Law Commission and the Institute of International Law.
: 1 online resource (485 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004703810

Published 2020
Höfische Musikkultur im klassischen Islam : Ibn Faḍlallāh al-'Umarī (gest. 749/1349) über die dichterische und musikalische Kunst der Sängersklavinne /

: "In Der Ṭarab der Sängersklavinnen gibt Yasemin Gökpinar einen Einblick in Ibn Faḍl-Allāh al-'Umarī's Masālik al-abṣār fīmamālik al-amṣār (vol. 10) über Hofmusik von den Abbasiden bis zu den Mamluken mit Schwerpunkt auf den Sängersklavinnen (qiyān). Die interdisziplinäre Studie stellt Autor und Werk vor und etabliert das Liederbuch als historische Quelle. Zudem werden unterschiedliche strukturelle und inhaltliche Aspekte kombiniert: eine Untersuchung der Liedtextüberlieferer und des soziokulturellen Kontextes des Hoflebens im Lichte von Thomas Bauer's Ambiguitätstheorie, eine musikwissenschaftliche Analyse des Verhältnisses zwischen poetischem Metrum der Lieder und ihren musikalischen Rhythmen, schliesslich eine Betrachtung des Handlungsspielraumes der Sängerinnen und ihrer (relativen) Macht über ihre Besitzer durch ihre hervorragende Ausbildung und natürlichen Anlagen. In this volume Yasemin Gökpinar provides insight into Ibn Faḍl-Allāh al-'Umarī's Masālik al-abṣār fīmamālik al-amṣār (vol. 10) about court music from the Abbasids to the Mamluks, with special emphasis on the subject of high ranking singing slave-girls (qiyān). Her interdisciplinary study focuses on the author and his work, and presents the songbook as a historical source. Different aspects concerning structure and contents are combined: an investigation of the song transmitters, a study into the socio-cultural context of courtly life with an application of Thomas Bauer's theory of ambiguity, a musicological analysis of the relation between metre of song texts and rhythmic modes in music, and finally an exploration of the singing-girls' leeway and even power over their owners, through education".
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004417649