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Aboudi's guide book to the antiquities of Egypt historically treated /

: 288 pages : illustrations, portraits, maps (parts folded) ; 20 cm.

Published 2024
Pleadings, Minutes of Public Sittings and Documents/Mémoires, proces-verbaux des audiences publiques et documents (2023) /

: This volume contains the texts of written pleadings, minutes of public sittings and other documents from the proceedings in the Dispute concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary between Mauritius and Maldives in the Indian Ocean (Mauritius/Maldives), Merits . The documents are reproduced in their original language. The Special Chamber delivered its Judgment on 28 April 2023. It is published in the ITLOS Reports 2022-2023 . Le présent volume reproduit les pièces de la procédure écrite, les procès-verbaux des audiences publiques et d'autres documents relatifs à la procédure concernant le Différend relatif à la délimitation de la frontière maritime entre Maurice et les Maldives dans l'océan Indien (Maurice/Maldives), fond . Les documents sont publiés dans la langue originale utilisée. La Chambre spéciale a rendu son arrêt le 28 avril 2023. L'arrêt est publié dans le TIDM Recueil 2022-2023 .
: 1 online resource (1088 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004695856

Published 2009
Advances in Mesopotamian medicine from Hammurabi to Hippocrates : proceedings of the International Conference "Oeil Malade et Mauvais Oeil", Collège de France, Paris, 23rd June 200...

: This volume, which originated with a conference at the Collège de France, comprises contributions by many of the leading researchers in Babylonian and Assyrian medicine. A wealth of topics are studied, including medical lexicography, prosopography, and technology, economic aspects of healing, and Mesopotamian influence on Greece. First-time editions of cuneiform medical tablets are presented. The volume will interest scholars in many branches of Assyriology, and also historians of Greek medicine. Contributors: Barbara Böck, Paul Demont, Jean-Marie Durand, Jeanette C. Fincke, Markham J. Geller, Nils. P. Heeßel, Marten Stol, Martin Worthington
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047441113 : 0929-0052 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2009
Sābūr ibn Sahl's dispensatory in the recension of the ʻAḍudī Hospital /

: This book offers an Arabic edition and English translation of Sābūr ibn Sahl's (d. 869 CE) famous dispensatory as preserved in a recension made by the physicians of the ʿAḍudī hospital in Baghdad around the middle of the 11th century CE. Drawing on different exponents of Sābūr's original, the recension also constituted an attempt at revising the pharmacological material on empirical grounds. Edition and translation are framed by a detailed introductory study and various medico-pharmacological glossaries. The book thus not only highlights the lasting impact of Sābūr's contribution to the development of scientific pharmacy in medieval Islam, but also provides another landmark on the road to a deeper understanding of the history of Eastern Arabic pharmacology.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references (p. [227]-229). : 9789047424550 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2013
Mental disorders in the classical world /

: The historians, classicists and psychiatrists who have come together to produce Mental Disorders in the Classical World aim to explain how the Greeks and their Roman successors conceptualized, diagnosed and treated mental disorders. The Greeks initiated the secular understanding of mental illness, and have left us a large body of penetrating and thought-provoking writing on the subject, ranging in time from Homer to the sixth century AD. With the conceptual basis of modern psychiatry once again under intense debate, we need to learn from other rational approaches even when they lack modern scientific underpinnings. Meanwhile this volume adds a rich chapter to the cultural and medical history of antiquity. The contributors include a high proportion of the best-regarded scholars in this field, together with papers by some of its rising stars.
: 1 online resource (xv, 512 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004249875 : 0166-1302 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2008
Scripture and traditions : essays on early Judaism and Christianity in honor of Carl R. Holladay /

: This volume contains twenty-two essays in honor of Carl R. Holladay, whose work on the interaction between early Christianity and Hellenistic Judaism has had a considerable impact on the study of the New Testament. The essays are grouped into three sections: Hellenistic Judaism; the New Testament in Context; and the History of Interpretation. Among the contributions are essays dealing with conversion in Greek-speaking Judaism and Christianity; 3 Maccabees as a narrative satire; retribution theology in Luke-Acts; church discipline in Matthew; the Exodus and comparative chronology in Jewish and patristic writings; corporal punishment in ancient Israel and early Christianity; and Die Judenfrage and the construction of ancient Judaism.
: 1 online resource. : "Publications of Carl R. Holladay": pages ([457]-459).
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. : 9789047442011 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2025
The Concept of Marriages of Convenience in EU Free Movement Law : EU and UK Perspectives /

