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America's Great Age of Rhetoric, 1770-1860 : Advocacy, Conceptualization, Institutionalization /
This book analyzes the advocacy, conceptualization, and institutionalization of rhetoric from 1770 to 1860. Among the forces promoting advocacy was the need for oratory calling for independence, the belief that using rhetoric was the way to succeed in biblical interpretation and preaching, and the desire for rhetoric as entertainment. Conceptually, leaders followed classical and German rhetoricians in viewing rhetoric as an art of ethical choice. Institutionally, a rhetorician such as Ebenezer Porter called for the development of organizations at all levels, a "sociology of rhetoric." Orville Dewey highlighted the passion for rhetoric, calling his times "the age of eloquence."
1 online resource (724 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Just war theory /
Just War Theory raises some of the most pressing and important philosophical issues of our day. When is a war a just war, if ever? Do all soldiers in war have moral equivalence? What is the difference between combatants and non-combatants? This book brings together some of the most important essays in this area written by leading scholars and offering significant contributions to how we understand just war theory. The essays have all appeared in the Journal of Moral Philosophy , an internationally recognized leading philosophy journal.
1 online resource (ix, 222 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004242029 :
2211-2014 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Wonderful things : essays in honor of Nicholas Reeves /
"Just in time for the centennial of the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb, this volume of studies dedicated to the leading expert on the "boy king" brings together scholars from all over the world to celebrate the career of C. Nicholas Reeves. It includes a biography and bibliography of Reeves along with cutting-edge discussions of a wide variety of topics concentrating on New Kingdom Egypt and Tutankhamun"--
324 p. : ills ; 29 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
From the field of offerings : studies in memory of Lanny D. Bell /
"This Memorial volume honors the life and work of Prof. Lanny David Bell (April 30, 1941-August 26, 2019), a leading scholar in Egyptology and a beloved teacher and colleague to so many. It includes a biography of Dr. Bell along with contributions from eminent scholars on the topics of ancient art, archaeology, religion, and philology"--
xxiii, 140 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), color map, 28 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
A commentary on Herodotus books I-IV /
"This commentary by leading Western scholars, originally published in Italian under the auspices of the Fondazione Lorenzo Valla, has been fully revised by the original authors and has now been edited for the English-speaking world. It is designed for use alongside the Oxford Classical Text of Herodotus, and will replace the century-old historical commentary of How and Wells (1912) as the most authoritative account of a modern scholarship on Herodotus." -- BOOK JACKET.
Reprint. Originally published in hardback in 2007.
Translated from the Italian. :
1 volume : maps ; 24 cm. :
Learning Arabic in Renaissance Europe (1505-1624) /
"From the first Arabic grammar printed at Granada in 1505 to the Arabic editions of the Dutch scholar Thomas Erpenius (d.1624), some audacious scholars - supported by powerful patrons and inspired by several of the greatest minds of the Renaissance - introduced, for the first time, the study of Arabic language and letters to centres of learning across Europe. These pioneers formed collections of Arabic manuscripts, met Arabic-speaking visitors, studied and adapted the Islamic grammatical tradition, and printed editions of Arabic texts - most strikingly in the magnificent books published by the Medici Oriental Press at Rome in the 1590s. Robert Jones' findings in the libraries of Florence, Leiden, Paris and Vienna, and his contribution to the history of grammar, are of enduring importance".
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Mosques of Egypt /
Less than ten years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, the new religion of Islam arrived in Egypt with the army of Amr ibn al-As in AD 639. Amr immediately established his capital at al-Fustat, just south of modern Cairo, and there he built Africa's first mosque, one still in regular use today. Since then, governors, caliphs, sultans, amirs, beys, pashas, among others, have built mosques, madrasas, and mausoleums throughout Egypt in a changing sequence of Fatimid, Ayyubid, Mamluk, Ottoman, and modern styles. Here, a leading historian of Islamic art and culture celebrates the great variety of Egypt's mosques and related religious buildings, from the early congregational mosques, through the medieval mausoleum--madrasas, to the neighborhood mosques of the Ottoman and modern periods. With outstanding architectural photography and authoritative descriptive texts, this book will be valued as the finest on the subject by scholars and general readers alike. Includes more that 80 of the country's most historic mosques, with more than 500 color photographs. -- Inside jacket flap.
