Des dédicaces sans théonyme de Palmyre : Béni (soit) son nom pour l'éternité /
Les 203 dédicaces votives en araméen de Palmyre de la période entre IIe et IIIe siècle de n.è. intriguent par 3 dénominations divines : « Béni (soit) son nom pour l'éternité », « Maître de l'Univers » et « le Miséricordieux ». Des études précédentes ont postulé univoquement l'anonymat divin. En étant déçu par cette explication du phénomène des inscriptions palmyréniennes, le livre Des dédicaces sans théonyme de Palmyre : Béni (soit) son nom pour l'éternité a pris pour le point de départ les concepts de remerciement et de louange, en découvrant l'existence d'un hymne rituel comme origine de la formule « Béni (soit) son nom pour l'éternité ». Qui sont donc des dieux, des récepteurs des dédicaces de Palmyre ? Peut-on combiner un nom propre d'un dieu avec ces trois formules ? Ce livre répond à ces questions flagrantes. 203 Palmyrene-Aramaic votive inscriptions from the period between the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE contain three intriguing designations of the gods: "Blessed (be) his name forever", "Master of the Universe" and "the Merciful". Previous studies have claimed that the god to whom these inscriptions are addressed is anonymous. Not satisfied with this explanation, Des dédicaces sans théonyme de Palmyre: Béni (soit) son nom pour l'éternité addresses the phenomenon through the lens of thanksgiving and praise, revealing the existence of a contemporary ritual hymn, the origin of the Palmyrene formula "Blessed his name forever". Who, then, were these gods, the recipients of the dedications? Can we find a match between the formulae and a proper name? This book provides answers to these fascinating questions.
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Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Volume 32 : Lesser Heard Voices in Studies of Religion /
The present volume brings together scholars from all over the world in an open section and three special sections that explore how lesser-heard and unheard voices may be studied. Special section 1, Religion in Higher Education interrogates lived experiences of religion in higher education contexts and how certain voices are marginalised and minoritised. Special section 2, Cultural Blindness in Psychology, explores how culture as a lived experience, especially in its religious dimension, is rendered invisible in psychological science. Finally, special section 3 entitled Religious Authority in Practice in Contemporary Evangelical, Charismatic, and Pentecostal Christianity outlines "evangelicalism" and introduces "authority" as a sociological concept from various theoretical perspectives.
The present volume explores lesser-heard and unheard issues in the study of religion. Among other things, lived experiences of religion in higher education are interrogated; culture is studied as lived experience; and "evangelicalism" is outlined as an emic and etic concept. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Latin and Music in the Early Modern Era : Education, Theory, Composition, Performance and Reception /
Situating the close relationship between Latin and music within its historical context, this volume presents an overview of Latin and music in the educational system of the time - schools, choir schools and universities - and the development and pervasive influence of musical humanism. This influence is seen primarily in the writings of music theorists, the documents of dedication found in music publications and above all in the settings of classical and Neo-Latin texts as well as in some liturgical and extra-liturgical ones. Discussion of this repertoire forms the centre of the volume. The emphasis is on practical matters: the study of Latin and music, and the music's composition, performance and reception.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The mission of development : religion and techno-politics in Asia /
The Mission of Development interrogates the complex relationships between Christian mission and international development in Asia from the 19th century to the new millennium. Through historically and ethnographically grounded case studies, contributors examine how missionaries have adapted to and shaped the age of development and processes of 'technocratisation', as well as how mission and development have sometimes come to be cast in opposition. The volume takes up an increasingly prominent strand in contemporary research that reverses the prior occlusion of the entanglements between religion and development. It breaks new ground through its analysis of the techno-politics of both development and mission, and by focusing on the importance of engagements and encounters in the field in Asia.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004363106 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Reading Islam : life and politics of brotherhood in modern Turkey /