: Over the past two decades, EU Member States have regularly complained about the perceived abuse of EU law via marriages of convenience, allegedly contracted between mobile EU citizens and third-country nationals. During the pre-Brexit years, the UK had been voicing particularly strong concerns about the issue, which ultimately resulted in regulatory changes both at the EU and national level. In this book, Aleksandra Ancite-Jepifánova pursues two interrelated aims. First, she evaluates the compatibility of EU-level measures addressing marriages of convenience with EU free movement law by focusing on the Citizenship Directive. Second, she examines the regulation of the issue in UK law in so far as it concerns the residence rights of EU citizens and their family members, both pre-and post-Brexit. See Less
: 1 online resource (312 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004499263

Published 2021
Newsletter, Number 92 (WINTER 1975)

: CONTENTS: Page Zareh H. Misketian 1916-1974-- Gamil Antaki - Rashad Abd Al-Muttalib-- International Conference on Egyptology in Cairo / by Cynthia Sheikholeslami-- Medieval Islamic Astronomy - Progress Report / by David A. King-- On the Problems of Research at the Libraries of the Yemen Arab Republic / by Abbas Hamdani-- Missione Archeologica in Egitto Della Universita di Roma / by Sergio Donadoni-- Travel by Foreigners Within Egypt-- The Center’s Guest Book-- Notes From Princeton-- Works on Egyptology Currently in Progress-- An Additional Footnote on Pleating in Ancient Egypt-- ARCE Fellows - 1974-75-- Minutes of Meeting of Members-- ARCE Membership-- Photographs.

Published 2021
Mediterranean Captivity through Arab Eyes, 1517-1798 /

: The post-Lepanto Mediterranean was the scene of "small wars," to use Fernand Braudel's phrase, which resulted in acts of piracy and captivity. Thousands upon thousands of Europeans, Arabs, and Turks were seized into bagnios stretching from Cadiz to Valletta and from Salé to Tripoli. After returning to their homelands, dozens from England and France, Germany and Spain, Malta and Italy wrote about their captivities. Their accounts were printed, distributed, translated, and plagiarized, making captivity a key subject in Europe's Mediterranean history. While Europeans wrote extensively about their ordeals, the Arabs wrote little because their religious culture militated against such writings, which would be construed as expressing disaffection with the will of God. Nor were there detailed records and registers of captives - their names, places of origin, and ransom prices - similar to what was kept in the European archives. Contrary, however, to what some historians have claimed, there was a distinct Arabic narrative of captivity that survives in anecdotes, recollections, reports, miracles, letters, fatawa, exempla and short biographies in both verse and prose. Cumulatively, these sources constitute the Arabic qiṣṣas al-asrā, or stories of the captives, in the native language and idiom of the men and women of the early modern Mediterranean.
: 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004440258

Published 2011
Life and death in ancient Egypt : the Diniacopoulos Collection /

: 141 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm. : Includes bibliographical references: p. 130-140. : 9780889474949

Published 2023
Ontologies of Violence : Deconstruction, Pacifism, and Displacement /

: Ontologies of Violence provides a new paradigm for understanding the concept of violence through comparative interpretations of French philosopher Jacques Derrida, philosophical theologians in the Mennonite pacifist tradition, and Grace M. Jantzen's feminist philosophy of religion. By drawing out and challenging the remarkably similar priorities shared by its three sources, and by challenging the assumption that differences necessarily lead to displacement, Ontologies of Violence provides a critical theory of violence by treating it as a diagnostic concept that implies the violation of value-laden boundaries.
: 1 online resource (244 pages) : illustrations. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004546448

Published 2022
Thomas Vaughan and the Rosicrucian Revival in England : 1648-1666 /

