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Revelation : A Pentecostal Commentary /
Where do we go after death? What happens to us? What factors influence our destiny? What will happen to the world in years to come? Is there a controlling divine force in human experience? Is there a plan, or is life a product of random occurrences, of chance? Why is it the righteous who are persecuted and suffer while the wicked seem to prosper? Is there justice in the universe? The book of Revelation offers answers to many of these questions. Since, however, it is one of the more difficult of the New Testament books to read and interpret, it is often overlooked, neglected or even avoided by today's Christians. Yet it addresses many prophetic issues of importance to those seeking to understand God's plan for the future. Speaking through its heavy symbolism and sometimes strange visions of heaven, angels, beasts, earthly turmoil and destruction, the Apocalypse offers hope that God will overcome evil and that he does indeed control human destiny.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Revelation and falsification : the Kitāb al-qirāʼāt of Aḥmad born Muḥammad al-Sayyārī /
For all Muslims the Qurʾan is the word of God. In the first centuries of Islam, however, many individuals and groups, and some Shiʿis, believed that the generally accepted text of the Qurʾan is corrupt. The Shiʿis asserted that redactors had altered or deleted among other things all passages that supported the rights of ʿAli and his successors or that condemned his enemies. One of the fullest lists of these alleged changes and of other variant readings is to be found in the work of al-Sayyārī (3rd/9th century), which is indeed among the earliest Shiʿi books to have survived. In many cases the alternative readings that al-Sayyārī presents substantially contribute to our understanding of early Shiʿi doctrine and of the early and numerous debates about the Qurʾan in general.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references (p. [291]-324) and indexes. :
9789047441991 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Revelation in the Qur'an : A Semantic Study of the Roots n-z-l and w-ḥ-y /
"In Revelation in the Qur'an Simon P. Loynes presents a semantic study of the Arabic roots n-z-l and w-ḥ-y in order to shed light on the modalities of revelation in the Qur'an. Through an exhaustive analysis of their occurrences in the Qur'an as well as pre-Islamic poetry, Loynes argues that the two roots represent distinct occurrences in the Qur'anic concept of revelation, with the former concerned with spatial events and the latter with communicative. This has significant consequences for understanding the Qur'an's unique concept of revelation and how this is both in concord and at variance with earlier revelations"--
Revision of the author's dissertation (doctoral)--University of Edinburgh, 2019. :
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Spirit in the Book of Revelation /
The investigation centres on the role of the Spirit in Revelation, which the author considers is best defined as the Spirit of Prophecy. A survey of scholarship on the pneumatology of the Apocalypse is followed by a study of intertextual connections. The author's own religious context within Pentecostalism then informs a possible hermeneutic that is faithful to the ethos of the movement. Biblical and literary studies are situated within the context of a Pentecostal community as attention is paid to the prophecy concerning the temple and the witnesses in Rev 11. This key passage is shown to form the theological as well as the literary centre of the Spirit's role in Revelation.
1 online resource. :
Revelation, truth, canon, and interpretation : studies in Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho /
This volume treats the concepts of revelation, truth, canon, and interpretation as four pillars of early Christian theology. Using Justin Martyr as a case-study, his \'Dialogue with Trypho\' is examined with a view toward discerning how a second century Christian father understands and develops these concepts. Justin's intellectual background is discussed within the nuanced context of Middle Platonism. Particular attention is paid to his use of biblical sources which is grounded in the foundational chapter on revelation in Justin. Justin is placed within the wider context of theological developments in pre-Nicene Christianity, and includes a warning against judging Justin by anachronistic post-Nicene developments.
1 online resource (xv, 311 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004313293 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Ibn Taymiyyah on reason and revelation : a study of Dar' ta'arud al-'aql wa-l-naql /
"In Ibn Taymiyya on Reason and Revelation, Carl Sharif El-Tobgui offers the first comprehensive study of Ibn Taymiyya's ten-volume magnum opus, Dar' ta'arud al-'aql wa-l-naql. In his colossal riposte to the Muslim philosophers and rationalist theologians, the towering Ḥanbalǐ polymath rejects the call to prioritize reason over revelation in cases of alleged conflict, interrogating instead the very conception of rationality that classical Muslims had inherited from the Greeks. In its place, he endeavors to articulate a reconstituted "pure reason" both truly universal and in full harmony with authentic revelation. Based on a line-by-line reading of the entire Dar' ta'arud, El-Tobgui's study carefully elucidates the "philosophy of Ibn Taymiyya" as it emerges from the multifaceted ontological, epistemological, and linguistic reforms Ibn Taymiyya carries out".
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
The Revelation of the Name YHWH to Moses : Perspectives from Judaism, the Pagan Graeco-Roman World, and Early Christianity /
The revelation of YHWH's name to Moses is a momentous event according to the Old Testament. The name 'Yahweh' is of central importance in Judaism, and 'Yahwism' became tantamount to Jewish monotheism. As such, this designation of God also attracted the attention of pagan writers in the Graeco-Roman period. And early Christians had to deal with this divine name as well. These three perspectives on YHWH constitute the framework for this volume. It appears that the Name of God and its revelation to Moses constitute a major theme which runs from the book of Exodus through the Old Testament, early Judaism, and early Christianity. It also attracted pagan philosophical interest, both positive and negative. The Name of God was not only perceived from an insider's perspective, but also provoked a reaction from outsiders. The combined perspectives show the fundamental importance of the divine Name for the formation of Jewish and Christian identities.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Morphological and syntactical irregularities in the Book of Revelation : a Greek hypothesis /
Morphological and Syntactical Irregularities in the Book of Revelation by Laurențiu Florentin Moț is an approach to the solecisms of Johannine Apocalypse from a Greek perspective. The work aims at demonstrating that, in accord with Second Language Acquisition studies, Semitic transfer in Revelation is extremely rare. Most of its linguistic peculiarities can be explained within the context of the Greek language. Morphological and Syntactical Irregularities in the Book of Revelation is unique in several ways. First, it deals with the most comprehensive list of solecisms. Second, it treats grammatical irregularities in their own right, looking at their cause, explanation, and contribution to the interpretation of the text. Third, it is interdisciplinary, bringing together textual criticism, Greek linguistics, and NT exegesis.
1 online resource (xii, 289 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references (p. 247-279) and indexes. :
9789004290822 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Raison et révélation en Islam : les voies de la connaissance dans le commentaire coranique de Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (m. 606/1210) /
Dans cet ouvrage, Ahmed Oulddali étudie les idées psychologiques et épistémologiques qui sous-tendent l'exégèse spéculative de Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī. Connu pour être l'un des rares théologiens musulmans à avoir proposé une interprétation philosophique du Coran, Rāzī se révèle ici un penseur novateur, profondément convaincu de la nécessité de prendre appui sur les sciences et les méthodes rationnelles pour appréhender la révélation. Son rejet formel du littéralisme et ses multiples emprunts à la philosophie d'Avicenne apparaissent comme la conséquence d'une conception de la connaissance dans laquelle la raison joue un rôle déterminant. Basée sur une documentation très riche, comprenant de nombreuses sources arabes, la présente étude offre une vue d'ensemble des enjeux philosophiques, théologiques et exégétiques auxquels répond la pensée de Rāzī. In Reason and Revelation in Islam , Ahmed Oulddali presents the psychological and epistemological ideas which underlie Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī's speculative exegesis. Known as one of the few Muslim theologians to have proposed a philosophical interpretation of the Qurʾān, Rāzī appears here as an innovative thinker, deeply convinced of the need to rely on rational methods to understand revelation. His formal rejection of literalism and his multiple borrowings from Avicenna's philosophy are explained as a consequence of a conception of knowledge in which reason plays a decisive role. Richly infused with illustrative texts and original translations from Arab sources, Oulddali's book offers an overview of the philosophical, theological and exegetical issues to which the thinking of Rāzī responds.
