Anatomy of What We Value Most /
The book analyzes, synthesizes, and evaluates the insights of the world's outstanding thinkers, prophets, and literary masters on the good, the morally right, and the lovely (part one); the question whether the world operates on the basis of such universal laws as the logos, the tao, and the principle of polarity (part two); what there is and isn't in the world, including such categories as existence, reality, being, and nonbeing (part three); and pre-eminently credible and enriching beliefs about truth, wisdom, and what it all means (part four). Emphasis is placed on the divergent views of such intellectual giants as Confucius and Laotse in ancient China; the classical Hindu philosophers from ancient times to Gandhi and Tagore; patriarchs and prophets quoted in Scripture; Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle; Saints Augustine and Thomas Aquinas in the Middle Ages; Descartes, Spinoza, Locke, Hume, and Kant; and nineteenth- and twentieth-century luminaries such as Bentham, Mill, Peirce, James, Dewey, Sartre, and Wittgenstein. The differences and resemblances of their cogitations are portrayed as a conversation of the ages on questions of persistent concern.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Post-Soeharto Indonesia : Renewal or Chaos? /
Indonesia's economy has been ravaged by the Asian economic crisis. Its leader for 32 years, President Soeharto, was forced from office in May 1998 amidst rioting and student demonstrations. This book examines the political and economic trends which are shaping Indonesia's future. The contributors are leading politicians, business people, academics and international journalists with an intimate knowledge of Indonesia. Co-published with ISEAS.
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Mediterranean landscapes in post antiquity : new frontiers and new perspectives /
The study of landscape has in recent years been a field for considerable analytical archaeological experimentation. Although the Mediterranean is the home of classicism, it has seen the implementation of projects of this new kind, and in regions of Spain and Italy, after some delay, the proliferation of landscape archaeology studies.
1 online resource (iv, 200 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789691917 (PDF ebook) :
Mediterranean landscapes in post antiquity : new frontiers and new perspectives /
The study of landscape has in recent years been a field for considerable analytical archaeological experimentation. Although the Mediterranean is the home of classicism, it has seen the implementation of projects of this new kind, and in regions of Spain and Italy, after some delay, the proliferation of landscape archaeology studies.
1 online resource (iv, 200 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour). :
Specialized. :
Includes bibliographical references. :
9781789691917 (PDF ebook) :
Post-deconstructive subjectivity and history : phenomenology, critical theory, and postcolonial thought /
In Post-Deconstructive Subjectivity and History , Aniruddha Chowdhury argues that deconstruction is not only not a dissolution of subject, as it is often opined, but an affirmation of the singular (ethical) subject and singular history, singularity conceived as alterity, difference and non-identity. Part of the emphasis of the singular history is to conceive the historical relation as figural and as one of repletion with difference. One of the distinctive aspects of the book is that it not only focuses on the tradition of phenomenology, but also extends deconstruction to critical theory, and postcolonial theory. Through his intimate reading of the canonical texts of the Continental philosophical tradition (phenomenology and critical theory), and postcolonial thought Chowdhury illuminates pertinent issues in Continental thought, and postcolonial theory.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :