Paulus, die Evangelien, und das Urchristentum : Beiträge von und zu Walter Schmithals /
This volume contains the author's 'late harvest' from the fruits of half a century scholarly research in the fields of the New Testament. The essays on Paul oppose the view of history held by the 'Tübingen School' (F.C. Baur), and point out the importance of literary criticism for the theological interpretation of the pauline letters. The essays on the Letter to the Hebrews assign the appropriate historical place within early Christianity to this New Testament book. The essays on the synoptic gospels force the crisis of synoptic form criticism, and give convincing reasons for the alternative solution concerning the origin of the synoptic tradition. Five contributions complete the author's 'Theologiegeschichte des Urchristentums' edited 1994. In the second part various prominent German New Testament scholars engage into a discussion with Schmithals's contributions.
1 online resource (xi, 841 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047412472 :
0169-734X = :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Apostasie im antiken Christentum : Studien zum Glaubensabfall in altkirchlicher Theologie, Disziplin und Pastoral (4.-7. Jahrhundert n. Chr.) /
In diesem Band untersucht Christian Hornung den Glaubensabfall im spätantiken Christentum. Im Anschluss an eine umfangreiche Hinführung, in der die Apostasie in der nichtchristlichen Umwelt behandelt wird, nähert er sich dem Thema unter drei Perspektiven: Theologie, Disziplin und Pastoral. Analysiert werden theologische Erklärungsmodelle des Phänomens bei kirchlichen Autoren, seine disziplinäre Einordnung im spätantiken (Kirchen-)Recht sowie der konkrete Umgang mit Apostaten in städtischen Gemeinden. Im Gegensatz zur bisherigen altertumswissenschaftlichen Forschung kann Hornung aufzeigen, dass die Apostasie bis weit in nachkonstantinische Zeit eine grundlegende Anfrage an das sich etablierende Christentum bleibt. Die Anlage der Arbeit erlaubt zudem neue Einblicke in das Verhältnis von altkirchlichem Recht und Pastoral. In this volume, Christian Hornung examines the abandonment of faith in the Christianity of Late Antiquity. After an extensive introduction dealing with apostasy in the non-Christian world he approaches the subject from three perspectives: theology, church discipline and pastoral care. Hornung analyses the theological explanatory models of different ecclesiastical writers concerning apostasy, early (Canon) Law and concrete examples of apostates in urban parishes. In contrast with prior classical and patristic scholarship, he points out that apostasy remains a fundamental problem for Christianity in the time after Constantine the Great. Furthermore, the special composition of Hornung's work delivers new insights into the relationship between early Canon Law and pastoral care.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004324152 :
0920-623X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Essen im antiken Judentum und Urchristentum : Diskurse zur sozialen Bedeutung von Tischgemeinschaft, Speiseverboten und Reinheitsvorschriften /
In Essen im antiken Judentum und Urchristentum untersucht Christina Eschner die Auseinandersetzungen zum jüdischen Gesetz innerhalb des Urchristentums vor dem Hintergrund vergleichbarer Diskurse im antiken Judentum. Ziel ist es, die urchristliche Praxis des Gesetzes in ihrem größeren Kontext darzustellen und ihr gegebenenfalls einen bestimmten Platz im facettenreichen Bild der zeitgenössischen jüdischen Strömungen zuzuweisen. Dabei finden Schriften aus Qumran, dem griechischsprachigen und dem rabbinischen Judentum Berücksichtigung. Der Fokus liegt auf Vorschriften zu verbotenen Speisen, zur Tischgemeinschaft und zur erlaubten Art und Weise der Nahrungsaufnahme. Auch pagane Traditionen werden einbezogen. Damit ist diese Studie besonders interdisziplinär ausgerichtet. Sie bewegt sich an der Schnittstelle zwischen Themenfeldern der neutestamentlichen Wissenschaft, der Altphilologie, der Alten Geschichte und der Judaistik. Sie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die urchristlichen Diskurse zum Essen nicht auf eine vollständige Abschaffung der entsprechenden jüdischen Gesetzesanordungen zielen. In Essen im antiken Judentum und Urchristentum Christina Eschner examines the Early Christian disputes about the Jewish law against the background of Ancient Jewish discourses on commands of the law, in order to situate the Early Christian practice of the law within its broader context. Jewish sources include the Dead Sea Scrolls, Jewish writings in Greek and early rabbinic texts. This study focusses on rules concerning prohibited food, table fellowship and the permissible way of food intake. Pagan traditions are also considered. Thus, the work has an interdisciplinary orientation, discussing issues at the junction of New Testament studies, Classics, Ancient History and Jewish studies. It concludes that Early Christian food discourses do not aim for the complete abolition of the law.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004391901 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Die Religionswissenschaft und das Christentum, Eine historische Untersuchung über das Verhältnis von Religionswissenschaft und Theologie.