1 online resource. :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
Christian-Muslim Relations. a bibliographical history /
Christian-Muslim Relations, a Bibliographical History 10 (CMR 10), covering the Ottoman and Safavid Empires in the period 1600-1700, is a further volume in a general history of relations between the two faiths from the seventh century to the early 20th century. It comprises a series of introductory essays and also the main body of detailed entries which treat all the works, surviving or lost, that have been recorded. These entries provide biographical details of the authors, descriptions and assessments of the works themselves, and complete accounts of manuscripts, editions, translations and studies. The result of collaboration between numerous leading scholars, CMR 10, along with the other volumes in this series, is intended as a basic tool for research in Christian-Muslim relations. Section Editors: Clinton Bennett, Luis F. Bernabé Pons, Jaco Beyers, Karoline Cook, Lejla Demiri, Martha Frederiks, David D. Grafton, Stanisław Grodź, Alan Guenther, Emma Loghin, Gordon Nickel, Claire Norton, Reza Pourjavady, Douglas Pratt, Radu Păun, Peter Riddell, Umar Ryad, Mehdi Sajid, Cornelia Soldat, Karel Steenbrink, Davide Tacchini, Ann Thomson, Carsten Walbiner
1 online resource (xiv, 715 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004346048 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Christian Muslim relations. a bibliographical history /
Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History, volume 7 (CMR 7), covering Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and South America in the period 1500-1600, is a continuing volume in a general history of relations between the two faiths from the seventh century to the early 20th century. It comprises introductory essays and the main body of detailed entries which treat all the works, surviving or lost, that have been recorded. These entries provide biographical details of the authors, descriptions and assessments of the works themselves, and complete accounts of manuscripts, editions, translations and studies. The result of collaboration between numerous leading scholars, CMR 7, along with the other volumes in this series, is intended as a basic tool for research in Christian-Muslim relations. Section editors: Clinton Bennett, Luis F. Bernabe Pons, Lejla Demiri, Martha Frederiks, John-Paul Ghobrial, David Grafton, Alan Guenther, Abdulkadir Hashim, Şevket Küçükhüseyin, Emma Loghin, Gordon Nickel, Claire Norton, Peter Riddell, Umar Ryad, Davide Tacchini, Moussa Serge Hyacinthe Traore, Carsten Walbiner
1 online resource (xii, 962 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. :
9789004298484 :
1570-7350 ; :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.
Christian Muslim relations. a bibliographical history /
Christian-Muslim Relations, a Bibliographical History, Volume 11 (CMR 11) covering South and East Asia, Africa and the Americas in the period 1600-1700, is a continuing volume in a history of relations between the two faiths from the 7th to the early 20th century as this is reflected in written works. It comprises introductory essays and the main body of entries which treat all the works, surviving or lost, that are recorded. These entries provide biographical details of the authors, descriptions and assessments of their works, and complete accounts of publications and studies. The result of collaboration between numerous leading scholars, CMR 11 , along with the other volumes in this series, is intended as a basic tool for research in Christian-Muslim relations. Section Editors: Clinton Bennett, Luis F. Bernabe Pons, Jaco Beyers, Lejla Demiri, Martha Frederiks, David D. Grafton, Stanisław Grodź, Alan Guenther, Emma Gaze Loghin, Gordon Nickel, Claire Norton, Reza Pourjavady, Douglas Pratt, Radu Păun, Peter Riddell, Umar Ryad, Mehdi Sajid, Cornelia Soldat, Karel Steenbrink, Davide Tacchini, Ann Thomson, Serge Traore, Carsten Walbiner
1 online resource (656 pages) :
Includes bibliographical references and index. :
9789004335585 :
Available to subscribing member institutions only.