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Türinschriften im Naos des Hathortempels von Dendara : eine Studie zu Stilistik und Theologie in ägyptischen Tempeltexten der griechisch-römischen Zeit /
"Der Tempel der Göttin Hathor in Dendara besitzt zahlreiche kleinere Räume und Kapellen, die durch architektonisch eigens hervorgehobene Zugänge miteinander verbunden, aber auch voneinander abgetrennt sind. Diese wie der Rest des Tempels beschrifteten Zugänge geben sowohl Auskunft über die theologische Gesamtkonzeption des Kultbaus als auch über die jeweils unterschiedliche Bestimmung der einzelnen Räume. In den hieroglyphischen Texten der Türen werden Hathor und andere in Dendara verehrte Gottheiten in Hymnen gepriesen und verschiedene Aspekte der Theologie des Heiligtums abgehandelt. 0Jan Tattkos Studie widmet sich diesen Texten auf den Türen. Analysiert werden die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Dekoration und Architektur: Es wird aufgezeigt, wie durch die Redaktion und Neukonzeption von Textsequenzen und Einzelaussagen aus unterschiedlichen Versatzstücken kohärente Textkompositionen entstanden sind, die an ihren Anbringungsort adaptiert wurden. Somit stehen vor allem Intertextualität und die Frage nach einem einheitlichen Konzept der Inschriften im Fokus der Untersuchung. Dazu werden die Türinschriften inhaltlich und sprachstilistisch untersucht und mit der umliegenden Dekoration verglichen. Die Untersuchung gibt nicht nur Einblicke in den Gestaltungswillen der ägyptischen Priester und in die Dekorationsplanung eines späten ägyptischen Tempels, sondern liefert durch die inhaltliche Analyse der Texte gleichzeitig einen Überblick über die Theologie des Heiligtums in Dendara."--
Revised thesis (doctoral)--Universität Tübingen, 2018. :
2 volumes (viii, 595 pages ; 26 folded plates, that is, 28 folded plates) : illustrations, plans (some color) ; 31 cm. :
Includes bibliographical references (pages 513-533) and indexes. :
344711259X :
2190-3646 ;
Ancient magic and ritual power /
This volume contains a series of provocative essays that explore expressions of magic and ritual power in the ancient world. The essays are authored by leading scholars in the fields of Egyptology, ancient Near Eastern studies, the Hebrew Bible, Judaica, classical Greek and Roman studies, early Christianity and patristics, and Coptology. Throughout the book the essays examine the terms employed in descriptions of ancient magic. From this examination comes a clarification of magic as a polemical term of exclusion but also an understanding of the classical Egyptian and early Greek conceptions of magic as a more neutral category of inclusion. This book should prove to be foundational for future scholarly studies of ancient magic and ritual power. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
1 online resource (vii, 476 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 8-10). :
9789004283817 :
0927-7633 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Temples, Religion and Politics in the Roman Republic /
A study of the construction of new temples in the Roman Republic, a process which illuminates key features of both their political and religious systems. It offers an analysis of the relationship between the individual and the community, both human and divine, and their responsibilities toward one another. The book examines in detail each of the three main stages in the construction of a new temple: the vow, the placing of a contract, and the dedication. Special attention is paid to the ability of a Roman magistrate to enter into building obligations on behalf of the state, and the role of the general's share of the spoils of war, his manubiae. In contrast to previous studies, this work emphasizes the significant role played by the Roman Senate, and thus offers a new interpretation of the symbolic meaning of this process. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
1 online resource. :
Newsletter,15 may 1951
Since you received my last letter, the American Research Center has become an actuality in Cairo. And you will be pleased to have news of certain important developments on this side.
At the Annual Meeting held on November 21, ل0ك9ا at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, seventy-seven members were present or represented by proxy. Certain amendments to the By-laws in accord with the sense of proposals submitted to you in the notice of the meeting were voted by repealing the old By-laws and inserting in place of them a Code embodying these changes. If you wish, a copy of the amended By-laws will be sent you.
Eusebius of Caesarea against Paganism /
Dealing with the subject of apologetics and polemics against the pagans in Eusebius of Caesarea (c. 260-340), this volume discusses his response to the vigorous political, cultural and religious campaign launched against Christianity in his time. The first part of the book examines the background for Eusebius' apologetic enterprise and his early apologetic writings. The second and main part of the study analyzes major topics in Eusebius' great two-part apologetic work, the Praeparatio Evangelica and the Demonstratio Evangelica , such as the concept of Christian prehistory, prophecy and miracles. The last part deals with Eusebius' tactics and rhetoric and the place of Porphyry - the outstanding pagan polemicist against Christianity - in Eusebius' work. This part closes with a discussion of Eusebius' final apologetic statement in his work The Theophany , reflecting already the recent triumph of Christianity. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
1 online resource :
Sabbath and synagogue : the question of Sabbbath worship in ancient Judaism /
Sabbath worship as a communal event does not feature in the Hebrew Bible. In the context of the first century CE, according to Philo and Josephus, the sabbath gatherings took place only for the purpose of studying the law, and not for the liturgical recital of psalms or prayer. Classical authors depict Jews spending the sabbath at home. Jewish inscriptions provide no evidence of sabbath-worship in prayer-houses ( proseuchai ), while the Mishnah prescribes no special communal sabbath activities. The usual picture of Jews going on the sabbath to the synagogue to worship thus appears to be without foundation. It is even doubtful that there were synagogue buildings, for 'synagogue' normally meant 'community'. The conclusion of this study, that there is no evidence that the sabbath was a day of communal Jewish worship before 200 CE, has far-reaching consequences for our understanding of early Jewish-Christian relationships. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
Includes index. :
1 online resource (xi, 279 pages) :
9789004295834 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.