What are religious studies? What is theology? And what is their relationship to each other? In the light of such theoretical and methodological questions this historical inquiry asks what characterizes the study of Christianity within comparative religion-as distinguished from that of Christian theology? In the three main sections of the book representative texts from the history of comparative religion-including Schleiermacher and some other theological forerunners in the 19th century-are analyzed from a methodological and a material point of view. On this basis an answer is sought to the following questions: What has been the place of the study of Christianity within this discipline? On which methodological principles has it been based? And what kind of picture of Christianity has it presented?
1 online resource. :
Koptische Kunst : Christentum am Nil.
At head of title : Kunsthaus Zürich.
Catalog of an exhibition held Nov. 1963-Jan. 1964.
Based on the catalog (of an exhibition held at the Gemeinnütziger Verein Villa Hügel, Essen, May 3-Oct. 13, 1963) which was prepared by W. F. Volbach in collaboration with D. Renner and issued under title : Koptische Kunst ; Christentum am Nil.
"Ägypten im Römischen Reich, Nubien und Äthiopien ; eine Einführung in Geschichte und Kunst des Christentums am Nil," by K. Wessel : pages ix-xxvi. :
xxxvi, 628 pages : map, plates (14 color) ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references.
A history of Christianity in Indonesia /
Indonesia is the home of the largest single Muslim community of the world. Its Christian community, about 10% of the population, has until now received no overall description in English. Through cooperation of 26 Indonesian and European scholars, Protestants and Catholics, a broad and balanced picture is given of its 24 million Christians. This book sketches the growth of Christianity during the Portuguese period (1511-1605), it presents a fair account of developments under the Dutch colonial administration (1605-1942) and is more elaborate for the period of the Indonesian Republic (since 1945). It emphasizes the regional differences in this huge country, because most Christians live outside the main island of Java. Muslim-Christian relations, as well as the tensions between foreign missionaries and local theology, receive special attention.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [977]-981) and index. :
9789047441830 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Gelübde im antiken Judentum und frühesten Christentum /
In Gelübde im antiken Judentum und frühesten Christentum stellt Daniel Schumann auf breiter Quellenbasis die Diskurse zum "Gelübdewesen" dar, wie sie sich in antik-jüdischen und frühchristlichen Quellen aus der Zeit des Zweiten Tempels schriftlich niedergeschlagen haben. Er zeigt dabei auf, wie Judentum und Christentum seit der Spätantike durch die Rezeption dieser Diskurse in ihrer Religionspraxis an antiken Formen des Gelübdewesen partizipierten und dieses auch weiterentwickelten. Ferner legt er offen, wie sich in jüdischer wie auch christlicher Wahrnehmung Stimmen der Wertschätzung aber auch der Reserviertheit durch die Jahrhunderte hindurch aneinanderreihen; handelt es sich doch beim Gelübdewesen um eine kultpraktische Übung, bei der Heil und Unheil so nah beieinander zu liegen scheinen wie wohl sonst bei kaum einer anderen frömmigkeitlichen Handlung. In Gelübde im antiken Judentum und frühesten Christentum Daniel Schumann aims to trace the earliest discourses on vows, as they are recorded in ancient Jewish and early Christian sources from the time of the Second Temple. He also shows how Judaism and Christianity have participated in ancient forms of vow-making since late antiquity and how they also have developed these discourses further. By presenting these discourses on the basis of a broad range of sources, he reveals how in Jewish as well as in Christian perception, voices of esteem but also of reservation have been raised throughout the centuries. After all, vows are a cult-practical exercise in which well-being and disaster are in closer proximity than in most other acts of devotion.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Rachels Klage im antiken Judentum und frühen Christentum : eine auslegungsgeschichtliche Studie /
Study of the exegesis of the Old Testament tradition on the matriarch Rachel. The centre of the study is Rachel's complaint in Jeremiah 31.15-17. After an analysis of the Old Testament texts, the reception of these traditions in ancient translations in the Pseudepigrapha, in Philo of Alexandria, in Flavius Josephus as well as in the New Testament is investigated. The main part of the study is represented by source material in the Rabbinic literature. The study is concluded by an overview of the interpretation of the Rachel figure in patristic literature. The sources containing the Rachel traditions are, in part, hard to access. The source material on Rachel is presented and analyzed, in order to make the plethora of interpretations accessible to a wider audience, especially the Rabbinic interpretations.
Originally presented as the author's thesis--Universität Basel, 2001. :
1 online resource (xi, 323 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 276-303) and index. :
9789004331112 :
0169-734X ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Christian churches in Dahomey-Benin : a study of their socio-political role /
This book, divided into two broad sections, examines the state in the Republic of Benin and the socio-political role of the Christian churches. The first looks at the remarkable pre-colonial kingdom of Danxomέ and its place in the imagining of the modern contrat social béninois . The second section looks at both the historical role of the mainline churches and the more recent development of a Christianisme béninois . The study concludes that the churches are above all a commentary upon the society in which they find themselves. Rather than an overt challenge to the state, they articulate social distress and the desire for a different future. In times of stress they may prove to be the only viable institutional buttress as well as the arbiter. This study seeks to make a contribution to the understanding of the public role of Christian churches in Africa.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [307]-324) and index. :
9789047419778 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Monachus et sacerdos : asketische Konzeptualisierungen des Klerus im antiken Christentum /
"In Monachus et sacerdos untersucht Christian Hornung die Asketisierung des Klerus im antiken Christentum. Vor dem Hintergrund der grundsätzlichen Bedeutung der Askese in der Antike nähert er sich dem Thema unter vier Perspektiven: der Theologie, Disziplin und Pastoral der Asketisierung sowie den Widerständen gegen ihre verbindliche Durchsetzung im Klerus. Analysiert werden theologische Begründungen der Asketisierung, ihre Einforderung in der kirchlichen Disziplin sowie die konkrete Umsetzung in der Pastoral. Ein eigenes Kapitel ist den Widerständen gegen die Durchsetzung der Asketisierung gewidmet. Hornung kann überzeugend aufzeigen, dass die Asketisierung als ein umfassender Prozess einer zunehmenden asketischen Konzeptualisierung des Klerus zu deuten ist, der sich an die Professionalisierung in vorkonstantinischer Zeit anschliesst und zu einer Ausdifferenzierung unterschiedlicher christlicher Lebensformen führt. In Monachus et sacerdos Christian Hornung examines the asceticism of the clergy in late antique Christianity. Concerning the fundamental importance of asceticism in Antiquity he approaches the topic from four perspectives: the theology, discipline and pastoral care of asceticism as well as the opposition against its binding enforcement in the clergy. The theological justifications of asceticism, its demand in ecclesiastical discipline and its concrete implementation in pastoral care are analysed. A separate chapter is devoted to resistances against the enforcement of asceticism in the clergy. Hornung convincingly demonstrates that the asceticism is a broad process of increasing ascetic conceptualization of the clergy, which follows the professionalization in pre-Constantine time and leads to a differentiation of Christian life forms".
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Das frühe Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum (RAC) und der Nationalsozialismus /
Obwohl das »Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum« (RAC) in jeder Universitätsbibliothek, in jedem altertumswissenschaftlichen Institut und auch in manchem Privathaushalt steht, hat es 75 Jahre gedauert, bis Spuren der NS-Ideologie in den ersten beiden Bänden und die nach 1945 andauernde Beteiligung von Autoren, die schon im »Dritten Reich« antijüdische Propaganda betrieben, zur Sprache kamen. Lange jedoch galt das RAC als Werk, das im humanistischen Sinn als Frucht eines Zusammenwachsens von griechisch-römischen und christlichen Traditionen verstanden wurde. Dieses Buch untersucht systematisch den Verdacht einer ideologischen und institutionellen Nähe der frühen RAC-Bände zum Nationalsozialismus. Die Beiträge stützen sich zum großen Teil auf die bislang unveröffentlicht gebliebenen Archivalien des Franz Joseph Dölger-Instituts. Während einige Beiträge eine Gesamtinterpretation vorlegen, untersuchen andere ideologische Verquickungen einzelner Autoren und deren Artikel sowie die Redaktion des RAC und deren Verbindung mit ähnlich ausgerichteten Wissenschaftsprojekten. . See Less
1 online resource (390 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Empsychoi logoi--religious innovations in antiquity : studies in honour of Pieter Willem van der Horst /
The fact that religions show internal variation and develop over time is not only a problem for believers, but has also long engaged scholars. This is especially true for the religions of the ancient world, where the mere idea of innovation in religious matters evoked notions of revolution and destruction. With the emergence of new religious identities from the first century onwards, we begin to find traces of an entirely new vision of religion. The question was not whether a particular belief was new, but whether it was true and the two were no longer felt to be mutually exclusive. The present volume brings together articles that study this transformation, ranging from broad overviews to detailed case-studies.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789047433224 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Confronting Confucian understandings of the Christian doctrine of salvation : a systematic theological analysis of the basic problems in the Confucian-Christian dialogue /
A complete exploration is the first systematic analysis ever comparing the central religious doctrinal aspects of Christianity with those in Confucianism. Huang's work carefully covers the whole history of the Confucian-Christian tradition, and ends up with genuinely new insights. He elaborates on the idea of transcendence in the Confucian tradition in a manner which enables an interpretation of the Christian means of salvation. His explanation of transcendence, and its connection with the means of salvation, is new and unique, offering a clue to the special understanding of salvation germane to the specifically Chinese intellecual history. Huang's book is a must for anyone interested in the Sino-Western cultural encounter.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [301]-319). :
9789047430704 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Interaction between Judaism and Christianity in history, religion, art and literature /
This volume contains a variety of essays that deal with the complex relationships between Judaism and Christianity. From the Jewish side, particularly in Orthodox circles, there is a position maintaining the independence of Judaism from outside influences including Christianity. Traditional Christian theology, on the other hand, held a supercessionist view in which Judaism was seen merely as a historical preparation for the later revelation of Christianity. Was there no real interaction? When and how did Judaism and Christianity become two distinct religions? When did the 'parting of ways\' take place, if indeed there really was such a parting of ways? The present volume takes a bold step forward by assuming that no historical period can be excluded from the interactive process between Judaism and Christianity, conscious or unconscious, as a polemical rejection or as tacit appropriation.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789047424826 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Constructing irregular theology : bamboo and Minjung in East Asian perspective /
The project of constructing Asian irregular theology in East Asian perspective, based on life-word of Bamboo and social political reality of minjung, embraces Dr. Chung's cross-cultural existence as he develops his long-standing interest and expertise in Christian minjung theology in new ways with the image of bamboo as a symbol for the theological perspective of grass roots marginality. Using the ancient Chinese story "The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove," Dr. Chung engages with Christian eschatological discourse to support an aesthetical-utopian theological ethics that is opposed to an ethics concerned with legitimation of a socio-economic status quo. In addition, Dr. Chung's develops his deep commitment to the Lutheran theology of the cross and the suffering Christ through the Buddhist concept of dukkha (suffering) to create, in the end, a genuinely East Asian contextual theology
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [217]-223) and index. :
9789047444497 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.