xxxix, 359 pages : illustrations ; 31 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references ( pages 351-356) and index. :
Human expeditions : inspired by Bruce Trigger /
In its 2007 obituary of Bruce Trigger (1937-2006), the Times of London referred to the Canadian anthropologist and archaeologist as "Canada's leading prehistorian" and "one of the most influential archaeologists of his time." Trained at Yale University and a faculty member at McGill University for more than forty years, he was best known for his History of Archaeological Thought, which the Times called "monumental." Trigger inspired scholars all over the world through his questioning of assumptions and his engagement with social and political causes. Human Expeditions pays tribute to Trigger's immense legacy by bringing together cutting edge work from internationally recognized and emerging researchers inspired by his example. Covering the length and breadth of Trigger's wide-ranging interests -- from Egyptology to the history of archaeological theory to North American aboriginal cultures -- this volume highlights the diversity of his academic work and the magnitude of his impact in many different areas of scholarship."--Publisher's website.
xx, 295 pages : illustrations, map ; 23 cm :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 209-270) and index. :
Islamic arms and armor in the Metropolitan Museum of Art /
"From its origins in the 7th century, armor and weaponry were central to Islamic culture not only as a means of conquest and the spread of faith, but also as symbols of status, wealth, and power. More than 120 exceptional examples from the renowned collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art are presented in detail to demonstrate the remarkable craftsmanship and beauty of Islamic arms and armor. These diverse objects, which have never been catalogued or published in detail, span ten centuries and represent nearly every Islamic culture, from Spain to the Caucasus. Among these masterpieces are rare early works, such as the oldest documented Islamic sword, and fine examples of decorated helmets and body armor from late-15th-century Iran and Anatolia. Also included are lavish gem-studded weapons from royal courts in the Ottoman world and India. Each piece is handsomely photographed, with a detailed discussion of its technical, historical, and artistic importance. Made by master artisans in conjunction with leading designers, goldsmiths, and jewelers, these stunning objects demonstrate how utilitarian military equipment could be transformed into striking and extravagant works of art."--YaleBooks website.
"Armor and weaponry were central to Islamic culture not only as a means of conquest and the spread of the faith, but also as symbols of status, wealth, and power. The finest arms were made by master craftsmen working with the leading designers, goldsmiths, and jewelers, whose work transformed utilitarian military equipment into courtly works of art. This book reveals the diversity and artistic quality of one of the most important and encyclopedic collections of its kind in the West. The Metropolitan Museum's holdings span ten centuries and include representative pieces from almost every Islamic culture from Spain to the Caucasus. Presenting 126 objects, each handsomely photographed and richly documented with a detailed description of discussion of its technical, historical, and artistic importance, this overview of the Met's holdings is supplemented by an introductory essay on the formation of the collection, and appendixes on iconography and on Turkman-style armor."--Publisher's description.
xii, 336 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), map ; 32 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 312-329) and index. :
Tutankhamun, King of Egypt : his life and afterlife /
"The spectacular discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922 has given him an afterlife that has all but eclipsed the young king's real career. This authoritative yet accessible book tells the story of Tutankhamun, from his own lifetime in the fourteenth century BC, down to modern times. It explores the various theories as to his parentage, his role in the 'counter-reformation' that followed the religious revolution of Akhenaten, and his premature death. It also looks at the monuments built during the king's reign, his key officials, and the arrangements made for his funeral. Moving forward in time, Tutankhamun, King of Egypt considers the way in which Tutankhamun was written out of official history. The story is then picked up again in the early nineteenth century AD when, with the first decipherment of hieroglyphs, Tutankhamun's name could once again be read, and the problem of his place in history considered by Egyptologists. Aidan Dodson traces possible solutions through the decades as more and more data came to light, culminating in the discovery of the king's tomb. Yet, dazzling as that discovery was, many matters regarding Tutankhamun remain obscure today, even with the aid of genetic data. Dodson also looks at how the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb brought about the first of many outbreaks of "Tut-mania," and explores some of its manifestations. Richly illustrated in full color throughout, this fascinating book by a leading Egyptologist will be essential reading for anyone interested in the life and enduring legacy of ancient Egypt's most famous king."--
xiii, 202 pages : illustrations (some color), color maps ; 25 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Nubian pharaohs of Egypt : their lives and afterlives /
"The region of Nubia-now spanning the modern border between Egypt and Sudan-was long a subject of Egyptian imperial domination by its ancient pharaohs. However, in the eighth century BC matters were suddenly reversed, when the kings of Kush, the ancient name for Nubia, became the overlords of Egypt for nearly a century, before being forced to withdraw in the face of Assyrian invasions. Yet the Kushite kingdom would endure back in its heartlands for another millennium, the heritage of its Egyptian sojourn still visible in its fields of pyramid-tombs. This authoritative yet accessible book tells the story of these Nubian pharaohs of Egypt, from the origins of their kingdom of Kush, through their time as rulers of Egypt, to their heritage in the heart of Sudan-and their rediscovery in modern times. The latter uncovers some very unsavory examples of the racist attitudes of some earlier scholars. These engendered enduringly negative attitudes to aspects of careers of the Nubian pharaohs that find little support in the actual surviving evidence. The latter includes a fascinating network of texts from not only Egypt and Sudan, but also Assyria and the Bible, reflecting the interactions and conflicts of the period. There are also the standing monuments of Nubian pharaohs, ranging from temples they built throughout their dominions, to their tombs: pyramids, constructed in their ancestral heartland, in which Nubian and Egyptian funerary customs were intriguingly entangled. Richly illustrated in full color throughout, this fascinating book by a leading Egyptologist will be essential reading for anyone interested in the lives and times of Egypt's Nubian pharaohs."
