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Pleadings, Minutes of Public Sittings and Documents/Mémoires, proces-verbaux des audiences publiques et documents (2023) /
This volume contains the texts of written pleadings, minutes of public sittings and other documents from the proceedings in the Dispute concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary between Mauritius and Maldives in the Indian Ocean (Mauritius/Maldives), Merits . The documents are reproduced in their original language. The Special Chamber delivered its Judgment on 28 April 2023. It is published in the ITLOS Reports 2022-2023 . Le présent volume reproduit les pièces de la procédure écrite, les procès-verbaux des audiences publiques et d'autres documents relatifs à la procédure concernant le Différend relatif à la délimitation de la frontière maritime entre Maurice et les Maldives dans l'océan Indien (Maurice/Maldives), fond . Les documents sont publiés dans la langue originale utilisée. La Chambre spéciale a rendu son arrêt le 28 avril 2023. L'arrêt est publié dans le TIDM Recueil 2022-2023 .
1 online resource (1088 pages) : illustrations. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Newsletter, Number 92 (WINTER 1975)
Page Zareh H. Misketian 1916-1974--
Gamil Antaki - Rashad Abd Al-Muttalib--
International Conference on Egyptology in Cairo / by Cynthia Sheikholeslami--
Medieval Islamic Astronomy - Progress Report / by David A. King--
On the Problems of Research at the Libraries of the Yemen
Arab Republic / by Abbas Hamdani--
Missione Archeologica in Egitto Della Universita di Roma / by Sergio Donadoni--
Travel by Foreigners Within Egypt--
The Center’s Guest Book--
Notes From Princeton--
Works on Egyptology Currently in Progress--
An Additional Footnote on Pleating in Ancient Egypt--
ARCE Fellows - 1974-75--
Minutes of Meeting of Members--
ARCE Membership--
Between Fear and Freedom : Essays on the Interpretation of Jeremiah 30-31 /
Jeremiah's "Little Book of Consolation" is an intruiging text that provokes a series of interpretative difficulties. Is the text originally from Jeremiah? Can it be construed as a literary coherence or is a complex literary process of emergence to be accepted? What is meant by the 'New Covenant'? In this monograph Jer. 30-31 is read applying a variety of methods. The text-critical chapter argues for the reinforcement of the editorial theory according to which MT and LXXJer. are to be construed as two different versions. Much attention is paid to the delimitation criticism of these two chapters leading to the assumption that they are composed of ten Sub-Cantos. Five of these Sub-Cantos are interpreted taking into account Ancient Near Eastern textual material in order to understand the mental framework of the ancient reader. The final chapter pleads for the conceptual coherence of Jer. 30-31 which is seen as based on the idea of divine changeability.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Philo of Alexandria : a thinker in the Jewish diaspora /
Philo (20BCE?-45CE?) is the most illustrious son of Alexandrian Jewry and the first major scholar to combine a deep Jewish learning with Greek philosophy. His unique allegorical exegesis of the Greek Bible was to have a profound influence on the early fathers of the Church. Philo was, above all, a philosopher, but he was also intensely practical in his defence of the Jewish faith and law in general, and that of Alexandria's embattled Jewish community in particular. A famous example was his leadership of a perilous mission to plead the community's cause to Emperor Caligula. This monograph provides a guide to Philo's life, his thought and his action, as well as his continuing influence on theological and philosophical thought.
1 online resource (xvi, 241 pages) : maps. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [225]-230) and indexes. :
9789004232372 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Die griechische Bibel in Alexandrien : Ihre Legende und die exegetische Praxis im hellenistischen Judentum /
Offering a fresh look on the legendary tradition of the Septuagint and on the exegetical practice of the Greek Torah (Philo) this book pleads for a consistent Jewish exegetical tradition in Alexandria that is based on both biblical idioms - the Greek and the Hebrew. Wie hängen die Legende über die Entstehung der Septuaginta und die exegetische Praxis des alexandrinischen Judentums (vor allem Philons) zusammen? Das Buch plädiert für eine einheitliche exegetische Tradition in Alexandrien, welche beide Gestalten der Tora - die griechische und die hebräische - berücksichtigt.
The translation of the Torah into Greek in Alexandria is an intriguing puzzle. Why was it undertaken at all? Was it a need of the Alexandrian Jews? Or did the Jewish wisdom intrigue the Egyptian ruler? Is the legend of the miraculous creation of the Septuagint a manifesto of cultural assimilation into the Hellenic culture? Does the Alexandrian Greek biblical exegesis, especially that of Philo, aim to break with the Hebrew tradition? According to this book, Philo, although not fluent in Hebrew himself, moves in the same shared Hebrew-Greek Torah universe that a closer look on the Septuagint legend reveals as well. Die Übersetzung der Tora ins Griechische in Alexandrien ist ein intrigierendes Rätsel. Warum wurde sie überhaupt unternommen? War sie ein Bedürfnis der alexandrinischen Juden? Oder machte die jüdische Weisheit den ägyptischen Herrscher neugierig? Ist die Legende über die wundersame Entstehung der Septuaginta ein Manifest der kulturellen Assimilation an die hellenische Kultur? Bezweckt die alexandrinische griechische Bibelexegese, vor allem diejenige Philons, den Bruch mit der hebräischen Tradition und die Anpassung an die hellenistische Philosophie? Nach Ansicht dieses Buches bewegt sich Philon, obwohl selbst des Hebräischen nicht mächtig, in demselben gemeinsamen hebräisch-griechischen Tora-Universum, welches die Septuaginta-Legende bei näherer Betrachtung beschreibt.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Morality in the Marketplace : Reconciling Theology and Economics /
What does Keynes have to do with Qohelet? At first sight, economy and theology seem to be disciplines with mutually exclusive objectives. Yet, as the Covid crisis has recently shown, if economic development is to really stand a chance of success, it should go hand in hand with relational values like honesty, reliability and empathy: this will contribute to a society with a culture of reciprocity, respect, love and trust. In this essay, Paul van Geest pleads for a renewal of the old ties between economics and theology as scientific disciplines, so as to arrive at a deeper and richer anthropological fundament for economic research.
1 online resource :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :