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The Book of conviviality in exile (Kitāb al-īnās bi-'l-jalwa) : the Judaeo-Arabic translation and commentary of Saadia Gaon on the Book of Esther /
This volume presents a critical edition of the Judaeo-Arabic translation and commentary on the book of Esther by Saadia Gaon (882-942). This edition, accompanied by an introduction and extensively annotated English translation, affords access to the first-known personalized, rationalistic Jewish commentary on this biblical book. Saadia innovatively organizes the biblical narrative-and his commentary thereon-according to seven "guidelines" that provide a practical blueprint by which Israel can live as an abased people under Gentile dominion. Saadia's prodigious acumen and sense of communal solicitude find vivid expression throughout his commentary in his carefully-defined structural and linguistic analyses, his elucidative references to a broad range of contemporary socio-religious and vocational realia, his anti-Karaite polemics, and his attention to various issues, both psychological and practical, attending Jewish-Gentile conviviality in a 10th-century Islamicate milieu.
1 online resource (xiii, 670 pages) : color illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004284524 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Septuagint, sages, and scripture : studies in honour of Johann Cook /
The studies collected in this volume were written in honour of Johann Cook, emeritus professor of the Department of Ancient Studies at Stellenbosch University. They cover a variety of subjects including the translation of Hebrew expressions into Greek, the reception of LXX texts in various contexts, topics related to wisdom and the LXX versions of sapiential literature, Ben Sira as a scribe of the Second Temple period, themes in the works of Philo and Josephus and the references to Sumkhos ben Joseph in rabbinic writings. The contributions therefore focus on the Septuagint, early Jewish sages and ancient scriptures. They present the results of original research, identify new lines and topics of inquiry and make novel contributions to existing insights.
1 online resource (xvii, 394 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004325227 :
0083-5889 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Emil L. Fackenheim : philosopher, theologian, Jew /
Emil L. Fackenheim: Philosopher, Theologian, Jew is a scholarly tribute to Fackenheim's memory. Fackenheim's combination of erudition and generosity served to inspire a lifetime of philosophical inquiry, and a number of his students are represented in this volume. The volume, in order to provide a forum through which to introduce his thought to a broader audience, covers a wide spectrum of Fackenheim's work including biographical, philosophical, and theological aspects of his thought that have not been addressed adequately in the past. Elie Wiesel, a close personal friend to Fackenheim for over 30 years, has provided the Foreword for the volume.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical (p. [323]-330) and references and indexes. :
9789047429340 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Learning Arabic in Renaissance Europe (1505-1624) /
"From the first Arabic grammar printed at Granada in 1505 to the Arabic editions of the Dutch scholar Thomas Erpenius (d.1624), some audacious scholars - supported by powerful patrons and inspired by several of the greatest minds of the Renaissance - introduced, for the first time, the study of Arabic language and letters to centres of learning across Europe. These pioneers formed collections of Arabic manuscripts, met Arabic-speaking visitors, studied and adapted the Islamic grammatical tradition, and printed editions of Arabic texts - most strikingly in the magnificent books published by the Medici Oriental Press at Rome in the 1590s. Robert Jones' findings in the libraries of Florence, Leiden, Paris and Vienna, and his contribution to the history of grammar, are of enduring importance".
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Pharaoh : king of ancient Egypt /
"Pharaoh: King of Ancient Egypt introduces readers to three thousand years of Egypt's ancient history by unveiling its famous leaders--the pharaohs--using some of the finest objects from the vast holdings of the British Museum, along with masterworks from the collection of the Cleveland Museum of Art. In an introductory essay, Margaret Maitland looks at Egyptian kingship in terms of both ideology and practicality. Then Aude Semat considers the Egyptian image of kingship, its roles and its uses. In ten additional sections, Marie Vandenbeusch delves into themes related to the land of ancient Egypt, conceptions of kingship, the exercise of power, royal daily life, war and diplomacy, and death and afterlife. Detailed entries by Vandenbeusch and Semat cover key works relating to the pharaohs. These objects, beautifully illustrated in 180 photographs, include monumental sculpture, architectural pieces, funerary objects, exquisite jewelry, and papyri. The rulers of ancient Egypt were not always male, or even always Egyptian. At times, Egypt was divided by civil war, conquered by foreign powers, or ruled by competing kings. Many of the objects surviving from ancient Egypt represent the image a pharaoh wanted to project, but this publication also looks past the myth to explore the realities and immense challenges of ruling one of the greatest civilizations the world has ever seen."--Book jacket.