: In the first book-length study of Thomas Vaughan (1621-1666), Thomas Willard builds on recent scholarship in Western esotericism to show that his curious books offer much more than the lively quotations extracted from them. Treating more than alchemy and the Hermetic tradition, they develop themes from the synthesis of alchemy, magic, and Christian cabala, associated associated with the Rosicrucian movement that Vaughan introduced to English readers. His books respond to a moment in history when the breakdown in book censorship during the English Civil War allowed books with radical ideas to circulate, while political upheaval in the universities created audiences for new ideas. This book will be of interest to students of early modern religion, philosophy, science, and culture as seen by an intelligent and eloquent outsider.
: Thomas Vaughan's challenging books on alchemy, magic, and other esoterica make better sense in the context of the Rosicrucian ideas he introduced to English readers in the seventeenth century. This is the first scholarly book on his life, sources, writings, and subsequent influence. : 1 online resource. : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004519732

Published 2021
Newsletter, 30 June 1956

: It has become quiet about the wooden boat of King Cheops which was found in a pit on the south side of the Great Pyramid in 1954, and even the -New York Times in a recent advertisement calls the bark funerary rather than solar. At the end of April, a representative of the Center was permitted to take exclusive pictures of the work in progress for publication in the forthcoming issue of Archaeology. He reports that he owed this unusual privilege to the kindness of the Director General of the Antiquities Department, Professor Mustafa Amer, and that he was received at the site by the Chief Inspector of the Antiquities Department for Cairo and Giza, Mr. Zaki Noor, who took him around and showed him all details of the installation. The large brick building, which was erected last year between the eastern part of the baseline of the Great Pyramid's south side and the wooden shed surmounting the boat chamber, is about 40 meters long, and except for a small office in the southwest corner presents itself as a large hall, the south wall of which has not been built in order to give ready access to the boat pit and permit the removal of large beams from the latter without difficulty. Here and there on the floor are a number of large panels, actually the walls of deck cabins, which have already been treated by Dr. Zaki Iskander, Chief Chemist of the Cairo Museum, who is in charge of the technical work. The material mainly used in treating the wood is a solution of suitable thermo-plastics of different brands which is crystal-clear in appearance.

Published 2017
Jewish, Christian, and Classical Exegetical Traditions in Jerome's Translation of the Book of Exodus : Translation Technique and the Vulgate.

: In Jewish, Christian, and Classical Exegetical Traditions in Jerome's Translation of the Book of Exodus: Translation Technique and the Vulgate , Matthew Kraus offers a layered understanding of Jerome's translation of biblical narrative, poetry, and law from Hebrew to Latin. Usually seen as a tool for textual criticism, when read as a work of literature, the Vulgate reflects a Late Antique conception of Hebrew grammar, critical use of Greek biblical traditions, rabbinic influence, Christian interpretation, and Classical style and motifs. Instead of typically treating the text of the Vulgate and Jerome himself separately, Matthew Kraus uncovers Late Antiquity in the many facets of the translator at work-grammarian, biblical exegete, Septuagint scholar, Christian intellectual, rabbinic correspondent, and devotee of Classical literature.
: Description based upon print version of record. : 1 online resource (280 pages) : 9789004343009 : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2016
Ancient Cookware from the Levant : An Ethnoarchaeological Perspective /

: xiv, 312 pages : Illustrations, maps ; 28 cm. : Includes bibliographical references (pages 283-302) and index. : 9781781791998 (hardback)

Published 1995
Paul and Philodemus : adaptability in Epicurean and early Christian psychagogy /

: As Paul guides and educates his converts he functions as a psychagogue ("leader of souls"), adapting his leadership style as required in each individual case. Pauline psychagogy resembles Epicurean psychagogy in the way persons enjoying a superior moral status and spiritual aptitude help to nurture and correct others, guiding their souls in moral and religious (re)formation. This study relates Epicurean psychagogy of late Republican times to early Christian psychagogy on the basis of an investigation which places the practice in the wider socio-cultural perspective, contextualising it in Greco-Roman literature treating friendship and flattery and the importance of adaptability in moral guidance. Pauline studies are advanced by the introduction of new material into the discussion of the Corinthian correspondence which throws light on Paul's debate with his recalcitrant critics.
: 1 online resource (xiv, 414 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 337-353) and indexes. : 9789004267275 : 0167-9732 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2019
Sullam al-samawāt /