In Reading Islam Fabio Vicini offers a journey within the intimate relations, reading practices, and forms of intellectual engagement that regulate Muslim life in two enclosed religious communities in Istanbul. Combining anthropological observation with textual and genealogical analysis, he illustrates how the modes of thought and social engagement promoted by these two communities are the outcome of complex intellectual entanglements with modern discourses about science, education, the self, and Muslims' place and responsibility in society. In this way, Reading Islam sheds light on the formation of new generations of faithful and socially active Muslims over the last thirty years and on their impact on the turn of Turkey from an assertive secularist Republic to an Islamic-oriented form of governance.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Wisdom on the Move: Late Antique Traditions in Multicultural Conversation : Essays in Honor of Samuel Rubenson /
Wisdom on the Move explores the complexity and flexibility of wisdom traditions in Late Antiquity and beyond. This book studies how sayings, maxims and expressions of spiritual insight travelled across linguistic and cultural borders, between different religions and milieus, and how this multicultural process reshaped these sayings and anecdotes. Wisdom on the Move takes the reader on a journey through late antique religious traditions, from manuscript fragments and folios via the monastic cradle of Egypt, across linguistic and cultural barriers, through Jewish and Biblical wisdom, monastic sayings, and Muslim interpretations. Particular attention is paid to the monastic Apophthegmata Patrum , arguably the most important genre of wisdom literature in the early Christian world.
1 online resource. :
The Church as safe haven : Christian governance in China /
The Church as Safe Haven conceptualizes the rise of Chinese Christianity as a new civilizational paradigm that encouraged individuals and communities to construct a sacred order for empowerment in modern China. Once Christianity enrooted itself in Chinese society as an indigenous religion, local congregations acquired much autonomy which enabled new religious institutions to take charge of community governance. Our contributors draw on newly-released archival sources, as well as on fieldwork observations investigating what Christianity meant to Chinese believers, how native actors built their churches and faith-based associations within the pre-existing social networks, and how they appropriated Christian resources in response to the fast-changing world. This book reconstructs the narratives of ordinary Christians, and places everyday faith experience at the center. Contributors are: Christie Chui-Shan Chow, Lydia Gerber, Melissa Inouye, Diana Junio, David Jong Hyuk Kang, Lars Peter Laamann, Joseph Tse-Hei Lee, George Kam Wah Mak, John R. Stanley, R. G. Tiedemann, Man-Shun Yeung.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004383722 :
0924-9389 ;
Philosophy of Culture as Theory, Method, and Way of Life : Contemporary Reflections and Applications /
The "idea" of culture comprises almost all human activities, from science to art, from music to microscopy. Does anything important escape the limits of this idea? The authors of this collection argue that all philosophy is really the philosophy of culture, since in some way each and every discipline and subdiscipline is foremost a manifestation of our collective cultural effort. Further, they argue that by engaging with philosophy as a cultural activity and as a discipline to meaningful engage with all dimensions of (inter)cultural life, we can live more meaningful, flourishing, and wisely guided lives.
The authors of this collection argue that all philosophy is really philosophy of culture and that through it we can live more meaningful, flourishing, and wisely guided lives. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Christian Faith and Violence 1 /
Volumes 10 and 11 of Studies in Reformed Theology consist of the texts written for the fifth international conference of the International Reformed Theological Institute (IRTI) , which was dedicated to the theme, 'Christian Faith and Violence'. Specific theological questions were at the core of the discussions, e.g. what does violence imply for the doctrine of God? How to deal with biblical stories and commands that often contain an overwhelmingly violent character? What about applying christian ethics in situations of violence that we are exposed to? What is our calling in situations of oppression and a longing for liberation and justice?.
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John Lach's practical philosophy /
John Lachs (1934-) has been one of the most interesting American philosophers for nearly sixty years. His philosophical, educational, and public activity has been an attempt to show the relevance of philosophy to life. This is the first book dedicated to his thought. International scholars have proposed different themes in Lachs' philosophy, so as to present its enormous potential. Lachs' responses to his critics shows that dialogue with his critics is an inspirational activity for both sides. Lachs' way of philosophizing can be seen as exemplary for those who want to unify and present a clear and understandable articulation of moral and philosophical messages to everyone.