xiv, 213 pages illustrations (chiefly color), color maps ; 25 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Coptic culture and community : daily lives, changing times /
"This volume brings together leading experts from a range of disciplines to examine aspects of the daily lived experiences of Egypt's Coptic Christian minority from late Antiquity to the present. In doing so, it serves as a supplement and a corrective to institutional or theological narratives, which are generally rooted in studying the wielders of historical power and control. Studies in Coptic Culture and Community reveals the humanity of the Coptic tradition, giving granular depth to how Copts have lived their lives through and because of their faith for two thousand years. The first three sections consider in turn the breadth of the daily life approach, perspectives on poverty and power in a variety of different contexts, and matters of identity and persecution. The final section reflects on the global Coptic diaspora, bringing themes studied for the early Coptic Church into dialog with Coptic experiences today. These broad categories help to link fundamental questions of socio-religious history with unique aspects of Coptic culture and its vibrant communities of individuals."--
xvii, 328 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
Christianity and monasticism in Alexandria and the Egyptian deserts /
The great city of Alexandria is undoubtedly the cradle of Egyptian Christianity, where the Catechetical School was established in the second century and became a leading center in the study of biblical exegesis and theology. According to tradition, St. Mark the Evangelist brought Christianity to Alexandria in the middle of the first century and was martyred in that city, which was to become the residence of Egypt's Coptic patriarchs for nearly eleven centuries. By the fourth century Egyptian monasticism had began to flourish in the Egyptian deserts and countryside. The contributors to this volume, international specialists in Coptology from around the world, examine the various aspects of Coptic civilization in Alexandria and its environs, and in the Egyptian deserts, over the past two millennia. The contributions explore Coptic art, archaeology, architecture, language, and literature. The impact of Alexandrian theology and its cultural heritage as well as the archaeology of its 'university' are highlighted. Christian epigraphy in the Kharga Oasis, the art and architecture of the Bagawat cemetery, and the archaeological site of Kellis (Ismant al-Kharab) with its Manichaean texts are also discussed.
"A Saint Mark Foundatoin book".
Papers presented at the eighth international symposium of the St. Mark Foundation for Coptic History Studies and the St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society, held at the Logos Center in Wadi al-Natrun, February 12-15, 2017.
"[T]his last volume of the series Christianity and Monasticism in Egypt ..." --Foreword. :
xxvi, 390 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 355-390). :
Dust : Egypt's forgotten architecture /
"Between 1860 and 1940, Cairo and other large cities in Egypt witnessed a major construction boom that gave birth to extraordinary palaces and lavish buildings. These incorporated a mix of architectural styles, such as Beaux-Arts and Art Deco, with local design influences and materials. Today, many lie empty and neglected, rapidly succumbing to time, a real-estate frenzy, and an ongoing population crisis. In 2006 Russian-born photographer Xenia Nikolskaya began the process of documenting these structures. She gained exceptional access to them, taking photographs at some thirty locations, including Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor, Minya, Esna, and Port Said. These photographs were documented in the first edition of Dust: Egypt's Forgotten Architecture, which soon after its release in 2012 became a rare collector's item. This revised and expanded edition includes photographs from the first edition together with extra unseen images and new photographs taken by Nikolskaya between 2013 and 2021. It also includes previously unpublished essays by Heba Farid, co-owner of the Cairo-based photo gallery Tintera, and architect and urban planner Omar Nagati, co-founder of CLUSTER, an urban design and research platform also in Cairo. Dust: Egypt's Forgotten Architecture leads us seductively into some of the most breathtaking architectural spaces of Egypt's recent past, filled with a sense of both the immense weight and impermanence of history."--
157 pages : color illustrations ; 26 x 32 cm. :