: In the Persianate world, encyclopaedias have a long history. Arabic works by Persian authors aside (like Ibn Farīghūn's Jāmiʿ al-ʿulūm , 4th/10th century), the earliest encyclopaedia in Persian is Avicenna's (d. 428/1037) philosophical Dānishnāma-yi ʿAlāʾī . Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī's (d. 606/1210) Jāmiʿ al-'ulūm on the other hand, is an encyclopaedia on everything there was to know at the time. Philosophical encyclopaedias would usually divide into logic, physics and metaphysics, more general encyclopaedias into the pre-Islamic and Islamic sciences, also called the rational ( ʿaqlī ) and traditional ( naqlī ) sciences, even if a strict separation was not always maintained. In addition, there were also specialized encyclopaedias like Ibn Ḥusayn Jurjānī's medical Dhākhira-yi Khwārazmshāhī (early 6th/12th century). The content of encyclopaedias often being dependent on the author's interests and intellectual horizon, no universal format exists. The present work by Abū Qāsim Kāzarūnī (fl. early 11th/17th century) is an example of a very personal encyclopaedia, treating of religion, philosophy, and literature.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004404939

Published 1999
The Mishnah : social perspectives /

: The Mishnah - the second-century law code that lays the foundation, after Scripture, of normative Judaism - encompasses all subjects that pertain to the life of the Jewish nation and as such provides a systematic basis for Israel's social order and world view. Any social program has its own politics, economics, and philosophy which together define a given social entity rather than any other. And any system defining the structure of a society strives to establish a set of harmonised and coherent fundamental principles, viewpoints and attitudes in treating the components of its theory of the community. It has been long shown that the Mishnah is such a well-composed theory of world-construction. It is demonstrated here how its specific message concerning the politics and economics that define the social order recapitulate those of Aristotle. This publication has also been published in paperback, please click here for details.
: " ... reprise of established research ..."--Preface. : 1 online resource (xviii, 267 pages) : Includes bibliographical references and index. : 9789004294127 : 0169-9423 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.

Published 2019
Bahāristān wa rasāʾil-i Jāmī : Mushtamil bar risālahā-yi mūsīqī, ʿarūḍ, qiyāfa, chihil ḥadīth, nāʾiyya, lawāmiʿ, sharḥ-i tāʾiyya, lawāyiḥ wa sar rishta /...

: Regarded by many as the last great mystical poet of medieval Persia, ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Jāmī (d. 898/1492) spent the greater part of his life in Herat. As a student, he excelled in every subject he engaged in and appeared destined for an academic career. But then, in his early thirties, he went through a spiritual crisis that ended in his joining the Herat branch of the mystical Naqshbandiyya order, led by the charismatic Saʿd al-Dīn Kāshgharī (d. 860/1456). A protégé of three successive Timurid rulers in Herat, Jāmī's wide network of friendships and relations extended from spiritual and literary circles through the political to the academic. With 39.000 lines of verse and over 30 prose works to his name, Jāmī's literary production is quite overwhelming. The present volume contains his Bahāristān , in imitation of Saʿdī's (d.691/1291-92) work on morals Gulistān , as well as a number of other texts, treating of music, poetry and mysticism.
: 1 online resource. : 9789004402119

Published 1993
Narrative setting and dramatic poetry /

: This volume evaluates a single element of tragic art, namely the way in which narrative descriptions of place participate in the poetry of tragedy. They join together structures of the theater to create a context for tragic performance, and ultimately reflect upon tragedy's connection to earlier narrative forms and to the traditional tales that regularly supply tragic plots. The first part of this book examines the introductory function of spatial descriptions and the peculiar resources offered to the playwright by cult settings. In the second part, the spatial oppositions, that are inherent structuring devices in traditional tales, are taken up in chapters treating the motif of exile in extant tragedy.
: Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral--Yale), presented in 1985 under the title, Setting and theme in Greek tragedy. : 1 online resource (178 pages) : Includes bibliographical references (p. 162-168) and index. : 9789004329201 : 0169-8958 ; : Available to subscribing member institutions only.