1 online resource (348 pages) :
9789004367647 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Genesis and cosmos : Basil and Origen on Genesis 1 and cosmology /
In Genesis and Cosmos Adam Rasmussen examines how Basil and Origen addressed scientific problems in their interpretations of Genesis 1. For the first time, he offers an in-depth analysis of Basil's thinking on three problems in Scripture-and-science: the nature of matter, the super-heavenly water, and astrology. Both theologians worked from the same fundamental perspective that science is the "servant" of Christianity, useful yet subordinate. Rasmussen convincingly shows how Basil used Origen's writings to construct his own solutions. Only on the question of the water does Basil break with Origen, who allegorized the water. Rasmussen demonstrates how they sought to integrate science and Scripture and thus remain instructive for those engaged in the dialogue between religion and science today.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004396937 :
1542-1295 ;
Musical and socio-cultural anecdotes from Kitab al-aghani al-kabir
The present volume consists of translated anecdotes, on musicological and socio-cultural topics, from al-Iṣbahānī's Kitāb al-Aghānī al-Kabīr ( The Grand Book of Songs ) with annotations and commentaries. It deals with musical rhythmic and melodic modes, technical terms and treatises; music instruments; composition techniques and processes; education and oral/written transmissions; vocal and instrumental performances and their aesthetics; solo and ensemble music; change and its inevitability; musical and textual improvisations; ṭarab and the acute emotions of joy or grief; medieval dances; social status. Though extracts from The Grand Book of Songs have been translated in European languages since 1816, this work presents a much larger and more comprehensive scope that will benefit musicologists, medievalist and Middle Eastern scholars as well as the general reader.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004383654 :
0929-2403 ;
Mirʾāt al-adwār wa-mirqāt al-akhbār. Volume 2 /
Muṣliḥ al-Dīn Lārī (d. 979/1572) was a Persian scholar in the traditional and foreign sciences. Born in Luristan in south-western Iran, he received his academic education in Shiraz, attending the lectures of Ghiyāth al-Dīn Dashtakī ((d. 949/1542) and Kamāl al-Dīn Lārī (d. 979/1572), prominent representatives of the Shiraz School in philosophy. Under the Safavids, many intellectuals left Persia for India or Asia Minor. Lārī went to India, living at the court of the Mughal emperor Humāyūn (d. 963/1556). After the latter's death he went to Mecca and then on to Istanbul, where he lived for a number of years, a respected scholar among his peers. His final years Lārī spent as the head of a school in Amīd, today's Diyarbakır. Lārī compiled the universal history published here in Istanbul, dedicating it to Sultan Selim II (d. 982/1574). Worthy of note are his lack of partisanship, his transparence on sources, and his interest in scholars and artists. 2 vols; volume 2.
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Mirʾāt al-adwār wa-mirqāt al-akhbār. Volume 1 /
Muṣliḥ al-Dīn Lārī (d. 979/1572) was a Persian scholar in the traditional and foreign sciences. Born in Luristan in south-western Iran, he received his academic education in Shiraz, attending the lectures of Ghiyāth al-Dīn Dashtakī ((d. 949/1542) and Kamāl al-Dīn Lārī (d. 979/1572), prominent representatives of the Shiraz School in philosophy. Under the Safavids, many intellectuals left Persia for India or Asia Minor. Lārī went to India, living at the court of the Mughal emperor Humāyūn (d. 963/1556). After the latter's death he went to Mecca and then on to Istanbul, where he lived for a number of years, a respected scholar among his peers. His final years Lārī spent as the head of a school in Amīd, today's Diyarbakır. Lārī compiled the universal history published here in Istanbul, dedicating it to Sultan Selim II (d. 982/1574). Worthy of note are his lack of partisanship, his transparence on sources, and his interest in scholars and artists. 2 vols; volume 1.
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