Catalog of the exhibition March 13 to June 12, 2016, at the Cleveland Museum of Art. :
180 pages : color illustrations ; 28 x 30 cm :
Includes bibliographical references (page 174). :
Prolegomena mathematica : from Apollonius of Perga to late Neoplatonism : with an appendix on Pappus and the history of Platonism /
This is the first study to deal with the history of Greek mathematics - starting with Appollonius and including astronomy - as part of the history of literary culture. It attempts to find out how mathematical works were presented by original authors (e.g. Ptolemy), and introduced and explained by commentators (e.g. Pappus who is at the centre of this enquiry, Eutocius, and prolegomena by late Anonymi). The manner in which mathematical treatises were presented and studied is entirely comparable to that practised in e.g. philosophy, medicine, biblical and literary studies (see the author's Prolegomena , ( Brill , 1994)). Discussion of introductory issues is a standard feature, and in mathematics the development from the implicitly expressed to the explicitly expressed and from there to scholastic routine is the same as in these other fields.
1 online resource (vi, 178 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 133-149) and indexes. :
9789004321052 :
0079-1687 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ancient Texts, Papyri, and Manuscripts : Studies in Honor of James R. Royse /
This volume honors Prof. James R. Royse for his scholarly achievement in the fields of New Testament textual criticism and Philonic studies. It contains seventeen articles, prefaced by an introductory biographical article and a list of his publications.
This volume honors Prof. James R. Royse on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday and celebrates his scholarly achievement in the fields of New Testament textual criticism and Philonic studies. An introductory section contains a biographical notice on the honoratus and a complete list of his scholarly publications. Part one contains nine articles on New Testament textual criticism, focusing on methodological issues, difficult passages and various textual witnesses. Part two presents eight studies on the thought, writings, textual record, and reception of Philo of Alexandria. This wide-ranging collection of articles will introduce the reader to new findings in the scholarly fields to which Prof. Royse continues to make such an outstanding contribution.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Pythagorean golden verses : with introduction and commentary /
This book is a commentary on the Pythagorean Golden Verses , a neglected, but once very popular poem of the Hellenistic period. The goal of the poem is to introduce its readers to the basic moral, religious and philosophical doctrines of the Pythagorean sect and to guide them to spiritual maturity. The first part of the book treats still unresolved introductory matters such as the date, authorship, genre, composition, and the historical locus of the poem. This is followed by a text with translation on facing pages, and a detailed commentary containing a wealth of comparative material from the Greco-Roman period, including early Christianity and Judaism. Particularly valuable are the extensive discussions of the moral topoi and religious themes encountered in the poem.
Greek text with English translation and commentary.
Revision of J.C. Thom's thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Chicago, 1990. :
1 online resource (xv, 277 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 230-244) and indexes. :
9789004295841 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Intimate invocations : Al-Ghazzī's biography of ʻAbd al-Ghanī al-Nābulusī (1641-1731) /
Despite the growing interest in the intellectual history of early modern Arabs and Ottomans, many key figures of the period remain unknown. In this unique biographical account, edited and published here for the first time, Muḥammad Kamāl al-Dīn al-Ghazzī (1760-1799), the chief Shafi'i jurisconcult of Damascus, introduces us to one of the leading figures of early modernity, 'Abd al-Ghanī al-Nābulusī (1641-1731). Being al-Nābulusī's great grandson, al-Ghazzī had direct access to the family's collective memory through his parents and grandparents, as well as to his great grandfather's scattered memoirs. Written about fifty years after al-Nābulusī's death, al-Ghazzī's biography, al-Wird al-Unsī, remains the authoritative account of the great master's distinguished career, covering many aspects of his life and work in breadth, depth, and sophistication unmatched by any of the competing biographies.
1 online resource (1 volumes (various pagings)) :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9789004216716 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Wealth in the Dead Sea scrolls and in the Qumran community /
This volume is concerned with exploring sectarian attitudes toward wealth and the economic practices that gave rise to and issued from those attitudes. An introductory chapter establishes the state of the question. Three subsequent chapters focus on major sectarian texts: the Damascus Document, the Rule of the Community, and 4QInstruction A. Other sectarian and non-sectarian texts that mention wealth are discussed in a fifth chapter, while archaeological evidence from the Qumran region and contemporary documentary texts are introduced in chapters seven and eight. Finally, ancient secondary testimony on Essene economic practices is discussed. The book breaks new ground in arguing for several biblical rationales for the practice of shared wealth. Its integration of archaeological and documentary evidence sheds surprising new light on the economic organization of the Qumran community.
1 online resource (xxi, 672 pages, 10 pages of plates) : illustrations, maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 541-571) and index. :
9789047400653 :
0169-9962 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.